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A Girl Like You

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by E. L. Todd

  A Girl Like You

  Book Thirty-Six of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  Chapter One


  My hand glided across her bare stomach and I pressed a gentle kiss against the warm skin. I couldn’t stop staring at it knowing there was life growing within. Her baby was safe and sound and getting ready to come out.

  Skye watched me with affection in her eyes. Her fingers glided through my hair.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Three months. It must have happened on our honeymoon.”

  I kissed her belly again. “So much for birth control, huh?”

  “I think it was useless against everything you were giving me.” An amused look was in her eyes.

  “Only six months left to go.” I released a sigh because that seemed so far away. I loved seeing Skye pregnant, but I also wanted my baby to get here.

  She continued to run her fingers through my hair and down my neck. “I was afraid you would be mad…”

  I turned my eyes on her. “Why would I be mad?” How could she possibly think that? “You know I’ve wanted a family even before we were engaged. This is exactly what I want.”

  “I meant…because I didn’t tell you.” Guilt radiated across her face.

  “Oh…” Honestly, I hadn’t even thought about it. “Why didn’t you?”

  “I know you, Cayson.” She released a sigh. “You would have jumped on the first plane home.”

  I would have. There was no doubt about that.

  “I wanted you to finish your mission. It hurt to keep it from you, but I knew you weren’t missing anything. All I’ve been doing is laying around while every member of our family tries to shove food down my throat.”

  Now I felt like an ass. “No, I missed a lot. I should have been there when you read your pregnancy results. I should have provided for you and looked after you. I should have taken you to all the doctor appointments.” I hated myself for agreeing to the mission that took me away from my family.

  “Cayson, don’t do that.” Sadness moved into her eyes. “You’re here for everything else. No one has bought any baby stuff or even celebrated. We’ve all been waiting for you.”


  She nodded. “We would never take that away from you.”

  I kissed her stomach. “I’ll never miss anything again. I promise.”

  “So…you aren’t mad at me?” She cringed like she didn’t want me to answer the question.

  “How can I possibly be mad at you?” I’d been apart from her for so long. She could have sold all my things and set my truck on fire and I wouldn’t have cared. “I understand why you didn’t tell me. But I’m the one at fault. If I hadn’t left, then this wouldn’t have happened at all.”

  She cupped my face. “I don’t have any regrets about you leaving. You did the right thing. Even though it was really hard and painful, I would do it again if I had to. Imagine where those people would be if you hadn’t made the trip.”

  I didn’t want to think about it.

  “Don’t hang this over your head. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

  I rested my hand on her bulge. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  “No. I wanted to wait until you came back.”

  “What do you think it is?” I pressed my ear to her stomach. “I think it’s a boy.”

  “Why?” Her smile stretched her lips.

  “I don’t know…I just do. What about you?”

  “I think it’s a boy too. Trinity thinks it’s a girl.”

  I stared at her distended belly and loved the way it protruded out.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “I don’t care,” I blurted. “As long as they’re healthy, it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “I want one of each to get the full experience.”

  I moved up the bed until I was lying beside her. “Have any names in mind?”

  She shook her head. “Do you?”

  “I just found out I’m having a baby,” I said with a chuckle. “No, I haven’t put any thought into it.” My arm wrapped around her waist just above her belly.

  “What about Cloud?” she teased.

  I laughed. “She would be teased forever.”

  “But no one would ever forget her name.”

  I kissed her bare shoulder then her neck. “If she looks anything like you, she’ll be unforgettable.”

  She turned on her side and faced me. “I would love to have a little Cayson running around.”

  “I’d love that too.” I kissed her and sucked her bottom lip. I loved kissing her and I couldn’t get enough. We’d been naked in bed for nearly twenty-four hours. All we did was talk and make love. Neither one of us got much sleep, but it didn’t seem like we wanted any. I brushed her hair from her face and noted her bright blue eyes. “So beautiful. The computer screen doesn’t do you justice.”

  “It doesn’t do you justice either.” Her fingers trailed along my jaw.

  “Every night I dreamt of you. But that made waking up so difficult. It was painful.”

  Her eyes fell in sadness. “Now your reality is better than your dreams.”

  “It is.” My hand moved to her stomach again. “The only bright side to this is the fact I only have to wait six months for our baby. You have to wait nine.”

  “See?” she said. “That’s something to be thankful for.”

  I kissed the valley between her breasts. “And I’m grateful these are even bigger.”

  “If they get any larger my back is going to break.”

  I sucked one nipple and palmed the other. “I’ll carry them for you.”

  She rolled her eyes but chuckled at the same time. Then she glanced at the clock. “We should start getting ready.”

  “For what?” I demanded.

  “The party. Remember?”

  I released a long and irritated sigh. “I don’t want to socialize with other people right now. I just want to be with you.”

  “I know.” She rubbed my shoulder. “But you’re all these people have been thinking about while you’ve been away. Just give them some of your time. Then we won’t see anyone for a week.”

