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Page 9

by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter Eleven


  Her words are music to my ears. I can’t help the smile that spreads over my face. “Babe, I’m sorry this isn’t exactly a romantic proposal. I have a surprise for you waiting at home though. Are you ready to go?” “Yea, I’m ready just one more thing.” And she starts to lean up into me so I bend to meet her as our lips meet in the middle. She gives me a kiss that tells me she is putting her trust in me 100%. All it does is reassure me that I’m making the right move here. She is it for me. I can’t believe I’m going to be a Dad. My parents are going to freak out. If you would’ve told me three months ago that in this time period, I would be living with the mother of my child and getting ready to get married by the end of this week I would’ve laughed in your face. Now, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. I’m mortified of course, what if I’m not a good dad. No, I will do everything in my power to be a good Dad. I break the kiss and pull her out of the office. No one knows what just went down so we won’t celebrate until I get that ring on her finger. We’re in the car and she finally says something, “Adrionna is going to freak out.” I chuckle. “In a good way I hope.” “She has met you once, and she loved you for me. She’s been out of town so much though she was upset she didn’t get to know you better.” “We have the rest of our lives, baby.” I hear her sigh contently and that is when I know without a doubt we are exactly where we are supposed to be.


  I cannot believe that we are going to be getting married. First, if Preston really does have a ring that means that he really did plan on proposing to me. That is insane to me. It’s not about the baby, he actually just wants to marry me. We ride the rest of the way home holding hands and I can’t help the calming feeling that comes over me. I press my other hand to my lower stomach as I sigh. This is all really happening and by the end of this week I will be Mrs. Preston Bennett. To this I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “What are you thinking about over there?” “How happy you make me. I know this isn’t how everything was planned, but I am happier now than I have ever been in my entire life. I will protect this baby with everything I have.” “I know you will baby, and I will protect the both of you with everything I have.” I lean over and kiss his cheek before settling back into my seat. We pull up to the house and I see a swarm of paparazzi. The amount has only gone up with the fights that Preston has won. “I know this is a lot to ask of you babe, but they come with me.” “If that is your only downside Preston I think I can hack it.” I shoot him a big smile as we pull through the gate. We make sure that the gate is closed and no one snuck in before getting out of the car. We head to the door and Jonesy opens it to us. We walk in and the next thing I know I am on the ground. Once again, being licked to death. Champ loves me. “Champ Off. Baby, are you ok?” He asks as he pulls me up off the ground running his hands all over me to make sure I’m not hurt. “I’m good Preston. He didn’t hurt me.” “I know but…” “It’s good. We’re good.” We don’t need Jonesy knowing before all of this is ok. I shoot him a reassuring smile as I bend down and start to pet Champ. He finally walks around and pulls me back to my feet. “Baby, leave Champ I have a surprise for you.” We walk into the kitchen and I see a candle lit dinner set at the table. We go to sit and he pulls out my chair for me. I sit down, but Preston doesn’t. He walks away and comes back holding a bouquet of wildflowers. “They’re beautiful Pres. Thank you.” “Anything to make you smile, baby.” I shoot him a smile as I stand up to get the vase. “I’ll get the vase and water. You sit.” I shake my head and let out a small laugh. I guess he is going to be one of those super protective types. Go figure, right? I stay seated and he comes back with water and a vase. We eat a wonderful meal that Jonesy prepared for us, and we talk away as if life isn’t throwing a bunch of crap at us. We discuss the wedding and he asks what I want. “If Vegas isn’t what you want, we can do it anywhere. I just want it to happen as soon as possible.” “I just want you. I was never dreaming of a wedding as a little girl Preston. If you’re at the end of whatever aisle I’m walking down that’s all that matters to me.” He gives me his million-dollar smile as we finish up our dinner. He takes my hand and says “Dessert will be served in a little bit. There is something I need you to see.” He walks me up to our bedroom and I stop dead. There are candles and rose petals everywhere. I shake my head as tears hit my eyes. “I wanted you to know what I thought you deserved. I didn’t