Book Read Free


Page 18

by Tricia Wagner


  I wake up to an empty bed. The sun looks like it is about to go down and I have a wonderful soreness between my thighs that tells me exactly how I spent my day. Throwing on some yoga shorts and a tank top I walk downstairs to find Preston and some dinner. Since I haven’t spent all of my free time throwing up I actually do enjoy eating quite a bit. I hear a light murmur and it sounded like it was coming from Preston’s office. I got closer when I heard “Just setup the interview and I will see if it will work. Until then I want Jerrica’s ass for this.” Great. After the day I had I really don’t want to be worrying about something she is doing. “She took pictures; shit seriously you think this is something I want to have to explain to my wife who needs to be keeping calm?” Ok, more serious than I thought. What could he possibly need to explain to me though? I mean, unless something really did happen between the two of them. No, Preston would have no need to lie about that. I really shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I couldn’t help myself. “Cass, you need to fix this and you need to have done that yesterday. We should’ve seen this coming with the way she was acting. I figured if Addy wasn’t complaining then I had no need to really be worried about it. I need to make sure my wife is safe. Not worried about someone in our house taking pictures of us while we’re together. Intimate or just being here we don’t need that. So I need you to not only get the pictures and make sure they aren’t shared, but I need you to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” Oh. My. God. No. Seriously, pictures of Preston and I when we are at our most intimate? That’s just, completely terrible. “When found, we’re pressing charges. This cannot be happening.” I close my eyes tight and fight not to cry. I need to walk away from here and try and start doing something in the kitchen. I lightly walk away and start looking for something to cook for dinner. I find some steaks because I know he will want meat and I get out all the veggies we picked from my house before it sold. I won’t be able to plant a garden here until next year and I can’t wait for that time. I start to put together a salad and get out some potatoes. I will just do a baked potato. As soon as Preston is finished he can come out and grill the steaks up. I pull out some green beans and get those started. Dessert. Yes, I need chocolate. Hmmm. Brownies. I go to the pantry and pull out all the ingredients so I can make homemade brownies. I am just about to preheat the oven when I hear footsteps coming my way. He probably heard me beating and banging around in here. I feel two arms wrap around me and plant their hands right on my little belly bump. “Honey, I could’ve made us something. You have to be tired.” “Actually, I had a wonderful nap after a delicious afternoon.” He kisses the back of my neck and sends shivers down my spine. He turns me around and I can see his eyes trying to read my mood. Before he can start talking I start first. “I figured you could grill the steaks up and I’ll get everything setup to eat on the patio?” “Sounds good honey.” Is he not going to tell me what’s going on? I give him a short nod and turn back to finish setting the oven. I move out of his arms and head over to my mixer. I throw in all the ingredients and start that. I get out my pan all while he is just standing there looking at me. “Preston. The grill?” “Adeline look at me.” Shit. I am such a sucky liar. I look at him and I see him close his eyes and take in a breath. “How much did you hear baby?” “I didn’t mean to hear; I was coming to find you so we could make dinner together. I only heard a bit and then I walked back out here to start dinner. Something about Jerrica and pictures, that’s all I know.” “I don’t care that you listened. It has to do with you so you should know I was just kinda hoping I could have a solution figured out before I had to tell you what was going on.” I give out a little sigh wishing that what he just said didn’t mean he doesn’t have a solution. “I’m going to fix it.” “Can I help fix it?” “I really don’t want you stressed out about this Adeline.” “I know you don’t, but I seem to recall something in our vows about for better or for worse?” “I know, I know. God this is so hard. I feel like I have completely failed here.” “Preston, that can’t be true. Can you please just tell me what is going on?” “Jerrica took pictures of us. Lots of pictures of us. She is trying to get money out of us or she is going to sell them.” “What kind of pictures.” “I don’t know the extent of it yet, but Cassie says it is not