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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

Page 7

by Kayelle Allen

  "Such a big bed. Plenty of room for two in there." Wulf sauntered toward it and tested the springiness of the mattress with both hands. "The way I like it. Hard."

  Get out, old man. You're too tempted. Luc headed toward the sitting room door. He paused, not daring to turn back. "Good night, Wulf. Pleasant dreams."

  Chapter Six

  Tarth City, Di Lusso District

  Nizamrak Building, Penthouse Level, "The Loft"

  Sumertsag 24

  Wulf woke and rolled over against Luc's warm body, snuggling closer. One strong arm looped around Wulf's shoulders and tugged him up next to him. Eyes still closed, Wulf wrapped his arm over Luc's chest and pushed himself upward, against Luc's shoulder.

  Why is he wearing clothes in bed? Wulf stroked a hand across the man's chest. It felt like tweed. Wulf opened his eyes.

  "Fuck." He'd been cuddling a pillow. That hot morning snuggle had been the tail end of an erotic dream. He lifted the sheets, took a peek, and groaned. Great. A wet erotic dream.

  He wiped himself off with the sheet; sorry as hell that McDoth was going to find the evidence. Would he tell Luc? He groaned again, threw off the covers, and rolled out of bed.

  "Good morning, sir." The android was exiting his bathroom.

  Wulf yanked the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around him. Stupid for a model who stripped ten times a day in front an entire photo crew, but he fastened it around his waist anyway.

  "Your things arrived last night, sir. I took the liberty of placing your toiletries in your bathroom. Shall I run water for your bath?"

  "Thanks, McDoth, but that's not necessary. I can take care of myself."

  "No trouble, sir. I'm glad to have you here. Mr. Saint-Cyr gives me little to do." He turned and went back into the bathroom. The sound of water running into the tub followed.

  When Wulf entered, McDoth gestured to a stack of fluffy white towels on a low black table set with two large white candles. "I replenished your supply. Did you sleep well?"

  "Yes, thank you." He hesitated, then unfastened the sheet and handed it to him. "I'm sorry, McDoth, but I kind of..." He swallowed. "Um..."

  "Not to worry, sir." The android wadded up the sheet and tucked it under his arm. "You're not the only one this morning." He winked.

  Wulf's mouth dropped open but that turned to a swift snicker. "Oh yeah? What do you know?"

  McDoth brought a finger to his mouth, signaling a secret.

  Climbing into the oversized tub, Wulf sank into the bubbling water. "I stayed in this thing last night till I was an albino prune, but the water never got cold."

  The android hung a towel within Wulf's reach. "Heating elements inside the tub keep the water warm." With a glance toward the door, he added, "He hates a lukewarm bath."

  Wulf chuckled. "I know in a building this size, there have to be gyms. What floor is the closest?" He slid down to his neck. "I like to start the day with weights. I train five days a week at home."

  "There's a private gym on this floor. Mr. Saint-Cyr likes his privacy." McDoth laid out his razor. "When you leave your room, turn right and it's the third door on the right. He exercises first thing also."

  "Cool." Wulf cupped a handful of steaming water and let it trickle through his fingers. "Thanks, McDoth."

  "I've activated the shaving cream dispenser for you, sir." He patted a chrome spigot near the water faucet. "Just pump it once to prime it and it will dispense hot cream."

  Pump it for cream. Mmm. I'm turning into a perv like Yvan. He cleared his throat. "I wondered what that thing did. Thanks, McDoth. I could get totally spoiled living here."

  "That, I believe, is the idea." The android bowed and exited the room.

  Wulf picked up a fresh bar of soap. "Spoiling me is the idea, huh?" He sat up and started lathering the soap. "Gotta get through this bath and go see if the Man is still exercising."

  * * * *

  Luc pushed himself to complete one more set of crunches. He'd done four sets of forty already, and needed one more set in a different position. When finished, he stretched out on the mat and let himself rest.

  The slow fans overhead cooled his damp skin--he'd forced himself to sweat. The erotic dream he'd had about Wulf still lingered in his mind despite the torture he'd put his body through this morning.

