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Their Perfect Woman [Men of the Border Lands 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  “You’re going to make me come before I’m ready to if you keep doing that, Gail. Have mercy on me.” Benton slowly thrust in and out of her in a pace that was designed to drive her crazy, she was sure.

  “You feel so good inside of me. I love the feel of your cock there.”

  “Look at your bodies joined together, Gail,” Travis told her.

  She lifted up on her elbows with his help and watched Benton’s cock slide in and out of her, his shaft glistening with her juices. It was mesmerizing. She couldn’t keep her body propped up and dropped back to the pillow, all hot and bothered by seeing her body take Benton’s inside of her.

  Travis leaned back on his heels with his cock next to her face. At that angle, Gail would be able to reach him without a problem. He couldn’t wait to feel her warm lips around his shaft.

  Benton continued to thrust in and out of her as Travis ran the tip of his dick over Gail’s lips. She smiled and licked the slit, making him groan before she opened her mouth to take him inside of her. She sucked the bulbous head, then ran the tip of her tongue around the underside of the rim. His shaft twitched in her mouth. She moaned around him, and he began pumping in and out of her mouth in a jerky measured thrust.

  When Benton began to thrust harder, Travis pulled free of her mouth and stroked his cock, while his friend shafted in and out of her until she was slowly growing closer to another orgasm. His thrusts began to grow jerky until he groaned.

  “I can’t hold on, hon. I’m sorry. Travis will finish you off. Fuck, I’m going to come.” Benton threw back his head and roared as he emptied himself inside of her.

  Gail felt every spurt of his hot come coating her channel. She shivered as her body seemed to cool off when Benton fell over her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek and shoulders.

  “Roll off her, man. You’re going to suffocate her.” Travis gave Benton a shove.

  He rolled over and lay on his back, panting like a racehorse. Gail looked over at him and smiled.

  “What’s that for?” Benton asked.

  “That was hot. It doesn’t matter if I didn’t go over, I already had mine,” she said.

  “Not happening, Gail. Travis is going to fuck you senseless. You’re going to climax one more time before we go to sleep.” Benton nodded in Travis’s direction.

  Travis took Benton’s place between her legs and licked up her stomach before he lifted both of her legs over his arms and positioned his dick squarely against her slit and drilled deep. Where Benton had taken slow, measured thrusts, Travis shoved his shaft in swiftly and accurately. He didn’t let up there. The next thing she knew he’d pulled out and turned her over, coaxing her up on her hands and knees.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you scream out your orgasm. Make as much noise as you want to, Gail. There’s no one around to hear.” Travis thrust deep inside of her cunt, then pulled almost all the way out only to slide all the way inside her once more.

  His cockhead bumped her cervix each time he shafted inside of her. Over and over, he pummeled her until she felt as if an explosion was only seconds away. Before she knew what he was going to do, Travis reached beneath her and rubbed his callused finger over her clit, then tapped it, and she detonated like a bottle rocket complete with sparks and stars. If she screamed, Gail didn’t know it. All she heard were the bells ringing in her ears for long moments.

  When she was finally able to breathe again Travis had pulled out of her, his own climax met, and was stroking her hair and shoulder on one side of her, with Benton rubbing his hand up and down her other arm.

  “You okay, honey?” Benton asked.

  “I’m not sure. I feel like I’ve run a marathon and been blown up all at the same time.”

  “Then we did our job well,” Benton said.

  Chapter Eight

  “Thanks for letting me go with you, Benton. I was getting stir crazy at the house with nothing really to do.” Gail traipsed along behind Benton as they walked through the woods to where he had traps set for food.

  “As long as you don’t go all girly on me and get upset over the dead animal. You can’t look at them as sweet little animals. They’re all that’s keeping us alive this winter,” Benton said.

  “I know. I won’t get upset and cry. I just hope we got something.”

  “Be positive. We will. Maybe a juicy rabbit or two.”