good.” I close my eyes and take in everything he just said. I take in a breath and slowly let it out. This seriously can’t be happening. “So, what do we do? Do we pay her?” “No, because if we pay her how do we know she won’t just save a copy and keep them for a time when she needs more money?” “So we let her sell them to someone else?” “I think we have a pretty decent plan. I also think that Jeff is going to help I just haven’t figured out how we’re going to do it.” Jeff, well that sounds like a simple solution. “So Jeff is going to “buy” the pictures?” “Possibly? We’re going to need to sit down with Cassie, my lawyers, Coach, Gavin, Grant, and my Dad.” “Ok, so we should set that up soon.” “Tonight. After you get your brownies.” “I don’t think I can eat now.” “I’m going to cook these steaks and you’re going to eat.” I roll my eyes as Preston tags the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. “We’re going to fix it Addy. You have my word.” “I know, but what if the pictures are really bad. I don’t want those out there for our kids to find one day.” “I don’t want that either baby. No one will see you.” “Except Cassie already has.” “Yea, but Cassie has stuff like this happen all the time. She is immune to any of it.” I still don’t feel comfortable with her seeing all parts of me and Preston. I need to see these pictures so I know what we’re up against here. “Will she be bringing the pictures?” He sighs and nods. “You can’t let your brothers or your dad see those!” “They won’t. They are coming here though, so we gotta get a move on.” “Fine.” I turn around and pour my batter into a dish and throw it in the oven. Damn chocolate needs to cook fast. Preston walks off with the steaks and within a half hour we are eating on the patio. Mid-meal the doorbell goes off. “Is Jonesy here?” “Yea.” I give a nod and keep eating because once I started I wanted more. I ate one and a half steaks, with my baked potato and a huge salad. Yum. Grant and Gavin walk in and sit down at the table with us. “Hey sis. How are my nephews growing in there?” I stick my tongue out at him. “Your nieces are growing beautifully. I however am just growing.” Preston just shakes his head at me. He knows I don’t care if they are boys or girls I just want them to be healthy. I like to use it to give Gavin a hard time. “Are you hungry?” “No, we’re good.” I look to Grant who is looking at Gavin. “How do you know I’m not hungry?” “We aren’t here to eat Grant.” Geeze. “Grant seriously are you hungry?” “Nah, I’m good. I just ate.” “See, twin telepathy. I knew he wasn’t hungry.” I shake my head at him and get up to take my plate in. I grab a brownie, or two and stick them in a bowl. I get out my ice cream and chocolate syrup and dish that out in my bowl too. I heat up the syrup and slap that on top. Next comes the cool whip on top. I walk out and sit down at the table and start digging in. It takes me a minute before I realize no one is saying anything. I look up to see all of the Bennett brothers looking at me. “What?” They all shake their heads and laugh. “Ok, seriously? I’m allowed my brownie sundae. Don’t make me feel guilty.” That’s when Preston gets close and kisses my lips licking the side. “You had some hot fudge.” I shake my head at him as his brothers make a scoffing noise. I just laugh. Woops. I keep eating until every last bite is gone. “Did you want any?” I ask innocently looking at these men who probably don’t ever eat like I just ate. I like to indulge what can I say? “Addy, I just gained ten pounds watching you eat that.” “Oh, please. You’re at the gym almost as much as Preston.” “Yea, but I don’t have an excuse of two little ones growing in me.” “It isn’t an excuse! I don’t do this every day.” Gavin shoots up an eyebrow at me and I can’t even help it I start to cry. I really don’t want to get huge, but sometimes I like to indulge in more than what I should. Especially now that I can eat without throwing up. “Jesus.” This was G
avin. “I’m done eating. I don’t want to eat ever again.” “Gavin seriously?” This was Preston. He stands up and kneels down beside my chair. “Baby, you had a brownie sundae. I think you’re allowed. Even if you weren’t having my babies you would be allowed to have dessert. There is nothing wrong with it Gavin is just being a dick.” “I don’t want to get huge.” I stand up and walk back into the house. I know I’m being stupid, but I honestly can’t help it. The hormones raging through my body are insane. I walk straight upstairs to the bedroom where I head into the closet. I need to put something presentable on for when Cassie gets here. I find one of my maxi dresses and throw it on. I guess it’s time to go shopping. I need to