want you to think this is about the baby. I will love that baby no matter what. I already loved you though and I had told my brother before I even found out about the baby that I was going to marry you.” With that he drops down on one knee and pulls a box out of his nightstand. Oh my goodness, he was serious. “Adeline Granger, will you marry me?” My mouth gapes open as he pops open the ring box. I don’t even notice the ring as I nod my head yes and say, “Yes of course I’ll marry you.” He stands up, pulls me into his arms, and spins me around. I start laughing and crying at the same time as he pulls my left hand and places the ring on my finger. That is when I get a good look at the ring. “Preston, oh my gosh. No.” “What do you mean, no? Do you not like it?” “Preston, it’s too much.” It really is. It’s huge. I can’t even imagine how much this ring cost him. “I would’ve been fine with just wearing a wedding band. I don’t need all of this.” “I know you don’t need it all Adeline. You deserve all of this and more. Plus, when guys look at you and see that they will have no doubt that you are taken. That to me is most important for when I can’t be there to prove it.” I shake my head at his cavemaness. “You’re crazy, Preston Bennett.” “And you just agreed to be Mrs. Crazy Bennett.” “That I did. Thank you Preston it really is beautiful.” I have no clue about anything “diamond” wise, but even I know this thing is big. I throw my arms around his neck and he meets me half way for a kiss that will tell him how thankful I really am that all of this is happening. “Babe, we gotta let the family know, but I thought tonight could be ours. Is that ok?” “Yea, of course.” That is when I start to think about the people that will be at our wedding. This is also when I start to lose it. I have no one. Adrionna is the only family I have. Preston is giving me so much, and I am bringing nothing to the table. “Addy, what just happened? Are you ok?” “N-n-n-no.” He pulls me back into his arms as I begin to sob again. I wish I could say that I thought this was due to hormones. Unfortunately, I think this one is just me. “Baby, you need to calm down. Tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it.” “I don’t have anyone.” “You have me. What do you mean?” “I was thinking about the happiest moments in my life and besides you, your family, and Adrionna I have no one that I would want to be there. I don’t have a mom and dad to bring to the table that would make good grandparents to our baby. I have no brothers or sisters that will spoil our child, or nourish our love, and watch us grow together. I have one best friend who is rarely around. You bring everything with you. I bring nothing. I just need you to realize what you are getting yourself into. I don’t want to live a life of looking over my shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. We don’t know where James is, my parents will eventually be let out of prison, and it’s not fair for me to ask you to live like that. You’re smart, handsome, you excel in your career, and you’re a good person. What do I have to offer you?” There it is. I said it. It’s out there. He needs to know what he is getting into even if it means he will take back everything he has just offered me. I hear him sigh heavily as he sits down on the bed. He indicates for me to come sit in his lap. I go right to him and snuggle in. “Addy, you really don’t get it do you? You have completely flipped my world upside down. You could’ve come to me with no job, no home, no car, no one, and I would be exactly where I am right now. It’s you. It doesn’t matter what you bring with you. The only person I want is you. No one else matters now. Yes, I have a great family and they love you. They will become yours. This is true, but that doesn’t make you love me does it?” “No.” “Exactly, you don’t love me for all the things I�
�m bringing to you. You love me because for you, it’s me. Just like for me it’s you. I’m sorry that you don’t have a mom and dad that you would call and tell that you are getting married. I’m also sorry that you don’t have parents that we would introduce to our babies. We will just have to love them all the more for what is missing there. To that I am sure we will.” He always knows exactly what to say. “How do you do that?” “Do what, baby?” “Take everything bad and make it good.” “I just hate to see you like that. I always want you to be happy.” “I want to be able to do that for you.” “You still must not get it. You are that for me. You have been from the minute that I sat down in front of you at Ed’s.” That was so sweet. I shake my head and let out a little laugh. “There she is.” With that he starts kissing down my neck. To say that we got a lot of sleep tonight would be a lie.