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Page 5

by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter Six


  I’m sitting in the VIP section surrounded by Preston’s brothers and dad. Biting my nails. It’s been a week and a half and this is Preston’s first fight of the season. I don’t know why I ever agreed to watching this. What was I thinking? I can’t do this. I turn to leave when I feel an arm wrap around my waist. “Sis, he’s got this. Chill out!” That was another thing. Grant and Gavin both have started calling me their sister. It’s sweet, just unrealistic. “I can’t. You don’t understand. I hate violence. I’m going to be sick if he gets hurt.” “That’s just it. He won’t get hurt so chill out and watch.” That’s when I hear the intro music of “Hail to the King” come on. Of course he would have that song as his intro music. I give a little smirk as his dad nudges my arm. “That’s my girl.” Wow. This is what a normal family feels like. I look up at him and smile bigger as I see Preston coming through the crowd. We are right in the front row so I know he’s going to walk right passed us. I hear women screaming for him (I mean who wouldn’t), but the things they are screaming are mildly inappropriate. I would never think to say those things when we were alone let alone out loud in front of all these people. I see a woman break through and throw herself at him and just as quickly he literally picks her up and removes her off of him and sets her aside like she is nothing. I give her a good glare when she looks our way not realizing that Preston was right in front of me. Stopped. I look up to him and he’s giving me a cocky smirk. I shake my head at him as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hot kiss. In front of his brothers and father. Wow. He pulls me close and whispers in my ear, “Baby, green doesn’t suit you. No need to be jealous, I only want you.” I hit him softly and he laughs as he says “Wish me luck, baby.” “Good luck. Be safe.” “Always.” With one more, swift kiss he was gone. I look around and see all of the Bennett’s looking at me and smiling. Wow. I have yet to meet his mom, but I’m being told she doesn’t come to his fights. She will hear about it later and this way she doesn’t have to watch her son getting hit or hitting someone repeatedly. Apparently, I am having lunch with them tomorrow which is crazy since we aren’t that serious. I hear the announcer yelling “Prrrrrrrrrrrrrreston “The Preacher” Bennett” and I look at his dad. “The Preacher?” “Yea, he’s his opponent’s last chance at getting to know God before they meet their end.” I shake my head at the craziness of the nickname. “Nobody really dies though, right?” All of the guys look to each other and then down at me. Well, there is my answer. “Not intentionally, but accidents have happened.” Great. I think I’m going to be sick. Don’t be sick, don’t be sick. “Hey, it’s ok. That is a rarity and usually it’s because the fighter has a pre-existing condition and they’re aware of the risks they are taking.” “Leave it to Preston to fall in love with a girl who can’t stand fighting.” My head snaps to Grant. “What did you just say?” “Nothin, Babe. He’s got this ok.” I nod at him knowing all too well that he just said Preston is in love with me. Is that even possible after a week and a half? Is this something he heard from Preston, or just something he came up with on his own? It has to be something he came up with. No way would Preston say that. The music for his opponent “The Snake” comes on and I know immediately that I don’t like him. He isn’t ugly except he has an ugly scar running down the whole length of his face. It looks like a snake spiraling down the center of his face. It takes me a minute to realize that he is standing right in front of me. I feel rather than see Grant, Gavin, and Asher close in around me. “Where is my good luck kiss?” “Back off, she’s The Preacher’s. Take it to the cage.” I can’t really see around the guys so I don’t see his response, but he must get the point because the next time I see him he is up and in the ring. “He’s lookin for you Addy.” I look up to the ring and see Preston looking our way. He takes his two fingers points to me then points to his eyes then points to himself. “If you didn’t get that, he wants you to watch him beat this guy’s ass. Says it’s for you.” I shake my head no and I can tell he is chuckling when he does the gesture again and I realize I don’t have a choice, but to agree. I nod my head yes even though I’m sure he knows I’m lying. He gives me a cocky smile and turns to face “The Snake”. They hit gloves and the match starts three rounds of five minutes. I