workout at the gym first thing tomorrow though. I walk out of the closet and into my bathroom. I fix my makeup from where I messed it up all day today. I throw a little bit of spray in my hair and head out the door to go back downstairs. Before I can do that I run right into a brick wall. “Pres, please let’s just get this over with.” “No we need to have a conversation.” Great. “Preston, I just fixed my makeup please don’t make me cry again.” “I’m not going to make you cry. I need you to listen to me and I need you to really hear me.” “What?” Yes, I snapped. I can’t help it. “Adeline, you could gain three hundred pounds and I still wouldn’t say a word if you were happy. You can eat whatever you want, and I know you know your own limits. If you want a fuckin brownie you’re going to eat a brownie. My brother was being a jackass. He doesn’t know how pregnancy hormones work.” “Oh and you do?” “I don’t know everything, but I know more than my brother does since I’ve been dealing with them now for about sixteen weeks.” He really needs to just walk away now. “Oh, so now I’m something you’ve been dealing with for sixteen weeks? I’m so sorry that this is such a hardship for you!” Yes, ok I’m yelling, but in my defense that was rude. “Adeline, you know exactly what I mean.” “Yeah, I’m afraid I do. Don’t worry you don’t have to worry about dealing with me at all.” To this I throw him off by shoving passed him to get out of the room. I scurry downstairs not wanting him to catch me. I hear the doorbell go off and I head straight for the door. “Cassie, Asher please come in. We can sit and talk wherever you’re most comfortable.” “I have my laptop so anywhere is good.” I nod and direct her in. Asher stops and looks into my eyes “We’re going to fix this dear daughter.” I am not going to cry. “Thanks Asher. I know you will.” It came out as a barely there whisper. “What happened to dad? You were callin me that for the last few times I saw you and I gotta say I liked it.” Well, I guess that slipped my mind while I was thinking about not being married to Preston anymore. To this his mouth drops open and so does mine. I didn’t think I said that out loud. He lets me go and walks right into the house. “What the hell is going on? What did you do?” Yep, I definitely said it out loud. I hurry in behind him to do some damage control “Asher, I mean dad. I was just venting to myself in my head. It’s not that serious I’m just being a girl. A hormonal one at that.” “What just happened?” This was Grant. “Nothing.” Of course Asher doesn’t leave it at that. “Preston, wanna tell me why my daughter-in-law looks like she just finished crying. I know it’s not about this crap with Jerrica because she knows we will fix it.” Well, that’s partly true. “I said something stupid.” This came from Gavin. “I was giving her a hard time like we always do, but I took it too far. Then I got Preston in trouble because you know how he stumbles over his words when he’s pissed off, and he said something stupid.” “I didn’t say something stupid, she just took it wrong.” “Oh so this is my fault now? How else was I supposed to take that Preston?” I give him a pointed look as he says “I’m done talking; it just gets me in trouble.” Probably his best option. I let out a little frustrated yell and walk away to sit with Cassie in the family room. I get out my phone and pray to God that Adrionna is back in town today. I shoot her a text asking if we could go shopping tonight so I can get out of the house. Of course she comes back with a scream in a text saying finally and yes of course. Sweet. So now I’ll have clothes to fit me. “Cass, can you show me the pictures. I am so sorry you have to deal with this.” “Please, don’t apologize. Your privacy has been violated here. It’s not like you were doing this in a public place. Which I’ve had to deal with before. Trust me, this is completely fine and we will make sure it’s taken care of. I don’t want you worrying about this honey.” Well that was sweet. She sets the laptop in my lap and clicks the button. She doesn’t look with me and I make sure that no one is behind me. I go through them and each one I go through is worse than the one before. I can’t believe this is happening. There we are up against the wall in Preston’s living room. Oh my God. That’s Preston changing the sheets. The caption under this one says about me being a virgin. I’m going to be sick. I stand up and run out of the room as I hear Cassie yelling my name. She took pictures of me losing my virginity. A moment that I thought was just ours and there is photographic evidence to say that someone else was either there or had a camera setup. How is this even possible? I feel someone