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Their Perfect Woman [Men of the Border Lands 15] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “You smell delicious, and that pussy is so pretty the way it glistens in the lamp light. You’re wet for us. You’re always wet for us, hon.”

  “My panties are wet before lunch time every day. You do that to me. Just thinking about the two of you gets me all hot and bothered every time.” Gail leaned up to watch Benton lick her pussy for the first time.

  It felt so damn good. She moaned and dropped her head back on the pillow behind her. He spread her pussy and licked up the slit, then sucked on one side of her pussy, then the other until she was sure she’d start thrusting her hips up at him.

  Travis climbed up the bed to lay next to her. He kissed her, thrusting his tongue in and out of her mouth before sucking on hers until she was groaning at the feel of it. He trailed kisses down her neck to her breasts. He lifted one and buried his nose beneath it.

  “I fucking love the way you smell here. So delicate and fruity.” He licked the underside, then sucked on one nipple while he fiddled with the other one.

  Her breasts were super sensitive anyway, so it didn’t take long before she began to feel that dizzy feeling getting close always gave her. Surely, she couldn’t come just from him playing with her nipples. It had to be a combination of him and Benton, but it was so fast.

  “God, guys. I’m already so close. You’re killing me.”

  “I’m not finished with this pussy yet, babe. You can come twice for us.” Benton demonstrated, licking lightly over her clit before sucking the little bud into his mouth.

  Gail nearly came unglued. She screamed as the sudden onslaught had her flying higher than she’d ever been before. When she finally made it down, both men were grinning like proud boys.

  “That was one,” Benton said. Then he lowered his head and Gail groaned.

  By the time he’d thrusted two fingers inside her wet cunt, Gail was fast on her way to a second climax. He pumped the two digits in and out of her while teasing her clit with the tip of his tongue. This time, it was Travis who sent her over with a soft pinch of one nipple and a stinging bite to the other one.

  “That’s two,” Travis said.

  “No more. I can’t take it. My clit’s too sensitive now,” she begged.

  “Climb on top of Travis, honey. He loves it when you ride him.” Benton helped her turn over and climb on top of the other man.

  “Hot damn. Cowgirl again.” Travis’s wide grin had her slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Stop feeling so smug. Just because this is your favorite position doesn’t mean you’re going to have all the fun this time.”

  “I know. Doesn’t matter at all. You’re going to be super tight once Benton gets inside that hot ass of yours.” Travis squeezed her waist once she’d managed to sink down over his hard cock.

  “Remember, Gail. If you need me to stop, all you have to do is say the word. It won’t matter at all. Okay, hon?” Benton still didn’t sound convinced that she could handle them.

  “I promise, but I’m not going to need to. You’ve got me so relaxed I’m not even sure I can do anything to help you guys.”

  “Leave all the work to us, hon,” Travis said with a smug grin. “We’ve got it covered.”

  Benton leaned her forward over Travis’s chest, then rubbed something slick and cool against her back hole. He pushed a little of the substance inside her ass before he added more and the tip of one finger. It didn’t hurt. All she felt was a little pressure with the thick digit resting just inside her anus.

  “Easy, Gail. We’ve got you,” Benton assured her as he added more of the lube.

  She relaxed until the next time he applied more lube. He slowly pushed his entire finger in her back hole. Now, the pressure was a little more substantial. She tried to relax, but couldn’t quite do it. There wasn’t any pain yet, but she could almost feel it at the edge of her arousal.

  “How are you doing, hon?” Benton asked.

  Travis was rubbing up and down her back and uttering soothing words in her ear.

  “I’m good. Nothing hurts. I just feel really full right now.”

  “It’s going to feel fuller soon, hon. Remember, you can stop this with one word,” Benton said.

  “I know. Don’t stop, Benton,” she said.

  He added more lube, then slowly began to push two fingers into her ass. Now, it pinched something fierce, but she laid her head on Travis’s chest and bit her lip. She could do this. She desperately wanted to. It would bind them even closer if she could.

  “Damn, your tight back here, hon. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going to feel like around my dick.”

