Book Read Free

Anything For Them

Page 16

by Lola StVil

  My cell rings; it’s a new phone, so I don’t recognize its ringtone at first. When I look down at the screen—speak of the devil. It’s Argo calling on video.

  “No, Argo, you are not backing out of lunch. If you go, I’ll talk you up to the new hot guy at my gym.” I laugh, waiting for the video to come into focus. When the screen clears up, it’s not Argo I see.

  “Hello, Mia.”

  It’s Gorman. My blood runs cold.

  Oh my god.

  “Where’s Argo?! Did you hurt him! Why do you have his phone?” I yell.

  “He’s tied up at the moment. But why don’t you see for yourself,” he says. He shows me Argo, head down and tied up in a chair. Everything is spinning.

  “Please, don’t hurt him,” I beg.

  “You and I are long overdue for a talk. Come alone. If you don’t, I’ll be sending you pieces of your friend in the mail for years.”

  “If you killed him I swear to God—”

  “Whatever I do, Mia, it’s on you. You should never have tried to end our love.”


  “He’s still breathing, Mia. But I can stop that. Do you want that? Do you want me to kill him?” he says as he aims the gun at Argo’s head.

  “NO! Please. I’m coming to you.”

  “Alone,” he reminds me.

  “Yes. I’m coming, alone.”

  “I have access to your cell; make any calls, and I will know about it. There’s a car waiting for you downstairs. Get in.”

  I don’t have time to think or even plan. Gorman won’t hang up, and he stays on video, making sure that I do nothing but head straight into the awaiting car. We drive for about twenty minutes before the car makes a sudden stop at an abandoned building in downtown somewhere. Gorman orders me to get out and walk into the gutted building.

  I do as I’m told and pass a series of decaying rooms with no doors and shattered glass. I go down a hallway with multiple entrances and exits. At the end of the hall is a broken-down elevator. In the middle of the room, I find Argo tied to a chair. He’s awake, thank God. But his mouth is tied as well as his hands. I run toward him, but Gorman stops me cold by placing the gun next to Argo’s head.

  “I’ll come to you, but you have to let him go first,” I push, forcing myself not to give in to my panic. Being in the same room with Gorman is enough to make me violently ill with fear. But first I need to get Argo to safety.

  “You’re not here to make deals.”

  “Bullshit. You want me, fine. But first, you let him get out of here, safe.”

  “Okay, I can do that. First, you need to come to me.”

  “For every step I get closer to you, you get him one step closer to his freedom,” I order. I don’t know where this defiance in me is coming from, but I’m glad it’s here. I take one step, and he takes off Argo’s restraints. By the time I’m halfway to him, he has let Argo walk further out. Then I see it in his eyes—a cruel and malicious cloud. He’s going to shoot Argo just to spite me.

  “Argo, watch out!” I shout.

  He takes cover behind one of the pillars. Gorman yanks me to him and places me in a chokehold.

  “Not to worry, Mia. I won’t let you lose consciousness,” he vows. “I want you awake for all of it! All of it!”

  I hear footsteps coming from the entrance. Jackson is here. I don’t know how. Wait—the new phone. He must have placed a tracker on it.

  “Argo, get out of here; call 911,” Jackson orders.

  “Do not move!” Gorman says.

  “Argo, leave. Now,” Jackson repeats in a commanding tone.

  “I have a gun, what makes you think I won’t take him out?”

  “Because this isn’t about him. It’s about you and Mia. So, let’s just keep it about that. Argo, get the fuck out of here, now!” Jackson barks. Argo reluctantly runs out of the building.

  “How’d you know I was here?” Gorman asks.

  “I knew you’d want to be alone with her. She’s your weakness, Gorman. I knew that wherever she was, you’d eventually be. So I let everyone else check out your hiding spot. But I stayed with her.”

  “You stayed behind, saw her get into the car, and followed, clever man you are.”

  “You have no idea,” Jackson says. I know Jackson is looking for a way to get a clean shot, but Gorman is using me as a shield.

