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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

Page 13

by Kayelle Allen

  Luc lifted the gun, arms braced, a lethal shadow in the darkness.

  Wulf stuffed a knuckle in his mouth. Oh Luc, please. Don't take any chances. He shut his eyes, quickly opened them again at the soft scratch of metal in the lock. He sucked in a shallow breath, his chest an ache of fear for the man he loved.

  Luc rose from the bed in one smooth movement, stalking naked to the left of the door. He nodded to Wulf, made a hand motion. Wulf slid out of bed on the other side and huddled out of the way behind the nightstand, his heart beating wildly in his ears, throat tight.

  The door unlocked.

  Wulf almost choked, unable to catch a breath.

  Luc flattened himself against the wall as the door started to ease open. Wulf ducked as Luc and someone tussled briefly at the door. A light came on to reveal Luc holding a gun at the intruder's head.

  "Senthys?" Luc released his son and stepped back. "I almost shot you!"

  Wulf stood. When Senthys did a double take, Wulf grabbed the sheet to cover his nakedness.

  Luc made a circular gesture. "Turn your back, Senthys."

  "Sorry." He did as told. "You guys better get dressed. Someone's already gotten in on the ground floor."

  Luc grabbed his pants and stepped into them. "I set off the silent alarm when I heard you, so help should be on the way soon. IdBot has three guards out there. That should slow them down."

  "I wouldn't count on it." Senthys jerked a thumb toward the door. "I checked the perimeter hovercams just before the power went out. All the idBot guys are dead."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kelthia, Miraj City, Holding District

  The Harbinger's home

  Sumertsag 26

  Damn it, I hate it when I'm right. Luc had planned for big trouble; hoped for an easy solution.

  Wulf stared at Senthys with a blank expression that faded to one of terror. He lurched backwards, glancing about the room like a rabbit with foxes after him.

  Luc dashed forward and dragged him up against his chest. "Easy, love." He motioned to Senthys to keep his back turned and then braced Wulf against himself. "It's all right. I won't let anyone hurt you."

  The younger man trembled, but he drew himself up and controlled his chattering teeth. "I--I'm okay. You take care of S-Senthys."

  "Hey." Senthys winked at him. "Don't worry about me." He gave him thumbs up. "But you might want to get some clothes on."

  Luc handed Wulf his pants. "Shirt and shoes too. We may have to run for it." He couldn't resist adding, "Now you see why I always fold my clothes. Easier to dress and run."

  "Run where, Sen'dai?" Senthys folded his arms. "There's no way out from up here except the windows in the other rooms."

  "You knew we were trapped in here but you came anyway?"

  Senthys frowned at him. "What was I supposed to do, leave you? You're my dad."

  "We'll talk about safety later." Luc tucked the gun in his pants pocket, opened the drawer, and pulled out the extra power clip. Full charge. Good. "Wulf, do you know how to shoot?"

  "I could learn."

  "That's my boy. You may have to. I don't want to arm Senthys if I don't have to."

  "Sen'dai!" Senthys faced him. "I can fire a weapon. I've had training. He hasn't."

  "And if I need you to shoot I'll give you a gun without hesitation, but I don't want to jeopardize your guild standing if I don't have to."

  The Thieves' Union took a very dim view of any thief using a weapon except in self-defense. Armed robbery, at least on Kelthia, didn't exist. A sad truth that had come about after the death of Wulf's father.

  "Wulf, love, open the closet door. Go to the third set of shoe cubbies on the left, then the fourth cubby up from the bottom right. Reach into the back and push."

  The rear of the closet swiveled open.

  "Oh, cool!" Senthys rubbed his hands together. "A secret passageway."

  "Senthys, you lead the way. Here." He tossed him a flashlight from the drawer. "No noise."

  "Yes, Sen'dai."

  Wulf followed him without prompting.

  Luc closed the closet door, entered the narrow brick passageway, and shut the secret door behind him.

  Wulf waited for him. "So much 'not even Senthys could get in here tonight.'"

  "Later." Luc pointed toward the stairs.

  "What does Sen'dai mean?"

  Well, he's past his initial fear, I see. "It's a guild word for master. Talk when we're safe. Move."

  The smooth passageway tilted down. Luc brought up the rear.

