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Her Second Beginning: A Sweet Romance

Page 5

by M. J. Perry

  “Good. Now put it on. I don’t have long to do your hair.”

  “I think I want to wear it down.”

  Ava gave her a look and Liv bit her lip. Ava huffed. “Fine, I just think you look sexier with your hair up.”

  “It’s not a date. Liv reminded her.

  “By the end of the night it might be.”

  “Oh gosh, do you think he will kiss me?”

  “I think you might get another forehead kiss.”

  “Gosh, I hope so.” Liv said excitedly.

  They both sighed in unison.

  Chapter Seven

  Their first, not a date, date

  “That’s the doorbell.” Liv whispered to Ava.

  “I know, Liv. Why are you whispering?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Ava shook her head. “Here,” she passed her lipstick to Liv. “Put this on, I’ll answer the door.”

  Liv took a deep breath and closed her hand around the tube. “Ok.”

  “It will be fine.”

  Liv only nodded. Her stomach was so queasy she thought she might throw up.

  With one last look at Liv, Ava left the room and headed to the front door. “Hey stud.” She grinned as she opened the door to Mason.

  “Hey yourself, Ava,” He chuckled. “Is she ready?”


  His eyebrows scrunched together. “Is she having second thoughts?”

  “Yeah, and third, and fourth.”

  “Should we reschedule?”

  “Absolutely not. She needs this.”

  He didn’t look convinced.

  “She’s nervous, but that’s natural. It’s her first date, that isn’t a date, since, well you know.”

  Ava looked behind her as she heard footsteps. Liv was just walking out of the living room. She looked a little anxious, but she beamed when she caught sight of Mason.

  “You look stunning, Olivia.”

  “Thanks,” she said shyly. “You look very handsome.”

  “Enough with the niceties or you’ll miss your booking.” Ava said with a grin.

  Liv walked towards the front door where Mason still stood. “I’m ready.”

  “Good.” He put his hand out and after a slight hesitation Liv slipped hers into it. When he closed his fingers around hers, a jolt ran through her body and she gasped.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked with concern.

  “Nothing, just…” she shook her head. “ Nothings the matter,” she inwardly cringed. How could she tell him that the feel of his skin against hers had sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through her system?

  Ava pretty much pushed them out the door. “I’ll lock up for you don’t worry. I’ll ring you tomorrow. Have fun!”

  Liv shook her head with amusement waving to Ava with her free hand.

  “Is she always so bossy?”

  “Yes, you’ll get used to her.” Liv smiled at him and the smile he returned had her missing a step. When they got to his car, he opened the door for her and waited until she was sitting down before closing it with a click. Liv buckled up while she waited for him to make his way to his side and get behind the wheel.

  “I’ve booked a table at the Italian place Ava told me about.” He said as he turned the key to start the engine.

  “I love it there. Everyone is just so relaxed and friendly.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Ava said you go there quite a lot.”

  “I do. It’s like a home away from home.”

  Mason reached over and squeezed her knee gently. “I understand.”

  Liv clenched her hands together. She resisted the urge to play with her hair. She was so nervous and being so close to Mason was not helping. It felt like they were in their own intimate bubble and she felt on edge. When he signalled out of his space and headed onto the main road, she nearly sighed in relief. Soon they would be there and she could have some breathing space.

  He looked sideways at her. “What have you been doing today?”

  She bit her lip. She couldn’t tell him that she’d been thinking of excuses to cancel on him. “Housework,” She said instead.

  His lips tipped up in a grin and she could see the dimple she’d missed before. Could he be any more attractive? “What have you been doing?” she asked him.

  “I’ve been finishing up a small job I’ve been working on. Mrs Kutts finally has her new kitchen.”

  “You built her a kitchen?”

  “No, I built her a house and organised someone to come and fit her kitchen. They finished it today.”

  Liv looked at him in disbelief. “You call that a small job?”

  “It’s smaller than the three-storey house we’re building opposite the coffee shop.” He said amused.

  Liv blushed. He meant the building she’d been watching him work on nearly every day.

  “We’re here.” He said.

  “Thank god.” Liv murmured under her breath.

  Mason pulled into a space that seemed to materialise as if by magic right outside the restaurant and turned the engine off. He unclipped his belt and climbed out. Liv did the same and then grabbed the door handle, before she could open it Mason was there. He pulled it open and held a hand out for her. She smiled shyly and placed her hand in his, shuddering when his fingers linked with hers. Never had that happened with Ryan… She suddenly wanted to pull her hand away. What was she doing here? This wasn’t right. She shouldn’t be going out with another man.

  “Olivia?” Mason said sharply pulling her out of her panic.

  She met his calm eyes with her wild ones. “Do you want me to take you home?”

  Guilt squeezed her insides and this time Mason was the cause, or rather the sadness on his face was.

  “No, I’m sorry, it’s just, it’s all so…”



  “It’s just dinner as friends, sweetness.”

  “I know.”

  “Come on then.” He said as he closed the car door and tugged her towards the entrance, not giving her any more time to think.

