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6+ Us Makes Eight_A Teacher and Single Dad Romance

Page 33

by Nicole Elliot

  “This is so perfect, thank you Ivy!” I squealed.

  “No problem, I can’t wait to do your hair too.”

  She helped me out of it and then I hung it up and got dressed in my sweats again. It was like everything was coming together. I had figured it all out, it seemed.

  The plans for the ball were all set up, and I actually had something to wear. I could get used to this relaxed feeling. Sure, it wasn’t over. Setup still had to happen and all that, but I could taste the success.

  Ivy forced me into some jeans, so we could go out to dinner. There was this amazing burger place nearby that we always went to, so we sat in there and had a few beers while we watched a soccer game.

  “What the hell are we doing? We don’t watch soccer.” Ivy laughed.

  “I know, but the guys are hot.” I giggled.

  She nibbled on some fries.

  “True. Maybe we should find men. Then we won’t have to use Groupons for dinner.” I laughed at her joke.

  “I don’t care if I ever get rich, I will always coupon.” She clinked her bottle to mine in a cheer.

  “Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I never met Sasha.” I said over the noise of the crowd. It was starting to fill up, so I was glad we picked a seat in the corner.

  “Do you think you wouldn’t have gotten the shop idea?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged, “maybe I would have worked with my dad or something. She showed me what selling the flowers would feel like. I love the feeling.” Ivy looked at me intently.

  “That’s amazing, you know. That you found something that makes you happy. I don’t think you would have been fully satisfied with Botany.” She said with a smirk. I nodded in agreement.

  Chapter Five


  I spent the next few days getting things together for the gala. I had put a rush on a new suit to be tailored. It got there Saturday morning. Mom called to coordinate a limo, I said I would just meet her at the house. When I arrived, Natalie was already there in the foyer.

  “Hey sis, you look beautiful.” I went in for a hug, but she backed away.

  “Don’t wrinkle my dress!” Did silk wrinkle? I made a face and she high fived me instead.

  “You look handsome.” She adjusted my tie. She was a perfectionist. Her hair was perfectly slicked up into a bun, her dress a deep gold color that wrapped around her and made a small train at the end. She wore diamond drop earrings, and that was it for jewelry.

  “Where are Mom and Dad?” I asked her. She pointed to the access door.

  My parent’s estate was something out of a movie. Seven different entrances, if I’m even counting right. Only three bedrooms since we were all gone. But there were three living rooms, two kitchens, a theatre room, and a bonus room. They both had offices in the house as well, equipped with a library. It was the house we grew up in, but they had upgraded things here and there throughout the years.

  “Let’s go then. I want to get this night over with.”

  Chapter Six


  “No, no! That goes here!”

  Man, were some people hard of hearing or what? I was at the venue, supervising the set up. Everything was going fairly well, but sometimes things would end up where they didn’t belong. Maybe the plan I had created was too hard to follow.


  The man apologized. He was fairly young, and he made no secret of staring at my ass in my shorts. I know I have extra curves everywhere, but it isn’t for everyone’s viewing entertainment.

  “And this one should be a little slanted, so it meets in the center like an archway.” I changed the location of the Daffodils.

  I was so excited already, everything looked beautiful so far. The load in crew were hard at work, and once I got some kinks worked out, I could relax and help when needed. I wanted the main floral arrangement at the entrance to be perfect, so I created that all myself. I was a little scared to be up on a ladder, so far from the ground that if I fell I would definitely die, but the arrangement looked perfect when I was finished, so it was worth it.

  The inside of the ball room was a dark cream color with gold trim. The seating arrangements matched that color, so I didn’t want the flowers to pop too much. I chose a white lilies arrangement. It may seem like the simplest flower out there, but it matched. And the archway was a lot more intricate, so I didn’t want the entire place to be too flowered up.

  Especially the entrance leading up to the main door. There was a cream-colored train that flowed all the way up, lined by five stone pillars on each side. In each of those, I put white rose bouquets, specked with daffodils. As I did a final walk through, I was perfectly content, and a little surprised that I could even pull this all off to begin with.

  But I did. And as I left to go home and change, I couldn’t help but think of my mother. She would have been proud of me, I know it. I just wished she could actually see it. And I was even more grateful that Sasha had given me this chance. I could feel that this party would open doors up for me, and my pay for doing this event alone was enough to cover rent for the flower shop and my apartment for the next two months.

  I had four hours before I had to be back at the venue because I had to be back early, which seemed like a long time, but it really wasn’t.

  I rushed through my shower, so I could wash my hair. Once out of the shower, I started rummaging through my drawers for a bra and panties. I silently cursed myself for not having the right lingerie to wear under this dress. Ivy was already on her way, so I couldn’t ask her to stop and get something. I probably wouldn’t have anyway. In the midst of me freaking out over the smallest thing, Ivy had arrived and had been knocking on the door.

  “Sorry, sorry!” I tightened my robe and skipped over to the door.

  She had her tote bag full of hair products and makeup. When we lived together, we used to share them, and I never wore it much or used it, so I let her keep it when we moved out.