  “I will put a bullet in her if you don’t back up.”

  He holds the gun at my head with one hand and wraps his arm around my neck with the other. I try in vain to break free from his hold. He walks backwards toward the open elevator shaft and calls out to Jackson.

  “Stay away from us, or I’ll kill her right here and now,” he vows.

  “Let her go, Gorman! There’s nowhere for you to run. Let her go, and we can talk about this,” Jackson says.

  “No! This is all her fault! She made me love her. She promised me forever with her eyes and then she betrayed me!” he screeches at the top of his lungs.

  He demands that Jackson put his weapon down, and Jackson says he can’t do that. My mind is a blur of panic, fear, and adrenaline.

  “Did she tell you that she came on to me?” Gorman says as he begins to cry. “She told me she loved me. She said it with her body. That first day I met her, I knew she was mine. I had to have her. But things got so bad. She took to me court; she tried to have me locked up. She’s been bad. Haven’t you, Mia?! And now, now I have to do this. I have to punish you. It’s the only way.”

  “Gorman, don’t you fucking do it! I will kill you on the spot,” Jackson swears.

  “Kill me? I’m not gonna be around, Jackson. Mia and I will be together whether she likes it or not. I wanted us to get a house, be a family, but she messed that up. And now, if we can’t live together, we will die together.”

  Pictures flash in my head—pictures of my son, his high school graduation, his first date, and all the birthdays that I will miss. The terror surging through me takes a back seat to my sudden wave of determination. There’s no way I’m leaving my kid. There’s no way I am going to let this crazy fucker be the end of me. All Jackson needs is space between Gorman and me; I know I have to find a way to make that happen.

  “Before we jump, Gorman, can I please have one request?” I beg.

  “No! You don’t deserve it.”

  “I know I don’t. I hurt you. You were good to me, you loved me, and I didn’t get that. I’m sorry. You put up with my disobedience, so I know you’re merciful and kind. Please be kind right now, and let me have my last request.”

  “What is it? What do you want?” he rages.


  “What?” he asks, taken off guard.

  “I tried to run away from you not because I was scared of you, but because I was scared of how much I love you. I’ve never felt love like the love I have for you. But I’m ready to face that love. I’m ready to be the woman you need.”

  “Liar! You’re just trying to get out of this. It’s not gonna happen. I’ll kill you first,” he bitterly announces.

  “She’s not lying. She wants you. That’s why I haven’t asked her to marry me; she’s too into you to really commit to me. She wants you. And you can have her—alive.”

  I reach my hand above my head and gently brush his cheek. He sighs as my hand makes contact.

  “Mark, please, baby. Forgive me. Let us be together, the way we were meant to be.” He starts to loosen his hold on my neck, but his gun remains at my temple. I look up at him, reach out, and kiss his cheek; when my lips make contact, he drops his guard for a second. I elbow him hard in the gut and break away from his hold.

  “You bitch!” Gorman cries out.

  “Mia, down!” As the words fly out of Jackson’s mouth, I hit the floor, and bullets ring out all around me. I look up, just in time to see Gorman fire several shots and then run up to the roof. Jackson looks back at me, and I signal that I’m okay. He takes off to the roof after Gorman. I follow them at a
distance. Gorman fires yet another round at Jackson, but this time, one of the bullets lands.

  “No!” I scream as the force of the bullet propels Jackson down to the ground. He’s been shot in the chest. He’s not moving. I rush to his side and cry hysterically. Gorman drags me kicking and screaming to the edge of the roof. He kicks me while I’m on the ground and tells me I don’t deserve his love. I see movement from the corner of my eye. Jackson.

  Gorman stands over me screaming, “You see, he couldn’t protect you. He couldn’t save you. I’m the one you need. I am your destiny! And you will always belong to—” Three shots ring out and hit Gorman in the chest. He tumbles backward and falls off the side of the building. Gorman’s body hits the ground, and his head shatters on impact; splat! Gorman is dead.

  Peace. Peace at last.