  When they were inside, Maria caught sight of Liv and rushed over. She cupped her face in her hands. “My Olivia, how are you?”

  Liv smiled with pleasure. She loved this woman. “I’m good thanks, Maria. How are you?”

  “Never mind me.” She looked at Mason. “Is he with you?”

  “I am. It’s nice to meet you.” Mason said with a grin.

  Maria grinned back. “Good looking and polite.” She said.

  “Olivia, it's nice to see you about again. We’ve missed you.”

  “It’s nice to be out. This is Mason. Mason, this is Maria. She owns this wonderful place with her husband. Maria is the one who makes the delicious spaghetti.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mason.”

  “I can’t wait to try your spaghetti.”

  “Don’t let my husband hear you say that.” She giggled. “Let me show you both to your table.”

  Mason tugged Liv along with him as they followed Maria to a table by the window. The candle in the centre of the table made it look romantic and Liv fought the urge to blow it out. Mason pulled out a chair for her and she sat down letting him push her chair in as if she was a child. He sat down opposite her and she stared at him in the flickering light. He was such a sight to see, his looks had her in awe of him, she felt completely out of his league, but she knew that he could be ugly and she would still like him. He was sweet and such a wonderful and generous person. Somehow, she knew without knowing much about him that he was a good person, she knew she was safe with him.

  “She’s fun.”

  “She’s lovely.”

  “Have you been coming here a long time?”

  “Around a year,” she shrugged. “I got really sick of cooking and hiding away so one day I walked out of my front door, got in my car, and drove around determined to find a restaurant that felt like home. I stumbled across this place and found it was perfect.”

  “You did

  “I know. I try to come here at least once a week, but it’s not always easy.”

  “I’m glad I got to bring you here.”

  “Me too.”

  A waitress came to the table and placed a jug of water down and a basket of bread. “Are you ready to order your drinks?”

  “Yes. Can I have a glass of white wine please?” Liv asked.

  “I’ll have a cola, thanks.”

  The waitress nodded. “I’ll bring them over in a minute.”

  “Thank you.” They said together.

  “What do you recommend?” Mason asked Liv as he picked up the menu.

  “Everything,” She said seriously making him laugh.

  “I don’t think I could eat that much. How about I close my eyes and point at the menu?”

  “You could do that or you could just have the same as me.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” he closed his eyes and pointed to a spot on the menu. He peeked at where his finger touched. “Cannelloni it is.”

  “Yum,” Liv said, grinning at his enthusiasm.

  “Have you tried it?”

  “No, but I bet it tastes delicious.”

  “What are you having?”

  “Spaghetti Bolognese.”

  He looked shocked. “You could make that at home.”

  “I could.”

  “Then why don’t you try something that you can’t?”

  “Because I might try something and not like it.”

  “Then you don’t order it again.”

  “But if I don’t like it, my tea is ruined.” Liv shook her head. “I had this conversation with Ava. You won’t get me to change my mind either.”

  “You don’t like trying new things?”

  “I don’t like change.”

  “Life is full of change.”

  “Exactly. Why change things I can control.”

  “You’re a strange woman, Olivia.” It didn’t sound like he minded.

  “That’s what…” Liv put her hand over her mouth.

  “What Ryan used to say? You can talk about him.”

  “I know it just surprised me how easy it is to talk about him with you.”

  Mason was quiet for a moment. “Why don’t we play a game?”

  “A game?” she asked intrigued.

  “You ask me a question and then I’ll ask you one. Ok?”

  She nodded. The waitress came back to take their food order. When she left with her notebook in hand, Olivia turned to face Mason.

  “You go first then, Olivia.” He said.

  “Have you ever been married?”

  “No. I’ve never found anyone I wanted to marry.”

  Liv blushed, his tone, the words and the look he was giving her gave her the impression he’d missed the words–until now.

  “My turn. What is your favourite colour today?”

  “Yellow.” She answered surprised that he’d remembered that she said it changed.

  “A fine sunny colour.”

  “What’s your favourite, Mason?”


  Liv grinned.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I expected you to say black or blue.”


  “Most men say a manly colour because they feel they have to.” She broke off laughing. “Ryan’s favourite colour was orange, but he used to pretend it was blue.”

  Mason laughed. “I bet you used to tease him about it, didn’t you?”

  “All the time. Every year for his birthday, I used to buy him an orange t-shirt. It was our little joke.” Liv laughed at the memory and then raised shocked eyes to Mason. “That’s twice I’ve talked so casually about him.”

  “Remembering the happy times helps us heal.”

  Liv blinked her suddenly blurry eyes. “A wise woman told me that you can’t move on until you’re ready and to stuff everyone else.”

  Mason laughed. “Who is this wise woman?”

  “I don’t know. I met her at the pier one day and I wish I’d thought to ask her name. She made me realise that I’ve been holding on to Ryan harder than ever because I had so much pressure from my family to let him go.” She bit her lip. “I’m not trying to let go of him now, but, somehow, I’m doing it. Day by day it’s getting easier.”

  “I’m glad for you, Olivia. I hate to see you in pain.”