sweep my hair up off of my neck. I throw up one more time and sit back on my heels. I look up with watery eyes as Preston hands me a bottle of water. I sip at it as I calm my stomach down. He brushes my hair out of my face and pulls me up to my feet. “Baby, we’re going to fix it.” “She has pictures of me losing my virginity. The absolute most intimate scene of my entire life and she has it documented. Was she here when it happened?” I see Preston’s face get hard. “We think she had a camera setup. I already have Gavin’s team sweeping the house for cameras or bugs. They started outside because you didn’t get that far in the pictures, but there are pictures even today of you sleeping by the pool.” Lovely. I shake my head and shiver. “I don’t know if I can ever sleep here again.” “We will deal with this appropriately. If there are any issues after this is handled, I will sell it and we will buy another house.” I sigh. I love this house, but how can I ever feel safe knowing that someone has been watching me for the last fifteen weeks of my life. I grab onto Preston’s shirt and sob. Why is it that we turn a corner and something else happens? I just don’t know how to make myself feel ok about this. Preston holds on tight and I almost forget about what he said to me earlier. “I’m still mad at you.” “I know. I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to sound the way it did. I was wrong to say anything like that at all.” I pull out of his arms and swipe the makeup out from under my eyes. “No one can see these pictures Preston. I need to see the rest.” “I don’t know if that’s necessary baby.” “My mind will mess with me if I don’t Preston. Please.” He gives me a short nod even though I know he doesn’t agree. He pulls me back into the room where I see all the Bennett’s with hard looks on their faces. “Can I ask something?” They all slowly nod. “Please tell me you don’t have to look at these pictures.” “We don’t have to look at them sweetheart. We know the gist of them and that’s all we need to know.” “Preston, earlier I heard you say something about pursuing this legally?” “Yea.” “People will have to look at them then?” “Let’s take this one step at a time.” Great, that means someone will have to look at them. I grab the laptop again and start scrolling through. I swear this time looking at them I am not upset I am just pissed way the fuck off. Sorry that was necessary. I feel my body begin to shake when I hear Preston, “Adeline, you need to calm down.” “How can I calm down? These pictures are of our most intimate moments.” That’s when I hear “Why are you letting her go through these?” I turn to look and see that Willy had joined the party at some point. “Willy, don’t you dare start. I need to see them.” Preston gives him a look that says, “That’s why.” And I continue through. Hundreds of pictures. Thousands maybe. That’s when I see some pictures that I feel she couldn’t possibly have had. “Preston?” “Yea?” “Did you go through all of these?” “Not all of them, I got the basics and stopped why?” “Oh my god.” But it came out as a whisper. “Preston, she was there when I was kidnapped.” “What?” He comes over and takes the laptop from me. The pict
ure is of James on top of me in the warehouse. I now start to shake for a different reason. “Was she helping James? Is that how he knew where to find me?” I hear Cassie gasp as she looks at the picture I was just looking at. I feel Preston sit down next to me as Grant starts talking “These pictures are evidence in a case again James. If she was there then she is an accessory to kidnapping. We need to find her.” “She was at home when I called her earlier. I heard the train going by.” Grant gives a nod as he walks out of the room. “If she’s arrested we can search her place and get all the copies we can find.” “She’s not dumb. I don’t think she would’ve kept them all in her apartment.” “Yea, but she is an accessory to kidnapping. She won’t be getting out for quite a while.” I seriously cannot believe this is happening. I see one of Gavin’s men come in from outside and pull Gavin aside. Great. I hear the doorbell go off and I look to Preston. He shakes his head and we hear “What the hell is going on?” Yep. Adrionna. That’s when I hear “Feisty, chill. We’re all good.” “Then why does the Badass Bennett Brigade look on duty.” I forgot I even texted her. “Adrionna now’s not the time.” “I texted her, we’re supposed to be going shopping.” Preston looks at me and I know he knows he can’t not send me. I’ve been putting this off for the last week and a half. I only have one outfit and my dresses that fit me. “You’re taking a car and security.” “What?” This was Adrionna. “Adrionna come here.” This