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Her Second Beginning: A Sweet Romance

Page 3

by M. J. Perry

  “Liv, are you awake?” Ava called at the top of her voice from the spare room.

  “If I wasn’t, I would be now.” She called back. She heard Ava laugh and then her bedroom door opened revealing a sleepy-looking Ava. She’d tied her mass of curls up tight on the top of her head, but most of the curls had escaped and were framing her face.

  “Did you sleep well?” Ava asked her.

  “Not really.”


  “No, for once Ryan didn’t enter my head, but scary clowns with butcher knives did!”

  Ava giggled. “Sorry. I didn’t sleep much either. It’s your fault.”

  “Next time we’ll settle for chick flicks.”


  Liv threw the covers off and climbed off her bed. She saw Ava’s eyes widened. “What?” she asked her. Had she forgotten to put on her pyjamas?

  “You aren’t wearing Ryan’s shirt.”

  Liv looked down at her black silky vest and matching shorts. “I stopped wearing them a while ago.”


  “His scent was fading, and it only reminded me that he isn’t here anymore.”

  “Liv, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s ok.”

  Ava gave her a look filled with sorrow.

  “It still hurts, but I’m slowly coming out of the fog.” Liv assured her.

  “I’m really glad.”

  Liv smiled, “Me too.”

  “Right, time for breakfast then we need to get a shift on, the christening is only three hours away.”

  Liv brought her hands to her face in mock horror. “Oh my days, that is such a short time. What will we do?”

  “You may not need that long, but I sure do. My hair alone takes at least an hour.”

  Liv shook her head. “You exaggerate; it only takes you forty minutes.”

  “Oh, ha ha! Go and put the kettle on, I’ll cook.”

  Liv grinned. “Fine, but if you burn the toast again I’m not eating it.”

  “It wasn’t burnt last time.”

  “I couldn’t sink my teeth into it.”

  “I’ll make the coffee then and you can cook.”

  “What a good idea.” Liv said with a smile. She walked into the kitchen with Ava on her heels grumbling about ungrateful people and she couldn’t help but laugh. Today was going to be a good day. She could feel it.

  “Will you be ok today?” Ava asked Liv as they sat eating breakfast.

  Liv looked up from the spot on the table she’d been staring at lost in her thoughts. “I will be fine as long as you don’t leave me to the mercy of my Aunt.” She grimaced.

  “I won’t leave your side. We’ll even take bathroom breaks together.”

  “I’ll be forever grateful.” Liv smiled.

  “Honey, she means well, but I can understand you not liking her interference.”

  “I don’t like the pity or Aunt Sue’s meddling.”

  “I still can’t believe what she did. She is an insensitive witch; I wonder what we could do in revenge, maybe hide her car keys.”

  Liv bit her lip to stop herself laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Ava, seriously you crack me up.”

  “I’m going to be your protector today.”

  “I’m grateful, believe me. I love you.”

  “I love you too, chick.” She looked at her watch. “Shit, we need to get ready else I’ll have no time to sort out my frizzy hair.”

  Liv laughed again. It surprised her how easy it came to her. Deciding to stop hiding had helped her let go of some of her unhappiness. She caught Ava staring at her.


  “You seem, I don’t know, happy?”

  “I feel it today.”

  “Good. Today is a celebration.”

  “Yes it is. Joshua is gorgeous.”

  “He really is. I just want to eat him every time I see him. He makes me broody.” Ava admitted.

  Why did the unnamed man pop into Liv’s brain at Ava’s words? They would have beautiful children. “I don’t think you have to look far to find a husband, Ava, you get hit on all the time.”

  “Yeah, by losers or married men. I’m yet to meet the perfect man.”

  “Perfect doesn’t exist, but the right man for you might.”

  “Ryan was perfect.” Ava said then winced at the look that crossed Liv’s face. “Sorry.”

  “No, it’s all right. Ryan wasn’t perfect. He left his dirty socks on the floor, hairs in the sink but he was perfect for me.”

  “He was.”

  Liv shook her head. Her sorrow caused a lump to form in her throat. The therapist she’d seen a couple of times told her to talk about Ryan, that it would help her grieve. Sometimes, though, the memories just hurt too much to do that. She looked at her watch. “We need to get ready or we really won’t have time to do your hair.”

  Ava grinned. “Cheeky mare. You are right though. Move your butt.”


  “Do you promise you won’t leave me?” Liv asked Ava for the hundredth time as they stood outside the church doors.

  “I promise. Liv, you look the bomb. Keep your head up and smile.”



  “I guess we’re about to find out.”

  “I see Tony so put your game face on.” Ava warned.

  Liv turned in the direction Ava pointed and stopped breathing when she spotted who was walking up the path behind her brother. She reached blindly for Ava’s hand.

  “What’s the matter?” Ava asked.

  Liv couldn’t speak. Was she imagining him?

  “Holy shit.”

  That was a no then.

  “Liv, are you ok?” Tony asked as he got close to where they stood.

  Liv opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Embarrassed even more now, she cleared her throat and tried again. “I’m fine.” She kept her eyes on Tony not wanting to look at Him. Why was he here?