  I crawl over to Jackson, who’s groaning on the floor. I take off my jacket and use it to apply pressure on his wound.

  “Babe, hold on, help is coming,” I plead. He whispers something. I can’t hear. I get closer to him.

  “What is it, Jackson? What are you trying to say?”

  “Do you think this will get me out of the bachelor auction?”


  I wanted Jackson to stay in the hospital a little longer, but he didn’t want to miss Argo’s nursing school graduation. And the doctor said as long as he didn’t overdo it, he should be okay. His fractured rib is healing nicely. His brothers teased and said he was only supposed to call on them if every rib was broken.

  When we get to Argo’s ceremony, we find Shelby is already there. I tell her to thank her husband for making a call on my behalf.

  “Anytime, Mona Lisa.” She smiles.

  Sitting next to Shelby is Argo’s dad. Thankfully, Gorman didn’t seriously wound my best friend. I know that because when he gets on the stage to accept his certificate, he takes the time to pop his hips and blow kisses to us. Aaron and I laugh as we stand up and cheer for him. In fact, his dad, Jackson, and Shelby all stand up too. My best friend is a nurse, and I’m so damn proud of him.

  When the ceremony is over, we go to Mrs. Hunter’s house. Shelby introduced them, and they’ve been thick as thieves ever since. In fact, he’s in her book club. Guess I know what that means…

  Everyone is mingling in the garden, where the wait staff serve tray after tray of food. It’s a beautiful night in Mrs. Hunter’s garden, and everyone is having a blast, including the five brothers.

  But then suddenly the music dies down, and everyone is quiet. I look around, not sure what’s going on. “Hey, what’s happening?” I ask. Aaron starts to giggle. And Argo begins to cry. I turn around and follow everyone’s gaze—they are looking at Jackson getting on one knee.

  “Mia Avery, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  My stepson is giving a tour of his favorite aquarium. He’s growing frustrated that his audience isn’t receptive.

  “Mom! Make her pay attention,” Aaron says.

  “Honey, she’s five months old. I think she’d rather her older brother play with her,” my wife suggests. Aaron rolls his eyes and stoops down to the baby stroller. He makes goofy faces, and sure enough, Melody gets really happy and bounces her body up and down. As soon as Aaron sees her getting excited, he does even sillier faces. She has my dark eyes and her mom’s red hair. She’s perfect.

  I can’t help but think about the first time we came here. I never thought my life would turn out like this, and every day I’m grateful. In addition to the birth of my daughter, I married the love of my life, and Aaron calls me Dad. In the beginning, Tom had an issue with it, and that made Aaron feel guilty. Mia worried about it, and I promised her that I would handle it.

  When Tom got back from London, I had him over for a beer and explained that I would never want to take his place. I told him I’m good being the “additional” dad, and that Aaron wanted nothing more than to see us get along. It took some doing, but now we’re on the same page. When Tom takes Aaron out, they have a good time. But we always keep Tom’s visits as a surprise rather than an expectation. And to be honest, he’s gotten better at showing up for Aaron. That has meant the world to Mia.

  “Are we ready to go?” Aaron asks.

  “Okay, let’s go,” his mom says. Normally, Aaron could stay here all day, but he’s spending the afternoon with Wyatt’s boys, and he can’t wait. It’s the perfect time to go since Melody needs to take her nap soon.

  When we get back to the house, I find Endless in the living room, and once again I have to take our keys from her. This is the third time.

  “Seriously, how does she get her hands on our keys?” I ask Mia.

  “She’s Shelby,” Mia says as she shrugs her shoulders.

  “Don’t you have a home?” I ask her.

  “Rude. Very rude. But I forgive you because Argo and I are headed for yoga. And you will not stop my chi,” Shelby says.

  “Speaking of Argo, how did his dad take meeting his new boyfriend?” I ask.

  “It went really well—too well. Now Argo’s dad tags him in all these posts on Facebook having to do with adoption. I think he’s ready to be a grandfather,” Mia says.

  “His father is relentless. That’s why I’m taking him to the spa after yoga. Soak up the stress,” Endless says.