was Gavin. She looks at him like there is no way in hell she’s going to him, but apparently the look on his face left no room for argument because he pulled her from the room. Lovely. I look to Preston, “I need clothes Pres.” “I know, and if I didn’t think telling you that you can’t go would set us back with the day we’re already having I would tell you that you’re staying home.” I stand up to go into the kitchen and grab Adrionna. I will let these guys handle the current situation that I can’t wrap my head around. I realize pretty quickly that I should’ve stayed in the family room. I enter the kitchen and see Adrionna on the counter with Gavin between her legs and they are making out. Hard. Before I can stop the words from flowing I gasp and say “Oh shit. Sorry.” I turn and run out of the kitchen. “Addy why the fuck are you running?” “No reason, I’m good.” I turn to see Adrionna coming out of the kitchen completely flushed. Shit. “Adrionna you ready to go?” She looks completely flustered. “Yea, let’s go.” I give her a nod. I kiss Preston and turn to leave. “Babe, you ok?” “Yep all good. Love you.” He looks completely thrown off. “Love you too. Gavin you got a guy that’s goin with them?” “Yea, all set.” Before we can even get out the door I hear Preston ask Gavin “What the fuck just happened?” We don’t hear a response because Adrionna is pulling me out of the house. We get in her car and she drives off before she says a word. “Shit! Addy I am so sorry! I have no idea what happened. One second he was telling me what was going on and the next he was telling me about how they were going to keep you safe and how he would never let anything happen to us. Then it just, it just spiraled from there. Oh my God I cannot believe I just did that. What the hell is Justin going to say?!” Oh yea, in case I forgot to mention Adrionna started dating a guy named Justin. He’s kind of a douche. “Adrionna, chill out for a second. I didn’t know that you and Justin were that serious?” “We’re not, but I don’t think we’re at a stage where we go off and make out with random people in our best friends kitchen.” “Ok, but this happened and it’s done. It’s not like you have feelings for Gavin right?” Silence. Dead silence. Shit again. “Adrionna!” “I know, but I have never, and I do mean never have I ever felt like that while kissing someone.” “Adrionna, we have talked about this.” “I know, it’s nothing. It meant nothing. Let’s just forget it ever happened and get you some new clothes.” We get to the mall and head into Neiman’s. Adrionna leaves me in a dressing room and continues to throw things over the door. Preston told me that I didn’t have a budget he just said to spend away. Little does he know that I do have a budget and I will be buying my new wardrobe not him. I get a crap load of clothes and head to the register with my new purchases. I will never get used to them giving me the total in places like this. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected less than $10,000. I pull out my purse and my debit card is not in my wallet. “Oh my God where is my debit card?” I see the lady behind the counter roll her eyes as if she didn’t expect me to buy this much stuff anyways. I pull out my phone and call Preston. “Hello.” “Hello?” “Addy?” “Uh, yea did you take my debit card?” “Of course I did.” “Of course you did? Preston, you just sent me off to the mall without my debit card.” “Exactly, but you do have the card linked to my account in the back zipper of your purse.” “You cannot be serious.” I hang up the phone and I am not doing this again so I pull out the card and pay for the clothes. Adrionna helps me with the multiple bags to the car and we head back home. Our security obviously tailing us to make sure nothing happened. We get to the driveway and I see that everyone is still there. Crap. “Are you coming in?” “I don’t think so. I have an early flight.” “Adrionna, please don’t distance yourself from me because of what happened.” “You’re right. I’ll come in for a minute to help you put this stuff away and then I’ll get going.” We get out of the car and pull a bunch of bags out of the trunk. We walk in and walk right through the house to the upstairs. I see the guys out on the patio hanging out and probably planning an attack of some sorts. I know Preston knows were here so I just ignore him and walk straight to our room. Adrionna helps me get my stuff into my closet and we head back downstairs. “Stay for a drink?” “No, I really do have an early flight.” “How long will you be gone?” “Just two days.” “Good. We need to have dinner the night you come back.” “Sounds good. I’ll call you when I get in.” I give her a nod and we hug it out. “I’m