  Curled up in bed, Wulf's head on his shoulder, they watched a game on Imperinet. Neither cared who won; it was the male camaraderie that mattered. Lovers who were friends first. While the crowd cheered, their kisses grew deeper, longer, until Wulf pulled him down on top of him and submitted to--

  The pounding drums in the background music changed, and Luc rolled over and got up, heading for the weights.

  "Stop thinking about Wulf." He loaded up sixty pounds of free weights and gripped a set in each hand. Today was his day for focusing on his shoulders, back, and forearms. He faced the mirrored wall, adjusted his grip, and lifted.

  Wulf chose that moment to enter the workout area, dressed in nothing but hot pink shorts and white gym shoes.

  The weights sailed out of Luc's hands and clunked the floor with a thud.

  Dancing out of the way as they rolled toward him, Wulf flashed him a smile of perfect white shiny teeth and warm rosy lips. His eyes sparkled with merriment. He put one foot on the closest weight to stop it.

  "Sorry. Guess I startled you."

  "Startled me?" Luc chased down the other weight. "I almost threw these things through the wall." Luc bent over to pick up the weight near Wulf's foot, and had the treat of rising to see the entire length of Wulf's muscled leg. For a man with dark hair, Wulf's leg hair was more like golden fuzz. What would all that soft hair feel like beneath my hands? My mouth? In contrast, Wulf's ripped abs and tanned chest were smooth. Does he shave? Does he shave anything else? Luc finally reached the top of Wulf's body and his gorgeous, clean-shaven face.

  The man was grinning; obviously aware Luc had taken his time feasting on his half-bared body.

  Oh mercy. I'm going to need another cold shower.

  "Morning." Wulf had tied a band of hot pink cloth around his brow, and wore a necklace of multicolored beads. He sported a braided leather strip around his right wrist. He cocked his head to one side. "Okay if I work out in here? I'd hate to screw up my regimen."

  "Uh ... uh huh." Luc slapped himself mentally. Speak in full sentences, you dolt! "I'm almost finished."

  "No need to rush off." Wulf glanced around and whistled in appreciation. "You've got everything in here. There's plenty of room for two." He pointed toward the treadmill. "Can if I start there?"

  "Sure." Luc plunked the weights back on their bench and turned his back to dry his face. Face hidden in the towel, he managed a peek at Wulf in the mirror.

  His heart kicked in like he'd started cardio--Wulf was checking out his ass. From the expression on his face, he liked what he saw. Like Wulf, Luc wore shorts and shoes. Well, what do you know...? Luc hid his face a moment longer, trying to control his smile. So, the beauty wants a piece of the beast, eh? You've still got it, old boy.

  "What's this control pad do?" Walking at a slow, beginning pace, Wulf turned his head toward him. "It has a red horn on it like these new shoes I've been modeling."

  "Don't push that unless you're holding on." Luc tossed the towel over his shoulder and came up next to him. "It's a prototype one of my holding companies is testing. The Tyrans want to market their low gravity devices in sports equipment."

  "No shit! It must be the same maker, then. That's in the shoes too. You can walk forever in those things." Wulf grabbed hold of the handlebars of the treadmill. "Spot me and crank her up. I wanna see what this baby can do."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Hell, yeah."

  Luc had to laugh. "You asked for it." He tapped the pad once. "This is the lowest setting."

  Wulf picked up the pace. "It just seems faster. I expected to float or something."

  "Give it time." He leaned against the wall beside him, enjoying the view.

  The perfect symmetry of Wulf's ribbed abs flexed as he walked at a brisk pace. When Luc was sure he was keeping up without difficulty, he reached over to the pad. "Ready for the next level?"

  "Go for it."

  He tapped the pad, increasing the speed, but reducing the effort.

  Wulf started to sweat. "Whew!" Almost running, he hung on the handlebars, his knuckles white. His body worked like a perfect machine, legs pumping, chest rising and falling.

  "You all right?"

  "Great." After a moment he asked, "You got more?"

  "You sure you want it?"

  Wulf fixed a man-eating grin on his face. "Give me all you got."

  Wouldn't I love to do that. Luc tapped the pad again. He'd been on this thing countless times. The third level made your heart race like the wind, but your joints didn't ache. Your feet didn't swell. Your knees felt no jarring pain, no pressure.