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” “Preston, I’m coming. Geeze.” “Babe, it’s a week away. We’re not moving.” “I know, but I want to have options.” I can see him shaking his head at me. “Preston, don’t shake your head at me. We’re getting married and then having our honeymoon. I want to have everything I could need there.” “Yes, we are. But our honeymoon isn’t in a remote area. If we forget something, then we buy it.” “But, why buy something when we already have it here.” “Ok, ok. Is this everything?” “Yes, that is the last bag…I think.” Ok, so really I’m sort of freaking out. Preston has had all of my stuff moved into his house and my house is on the market. All of this has been done in three days and we are getting married tomorrow before Preston’s fight. “Babe. Please make this the last bag. I promise if we need anything we will just get it there.” “Fine. Let’s go. Is Jonesy watching Champ?” “No, I hired someone else to come in. I want Jonesy there with us for our wedding day. He’s been a part of my family for the last six years.” “Good, that’s great.” “Hey, this is all good right? I don’t want you stressed out.” “I’m not. I’m excited.” He shakes his head because he knows I’m clearly lying. “I will be glad when the day is here and we are married.” “I can’t wait for you to be my wife.” “I can’t wait for you to be my husband. Can I confess something though?” “Anything.” “I have never flown before. I am mortified. Especially with the amount I have been getting sick. Being around your whole family someone is going to clue in on this you know that right? We are supposed to wait almost seven more weeks.” “You’ve never been on a plane?” “Is that seriously all you got out of this conversation?” “Well, yea. You’re twenty-five years old and you’re just now taking your first airplane ride. You didn’t think to tell me this, oh I don’t know, before we were leaving for the airport?” “What were you going to do drive me there?” “If you wanted me to. Yes.” “Preston, I may be mortified, but you’ll be there with me so I’ll be fine. Adrionna is meeting us there tomorrow, so that gives me something to look forward to. I’ll be good I promise.” “The sick thing. First, can I say again how sorry I am that you are so sick? Second, we will figure that all out, but really we could just say that you obviously aren’t a good flyer and I’m sure they will buy that.” Sick, is literally an understatement. Most people don’t even know that they’re pregnant at this point, but me? My body has decided it is going to rebel against itself. Not that I mind. If it means that my baby is happy and growing in there I will throw up every day for the rest of these seven months. “Preston, you need to stop apologizing for me being sick. You do realize that this really isn’t your fault right?” To this, the same as always, his eyebrows shoot up and he says, “I’m fairly certain I had a part in it. If not, then we need to be having a different kind of conversation.” “Oh, yes. How without you it would’ve been an immaculate conception.” To this he laughs. “Ok let’s go before I get sick again. How long is the flight again?” “It is only about two and a half hours; we will be there before you know it.” He kisses my forehead and drags me through the house to the SUV. In no time at all we arrive at the airport and board our plane. His mom, dad, and both brothers are coming to this fight mostly because of the wedding. I seriously can’t believe that after tomorrow I am going to be a married woman. I know I keep reiterating that, but you have to understand that not too many times in my life has something good happened. Now, I have three good things happening at once. My career is taking off, I am marrying Preston, and I am also carrying his baby. Happiness is flowing through my veins right now. Which is good, because as soon as the seatbelt sign goes off I spend most of the flight back and forth between my first class seat and the bathroom. Apparently, flying really doesn’t agree with me or the baby. I get back to the seat and Grant turns around to face me. “Addy, if you don’t stop doing that I think that Preston may freak out.” “What do you mean?” “He looks ready to kill the stomach bug that has you right now.” “Oh, I think it’s just the flight. I’ve never flown before. Preston, I’m fine.” “Wait, you’ve never flown before? Someone get this girl a drink.” I think I just heard Preston growl. “No, if I add alcohol onto this upset stomach it will only make it worse.” I can see Preston is ready to jump out of his skin. As if I would’ve taken the drink anyways. “Ok, how about a Dramamine. If I would’ve known, I would’ve given it to you before we left.” “Nah, I don’t like to take medicines that make me out of it. We’re almost there. I’ll make it.” Preston puts his arm around me and pulls me into his side. With all of the throwing up and dry heaving I’ve been doing it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.