  Even a week was too soon. “Can’t we just send them a letter or something?”

  She kissed my cheek. “Cayson, I’ll be there too. It’s not like we’ll be apart.”

  “But I can’t make love to you whenever I feel like it.”

  “We need a break anyway.”

  “No, we don’t.” I moved on top of her and pinned her legs back. “After three months apart, believe me I don’t need a break.” I gave her a soft kiss before I inserted myself in one fluid motion.

  Her nails dug into my back and she released a satisfied moan. “Cayson…”

  I wasn’t sure if I was insanely horny because I’d missed my wife so much or because she was pregnant. Seeing her distended belly aroused me like nothing else did.

  Or maybe it was both.


  I growled before we left the house.

  “Cayson, it’s just a few hours. You really aren’t looking forward to spending time with your friends and family?”

  “Of course I am. But right now, I need my wife.” I pulled her into me and gave her a puppy eye look. “Just cancel it. I want to hide from the world with you.”

  For a moment, she looked tempted. “It’s too late to cancel it now…”

  I growled in her ear. “Then I don’t want you leaving my side for the entire night. I mean it.”

  “What if I need to pee?” She gave me a playful look.

  “I’ll lift up your dress and help you.”

  She chuckled then walked out of the house.

  I came next
to her then wrapped my arm around her waist. “You’re radiant, you know that?”


  “So damn beautiful.” I pulled her into my side and gave her a wet kiss. When I pulled away, she was blushing slightly.

  “I’m so glad you’re home.” She released a deep sigh that told me how painful our separation really was.

  “Me too.” I kissed her hairline and kept walking with her.

  We arrived at her parents’ house just one house away then walked up to the door. The moment we got there, my body was ready for another round of lovemaking. Ever since I came home, my body recharged at lightning speed and was ready at a moment’s notice.

  Instead of walking inside, I backed her against the wall and kissed her. My hands groped her voluptuous tits and I wanted to pull her dress down and suck her nipples. My mouth found hers and I kissed her like I wanted it to last forever.

  Skye put her hands over mine and forced my fingers to squeeze her chest. She moaned into my mouth as she felt me. Then she sucked my bottom lip before she gave me her tongue.

  Fuck this stupid party.

  Skye was the first one who came up for air. “Later…”

  “Now.” I kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “Cayson…what are you doing to me?” She gripped my shoulders.

  “Loving you—what I do best.”

  She pushed me back slightly. “I’ll make it up to you when we get home. Just keep your hands to yourself.”

  I released a sarcastic laugh. “Yeah, okay.” I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest again.

  “I’ll make it worth your while to be on your best behavior.”

  I cocked an eyebrow as I stared down at her. “You’re going to have to promise something really nice to get me to cooperate.”

  A victorious look came into her eyes. “I’ll do that thing you like.”

  “What thing?” I asked. “There’s a lot of them.”

  “I’ll let you tit-fuck me.”

  My cock immediately twitched. Other than sex, that was my favorite thing to do. She had such a nice rack, and now that she was pregnant they were a million times better. “Will you kneel at the edge of the couch?”

  “I’ll do it exactly the way you like.”

  It was very tempting. “You have yourself a deal.” I adjusted my length in my jeans.

  “Good. Now hold up your end of the bargain.” She opened the door and stepped inside.

  I came right behind her, following her like a magnet.


  Everyone wanted to know every detail of my trip, and it was pretty difficult to cram three months of adventure into a single conversation. But I did my best and told the major highlights. My dad was particularly impressed when I popped a girl’s shoulder back into place. Mom seemed more interested in the success of the water devices.

  When I was actually in the throng of my friends and family, it wasn’t so bad. But Skye was by my side the entire time like I asked. My hand was either on her waist or around her shoulders. I didn’t want her to walk away from me for even a second. I just spent three months without her and I had some serious separation issues.

  I headed to the table and looked at the food laden on platters. There was pizza, beer, and chips and salsa. My stomach rumbled just from looking at it.

  “It’s from that place you like,” Slade said when he appeared at my side.

  “Other than Skye, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful in my life.”

  Slade raised an eyebrow. “Me?”

  “No,” I snapped. “The pizza.”

  “Ooh…” He seemed a little hurt I wasn’t referring to him.

  I grabbed a plate and piled four large slices on top. Then I grabbed a beer.

  “Dude, you’re so ripped.” He squeezed my biceps. “Shit, what’s your body fat percentage now?”

  “It has to be less than four percent.” I took a bite and almost moaned at how good it tasted.

  “You aren’t going to be able to keep it that way if you eat that,” Slade noted.

  “I couldn’t care less.” I finished one slice in three seconds.

  Skye looked impressed. “My man can really eat.”

  I leaned down and gave her a wet kiss. “You already knew that.” I wasn’t referring to food and she knew that.

  Slade cringed. “Anyway…is there something I can get you?”

  “No, thanks,” I said. “You don’t have to wait on either one of us anymore.”

  “I deserve a medal for that, by the way,” Slade said. “She was always getting sick in the middle of the night and crap. It was annoying.”