  “That’s okay, what’s up with you? How did set up go?”

  She dropped everything on the bed and looked me over. I was a little flustered from all the running around.

  “It was good, the arrangement looks great—well, I think it does.” I didn’t want to give myself too much credit before anyone even saw it.

  “I’m sure it does.”

  “Hey, you’re not dressed.” I said, taking in her casual jean and tee shirt attire.

  “Oh, yeah. I shouldn’t go. This is your thing.” I furrowed my brow in confusion.

  “What? What do you mean?” I sat next to her.

  “Trust me, with all the attention you’ll be getting, you don’t need to be introducing your best friend to everyone too.”

  I pursed my lips in thought. Maybe she was right, but I would rather her be there…


  She gave me a quick hug, “You’ve got this. Let’s start making you fabulous. You know your hair takes forever to curl.” I giggled softly.

  “You want to curl it?” I fiddled with my split ends. Man, I needed a haircut.

  “Yeah, it will look really good with that dress.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Oh, I don’t think I have the right stuff to wear underneath! I literally only have regular bras or sports bras.” I rummaged through my drawer again for good measure. If I wasn’t sure I never did this kind of thing before, it was even more apparent now.

  “Don’t wear anything. The dress has good support. Just wear some panties. It isn’t like you need to hide a gun or something.”

  “What about my phone?” I asked her.

  “Do you really need it?” I nodded, hoping I would have to take numbers down or something.

  “Well, I don’t have an evening bag. I forgot.” She made a face as she scolded herself.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure I can leave it at the coat closet or something.” There were always those fancy coat takers at these things, right?


  She tugged me to the living room and we watched some more of the Oklahoma house wives show as she curled my hair. It was times like this when I wished I didn’t have so much hair, but I did. It was curly, full, and long. Sometimes I felt like it drew too much attention to me, and most of the time I would really rather hide. I was like that my whole life, I just wanted to keep to myself. It got worse after my mom died. I couldn’t talk to anyone or hold a decent conversation. It really wasn’t until I met Ivy in college that I started to feel somewhat comfortable in my own skin.

  I looked at my reflection in my bathroom mirror as Ivy did her magic. I had complete trust in her and knew she would make me look amazing. I just hoped that my nerves would calm before I was thrust into a world that I never really was a part of.

  Ivy was a goddess, and she made me look like one too. She made my hair into tight curls and then loosened them up, so they fell in loose waves. She kept my makeup simple too; my eyeliner was light, and my eyeshadow a dark blue color to offset the dress. My lipstick was such a light peach color, it just looked my own lips that had been air brushed.

  “This looks amazing, Ivy.” I couldn’t stop looking in the mirror. She smiled back at me and handed me the dress.

  “Wait until you put this on, you don’t know how good you will look!” She squealed and left me alone to slip into it.

  I called her back in, so she could help me zip it up. But I didn’t want to look yet. I wore a simple pair of black flats since the dress was so long, no one would be able to see my feet even if I were sitting down.

  Ivy put some last few touches on my hair and makeup and spritzed some perfume she got from a release the past weekend. My best friend had the perks.

  “Okay, you have to look now!”

  She took out her phone and snapped a picture of me, so I could see the full image.


  I stifled a gasp. The taffeta was a lighter shade of blue from the tight bodice, which flowed into the darker shade of blue as it cascaded down my body. The sweetheart neckline made my chest look great, and Ivy was right, I wouldn’t have needed a bra anyway.

  “Oh my…this dress is amazing.” I said, gazing at the photo in awe as if it weren’t me.

  “You make it great. The model that wore this dress looked like a blueberry, but you look like a fucking shiny blue solitaire.”

  “You are crazy…but thank you so much. I just hope I don’t mess it up or anything.”

  I said, suddenly realizing I was responsible for a dress that could probably buy me the car I have been needing.

  “You won’t. They wouldn’t really notice anyway. I just need it back Sunday afternoon, I think.”

  “Will do.” My phone went off with another email. It was from Sasha.

  Hello Dear,

  I am so anxious to see the floral arrangement you created. I know it is probably impeccable. Please accept the car I am sending to your residence. See you tonight.


  I read the words over and over. She was sending me a car? It made me feel giddy and official. I wondered how she got my address but remembered she had sent Dan here once or twice for a certain plant food I didn’t carry in the store, and I had shipped flowers to her from here too.

  “What is it?” Ivy broke my reverie.

  “Oh, nothing. Sasha is sending me a car to take me to the gala.”

  She wiggled her brow in excitement. “Oh, fancy. I’m so happy for you.” She gave me the best hug she could so as to not wrinkle my dress.

  I only waited a few more minutes before the buzzer went off downstairs. Ivy never had to ring it because the door man knew her by now. I was surprised this place even had one of those, seeing as it was already in a subpar neighborhood.

  “That’s him, your chariot awaits.”

  “You should stick around here if you want.” Ivy didn’t have a car either, and I didn’t really want her walking home in the dark.

  “Sure. I’ll probably finish your leftovers though.” She giggled softly.