  “What if it’s a skunk or rat?” she asked with a shiver.

  “Let’s hope not.”

  They walked another twenty yards when Benton stopped and smiled. “Looks like a rabbit.” He walked over to the trap and frowned.

  “What is it?” Gail asked.

  “Something took a bite out of it. I wonder why it didn’t finish eating it?”

  “Maybe it didn’t like rabbit.”

  “A carnivore likes all meat. Wolves and bears and coyotes eat anything that moves if hungry.”

  “Can we still eat it if something ate on it?”

  “I don’t know until we get it back home to see how bad the damage is. Let’s bag it and check the other traps.”

  Gail held out the bag while Benton opened the trap and pulled the bunny free. Then he reset the trap on the other side of the tree near the briar bushes. They had only walked another twenty or thirty yards when they found a dead wolf. She had extensive wounds that looked as if she’d been in a major fight with something.

  “What happened to it?” she asked.

  “Bear, probably.”

  “What about a coyote?”

  “Wouldn’t stand a chance against a wolf, especially one this size. I’ve never seen a wolf this large before. Has to have been a bear.”

  “Why didn’t it eat the wolf then?”

  “Bears are omnivores. They eat both meat and vegetation. It might have already eaten its fill somewhere else and wasn’t interested in the wolf.”

  “So, we’re omnivores, too, right?”

  Benton nodded. “That’s right. Come on. I don’t want to be out here any longer than we have to be with a bear close by.”

  They checked the other three traps with another rabbit but nothing else. When they were walking back toward the house, a noise caught Gail’s attention. It sounded like a whine.

  “Hey, did you hear that?” she asked.

  “No, what did it sound like?”

  “Whining, like a dog.”

  Benton sighed. “It was probably the wind. It’s picked up some.”

  “There it was again. It sounds like it’s coming from over there. Let’s look, Benton.”

  “There’s nothing over there, Gail. We don’t need to wander off and end up lost.”

  “Please, just a quick look over there. We can see the path from there.” Gail pointed over where a clump of bushes where surrounding a large tree.

  “Come on. I don’t like it, but you’ll fuss about it all the way back home if we don’t look.”

  Gail followed Benton over to the bushes where he pulled them back as they peered into them. Huddled in the hollowed-out area of the tree were four precious wolf pups. Gail squealed over them and reached to pick one up.

  “Don’t, Gail. They’ll bite. Leave them alone.”

  “That was probably their mom dead back there, Benton. We can’t leave them here. They’ll die. They need food and water. We can’t leave them.”

  “That’s exactly what we’re going to do. We can’t take wolf cubs back to the house, Gail. They’ll grow into wolves and eat us. Don’t be silly. They aren’t like dogs. They have instincts to kill.”

  “So, we train them to hunt for us and guard us. They’ll learn just like dog puppies.”

  “Not going to happen. I’m not taking them back to the house.”

  Thirty minutes later they arrived back at the house with Gail carrying the two dead rabbits and Benton carrying the bag full of wolf pups. Gail was so excited, she couldn’t wait to tell Travis about their find.

  “Hey, looks like rabbit stew tonight,” Travis called out a
s they walked into the back yard.

  “Yep, two rabbits will make a good meal for us,” Gail said. “You’ll never guess what else we found.”

  “What?” Travis asked.

  “Show him, Benton.” Gail set the two rabbits on the step of the back porch and clasped her hands together in excitement.

  Benton opened up the sack so that Travis could look inside. His face screwed up in confusion, then stretched out in alarm.

  “Are those wolf pups? Where did you get them? You know the mother is going to come look for them, don’t you?” Travis shook his head. “You’ve got to take them back and leave them.”

  “The mother was killed by what looks like a bear. They’re all alone and hungry, Travis. We couldn’t leave them to die out in the woods. I’d never be able to sleep thinking about them.” Gail reached in the bag and petted each of the little guys.

  “Don’t do that. They could bite you.” Travis pulled her back from the sack. “Benton, go kill them.”