  Good God. My brother. Offering her alcohol and then drugs. Seriously? Try keeping this a secret much longer and someone is going to realize what is going on. The next seven weeks or so cannot go fast enough. I can’t wait to tell everyone that we’re having a baby. Christ if she gets sick again though I may crawl out of my skin. I finally hear her breathing even out and I hope she sleeps the rest of the flight. My poor baby. She’s been so sick for the last three days, and I am so helpless in the whole ordeal. It’s not like I can throw up for her. I’m pulled from my thoughts when the stewardess comes to our row. “Sir, did you need anything?” I look around because she hasn’t asked anyone else if they need anything. “Actually, can you get me a cold cloth please?” “Sure, anything for you Preston Bennett.” That’s when I hear Addy. “Oh God. I’m sick not dead. I’m also sitting right here.” To this I see Gavin and Grant’s shoulders bouncing as they fight back their laughter. Addy continues. “Can’t you tell the cold cloth is for me?” The stewardess looks so caught off guard and I give her a look that says Addy is right. I mean come on, my arms are wrapped around her. She doesn’t say anything she just walks off and brings back the cold cloth. I set it on Addy’s neck and Addy says, “Thank you, ma’am. I would appreciate next time no flirting with my fiancé.” Geeze, jealous Addy even sick is hot. This time I bite back the laughter and I see once again Gavin and Grant laughing. The stewardess walks off and I hear Addy mutter “I can’t wait until you have ring on your finger, so these bitches will back off.” Gavin turns in his seat and says “Down girl. Preston only has eyes for you.” I feel her shake her head and I hold her tight until the captain calls that we are coming in for a landing. Thank God I think her stomach has finally calmed down. I’ll get her to the hotel and get her settled so she can calm her stomach. She needs to eat though. “Addy, baby. You gotta wake up we’re landing.” “I’m up. I think that if I don’t move though I won’t get sick again.” “Do you feel like you’re going to get sick?” “It’s hard to say.” I sigh heavily. Please don’t get sick. “If I do it will just be dry heaving. I don’t have anything left in me.” “We’ll get you something light to eat when we get to the hotel baby. I promise we’ll get you all squared away.” “Preston, I’m fine.” “Yes, clearly.” This of course was Grant. “Grant, don’t mess with her right now.” “I wasn’t. I was just saying clearly she is not fine.” He seriously makes me want to punch him. We all can obviously see that she is not ok. The pl
ane lands and thankfully we get Addy off the plane with no more sickness. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for getting her out of the airport. She got sick 2 more times before we could even get to the limo. She finally lets me carry her the rest of the way out because she is so weak. I seriously hate this. I get her into the limo and everyone is in there with us. No one is saying much because they know that Addy is really sick. She snuggles into me and I literally feel like she’s trying to burrow her way into my body. My mom and dad look on with worried faces and of course Addy being Addy reassures them all that she is just fine. We pull up outside the hotel and Addy asks if I will let her walk. I reluctantly agree, but tell her “If it looks like you’re struggling I’m just going to pick you up and I don’t want to hear a damn word about it.” She nods and gives me a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. God I hate that. I get us checked in and leave my brothers and mom to do the rest while I get us upstairs. As soon as we reach the hallway I pick her up again and carry her into the room. I lay her down on the bed and get her settled when the bellman brings the bags up. We’re in the penthouse so the elevator brings you right into our room. “Addy, I have to go make sure everyone is settled and knows when to be where. Is there anything for tomorrow that you need my mom to do for you?” “No, I’ll be ok here in a couple hours and I can finalize everything.” “Addy, it’s ok to ask for help.” “I’ll take your mom with me. But, I want to be there to finish everything for our wedding.” That makes me smile. “I love the sound of that.” “Of what?” “Our wedding.” This gets me a little smile and I see her fighting to stay awake. “Sleep Addy. Then you can wake up and shower and do whatever you need to do.” She gives a short nod as she closes her eyes. It doesn’t take long for her breathing to even out. I head down to my parent’s room to get them set with everything they need. “Ma, Addy is sleeping, but she insists on being there to finalize everything for our wedding. She’s gonna come down and get you when she’s ready if that ok.” “That’s perfect I’m so excited to be a part of it all.” “She’s gonna need you through this. You’re the only mother figure in her life.” “It’s just too bad that someone as sweet as Addy had to go through something like that to get her to us.” “I know. I think about that every day.” We both sigh and I hug her as I go to walk away she stops me and says “You know; you couldn’t have picked better. We all love her.” “I know. I love her too.” I see the tears in her eyes as I pull her in for another hug. “What’s all this sissy stuff going on?” “Asher do not ruin the moment I’m having with my oldest son. He’s getting married tomorrow.” “Yea, married. He’s not dyin. Plus, we gain Addy as a permanent fixture. This is all good.” “These are happy tears.” I pass my mom over to dad and head back upstairs to make sure she is ok. When I enter the room I realize she is not in bed and I hear the shower running. I shake my head. She just couldn’t lay down for even an hour. I hear the water shut off and I see her get out of the shower. God she’s beautiful. “Hey, you’re back.” “Hey yourself. Why aren’t you laying down?” “Couldn’t sleep anymore and my stomach was feeling much better. I figure I should get a start on everything.” “Ok, but only if you’re sure.” “I am. Is your mom expecting me?” “Yep, whenever you’re ready. The color is already back in your cheeks. I’m so glad baby.” “Me too. That was awful.” “I’m sorry I didn’t think…” “This isn’t your fault Pres. I’m good. This happens. We’re all good.” I give her a nod and head to take my own shower. When I get out she is gone, but she left me a note.


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