just have to make it through fifteen minutes, hopefully less if he knocks him out. I can’t believe I am hoping that Preston will knock someone out. I just really want this to be quick and painless for all involved, but from the looks of this start there will be pain. Lots of it. Three minutes into the third round and I am about to pass out. Preston won the first round from what I could see. Now, the second could’ve gone either way. I just hope that he gets this guy to tap out or knocks him out soon. They go to the ground and from what I’m understanding this is where “The Snake” is best. That doesn’t mean that he is better than Preston as I watch him get him into what his dad tells me is a rear naked choke hold. This isn’t one that I saw him do in training so I have no idea what it means. From what I can tell the snake needs to slither away. He has to be in pain. I am just about to fall over when I see the man tap out and the crowd goes crazy. I see the referee lift Preston’s arm into the air as he announces him as the winner. Bruised and bloodied, he stands there with that same damn smirk on his face staring at me. I can’t help but smile back at him as his brother’s swarm in around me to take me backstage to wait for him. They pull me back to the door marked The Preacher and I sit on a bench waiting impatiently. “He will have a couple interviews to do so you might as well get comfortable.” I nod and say, “Can I ask you a question?” This was to Grant. I needed to know if Preston said he was in love with me. “Sure.” “Earlier, you said “leave it to Preston to fall in love with a girl that can’t stand fighting”.” “Yea.” He said this like there was nothing wrong with this statement. Is he insane? “Preston isn’t in love with me.” “Yea, you would think that.” “What?” “Listen, if you could see the way he looks at you from my point of view you would know without a doubt that man is head of heels in love with you.” He can’t be serious. That’s not what is supposed to be happening. I can’t fall for a man that is in Preston’s league. He will break me. I need to get out of here. My phone starts ringing and I see that it is Ryleigh, I hurry to answer “Hey girl, where are you?” “Hey, I’m at home. I was just calling to tell you I watched Preston’s fight online and it was badass. You need to get me tickets sometime.” Oh God. I hurry over to the corner. “Ryleigh I need you to come pick me up from The Energy Center. Please.” “What? Why?” “I can’t explain it I just can’t be here right now.” “Ok, I’m coming now. I can be there in fifteen if you meet me on the corner because of traffic if you need me out front it will take longer.” “No, the corner is fine. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Please hurry.” “You got it.” I hang up the phone and make an excuse to step outside the room. I make my way through the crowd practically unnoticed. I see some women giving me dirty looks probably because they think that I belong to Preston. Lovely. A piece of property. I know that Preston will be worried so I call his phone and leave him a voicemail telling him that everything is fine, but I had to go. I exit the Energy Center and head straight for the corner I am meeting Ryleigh on. There are people everywhere with the event just ending so I blend right in. I see Ryleigh coming so I jump in her car and she rushes me home. I don’t tell her what is happening because it seems that people would not understand why Preston and I don’t fit. It is perfectly clear to me however, so now I need to not only find a new house, a new place to eat lunch, but I also need to find a new office. What. A. Mess. Why did I do this to myself? I knew better. I hurry inside and head straight to my bedroom. I throw myself onto my bed without even taking my shoes off and I cry myself to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  I wake dazed and confused. I’m not sure what woke me, but something feels off. I look myself over and realize I still have all my clothes on and my shoes. My hair is pasted to the side of my face with