  Wulf was experiencing that now and his face showed it. His eyes lit up. Head back, he laughed like a child at play. "This is great!"

  Luc let him run for ten more minutes. "Time to cycle down." He touched the pad again, slowing him down a bit.

  By the time he'd cycled back down through all three levels, Wulf's body shone with sweat. He slowed to a stop and leaned against the handlebars.

  "Now that was a workout." He motioned to the towel around Luc's neck. "Borrow?"

  Before Luc could hand it to him, Wulf reached out and took it, brushing the backs of his fingers against Luc's chest. Luc held his breath a moment at the touch.

  Wulf wiped his face, pulled off the pink band, and rubbed the towel through his hair. "I had no idea it would be that good."

  "The public isn't ready for one of these."

  "I sure am!" Wulf ran his hands over the machine. "What does something like this cost?"

  "Somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty thousand draks."

  Wulf made a face. "Ouch! Not going to be in my apartment any time soon, I can tell you that."

  Luc patted the control panel. "I have one of these in every house I own."

  An alarm went off. Wulf lifted his head and looked around.

  "Reminder." Luc grabbed up another towel. "Enjoy the rest of your workout. It's time for me to go to work. Remember to stay here where you're safe while I investigate Stahlwell. You can do anything you like. Rest, watch Imperinet, exercise, play games. Shop. McDoth will give you my credit codes. Buy anything you want."

  Wulf blushed. "Thank you, but I'm fine just hanging out. Will I see you at dinner?"

  "Wouldn't miss it." He took in Wulf's honey brown eyes and thick dark lashes. I'd be the luckiest man in this empire, having him to come home to every night. He gave Wulf a satisfied smile. "See you tonight." As Luc walked away, he rolled up the towel and snapped it across Wulf's ass.

  * * * *

  In addition to the high protein breakfast McDoth had served him--using organics as Mr. Saint-Cyr directed--the android had pampered Wulf with a full-body massage after his workout. According to him, more of the "spoil him" treatment Luc had ordered.

  Oh yeah. I could definitely get used to this.

  He lolled on the couch watching a game on Imperinet most of the morning, eating balanced carb snacks McDoth made for him and drinking organic juice. Afterward, he sprawled on his bed and slept.

  McDoth woke him for lunch, fed him fresh lobster and steamed vegetables with a buttery dipping sauce for both.

  Luc's Imperinet connections provided more than two thousand channels in the sports lineup. McDoth confirmed the Man had every channel available in the empire. Wonder what that costs? Wulf spent an hour surfing and couldn't find a single game he wanted to watch.

  In the bedroom, his clothing had been unpacked and was hanging in the closet. Every drawer held his things, folded the way he'd arranged them at home. His shoes were on one side of the lower closet. Just like home.

  Wulf stood in the middle of the room and turned all the way around. The entire room was laid out like his. The placement of the bed and nightstands, closet, bathroom, dressers, even the mirrors. He returned to the sitting room and did a slow perusal here too. His couch was a different style and color, but it was placed to the left of the door, like this one. Four lamps, two vases, all placed exactly as his were at home. A painting over the chair... He gasped and went closer to it. The signature was from one of the premier artists in the empire. Wulf's was a print. No doubt this was the original.

  These rooms were duplicates of his apartment.

  Luc had claimed Nonnahs Rae decorated his place. What if he'd hired Rae after he decorated Wulf's? Paid him to duplicate the style here? But why?

  Luc had ordered his favorite meal. Insisted on bringing him home where he could keep him safe. He hugged himself. What if Luc had been stalking him? Watching his every move.

  Suddenly, the air felt closer, heavier. What was it Luc said... he expected me to obey? Obey what? Am I a prisoner here?

  Wulf ran to the door, placed his hand on the knob, and prayed it would open. When it did, he stuck out his head and checked both directions before going to the end of the hall. Flat against the wall, his heart pounding so loud he feared McDoth would hear it, he listened for the android.

  McDoth was elsewhere; Wulf could hear him humming.