  “No! We’re not killing them. I’m going to raise them and teach them to be guard wolves. They’ll watch out for us, and maybe we can even teach them to hunt.”

  “They’re at least three months old, Gail. They’ll need food, and we barely have enough for ourselves. We can’t afford to take them on. Food is for us first, and they’ll die anyway if we can’t feed them.” Travis glared at Benton.

  “Don’t be mad at him, Travis. I made him bring them, or I was going to come back and get them myself later.” Gail propped her hands on her hips and lifted her chin. “I’m not giving them up.”

  “Damnit, Gail. We can’t afford to raise them. They could still turn on us even if we can keep them alive.” Travis shook his head, then turned around to face the back of the house. His shoulders lifted and dropped as if he’d taken a huge deep breath and let it out. “Fine. We’ll keep them as long as they live. I don’t see them making it for very long without enough to eat. It will just upset you more when you have to watch them die one by one.”

  “I won’t let them die. I’ll make sure we all have plenty to eat.” Gail reached into the bag and pulled out one of the wolf pups. “We need to put out more traps is all.”

  “I’ll go deer hunting in the morning,” Benton said with a resigned sigh.

  “Gail, you’re going to have to help me finish up the solar panels until he gets back. If he manages to kill something, we’ll have to stop and dress it. That’s going to put us behind on getting the second set of panels wired up”

  “I know. I’ll work extra hard to help. I promise.” Gail couldn’t stop the huge smile from taking over her face.

  “You already work extra hard, hon. This is just going to wear you out. Tending to a bunch of wolf cubs isn’t going to be easy. Not to mention they’re going to be rough with you. I just hope they don’t carry anything like rabies or something that you can get an infection from.” Travis shook his head again and stomped up the back steps before slamming the back door behind him.

  “That went well,” Benton said. “I can’t believe he caved to you. I was counting on him putting his foot down.”

  “I knew he’d give in. I’ll take good care of them, Benton. You won’t even have to lift a finger over them.”

  “I already am. I’ve got to get up at the crack of dawn and go hunting for something bigger than a freaking rabbit or squirrel.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but it will be good to have something different to eat for a change.”

  “I guess I can look at it that way.”

  * * * *

  “You did it! You killed a deer. We’ll have plenty of eat for a few days now,” Gail said.

  “Right now, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. Did you and Benton manage to get the other solar panel hooked up?” Travis asked.

  “Up and connected. I’m a good helper. I told you I’d work extra hard.” Gail reached up and kissed him on the lips. “The wolf pups are doing fine. They like their new home.”

  “Hopefully they won’t be able to climb out of the box we built out of those pallets anytime soon. Remember that they’re going to gnaw on anything they can get those sharp little teeth on. Don’t let it be you.” Travis hoisted up the deer carcass so that it hung from the tree limb in the backyard.

  “I can help with this part. We dressed deer all the time where I was living. The men did the field dressing, then the women handled it from there.”

  “Benton and I will take care of it. You just need to cook it and make as much venison jerky as you can. Did you guys hook up one of the panels to a plug that we can use that dehydrator we found? You can dry some of the meat that we can eat later.”

  “I’ll check with Benton. I think we hooked up one in the kitchen, along with a light. He said we didn’t need to use it too much or it would draw off the pump.”

  “If we’re not using the pump right then it shouldn’t matter if you use the dehydrator overnight. I’ll talk to him about it. You take care of the meat as I get it to you. Tell Benton I’m back.”

  “I’m here. Looks like a nice size deer. Any trouble tracking it once you hit it?”

  “Not too much. I was lucky and got a lung. It fell about a half mile from where I hit it.” Travis positioned the large bucket beneath the deer to catch the blood so they wouldn’t draw unwanted animals to the yard.

  “Go on inside and get ready, Gail. We’ll bring in the slices as we get them done. Cook as much as you can over the fire. You can dry the thin slices in the dehydrator, and we’ll rig up a smoke tent over the fire for tonight to smoke what we can. Those damn wolves of yours will have plenty to eat for the next day or two.”