  “You’re very pale. Have you bumped into Aunt Sue already? I told her to leave you alone.”

  “No, I haven’t seen her.” She told him aware of the stranger standing at his side. Ava was squeezing her hand tightly.

  “Ok. If she finds you and talks about matchmaking again, Liv, tell me. I won’t have her upsetting you.”

  “I will. Thank you.” Liv said grateful to her brother for looking out for her.

  “Make sure you do.”

  “You can ask her to match make for me instead,” Ava said with a grin. “I could do with a sexy man to keep me warm at night.”

  “Ava,” Liv giggled.

  “What? It’s true. I get lonely.”

  Tony shook his head. “This is what I have to put up with, Mason.”

  Liv nearly gasped. She had a name for him and it was as sexy as he was.

  “I bet you never have a dull moment.” Mason said with amusement. He had a strong voice, the sound rich and sexy. It made Liv want to swoon.

  “I haven’t introduced you, sorry. Mason, this is, Ava.” He said as he waved a hand towards her. “And this is my sister, Olivia.”

  Liv gave him a shaky smile. Up close, he was even more attractive, his lips tipped up in a grin and Liv caught her breath.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mason.” Liv murmured.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Olivia.”

  “Shit, I didn’t realise the time. I have to go else Maggie will kill me. Tony said hurriedly.

  “Go, it's fine, we’ll show Mason inside.” Ava said.

  “Thanks,” Tony leant over and kissed Liv on the cheek. “Chin up little sis.”

  “I’ll try.” She replied. Liv was aware of Mason’s curious eyes. She looked up and smiled shyly at him before turning away and grabbing the door Tony had just entered.

  “How do you know Tony?” She heard Ava ask him as they followed behind her. “I did some building work for him a couple of years ago. I liked him on the spot.”

nbsp; “He’s a nice man.”

  When Liv opened the main door to the chapel, she nearly turned around and walked back out again. She hesitated, and a hand clasped her shoulder, it was warm and far too big to be Ava’s hand. Glancing behind her, she caught Mason’s eye. He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, and she took a deep breath losing herself in his gaze.

  “Liv, you can do this.” Ava said encouragingly.

  Mason dropped his hand as Ava spoke and Liv felt bereft.

  “Thanks.” She said to both of them, finally tearing her eyes from Mason’s kind ones. She knew her cheeks were red, and she hoped he wouldn’t notice. The butterflies in her stomach that had appeared at his touch were banging around hard and she felt shaky. Pulling all her strength together, she took another deep breath and walked in the door with her head held high. She didn’t look at anyone except her brother and Maggie, both of whom were standing at the front with the vicar. Baby Joshua was in Maggie’s arms, he’d grown since Liv had last seen him and she felt bad she’d missed seeing it. Liv made a promise to herself that she’d pull herself together and be the best Aunty a person could be. Taking a seat at the front, she felt Mason sit next to her, Ava only grinned when Liv caught her eye. Shyly, Liv brought her gaze to Mason’s and found him watching her openly. She raised her eyebrows at him and he grinned. When the vicar started to speak she tried to listen to him, but it was a struggle. Mason’s body heat, his scent, and the fact that it was him sitting next to her had her distracted, so much so that when the godparents were called to the front Liv didn’t hear. Mason nudged her gently and Liv looked up at him in bewilderment until he pointed to the front where everyone was staring at her. With her face burning with embarrassment, she stood up and somehow her heel became stuck in something and in the next moment, she was falling to the floor. Before she hit the ground, an arm grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up. Mortified, she stared at Mason in shock.

  “Are you ok, Olivia?” he asked her in concern.

  She shivered. No one had ever made her name sound so sexy. “Yes, I’m ok. Thank you.” Was that her voice sounding so breathy? She needed to snap out of whatever the hell kind of daze she was in and she needed to do it now before she embarrassed herself more, but Mason was still holding her and she was finding it impossible to look away from his dark eyes. The look of concern on his face wasn’t helping either, he probably thought her crazy. He positioned them so she could stand up straight and then he let her go.

  “Thank you.” She said again, and this time watching where she was putting her feet, she walked to the altar and stopped next to Tony. He looked like he wanted to laugh and Liv glared at him. The vicar cleared his throat and with a twinkle in his eye, he smiled at her before carrying on with the service. Liv didn’t dare look at the guests in the pews and she definitely didn’t dare meet Ava’s eyes because she knew she’d be laughing at her. She couldn’t believe what a fool she’d made of herself. He probably thought she belonged in a padded room away from normal people. Why couldn’t she have been cool? Why did she have to be a goof? Why, even now, was she letting herself get lost in thought when she knew she’d have to do or say something in a minute? She would be glad when today was over.



  “Yes?” she asked her brother.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, fine.”

  He didn’t look convinced, “You don’t seem it.”

  “Today has been an odd day.” She said as she stared over the short wall that led to the hotel gardens. The flowers were in full bloom making the garden seem like a fragrant haven.

  “Are you missing Ryan?”

  She hadn't thought of Ryan since she’d woken up.

  “Olivia, you’ve gone white.”