  "Luc?" Wulf glanced back at him. "Isn't Sen'dai what slaves call their owners in the guild?"

  The youth turned back toward Wulf. "You noticed my last name's not Saint-Cyr, didn't you? It's Antonello."

  "Shh!" Luc raised a finger to his lips. "Would you two kindly keep in mind a killer's in the house searching for us at this very moment? Keep your voices down."

  Senthys pointed the light toward an angled stairwell with concrete steps. "It's a 'working adoption,' not a full one." His voice echoed in the bare chamber. "I'm not his legal son. I'm his slave."

  "What!" Wulf whirled toward Luc. "He's a slave?"

  "No, he's not. Well, yes, but not really. Look, when my son finishes his version of this story, I'll tell you the real one. Can we please get to safety?" Luc motioned.

  Wulf glared but moved ahead.

  Senthys stopped in front of a metal door. "Wow. I've never seen so many locks in one place before."

  "Excuse me." Luc turned sideways to fit into the cramped space and moved around Wulf. To dry his fingertips, Luc brushed them against his pants and then stroked the topmost lock. "Senthys, hold the light."

  "Yes, sir. What system is this, Sen'dai?"

  He keyed a pattern on the second lock. "A Cyr de Tomasson. Very old, made before the planet Kelthia was part of the Tarthian Empire." He caught Wulf's knowing smile over Senthys' head. Luc had been Cyr de Tomasson in a previous life. This was his invention.

  "Wow." Senthys squinted at the locks. "I never thought I'd get to see one of these. Was de Tomasson related to you?"

  Luc fumbled the lock sequence and had to start over. "What in the worlds made you think that?"

  "The 'Cyr' in the name. Seems like a lot of Kelthian history is about people with that name. I run into it all the time when I'm researching the guild archives for Grand Master de Laney."

  "Are you?" He flashed a quick peek at Wulf, who grimaced. "So Master de Laney has you doing research for him, eh? What kind of things?"

  "Mostly stuff about Uncle Flea lately. He's creating a scrapbook of his best pulls. He and Uncle Gnat have been partners since they were kids. Flea's retiring."

  "Retiring?" Luc almost fumbled the sequence again. He faced Senthys. Jean Paul Suixel and James Philemon, aka Gnat and Flea, had been rescued by Luc from a children's home the same way Senthys had--as toddlers. Although not his Chosen, they did know he was the same person who'd rescued them and had kept it their secret. He turned back to the lock. "Two of the finest thieves ever to walk the empire. They can't be old enough to retire."

  Senthys made a rude noise. "They're eighty if they're a day."

  "Still young." Luc concentrated on the last two locks. "People aren't considered old until they're over a hundred. Can't imagine why Flea would want to quit."

  Senthys leaned against the wall. "Maybe he's going to teach in the academy. I'd rather take classes from Gnat than de Laney any day."

  "Never happen." Luc worked over another lock point. "Gnat hates the Academy. He'd never teach there. Flea might, though."

  Senthys shone the light on the last lock. "Did you put this thing down here?"

  Luc hesitated. "It came with the house." Not a total lie. He'd built the house too, in another life.

  "Geez. Don't you think it's time to upgrade?"

  "Modern thieves have no idea how to operate the system. It isn't just a series of locks, Senthys. There are small switches and catches as well." He released the final lock. "Virtually pi
ck-proof. It's safe to say no one in the union these days could break into it."

  "Then how did you manage it so smoothly?"

  Luc pulled open the door, took the light from his son, and shone it up on his own face. "I'm the Harbinger, remember?" He used the light to indicate the opening. "Let's go. We'll be safe down here." A scent like stale beer rose to him.

  Wulf sneezed. "What stinks?" He passed through ahead of Luc.

  Senthys sneezed as well. "Maybe it's mold. It turns nasty in an old place like this, I bet."

  Luc pushed the heavy door shut behind him.

  Wulf stayed beside Luc. "If you lock us in down here, how are we going to get out?"

  "Vaults are made to keep people out, not in. Besides, McDoth will come for us within the next twenty-four hours and I know an alternate way out if he doesn't." The door clicked shut, bringing an eerie silence. Luc's eardrums felt the change in pressure. He activated the single interior light. "The air and lighting system down here runs separately from the house. We should be fine."