  Travis groaned. “Right now, she’s squeezing my cock just with your fingers in her. She’s going to squeeze me to death once you get inside of her.”

  Gail groaned when Benton began pumping the two fingers in and out of her little hole, stretching it with each thrust. Each time, he pushed deeper inside of her until she could feel his knuckles against her ass cheeks. The pinch had turned into a burn that was threatening to become more than she could take.

  “You’re ready, hon. Just relax and push back when I start in,” Benton said.

  The blunt tip of his cock pressed against the dark hole until she was sure she’d scream for him to stop. Just before that happened, he surged forward past the tight, resistant ring at the entrance. She felt full. Full to overflowing as he rested there, waiting on her to stop shaking.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this, Gail. Am I hurting you too much?” Benton asked in a tight voice.

  “Don’t stop. Move for me, Benton. I need you to move. I can’t stand you just sitting there. Move.”

  Benton took her word for it and slowly pulled out, then pushed back in as Travis pulled back. They moved her between them, slowly building up to a smooth speed that threatened to kill her. The burning sensation soon morphed into something good. Something that bordered on exhilarating. If someone had told her that she could climax with anal sex, she’d have scoffed, but right then, Gail was almost sure she’d do it.

  “Holy hell, Benton. She feels like a vice. I swear she’d going to squeeze my dick off,” Travis said.

  “She’s a hot, wet fist around mine. I think my cock’s going to fall off after this. I’ve never felt anything sexier.” Benton rubbed his hands over her hips up to her ass cheeks where he spread them. “God, Gail. You should see your ass with my cock moving in and out of it. It’s hot as hell.”

  “Please. I need to come. I’m so close, guys. I don’t know what to do.” She was almost in tears with the need. She was afraid she wouldn’t make it, and they’d come and leave her behind.

  “I’ve got you covered, hon.”

  Travis reached between them and managed to get a finger on her clit. It only took a couple of swipes before she detonated, the pleasure so intense she couldn’t even scream. Her jerky movements seemed to spur the two men into their orgasms as they bucked around her, cursing and groaning as they did.

  After what felt like minutes passed, the two collapsed, their bodies pinning her between them. She had to fight to breathe after her own climax with them smashing her between them. Gail groaned and pushed at Benton.

  “Sorry,” he said. “I think you killed me.”

  He slowly withdrew, then rolled off to one side. “I’ll get up and clean you up in just a minute, hon.”

  “Give me a second and I’ll help you off of me.” Travis sounded just as washed out as she felt.

  Gail just hummed in answer to their assurances that they’d take care of her. Right then, she was fine where she was. Soon enough, though, Travis helped her off of his softening shaft, shifting her so that she lay between the two men. Benton got up and disappeared into the bathroom. She could hear grunts as he bumped into something before he returned with a warm wet cloth he used to clean her up.

  Almost before he finished, she fell asleep to the sound of Travis snoring.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gail smiled when Travis returned with a deer this time. It wasn�
�t nearly as much trouble as a mule deer or a moose. They’d learned their lesson with the last moose. While it had provided them with a lot of meat that they’d been able to use well into the winter, it had been a lot of work.

  The snow was slowly melting, and so far, they hadn’t gotten anymore in the last few days. She had high hopes that spring was on its way. Benton had said that if it stayed above freezing for week or two, the ground would begin to thaw. She was looking forward to warmer weather. Gail knew that it meant more work for the guys, but she wanted something to do and planting the garden would give that to her.

  “Might as well bring out the pans, Gail. We’ll have this ready to slice up real soon,” Benton said.

  Several hours later, Gail had the meat all soaking and had fed the wolf pups their portion for the day. They’d grown so much they looked like dogs now. If you didn’t look in their faces, you’d easily mistake them for huskies. So far, they’d proved exceedingly smart, taking to the training they were giving them to stay close by and heal on command. They still followed her around like their alpha female, and she was good with that.

  “I can’t believe how they don’t go after the meat when we’re working on it,” Travis said.