sorry sweetie.” “For what?” “You seem torn, and I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault.” “It’s not even close to being your fault. I got myself in this situation. I have to go I have to go see Justin.” “You’re still seeing that douchebag?” This came from behind us, and of course it’s Gavin. “Gavin, don’t start with me. I’m out of here Addy girl. Love you.” She bends to my stomach and says “Auntie Adrionna loves you kiddos.” Turns and then she’s out the door. It takes a second for Gavin to look at me and then take off running after her. Less than two minutes later Gavin is walking back into the house. “Shit.” “Yea, shit is right. I cannot believe that you are messing with her head.” “Messing with her head? How am I doing that?” “Gavin. Seriously?” “Yea Addy please tell me what the fuck I did wrong here? I had an opening and I went for it. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since the moment she called me Mr. Badass.” Shit. “I asked you, no I pleaded with you not to get involved with my best friend. Do you remember this conversation?” “Yea, and I tried. I really did. Addy, I have never felt the way I did kissing her tonight. I have wanted to do that since the day I met her. I can’t not pursue it now. Not now that I know what it’s like to kiss her.” Double shit. “I can’t deal with this right now. I have a psycho chick after my man that took intimate pictures of me and my husband, I have parents who could appear at any moment trying to ruin my life. The last thing I need right now is my brother breaking my best friends hea-aaahhhhh.” Oh my God the pain in my stomach is more than I can take standing up. I go down to one knee and the next thing I know I am up and in Gavin’s arms. “Preston!” “Ow, oh my god Gavin get me to the hospital. Something is wrong.” “What’s wrong? What the fuck is going on?” “Hospital she is having pains in her stomach.” Shit not my babies. I’m transferred into Preston’s arms and they take me to the car. Gavin is driving and Preston is in the back with me. He is whispering things in my ear, but I can’t really hear anything because I am in so much pain. This can’t be happening. I can’t lose our babies. Please Lord. We pull up to the ER and Preston has me out of the car and in through the doors in no time. They must see the urgency of the situation and they take me right back. They hook me up and the first thing I notice
is my blood pressure is really high. The Dr. tells us that they are bringing in the sonogram machine and they can get to the bottom of what is going on. He comes back and hooks up the heart monitor then starts the sonogram. I hear a heartbeat, but it’s so hard to tell if there are two. “Are their two? Please tell me you hear a second heartbeat.” I look to the screen as it shows both the babies and you can then start to clearly hear a second heartbeat. “Hear that? Both hearts beating perfectly.” I let out a little sigh as I see my blood pressure slowly get back down to normal. “Mrs. Bennett I must ask what was happening when these cramps came on? Your blood pressure was extremely high when we first hooked you up here.” Shit. Preston is looking at me extremely confused. He doesn’t know that I was fighting with his brother. “She was talking with my brother that’s who was with her when this happened. He was parking the car he should be in any minute.” “I’m here.” “What were you guys talking about when this happened? I need an idea of what kind of situations we need to keep her out of.” I see Gavin physically freaking out. He thinks this is all his fault. “Pres, I was asking him about Jerrica. That’s what it all stemmed from.” A semi-truth, but I can’t let Gavin take a fall for something that we had no idea would happen. “I promise that I will make sure to keep my blood pressure down. I haven’t had another cramp doctor does that mean my babies are ok?” “Yes, they look like they are doing really well. This was a warning though Mrs. Bennett. You need to be extra careful to keep yourself out of these types of situations.” I take in a big breath and let it out slowly as Preston sits there holding my hand. “So does this mean I can go home?” “Yes, I think you are looking ok and if the pain has stopped then we should be all set. If you have any blood I want you in here immediately.” I give him a nod and he says “Mr. Bennett can you come and sign some papers for me?” “Sure.” He stands up kisses my forehead and then walks out the door. I look up to Gavin and he has tears in his eyes. “Addy, Christ I am so sorry. All day I’ve progressively made this worse for you. This is all my fault. When you doubled over I thought...” He doesn’t finish his thought thank God. I