  While Wulf wandered about the barren room, Luc and Senthys seated themselves on the floor. The place was little more than a series of caves. Luc had used it few times over the centuries. A convenient bolt-hole with reinforced walls and roof, it served as a decent hideaway and a place to keep stash. A flushable toilet sat in one of the outer rooms, a cooking area and food storage section in another. The interior lay open, the rooms more like alcoves.

  "May I borrow that light?" Wulf held out a hand to Senthys. "I'm going to explore a little."

  Senthys cut it off and stuck it in his pocket. "We need to save power."

  "Senthys." Luc shook a warning finger at him. "That battery would last ten years if you left it on day and night. Give it to him."

  After taking the flashlight from Senthys, Wulf meandered out of sight.

  Senthys pulled a handheld game out of his pocket and started playing.

  "What is that?"

  He glanced up at his father, went back to playing. "An educational game."

  Luc snorted, held out a hand. "Let me see that." The front panel held mathematic equations. He scrolled through a few screens. Satisfied it was suitable, he handed it back.

  Wulf came back into the room, the flashlight shining on his face. "When was the last time you were down here, Luc?"

  Senthys looked away, biting his lip.

  Luc rubbed his chin. "Six months ago, maybe. I replenished food supplies in case of an emergency. Why?"

  Wulf motioned to him to follow and in the farthest sleeping area, shone the light around the room. Posters of naked women adorned the walls, beer bottles balanced atop each other in a pyramid, a set of headphones and a stack of music chips lay scattered on the cot. Another handheld game had fallen on the floor.

  Luc picked it up and turned it on. "Naked women." He touched one of the controls and the screen switched to mathematic equations. "Why that little..." He slipped the light from Wulf's hands and went back to where Senthys sat.

  The youth stood, pocketing the game.

  "Hand it over." He snapped his fingers. "Don't play coy. I know it's not what it seems."

  Senthys growled but he obeyed.

  "Well? I'm sure you know what we found."

  Senthys shrugged. "I was bored."

  "That's it? That's all you have to say for yourself?" Luc felt Wulf brush his hand in a silent plea for attention, but he ignored the gesture. "You broke into an area that is off limits."

  "Luc." Wulf nudged Luc. "You're training him to be a thief. What did you expect?"

  Luc acknowledged him and turned back to Senthys. "You broke into a Cyr de Tomasson. I can't believe you did that, and without even knowing what it was. That's a huge accomplishment. Way to go, Senthys."

  The youth beamed.

  "Wait." Wulf blinked at him. "You're proud of that?"

  "Of course!" Luc slapped Senthys on the back. "What's all this 'I've never seen so many locks' crap? Why didn't you show off your skills and open it yourself?"

  "I figured you'd be angry."

  "Wait a minute." Wulf stepped between them. "I can't believe you're proud of him for breaking in." He set fingertips against his brow. "What am I saying? Of course you are. The head of the Thieves' Union would find this kind of law breaking just another day at the office."

  "Former head," Senthys and Luc said in unison and then laughed.

  Luc threw an arm around Senthys. "Out-damn-standing, but you're still grounded for a month and I am definitely going to whip you."

  "Whip me?" His shoulders drooped as he pulled away. "But..."

  "Excuse us, Wulf." Luc pointed to the left. "Senthys, let's you and I go have another little talk about why you don't watch porn."

  Senthys dug in his heels. "But, Sen'dai, don't you think Wulf needs our company?"

  "Not nearly as bad as you need a whipping."

  "But, I..."

  "Enough." Luc clamped a hand over Senthys' arm and hauled him off to the side. "We'll be right back, Wulf. Have a seat."


  An only child, Wulf had no experience with hearing a sibling punished. Listening to Luc's stern reprimand of Senthys made him long to be anywhere else.

  The basement--er, cellar--vault? whatever--was far too small to get away from the harsh words. Wulf sat on the edge of one of the simple cots and leaned forward, elbows on his knees, fingers in his ears. It didn't help.

  How can Luc be so rigid about Senthys not having sex and yet train him to be a thief and think nothing of it? He flinched at the crack of a belt on flesh. Senthys yelped. It sounded as if Luc had put everything he had into it. That kind of force on a bare butt had to hurt.