  “Sick?” I turned to Skye with fear. “Are you okay?”

  “Dude, this was three months ago,” Slade said as he rolled his eyes. “It was when she found out she was pregnant.”

  “Oh.” I relaxed and kept eating.

  “When do you go back to work?” Slade asked.

  “Next week.”

  “Cool,” Slade said. “At least you have some time off.”

  “You better get the week off too,” I said to Skye.

  “Even if my boss won’t let me I’ll just call in sick.” She smiled at her joke.

  “Now that you’re back we should do something fun,” Slade said. “I say we have a massive water balloon fight at the house. It’ll be so much fun.”

  “Maybe next week, “I said. “For the next few days I’m busy.”

  “Has your dick fallen off yet?” Slade asked.

  “Nope.” I kissed Skye again for no reason at all, just because I could.

  “I get you miss each other and you’re in love and crap, but come on.” Slade threw his arms down. “You can keep your hands to yourself for a few hours.”

  I grabbed Skye’s waist and pulled her right against me. “No, I really can’t.”

  Skye wrapped her arm around my waist and looked up at me like I was her superhero.

  Slade rolled his eyes dramatically.

  “Like you wouldn’t be the same if Trinity left,” I said.

  “If she left?” Slade asked. “I’m like that the second she comes home from work—but not in front of people.”

  Trinity came to his side and linked her arm through his. “Let them do whatever they want. You know you’re just being a jerk because Cayson isn’t giving you much attention.”

  Slade shot her a glare.

  “What?” she asked. “It’s true.”

  “You’re right.” Slade admitted it with a sigh. “Ever since Skye came into the picture she sabotaged our bromance…”

  “Bromance?” I asked.

  “You know,” Slade said. “When two guys are besties.”

  “Besties?” I blurted. “Did you turn into a girl while I was away?”

  Skye laughed into my side and released a snort.

  Trinity tried not to laugh too. “He’s all man. Don’t worry about that.”

  Slade gave her a look of gratitude. “Thank you, baby.”

  “And you spend all your time with Trinity,” I argued. “So, it’s the same thing.”

  “Well, when you get sick of Skye let’s get a beer,” Slade said.

  “Have you told him?” Trinity lowered her voice as she looked at him.

  “Told me what?” I asked as I took a long drink of my beer. Shit, beer was good.

  Trinity’s face broke out in a wide smile. “Slade and I are trying…”

  “Trying to what?” I asked. What did that mean?

  “To have a baby,” Slade explained. “You know, so our kids will be the same age.”

  I stilled and almost dropped my beer. “Seriously?”

  Trinity nodded.

  “That’s awesome!” I tossed my stuff on the table and hugged Slade. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  Slade clapped me on the back. “Thanks. We’re excited too…even though it hasn’t happened yet.”

  “It will,” I said. “And it’ll happen when you least expect it.” I pulled away and cou
ldn’t stop smiling. “How awesome would it be to raise our kids at the same time? They can go to school together and be best friends just like us.”

  Slade nodded. “That’s what we’re hoping for.”

  “Honestly…” I lowered my voice and leaned toward him. “I’m surprised you’re ready for something like that.”

  “I wasn’t,” Slade admitted. “But it’s really important to Trinity.” He shrugged. “And all I want to do is make her happy.”

  I wanted to say more but I knew now wasn’t the time. “We’ll talk about this later.”


  I returned to Skye’s side and put my arm around her waist. “That’s exciting.”

  “It is,” she said. “Our kids can get into lots of trouble together.”

  “Yeah.” I gave her another kiss just because I felt like it. I couldn’t count the number of times I wanted to kiss her when I was away. Now that I could do it whenever I wanted, I didn’t take it for granted.

  Sean approached me, so I loosened my hold on Skye. It was okay to be affectionate with her but I didn’t want to cross the line either. “Thank you for the party. I appreciate it.”

  “Scarlet organized all of this. But you’re welcome anyway.” He patted my shoulder. “You like the food?”

  “It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” I blurted.

  Sean seemed amused. “I can tell you haven’t had a good meal in a long time. You’re more ripped than Mike and I.”

  “And me,” Slade added. “I’m pretty strong too.” He flexed his muscles but tried to act like he wasn’t doing anything.

  I ignored Slade. “That’s what happens when you’re always on your feet and only eating beans, veggies, and fruits.”

  “You didn’t eat any meat?” Sean asked.

  I shook my head. “I was too afraid to get sick. Dehydration is a serious illness over there. It could kill you.”

  “Thank goodness that didn’t happen,” Sean said. He eyed Skye before he looked at me again. “I hope you aren’t mad at us for not telling you…about the baby.”

  “I’m not mad at all.” I pulled Skye closer to me. “How can I be mad when I have so many reasons to be happy?”

  Skye smiled up at me as she rested her hand on my chest.

  Sean watched us with an amused look. “Cayson, you’re going to be a great father. I’m very happy for both of you.”


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