  “So will we. I’m looking forward to something different than squirrel and rabbit.” Gail winked at Travis, then gave Benton a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging inside to get ready for the meat they’d bring her.

  She knew Benton was still upset with her over the wolf pups, but she couldn’t have slept knowing they were out there starving and possibly getting eaten by something else. She would train them to protect them and hunt for them. It would be so much better if there were something else helping to guard them other than the men always having to worry about her. She knew that since she’d stumbled on them, they’d been overly anxious about her safety. She didn’t like being a burden to anyone.

  She pulled out every pan and bowl she could find and filled them all with water from the now functioning sink. She wished they had ice, but that was too much to ask for these days. Ice would pull more of the blood from the meat, but this would work, just slower.

  “Here you go, Gail. This will be a good roast for supper tonight. The smaller pieces you can partially cook for the wolf cubs. We don’t want them to be addicted to completely raw meat if we’re going to train them to obey us.” Travis handed her the cuts of meat. She dropped them into the bowls of water.

  “I’ll bleed them as much as I can then put the roast on for us. Looks like it will fit nicely in the Dutch oven.”

  “Cook as much of what we bring you as you can. Benton’s working on slicing some strips for the dehydrator. The rest we’ll try to dry over the fire with a cover over it.”

  “Thanks, Travis.”

  Gail placed the roast in the huge cast iron oven, then buried it in the embers before building a fire over it. It would take most of the day to cook, but when it was ready it would taste great.

  She wished Benton wasn’t so angry with her. He’d barely spoken to her the night before and hadn’t said more than a few words that morning while they’d been working on the solar panel. She’d work all day the next day to help make up for the lost time from Travis hunting that morning. She was sure saving the wolf pups had been the right thing to do. They’d see when they proved to be good protectors.

  Gail worked on the large roast, thinking about the guys. She really liked them. They were growing closer to her heart every day. Even though they hadn’t had sex the night before, she knew they would again. They’d claimed her as their woman, and she
was perfectly happy to be their woman. She just wasn’t sure about the two-at-one-time sex thing. Could she handle them both? She wanted to try, but was still too anxious to so soon.

  By the time the meat was ready for the fire, the guys had loaded her up with several more pieces. She boiled the organs over the fire while the roasts each cooked in a Dutch oven below it.

  Once the organs were ready, she carried them out to where the wolf pups had been spending the day in their crate cage playing and napping. She dumped part of it into the big plate where they fell on it like, well, ravenous wolves. It would have been funny if she didn’t know how hungry they’d been. Had she made the right decision to rescue them?

  She refused to believe otherwise. They’d prove to be a wise investment in time. She just hoped that the guys agreed with her sooner rather than later. She didn’t like feeling like a traitor to them.

  Chapter Nine

  “Gail? Where are you?” Benton’s worried voice startled her as she searched among the clothes they’d saved in the third bedroom for another set of jeans to use to make patches for the pair of Benton’s that had holes in them.

  “I’m upstairs in the back bedroom,” she called out.

  “What are you doing up here?” Benton’s voice sounded much closer.

  “Looking for something to use to patch your jeans. I’m coming.” Gail grabbed the pair she’d found and hurried out of the room, nearly colliding with Benton in the doorway.

  “The wolf pups are howling outside. You might want to check on them.”

  Benton had slowly gotten over being mad about them after the first week. He’d warmed up to the idea of training them to be guard wolves and had started spending time petting and holding them with Travis. Now, he was asking her every day what she was going to name them. They’d discussed several names for each of them. With there being two girls and two boys, they’d come up with a series of names she was trying to settle on. Wolfie, Gus, Luke, Smokey, and Max for the guys. Luna, Peaches, Gigi, Sasha, and Misty for the girls. The guys kept coming up with weird names that she’d vetoed right off the bat.


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