  Another stroke fell. Wulf jerked as if the belt had bitten into him. At the third, he lurched to his feet and started toward the room, determined to stop it. He halted halfway. Luc seemed to have quit. Wulf listened, senses stretched to their limits. Sniffling, the sound of pants being pulled back up. The slide of leather against cloth; Luc putting on his belt.

  Wulf returned to the cot and sat down to wait. Being whipped bare-assed was bad enough. Knowing someone else listened had to be the worst part, no matter how few swats you got.

  Senthys--head down and eyes averted--passed by rubbing his rear end on his way to the porn stash. Next came the sound of paper ripping and bottles being dumped into the trash. Stifled sniffling mixed with the chink of bottles.

  Luc stood in the door, as serene as if he'd just returned from a morning stroll.

  "I don't understand, Luc."

  "What is it you want you to know?"

  "Why is it good for him to be a thief, but not for him to look at naked women?"

  Luc entered the room fully and seated himself on the single cot, patted the area next to him.

  Wulf slid over beside him.

  "Senthys is a HalfKin. He appears human on the outside, but he is a bundle of raw energy inside. The Kin are ferocious when aroused. If Senthys had a mind to, he could pick me up and throw me. He doesn't because I drug him and force him to obey."

  "You drug him? Why?"

  "I told you. He's dangerous. I can't grab him by the neck with my fangs the way a Kin parent would. The drug I give him is similar to one used for hyperactivity. He needs it. Hell, by the end of the day, I need him to be on it. It's exhausting keeping up with a fifteen-year-old human, let alone a HalfKin. Besides, it gives me an advantage. Helps ensure I'm the alpha."

  "Are you saying it's like a pack mentality?"

  "Exactly." Luc took Wulf's hand and linked fingers with him. "As long as I'm the alpha, he'll obey me. Sex can trigger a HalfKin's aggression. He's not human, Wulf. You can't think of him that way no matter how human he appears."

  "Well, he's not an animal."

  "I didn't mean to imply he was. He's extremely intelligent. If there's a way around things, Senthys will find it." He glanced down at their linked hands and then back at Wulf. "Did I tell you how I got him?"

  Wulf turned a bit, so their thighs l
ay against each other, Luc's warmth a comfort. He leaned his shoulder against Luc's.

  "I'd gone to a children's home to help locate the missing child of a friend. He'd been separated from his daughter and I had a lead I hoped would pan out. I found her, and while I was talking to the headmaster, I felt Senthys pick my pocket." His fond smile spoke of good memories. "The little scamp would have gotten away with it if he'd targeted a lesser trained thief, but I knew instantly. I also knew he'd taken a single piece of candy. I'd put several in my pocket--a treat for the girl."

  "What did you do?"

  "Nothing. Came back two days later to visit again with one piece of candy in that pocket. The little scamp took it without my being aware he had. Next day, I arranged to adopt him."

  Wulf snapped his fingers. "Just like that? I think I'll adopt a kid?"

  "I had five others at the time." He rubbed at his brow. "I've often wondered what I was thinking, but he had such potential."

  "Five? You had five kids? When was this?"

  "Right after your father died. Not long after you moved away."

  Wulf moved back from the edge of the bed. "I don't remember anything about you having kids." He lowered his voice. "Were they to be your Chosen?"

  "No, no." Luc drew Wulf's hand onto his lap. "One of my friends had died and they were all his apprentices. I was the executor of his estate, and he'd willed me their care. All of them are grown now, four of them professional thieves and the fifth one a cop."

  "Cop?" Wulf laughed despite himself. "Talk about being the black sheep. How does that make you feel? You being a thief and having a cop for a son? Do you see that as a failure, or a success?"

  He made an off-hand gesture. "Both, actually."

  "I'll bet." Wulf licked his lips. "How old was Senthys when you adopted him?"


  "I have a little trouble picturing you as the 'daddy' type." Wulf rested his head against Luc's shoulder, loving the man's warmth. "What happened to his parents?"

  Luc bit his lips together. "We know his father was Kin and his mother human. He was given to slavers by an elderly Kin female who reported her people were going to slaughter him because he was half human. She rescued him because she couldn't stand to see a newborn killed. Apparently he had a brother, but we don't know whether he's human, Kin, or HalfKin."


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