  “He’ll love that. Just remind him he’s got babysitting duties tomorrow—date night,” Mia says.

  “Where are you two going?” Endless asks me.

  “There’s a new hot wing flavor at the bar by the office. It’s called Blue Flames, and we have a bet going that I can eat more of them than he can,” Mia says as she tends to the baby.

  “Ha! You’re going down, Dr. Hunter,” I reply as I grab Mia’s ass and pull her in for a kiss. It takes so little for her to get me turned on, She looks into my eyes and right away, I know we are on the same page.

  “Um, Endless, watch the kids for a few minutes. We’ll be right back!” I say as I take Mia by her hand and run upstairs.

  Endless shouts up to us, “Stay away from the coat closet. I hung up my jacket in there. Hey, I mean it; respect the Armani!”





  Find out how Gage and Shelby fell in love. And how much that love cost them...

  Gage Hunter does not date and he certainly doesn't fall in love. But that was before he crashed into the most beautiful woman he ever met; Shelby Rush. He tries to fight it. He's a CIA agent and he's all about discipline. However the more he gets to know her, the less control he has over his heart. And when he learns that she's just as beautiful on the inside, sparks fly. However Shelby is on the run from a dark past and she scared to death. Thankfully, she's in good hands with agent Hunter..

  Shelby, you got this. You are a strong woman, and you can do this.

  The pep talk I give myself doesn’t stop my heart from pounding or my mouth from going dry. Everything in me wants to run from what I’m about to do, but at the same time, I’m excited. I feel alive with anticipation. I am about to do something I have never done before, something no one in my circle would be caught dead doing—I’m going into a dive bar!

  Holy shit! This is going to be wild!

  I’m going to walk through the door of a place that doesn’t require a reservation. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a total badass!

  I look myself over one more time. I think I made the right decision in clothing attire. I wanted to keep it simple and unassuming. I didn’t want to be flashy or stand out in any way. So, I’m wearing fitted jeans—Roberto Cavalli, but still, blue jeans.

  I have on an azure colored, off the shoulder, long sleeve Armani top—off the rack, thank you very much. And I paired this simple look with strappy heels—last year’s Christian Louboutin. Finally, New York City’s fall requires me to put something warm over my outfit, so I decided on a mid-length cashmere trench fr
om Burberry.

  I look at my reflection in the glass door of the bar, and I smile. This may seem like a small step for someone else, but walking in here is a big step for me. I’m venturing out of my circle and who knows where that could lead? I inhale deeply, place my hand on the glass door, and enter.

  The music is loud, and the crowd is rowdy. The place has the scent of hard work and cheap beer. I love it already. It’s true that I enjoy expensive wine and elegant décor in my day-to-day life, but as far as company goes, I’ll take regular people over rich assholes any day.

  Okay, I walked into a dive bar. Now what?

  Be cool, Shelby. Go up to the bar and order a drink.

  I try to get the bartender’s attention, but there are way too many people shouting and calling out their orders. The crowd drowns my voice out. My heart sinks. I know it’s stupid to make a big deal out of getting a drink at the bar, but if I can’t even do that, how can I do the big thing I really need to do?

  Maybe I’m not as strong as I would like to think I am. Maybe tonight won’t be the epic start to a brand-new Shelby that I hoped it would be.

  No! Shelby, you can’t think like that. You can do this. You got this. You’re going to order a drink because it’s the boost you need to start a new life. Let your voice be heard: order the damn drink.

  I try to order—three times and nothing.

  Screw this.

  “I’M HAVING AN ORGASM, RIGHT NOW!” I bark. Everyone stops and looks over at me, including the bartender. I smile warmly. “Good, now that I have your attention, Cabernet Sauvignon, please.”

  The bartender smirks as he pours my drink. People are still looking at me, but slowly they go back to their conversations. I can’t believe I just did that, but okay. It’s done. And who got herself a drink?


  I find a small empty table and make my way over. I place my drink down and smile to myself.

  I’m here, alone, doing my own thing.


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