  “When I’m with you, I don’t feel it.” She admitted.

  Mason reached over the table and placed his hand over her clenched one. “Olivia, look at me.” He ordered softly. “I told you we would be friends, and I meant it, but you have to know that I would like us to be much more.”

  She sucked in a breath. She had already known that, but hearing him say it aloud had her flustered. “I’m not ready.”

  “I know, but one day you will be and you’ve got to know I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

  “Wow.” She breathed.

  He squeezed her hand before letting it go. “I believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”

  She smiled. “Yes it is.”

  “Well, I’d like to know how you feel about building things.”

  “What kind of things?”

  “I have a 3D puzzle of a castle that my sister sent me for my birthday. I would love your help.”

  Liv burst out laughing.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “I didn’t mean to laugh, I just can’t see you sitting down and doing a puzzle.”

  “I’m a builder by trade.” He reminded her.

  “Yes, but that’s buildings, using bricks and all the other things you use.” She had no idea what the other things were.

  “A puzzle is probably harder than building a house.” He grinned at her expression. “There aren’t any instructions with a puzzle.”

  “Oh Mason, you’re crazy. I bet you could do it with your eyes closed, but I will help you. It will be fun to see you struggle with something.”

  “Thank you for taking pity on me, I think.” He chuckled. “How about helping me tomorrow evening?”

  She opened her mouth to say she was busy. Her instincts screamed that two nights in a row with him would be dangerous, but she closed it with a snap and gave him a nod instead.

  He smiled at her sweetly. “Good. I’ll pick you up at five. I’ll even cook for you.”

  “Is that safe?”

  “I’m a perfectly good cook.” He said in mock outrage.

  “I’ll take your word for it then. Oh look, our tea is here. I’m starving.” Liv said as she watched Maria march over to them plates in hand.

  “Me too,” Mason said as Maria placed their food on the table in front of them.

  “Where are your drinks?” she asked. “Oh, here, good. Lucy, you should make sure the customers get their drinks before someone serves their food.” Maria explained to the waitress softly. She didn’t tell her off, it was more of a suggestion. The girl bustled off with a smile and Maria turned to face Liv. “It’s her first day. She’s doing great though. Enjoy your food.” She said as she walked off.

  “Cheers.” Mason said as he held up his cola.

  Liv touched her glass to his. “Cheers.”

  “I can’t wait to tuck into this. It smells scrumptious.”

  “It looks it too.” Liv said as she picked up her fork. The first bite of her spaghetti had her groaning in appreciation. A smothered cough came from Mason and she looked up only to find his eyes on her mouth. She licked her lips nervously, and he seemed to snap out of whatever daze he’d been in.

  “Is it good?” she asked him.

  He didn’t take his eyes from her. “Yes, it’s fantastic.”

  She blushed. “I told you.”

  “You sure did. Do you want to try it?”

  “No thank you. It might ruin my taste buds for my spaghetti.”

  Mason shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re missing.” He put another forkful in his mouth. Liv concentrated on her food. She tried to eat it all, but
her stomach was tense. This “meal with a friend” felt awfully like a real date. She knew she wanted him to kiss her when he took her home, but she knew she’d feel guilty if he did. It would still feel like she was cheating on Ryan.



  “Last chance to try some before I eat the last bite?” Mason asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m far too full.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you.” He said as he put the remaining cannelloni in his mouth. He placed his fork down on his empty plate and pushed it away from him. “That was the best meal I’ve had in forever.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”


  “No thank you.”

  He looked at her half full plate and then back at her face. Whether he could read her already or he was just guessing, he knew something was wrong.

  “Ok. I’ll take you home.”

  “But you haven’t had dessert.” She protested.

  “I definitely couldn’t eat another thing.”

  “As long as you’re sure?”

  He nodded. Catching Maria’s eye, he signalled for the bill. It didn’t take her five minutes to bring it over. She gave it to Mason, and he slipped his card in the machine she passed to him. Liv picked up her handbag intending to offer him some money, but he shook his head, “My treat.”

  “Thank you.” She said politely.

  As they stood to leave, Maria kissed Mason’s cheeks and pulled Liv into a hug. “Take care of yourself darling.”

  “You too, Maria,” Liv said as she gave her a quick squeeze and pulled away.

  Mason placed his hand at the small of Liv’s back and guided her out the door. He didn’t take her hand like he usually did and it disappointed her which made her feel even worse. He opened the car door for her and she climbed in putting her seatbelt on. Mason got into his side and started the car. Neither of them spoke, and the drive felt uncomfortable, but Liv didn’t know what to say. She was so confused. She felt torn in two. Every time she felt something for Mason, she would feel guilt that it wasn’t Ryan. Something had to give; she couldn’t go on like this. When the car came to a stop, she jerked out of her thoughts. Mason opened his door and got out coming to Liv’s side he opened her door and put his hand out for her, she took his hand and he helped her out. When she was on her feet, he dropped her hand and again guided her with a hand at the small of her back. His attitude was confusing her. At her front door, she turned to face him. His eyes blazed with emotion, but his smile was gentle.


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