  “I haven’t thought of him all today.”

  “That’s not a bad thing.”

  “Yes, it is. I never go a day without thinking of him.”

  “It’s because of Mason isn’t it?”

  She raised shocked eyes to her brother.

  “I’d have to be blind not to see the effect he has on you.”

  “I’ve made a complete fool of myself.”

  “No, you haven’t.”

  “I tripped over and he had to catch me.”

  “He didn’t have to; he could have let you fall.”

  “He moved fast.”

  “He was watching you when you stood up. In fact, he’s been watching you all day. Is there something I should know?”

  Liv blushed. “I’ve kind of been stalking him,” she admitted.

  “What?” Tony exclaimed.

  “Well, Ava calls it stalking.”

  “Please explain.”

  Liv sighed. “A month ago I saw him and he made me feel, I don’t know, alive, I guess.”

  “Did you speak to him?”

  “Gosh no. I walked past him and realised he was working on a building site across the road from a coffee shop, so I went in and ordered a coffee, and I watched him from the window.”

  “That’s not really what I’d call stalking.”

  “I’ve been going back to the same coffee shop every day since to watch him.”


  “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “No, I think… I don’t know what to think. It’s so out of character for you.”

  “I know it is. It’s just, I don’t know, there is something about him that draws me to him.”

  “Do you want me to talk to him, explain your situation? Maybe you can be friends.”

  “No.” Liv almost screeched. “I’m not a child, Tony; I can talk to people myself.”

  “You won’t though, will you? After tripping over earlier, you’ve been avoiding him.”

  “And I will keep avoiding him until I can sneak out of here.”

  “I don’t think you can keep evading him, Olivia.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s behind you.”

  “Shit.” She cursed and then she did something she never thought she would do. She ran. Yep, she ran straight past a shocked Tony and inside the hotel bar where the after party was being held. She thought she heard a deep chuckle from behind her, but she didn’t let it slow her down. When she made it to the ladies room, she pushed open the door and walked to the mirror to look at her reflection. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were full of excitement. Despite making a fool of herself again, she hadn’t felt this good in a long time.

  Chapter Four


  “Your sister is a case.” Mason chuckled as he watched Olivia run in the direction of the venue doors.

  Tony looked at him with a grin. “She is that.”

  “Why did she run?”

  Tony sighed. “She ran because of you.”


  Tony shook his head. “I don’t think I should tell you, you might think poorly of her.”

  “Olivia has had a tough time. She’s allowed to have her secrets, but if they concern me don’t I have a right to know?”

  “You have a way with words, Mason.”

  “That’s what makes me a good salesman.”

  Tony let out a breath. “I’ve already told you about Ryan.”

  Mason nodded.

  “Well, Olivia has been struggling lately. His birthday is coming up and this year it seems to have hit her harder than ever. Just when we think she is letting go, she takes a step back.”

  “People deal with death in different ways, Tony. You know how you feel about losing Ryan, but Olivia was the closest to him.”

  Tony swallowed hard, “I know. I miss him more than anything, he was my best friend and I understand Olivia’s grief, but I think she’s using it as a wall to hide behind now so she doesn’t have to engage in life.”

  Mason frowned. “How so?”

  “A little over a month ago, she saw you.”

  “I saw her too.”

  “You did?” Tony asked him in surprise.

“Yes, I saw her, and I was struck dumb by how beautiful she is. Her floral scent danced on the breeze as she walked past, teasing me.”

  Tony raised his eyebrows. “She changed coffee shops so she could watch you from the window.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?”

  “About her watching me? Yeah, I know because I was watching her too.”

  “Wow, it’s a love story in the making.” Tony muttered. “Olivia is drawn to you. It seems you’re drawn to her too, but you need to understand, Olivia is sad. Her spark disappeared when Ryan died. She used to wear bright colours, she was always singing, always smiling. I don’t think I’ve heard her sing once since he died and she lives in black.”

  “There’s something different about her today.”

  “Yeah, Ava made her wear yellow shoes.”

  Mason shook his head. “No, she is different. There is more than just sadness in her eyes now.”

  Tony grinned. “It’s probably embarrassment.”

  “Yeah, maybe a little, but she looks alive.”

  “What are you planning on doing about your attraction?” Tony asked seriously.

  “I’m planning on marrying her.”

  “But…” Tony spluttered.

  “Relax, we’ll be friends first.” Mason grinned.

  “Dude, you’re crazy.”

  “Nope, I’m in love.”

  “Don’t be stupid. Love doesn’t happen that fast.”

  “Yes, it does.” Mason disagreed. “Most people just ignore it because they believe it isn’t right to feel that way so early on.”

  “But you’ve only spoken for the first time today.” Tony objected.

  “When I first saw her I felt her sadness. I promised myself I would see her smile again.”

  “So you pity her?”

  Mason shook his head. “It’s not pity, its selfishness. I want to make her happy and I want to be the reason she smiles again.”

  “Ok. You’re both loopy. I’d say you’re made for each other. Just don’t hurt her.”

  “I swear on my life I will never do that.”

  “That’s all I need to hear. I should go and check on her.”


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