can’t even think about the alternative here. “I know Gavin, but listen this is not your fault. Jerrica was the original issue here let’s focus on that.” “This is my fault, my brother is going to kill me.” “Please, this isn’t your fault. We just need to move forward and make sure this never happens again. I can’t lose my babies.” “You won’t Addy. We will make sure that you keep your blood pressure down ok. We got this as a family and I will be the person who is fighting for that the most. More than Preston even.” Preston is never going to let me out of his sight. The doctor comes back in one least time before they release me “Doc?” “Yes.” “What about working out? I do a cardio workout every day. Is that still ok to do?” “Just make sure you are taking it easy while working out. Don’t overdo it.” “Can you tell my husband that this is ok?” “Yes, I sure can.” “Thank you.” He gives a nod as Preston walks back in. “Pres, I just asked him about working out he says I’m clear as long as I don’t overdo it.” “Christ, you’re not going to make this easy are you?” I give him a shake of the head and go to get out of bed. Preston is right there helping me out of the bed and getting ready to help me to the car. Gavin pulls the car up and we are back home in no time. I get out of the car and see the Bennett Brigade standing waiting for us. Shit. I get pulled into a hug from Grant and Asher both and I walk into the house and go straight for my bedroom. I don’t say anything to anyone as I come back down the stairs in comfy clothes. I sit on the couch and pull my legs up into me. I turn the TV on and flip through the channels and put some random reruns of Pretty Little Liars on. I hear murmurings behind me coming from the kitchen, but I don’t pay attention to them. I sit with my hands wrapped around my stomach and my legs pulled into me. What if I had lost one of my babies? I really need to make sure I do everything I can to stay out of these types of situations. I hear the doorbell go off and I hear a frantic Adrionna running toward me. I turn my head just in time for her to drop in front of me and pull me in for a hug. “Addy, what the hell happened? Are you ok?” “Yea I am. We’re good.” I hear movement and I turn to see Justin standing there. This is not happening. “Adrionna what is he doing here?” Yes, I whispered hoping he didn’t hear me. “I was just about to tell him when I got the call and I came right here. He insisted on coming with me to check on you.” I take in a deep breath and let it out as I hear “What the fuck?” I whip my head around and see three pissed off Bennett’s and a confused Papa Bennett. I see a very confused looking Justin because he has no idea what is going on. I stand up from the couch. “Adeline sit down and relax please.” I stay standing, but I am feeling extremely calm. “Preston I’m fine.” “Adrionna what is going on?” This was Justin. Shit. “I hate to be a bitch Justin, but right now I need to talk to you in the kitchen. NO! Not in the kitchen sorry, um I need to talk to you in the foyer.” They walk away and I am stuck getting stares from everyone. God this needs to be done soon. I sit back down on the couch without another word. The next thing I know Preston is crouched down in front of me. “Adeline tell me what is going on.” I snap my head around and look at Gavin. “Eyes, Adeline.” I snap my head back around and look into Preston’s eyes. “Earlier I walked into the kitchen and caught Gavin making out with Adrionna. Obviously, she is with Justin but getting ready to break it off with him because she felt something when they kissed. Gavin felt it too and wanted to pursue it, but I begged him not to. I don’t want my brother or my best friend to get hurt.” “Is this why you were upset to the point of pain earlier? I knew it wasn’t the Jerrica thing. You’re worried about Gavin and Adrionna.” I give a short nod and I see Preston stand up and walk up to Gavin and punch him right in the jaw. I gasp as Asher and Grant jump in pulling them off of each other. This can’t be happening. “Preston this isn’t helping to keep Addy calm.” He looks back over at me as I bend down and try to slow my breathing down. I cannot lose our babies. I need to get out of this atmosphere. I feel Preston get close and I say “Preston, get back. Please.” He steps back because he must hear the conviction in my voice. God why is this happening. He just punched his brother in the face. I stand up and walk to the foyer to find a crying Adrionna, but no Justin. She looks up at me and I see she has a mark on her face. Oh my God I will kill him myself. I pull her into my arms and guide her to the spare bedroom. She runs into the bathroom to get herself pulled