  I grabbed my phone and thin black wallet. I wished my phone fit inside of my wallet, but it didn’t.

  “No problem. Thank you so much for all your help, I literally wouldn’t be able to go if you hadn’t helped me.” She made a sad face as she clutched her chest.

  “Aww, it was my pleasure. You’re my best friend.”

  I smiled and set off before I left the driver waiting too long. It was odd, going down the dingy staircase in this elaborate gown and makeup. But once I made it outside, it all came into perspective. The driver was easy to place, his tailored suit made sure of that.

  “Miss Michelle, correct?” I nodded.

  “Just Emilia.”

  He was an older man, his face hardened, and his hair was a salt and pepper color. He had muscle on him too, he might be a bodyguard as well, but I doubted Sasha would send me a bodyguard just to go to a gala.

  He opened the back door to a sleek, black sedan for me. I didn’t know cars, but maybe it was a Mercedes. He shut the door behind me and quickly walked to the other side. I settled into the plush leather seat and buckled myself in.

  “The drive isn’t long, but once we get there we may have traffic. Sasha told me to bring you around the back if need be.” He explained to me.

  “Thank you.” I wanted to see the front entrance under the moon light, how the flowers would look under the twinkling lights the decorators hung.

  In time, I guess. I just had to get in the place first before I got ahead of myself. I was nervous already, my fingers twiddling of their own accord. I pointed the vent fan towards me, so I wouldn’t have any nervous sweats too. I just needed to relax.

  He clicked on some smooth jazz music, and I felt like was stepping into a night I could only dream about.

  Chapter Seven


  The four of us were hardly ever together.

  I sat next to my sister, and my parents were across from us in the limo. My dad, he was pretty much my twin. Women still hit on him too, I could only hope that I would age like him. I was already entering the perpetual loneliness of divorced life. I had to admit, I wish it were as easy for me as it was for my parents.

  They met in college. They were friends first, dated, and then got married. I was already divorced at thirty, considering getting a few cats.

  “You need to look like you want to be here.” Natalie whispered to me.

  Mom and Dad were off in their own world, their faces close as they held their conversation.

  “I can try. Can’t really promise anything.” I adjusted the cuff of my shirt, I hated suits. Even when I went in the office every day, I never wore them.

  “And be nice to everyone. I know they can be nosy, but sometimes they mean well.” She meant I should ignore everyone prying into my personal life about Vivian.

  It was none of their fucking business, but God forbid you tell them that. They took it as a direct insult.

  “Right. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The only reason I was even going to this thing was because Sasha was such a sweet old lady, and it is a good cause after all. If it were anyone else, I probably wouldn’t be going

  The drive was pretty long since the ballroom was all the way downtown. And then once we got there, we were up to our fucking necks in traffic.

  “Let’s go around the back, please.” Dad said to the driver. We usually always had the same one, but we hadn’t gone to any events in quite a while.

  The driver took us around the back. The only thing here were the catering vans. Mom and Dad didn’t usually like to make an entrance. The front walkway would just have a bunch of photographers anyway.

  “Whoa, who did this arrangement?” Natalie commented once we got out.

  We went in through the back door. Mom blended in with the color scheme in her cream-colored gown.

  “I’m not sure.” Mom answered her.

  The back went through a long hallway. We came across another door, probably the
back entrance. I let them go ahead of me, so I could mentally prepare myself for all the faking that I had to do. That other door opened up when my family rounded the corner, I did a quick look, but did a double take when I saw her.

  It might have been in slow motion. Or maybe I was just dizzy from not really eating all day, but she waltzed in like a cloud of blue silk. Her hair fell in waves of dark curls, framing her angelic face. But that was all I got before she disappeared down the corner. The only reason I stepped into that party was to figure out who the hell that was.

  It seemed odd, but in this circle, everyone knew everyone. And I had never seen her before. I found my way in and spotted the family at a table close to the front.

  “Where did you go off to?” Natalie handed me a glass of champagne as I sat next to her.

  “Bathroom.” I lied.

  Mom and Dad were already getting visitors. Dad put on his best friendly face, and Mom just played along.

  “So, Kit couldn’t come?” I said to Natalie, and she shot me a glare. Her thick eyeliner didn’t make her look any nicer.

  “No, he comes back tomorrow though.” She answered.

  I sipped the champagne, but I needed some food in my stomach before I started hitting the alcohol. The event hadn’t started yet anyway. People were still piling in, and I was still looking for that woman. I replayed everything in my head; her wavy hair, her flawless skin. She was so far away I didn’t get a good look, but I was already stuck on her.

  Then I had to tell myself to quit it. I wasn’t in the mood to get attached to any other women.

  “Natalie, you couldn’t have worn something else?” Mom leaned in to the table to scold Natalie. I chuckled to myself, not believing we could still be chastised for what we wear.

  “What, why?” Nat played dumb, looking down at her gold dress with a rather deep vee.

  “You’re hanging out.” Mom hissed. Dad just frowned, and I kept laughing.

  “Chill, Mom.” Natalie groaned.

  Her only saving grace were Sasha and Bryan, who were approaching us now.


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