  Wulf returned to his bedroom, found his ID and debit bracelet where he always kept them at home and went back to the hallway. Tiptoeing to the end, he listened for a moment before walking toward the door. No one stopped him. Once outside, he breathed a sigh of relief and took off on a dead run for the elevator--and freedom.

  Chapter Seven

  Tarth City, Di Lusso District

  Nizamrak Building, For Women Only Corporate Headquarters

  Luc's assistant announced McDoth's call and put him through. "Well?" he leaned back in his chair as the android appeared. "How is our guest?"

  "He sneaked out about five minutes ago, sir."

  The clock on the wall read 2:43. "He lasted quite awhile. It seems you won this bet, McDoth. I was certain he'd take off before lunch."

  The android quirked a smile. "The Fists were playing on Imperinet this morning."

  "Oh that's right. The NETway Cup Championship." For Women Only had sponsored part of the game but Luc had sent one of the company's vice presidents to attend in his stead. He shrugged. "Well, at least he likes my favorite team." He patted his fingertips together. "Have you called idBot?"

  "Of course, sir. I waited until I heard the door close. Wouldn't want him to think I was spying. They have him in view as we speak."

  "Tell them to call me if he endangers himself. Otherwise, they're to let him enjoy himself and stay out of his way. I don't want him to know he's being followed."

  "Very good, sir. They can track him, however. The soap I gave him had a dusting of trackules. He's coated with them. They could see him in complete darkness."

  "Excellent. Keep me posted."

  Luc leaned forward and disconnected. He stood and went to the windows, hands clasped behind him. "Wulf, Wulf, Wulf. You will learn to obey me."

  * * * *

  Tarth City, Di Consueto District

  Renyoj Building, Park Serenity Overlook, Feeyona's flat

  Wulf leaned on the buzzer with one hand and beat on the door with the other until Feeyona Joie opened it. He swept past her and slammed the door behind him, pressing his back against it.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Fee crossed her arms.

  "Fee, help me." He gripped her by the arms. "I've gotta get out of town for a few days. I need cash."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Long story." Wulf hugged himself, chilled in the apartment's cool air. "Luc Saint-Cyr is after me and I..."

  She gasped, reached past him, and bolted the lock. "Come away from the door." She drew him into the kitchen and guided him to a chair. "How in the worlds did you get mixed up with the Harbinger?" She pulled up the chair next to him.

  Wulf hung his head and covered his face with both hands. "You're be
tter off not knowing, Fee." He lifted his head and found her studying him. "Please trust me."

  She ran the tip of her tongue across her lower lip, back and forth, before finally nodding. "All right, Wulf. If you need help, you know I'll give it. Tell me what you want me to do."

  * * * *

  Tarth City, Di Lusso District

  Nizamrak Building, For Women Only Corporate Headquarters

  Sitting at the conference table, Luc let his staff hash out the contract details of the latest concert they were handling. FWO covered female celebrity clientele. The more powerful the woman, the more protection she needed, so most of his staff was female also, to provide the client an extra measure of comfort and personal security. He covered his smile. For beautiful women, they dickered like street peddlers.

  Ms. Mead entered quietly and came to his side, and bent down to whisper in his ear. "IdBot is on the line, sir."

  Luc pushed back from the table. "Excuse me, ladies. I'll be back in a moment."

  When he reached his office, the image of Shohn Lexius awaited him. One of the feline Kin, her catlike ears flicked to attention as he entered. Her black and green uniform fit impeccably. Shohn rested her clawed left hand on the hook knife attached to her upper thigh and crossed her right hand over her chest as she bowed.

  "What's going on, Shohn?"

  "Mr. Gabriel entered the apartment of a female friend, Mr. Saint-Cyr. According to our scans, she linked to an Imperinet travel site and bought transportation off-planet using a transferable account."

  "Meaning she can give the tickets to someone else."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Hmm." He rubbed a hand across his mouth. I underestimated him. More disappointed than angry, Luc nodded. "Anything else?"

  "Mr. Stahlwell hired private investigators to research you, sir."

  He chuckled at that. "Good. I hope they talk some sense into him. Threatening his highest moneymaker is stupid by anyone's standards. Anything new on him that we can use?"


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