together still not speaking. I walk back out into the kitchen and say “I need each of you to remain extremely calm when I tell you what I am about to tell you. Adrionna must’ve told Justin they were over and it looks like he slapped her in the face.” To this, Gavin was gone. Up and out the door. Adrionna came walking back through with a horrible look on her face. I see Grant’s face go tight and Asher jumps into action. “Adrionna did he hit you?” “He backhanded me. I told him that I didn’t want to see him anymore and he told me that people like me don’t break up with people like him.” I close my eyes and breathe. Dear God what is wrong with this world. “Where is Gavin?” “I may have mentioned the bruise on your face and he got up and ran out. “Oh my God he will kill him and then I’ll never see him again. Someone needs to stop him. “We’re on it.” Both Asher and Grant walked out the door next. Shitballs all around. “Adeline, I need you to remain calm please baby.” “I’m really trying here Preston, everything keeps getting worse.” “Adeline, I’m ok and everything will be fine the guys know how to handle Gavin. I just don’t have a way to get home.” “You’re staying here until they get back. Someone will take you home.” I’m sure that’s not what she wanted to hear. She sighs and goes to plop herself down on the couch. I grab an ice pack and head to the couch. Preston is on the phone with someone, but I don’t know who. I am trying to meditate in my mind. It’s not working. I hold the ice pack onto Adrionna’s face as she curls into me. I sigh heavily because unfortunately I know the feeling that she is feeling right now. “Babe, I have to say I did not see this coming. I knew he was a
douche but he seriously did this in the house with a detective, a decorated police office, a bounty hunter, and a heavyweight champion. That not only makes him douche, but a stupid douche at that.” She sighs heavily. “Just so you know he’s never done that before. I told him that I was done and he basically made it clear that we aren’t done. I don’t want Gavin to get into trouble because of this. They have a lot of other things to be worried about right now.” “We will get it all straightened.” She nods as she closes her eyes and falls asleep on my lap as I lightly hold the ice pack on her face. I hear Preston come back into the room and he gets close to my ear. “You ok baby.” I shake my head no and he gives my shoulders a squeeze. He comes around and sits on the opposite side of where Adrionna is. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into him. It doesn’t take long before I am falling asleep as well. I wake to the doorbell and I hear all the guys come walking back into the house. Adrionna is still sound asleep and Gavin comes walking around the couch. “Oh thank God. Are you ok?” “Yea, are you?” “Yea.” Good talk. “I’m going to take her home.” “She has an early flight tomorrow morning. She’s supposed to be in New York tomorrow afternoon.” He gives me a slight nod and he lightly touches her face to wake her up. “Adrionna, sweetie. You need to wake up. I’m going to take you home.” I see her flutter her eyes open. “I can call a cab. You don’t have to do that.” “I’m taking you home that’s the end of the discussion.” She gives a slight nod and sits up. I give her a big hug and we say goodbye as she kisses my belly. With that they were gone. “Babe, can we get you up to bed and resting?” I give him a nod and walk up the stairs. I change into my nightgown and crawl into bed. A few silent tears fall down my face as I wait for Preston to come to bed. He crawls in after hitting the lights, and he pulls me into him gently. His hand resting lightly on my belly he says “Baby, no tears. This is all going to be ok.” I nod into my pillow and pull in a deep breath. “I need to be up early for my workout and then I have a meeting at 8.” “We can discuss your workout in the morning and we will ride into work together then. I have an early training.” “Preston, the doctor said it would be fine. What’s the issue?” “Nothing, I just need you to take it easy for a bit.” “I will take it easy. I have been taking it easy Preston.” “I know, but today you got worked up and scared the shit out of me.” “Preston, I scared the shit out of myself. Do you think I would ever do anything on purpose to put our babies in danger?” “No, I don’t think that. I just want you to take it easy here until we’re in the clear.” I thought we already were. “I will. I still need to get some sort of exercise though Pres, that’s my release.” “Ok, a light workout in the morning?” “Yes.” He gives me a slight squeeze as I slowly drift off to sleep.


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