dry tears. I’m sure my eyes are puffy. What woke me up? That’s when I hear a loud banging noise and I look over to see my cell phone light up. Preston. I head for the door as the banging continues. Well, I’m sure that this will cause a migraine. “I know you’re in there Adeline. I talked to Ryleigh now open up.” Great. “What do you want Preston?” “What do I want? I want to be celebrating a great win with you right about now. Now let me in.” Crapola. I unlock the door, but I don’t get to open it because Preston is already turning the knob and swinging the door open. “Please, come in.” “What the fuck Addy?” My mouth pops open a little at that, “What?” “What?” “Yea, what?” “Jesus Christ, I expect to come back to my dressing room with you waiting in it. Instead I get the pissed off Bennett Brigade and a voicemail telling me you left.” “What do you mean the pissed off Bennett Brigade?” “Oh, I don’t know, one second you’re there the next you’re spooked and gone. You have a psycho ex-boss after you, and you’re runnin off on your own because of something stupid my brother said.” Oh, so what his brother said was stupid. I try really hard not to let that one show as a physical blow, “Well, you can tell them I’m sorry if I freaked them out, but as you can see I’m fine so you can go.” “You are not fine. Clearly you cried yourself to sleep here Adeline. Your eyes are puffy and your face is splotchy so I have a question for you.” “What?” I snap, not meaning for it to come out the way it did. “Why is it such a horrible thought for you that we might be in love?” That hits me in the gut. He thinks that I’m disgusted at the thought of being in love with him. “Am I not good enough? Why is it that my brother telling you that I’m in love with you, caused you to run? What is so horrible about that?” I break. If I could take back what I say in this moment I would, but it just spills out. “It’s not you. It’s me. I don’t deserve you. You’re good. Your family is perfect. I have nothing to offer you, and when you realize that you will break me. It will destroy me when you realize that I am a huge mistake.” His eyes flicker something, but it doesn’t register because in that moment he pulls me into his arms and holds on tight. “You’ll completely destroy my heart. Obliterate it. I will never survive when you leave. Look how much I already depend on you. That’s not fair to you. You offer so much and I can’t offer you anything.” “You’re crazy Adeline. I’m not going anywhere. My brother was right though.” I swing my head in his direction confused, “About what?” Then he blows my mind with, “I’m in love with you. I didn’t know it until he told me everything he said to you, but he’s right. Everything that I feel for you is nothing short of love, and I don’t care if that scares the crap out of you because I’m not going anywhere.” I look up to him to get a good read on if what he is saying is true. There isn’t even a hint of hesitation on his face. “You’re in love with me?” “Yes.” “What happens when you realize I’m not worth this? What happens when-” I don’t get to finish my sentence because his mouth is on mine. Hard. Passionate. Could it be that his brother saying that stuff triggered this in me because I was already in love with Preston? All of these thoughts go through my mind as our tongues dance. He pulls away and I try to get my breathing to slow down. “Baby, come sit with me.” He pulls me over to the couch and pulls me into his lap. I look down at him trying to control the sobs that are about to come up my throat. I push my tongue to the roof of my mouth and fight it back. His hands come to cup my cheeks as I start to talk. “You’re right. I got scared. I’m sorry I scared your dad and brothers, I wasn’t thinking. I just couldn’t breathe and I had to get out of there. The thing is, when your brother said those things it was probably the happiest feeling I’ve ever felt. I freaked out because I knew that my feelings matched what your brother was telling me. If it only took two weeks for me to fall this hard for you what would more time with you do to me? And when you realize I’m not worth it, then I will end up feeling just like the snake did tonight. I love you too Preston, and that freaks me right the fuck out.” “Whoa. I’ve never heard you swear before.” I release a big breath. “It was necessary.” He lightly chuckles. “Babe, my dad and brothers are going to be knocking on your door in like two more minutes. They wanted to see that you’re ok, so they followed me here and gave me my time to get in here.” “I can’t face them. They probably hate me.” “Hate, no. Pissed as hell, yes. But, you did it so you have to live with them comin in here to check on you.” I shake my head. “Can’t you just tell them I’m a hot mess and need to be alone?” “No, because I’m stayin with you tonight.” It’s like they knew they should knock now, because that’s what I hear. “Now, that’s them at the door. I’ll be right back.” He puts me down and I make a run for my bathroom to check my appearance. I hear him open the door and I hear light murmurings. I try to brush through my hair and sweep it up into a messy bun on top of my head. I wipe off the dried makeup from my face and brush my teeth. Before I can finish I hear a knock at the bathroom