  Benton shrugged. “They know not to eat before their alphas eat. The fact that Gail fed them first makes them even more attuned to her.”

  “I think they’ll protect her with their lives, what do you think?” Travis asked.

  “I think you’re right.”

  Gail smiled. She was just as confident. They loved on her any chance she gave them. They slept all around her when she was on the couch with or without the men. Though they obeyed the guys, she was sure that they would defy them to obey her. She wouldn’t tell the guys that, though. It would hurt their feelings.

  Ever since they’d figured out she was pregnant, they’d been overly cautious with her and were constantly warning her to take it easy. Gail wasn’t buying into any of it. She knew she’d be fine doing her normal things. She planned to stay as active as possible. It would make for an easier pregnancy and, hopefully, make her labor easier, as well. That scared her more than anything else.

  “This is the first of it, hon. I’ll carry it inside for you.” Travis held the pan of meat, walking toward the house.

  Gail sighed and followed him. She took one of the smaller pans and scooped up the cleanest snow she could find, then walked into the kitchen. Once Travis had set the pan on the counter, she rinsed the meat under the tap, then set it in another pan full of water and snow to leech out the blood.

  That went on for several hours as she prepared one of the thicker pieces for their supper. She waited on one of them to return to carry it into the living room and set it in the fireplace for her. Once it was on, Gail worked on the other meat, slicing some to put in the dehydrator and putting more of the meat into the other Dutch oven to cook when the first roast was done.

  Later that night, they all sat in the living room eating the roast and talking about what they were going to do come spring. The men talked about rowing up the garden while Gail thought about what all she wanted to plant. They had plenty of seeds that the guys had brought with them and the ones Benton had taken from the store. They hoped most of them would come up. They’d save seeds from their garden for the next year.

  “So, why the sunflower seeds,” Travis asked.

  “So we can make our own vegetable oil to burn in the lamps when we run out of kerosene. That’s what the press you found out in the barn is for,” she said.

  “I get the herbs, but why so much garlic?” Benton asked. “We can’t make spaghetti since we can’t grind the beef fine enough for it.”

  “You can use small amounts of garlic for seasoning meats. You’ll see. It doesn’t have to be a strong garlic taste when you use it sparingly.” Gail popped Benton on the knee. “How long will it take to row it up and be ready to plant?”

  “I figure it will take a day or two before we’ll have it ready. We’ll help plant so you don’t wear yourself out.” Travis leaned in and nuzzled her neck. “We’d rather wear you out in different ways.”

  “Sounds like someone is horny,” Gail said, unable to prevent a smile.

  “Always with you, hon.”

  She pulled both of them close to her by their hands. “I love you both. You know that, don’t you?”

  Benton grinned over at Travis. “I love you more than anything, Gail.”

  “Me, too,” Travis said. “I think I feel for you the first time I saw you. You were so scared and hungry. I wanted to pull you into my arms and tell you everything was going to be all right.”

  “Are you glad you’re with us?” Benton asked.

  “I thank God every day that we found each other. I love you so much.”

  “We’re glad you agreed to be our woman. We’ll do everything we can to make you happy.” Travis pulled his hand out of hers and drew her in for a kiss.

  “I can’t wait until spring and the chance to get outside. I want to pledge our lives to each other under that oak tree out back. I love you, Travis. I love you, Benton. I don’t think I could ever love anyone as much as I do you two.”

  “To our future.” Benton picked up his glass of tea and handed Gail hers.

  Travis grabbed his and the three of them clinked them together before taking large gulps.

  “To our happy ever after,” Gail said, then kissed each man on the cheek.

  Benton put one hand over Gail’s belly. “I can’t wait to see you all round and rosy-cheeked. I wish we had a camera so I could take a picture of you that way.”

  “I wouldn’t let you. I’ll look fat. I hate looking fat.” Gail frowned.

  “Never, hon. You’ll always be perfect for us, even when you get bigger. Remember that,” Travis said.

  “I’m going to hold you to it when it happens.” Gail shook her finger at him. “I’ll hold you both to it.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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