door. “Coming.” I hear a soft chuckle because he can probably tell I’m brushing my teeth. What? Dental hygiene is important! I did all I could do to prolong this wonderful chat with Preston’s family, so I open the door and face the wrath of the Bennett’s. I walk out with my best puppy dog eyes and give them everything I have in my prepared speech. In all fairness it is like 1:30 in the morning. “Ok, before anyone says anything I have something to say.” I pause to make sure I have their attention. Once I see they are all staring at me I start, “First, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about the whole James situation. Grant you freaked me right the heck out. I lost it. Apparently, your brother is living in a state of delusion where he seems to think we make perfect sense. I can’t help that he is crazy. I will; however, be jumping along for the crazy ride for however long that may be. Second, I shouldn’t have run off and that is on me. I really do feel bad about that. I did call Preston though because above all I didn’t want any of you to worry. That’s all I have.” I see a few smirks and one smile (that was Preston). First they were standing still and the next thing I knew I was being swarmed into a group hug. What is happening? I flinch a little when they start walking toward me, but soon realize their intent so I hold it together. That is until Grant starts to talk. “Sis, I’m sorry I freaked you out. Swear to Christ if you do anything like this again you will answer to me. You’re lucky Preston was the first one to come in here.” I shake my head and start to lose it again. I burst into tears and I went from three sets of Bennett’s arms to just one set. I take in a deep breath and can smell Preston. My breathing evens out as Asher starts to talk. “Sweetheart, you had us all worried, but since we can clearly see you’re alive and well we will get out of your hair. We want you two to be happy. Anything we can do to make sure that happens will be done. I heard one thing in your speech that I didn’t like though. My son isn’t living in a state of delusion where you two don’t make sense. I’m worried about where you are living where the two of you don’t make sense.” Well, that was really nice. I leave Preston’s arms and give Asher a big hug. He chuckles lightly as he gives me a kiss on the top of my head. This is what a father should be like. I will save that cry for later. They already think I’m crazy enough. I get three more hugs and with that they are gone. “Preston, I can’t handle all of this. I am on a Bennett niceness overload. Your family is perfect. I don’t know how to react to any of this. My family was nothing like this.” “Baby, come on. Let’s go to bed. You don’t have to process any of this. My family loves you just like me. They have already accepted you into our family. Wait till you meet Ma tomorrow. She will love you.” “I can’t. Your mom will be perfect. I just know it.” “Baby, bed. Now. I’m beat, and we have a busy day tomorrow.” I nod my head. “Are you hurt anywhere?” “I’m achy but not hurt. We’re all good.” I nod and change into pajamas. I crawl into bed beside Preston. Something that I have never done before tonight. This is not the same as curling on the couch and sleeping. I don’t have time to process it though because Preston presses a kiss to my temple, says good night, and pulls me close. Sleep follows shortly after.<
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  Chapter Eight


  “Adeline, come on. You’ve changed four times. It’s my mom, not the pope.” This woman is killing me. She walks out in cute capri pants and a bright yellow flowy top. She has on high heels that still don’t bring her to meet my eyes. “You look great. The hair babe. Awesome.” She gives me a smile as we head out the door. I make the short drive to my parents for lunch and I can see her leg jumping up and down. My girl is nervous. Cute. “Babe, she’s going to love you. I’m actually surprised she didn’t just show up at your office to meet you already. My dad and brothers have talked about you nonstop. This is great.” “I know, but I don’t have experience with moms. I didn’t even get along with my own. What if she hates me?” “She’s not going to hate you. I promise. Please relax.” I hear her take in a deep breath and let it out. I squeeze her thigh as we pull into the driveway. I get out of the car and make my way to her door and get her out of the car. I hold her hand the whole way up to the front door. Before I can even go for the handle the door is flung open and my mom is standing there with a big smile on her face. Christ, total goof.


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