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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

Page 20

by Kayelle Allen

  But now, thanks to the adorable Wulf, Luc could compete.

  The car stopped in front of one of the tallest buildings on Kelthia. When the door opened, Luc stepped out into the middle of a clutch of reporters. Like himself on most days, they wore contacts that covered their eyes--in their case, to serve as cameras recording everything they saw.

  Eerie sight, having a dozen pair of blank, black eyes staring back at him. No wonder people shivered and looked away when they met him.

  He lifted his head, letting them record him in public with his human eyes in view. He excused himself and entered the building. When he returned a few hours later, the crowd of reporters had grown tenfold, anxious to hear what plans he had for this new and most remarkable source of energy. Luc had been the highest bidder, far outpacing any competitor. With exclusive marketing rights and his understanding of the energy's true nature, Luc would one day own every form of travel in the empire.

  Far from new, the same technology had existed thousands of years before. Then, as now, the short-sighted had missed their opportunities. No amount of money was too much for the kind of power this technology promised.

  For today, Luc merely promised a future press conference. He climbed back into his car and leaned against the seat. Time to get home to Wulf. Time to pamper the Chosen who had made his next life a guaranteed success.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Tarth City, Di Lusso District

  Nizamrak Building, Penthouse Level, "The Loft"

  Sofftem 22, 4659 Tradestandard

  Wulf held out his arms while the top designer from the Tarth Fashion Company went over the fit of his tux one more time. Icia Teoh had been his friend since he'd worn her designs on his first modeling gig ten years ago.

  Icia smoothed the front of the jacket. "When's the big day?"

  To begin their public life together, Luc had insisted on throwing a private commitment ceremony. Feeyona Joie, Trink and Yvan, and one hundred and twenty of Luc's and Wulf's friends would attend.

  "I can't say." Wulf lowered his arms. "You know how it is. It's a media circus. They're practically camping on our doorsteps already. Luc smiles but I know he's gritting his teeth. He loves his privacy."

  She stepped back, eyeing the overall fit. "I see this kind of thing all the time. Two high-profile people get married and bang! It explodes all over Imperinet."

  "We're not getting married, Icia. We're committing to each other. We're happy for now but we're not promising forever. There's a difference."

  "Doesn't matter." Icia motioned him to turn around. "Linking the richest man in the empire with the hottest male model known to man has to be the story of the year."

  "With all the fuss they're making I'd almost believe you." He stood still while she ran her hands across his shoulders and down his back. "It's just Luc and me, darlin'."

  "I did a society wedding last year on Kelthia that had three thousand guests. Security was a nightmare."

  "Three thousand?" He turned his face toward her. "How'd they even know who was supposed to be there?"

  "They didn't." She shook her head. "It ended up chaos."

  "Well, we made our guest list and Luc went over it with me at least a dozen times." Wulf turned for her as she adjusted the hem. "He's so sweet. He wanted to make sure everyone who's important to me is on it."

  "Wulf, honey." She looked him straight in the eye. "I don't want to break your heart, but you have to know Saint-Cyr is all about appearances. There's no one in the empire right now who could give him more publicity than you after all you've been through lately."

  He cocked his head. "Not you too?"

  Icia kissed him on the cheek. "Forgive me. I don't want to see you hurt, that's all. There's no way I can thank you enough for using my designs."

  "Oh honey, please." He fluttered his fingers at her. "I wouldn't wear Draap to buy a sandwich."

  She snickered. "After they dropped you for their ad campaign?" She picked up a small brush and whisked it across the jacket. "I think you ought to sue them."

  He lifted one eyebrow. "No need. Luc bought the company, fired all their marketing people, and threw their new 'Face' out on his pretty little ass."

  Hands stilled, Icia met his gaze. "Are you kidding me?"

  "Hell, no." Wulf gave her his most serene smile. "I love that man."

  She tossed aside the brush and pinched a section of his jacket. "Well, he's smart, keeping the ceremony all hush-hush. Must make it hard to plan anything though."

  "Yeah, but everything's being done far ahead so we can throw off the media until the last possible moment."

  "Sneaky, aren't you?"

  "Have to be." Devious, sly, and downright underhanded, more like. If anyone knows how to keep a secret, it's one of the Chosen.

  "Almost done." Icia sat to adjust the hang of the tux's tails. "A third of the empire's in an uproar over the Harbinger having a relationship with a man half his age, you know."

  "I can't tell you how unimportant our age difference is to either one of us."

  Icia paused and looked up at him. "I saw a piece on Good Morning Tarth with that Androg ... What's his name? You know, the one who's always doing exposés."

  "No clue, sweetie. I hardly have time for Imperinet any more. Luc's got me working for him over at Lucsondis Entertainment. It's often midnight or later before we get home. All these parties and clubs... Can you believe it? He's a damn fine dancer."

  "The Harbinger dances?" Icia wrapped her necklace around one finger. "Hard to picture that." She picked up a digital marker and clicked a spot onto the hem. "Anyway, the guy called you a gold-digger. He claims you're interested in Luc for his money."

  "What an idiot. I don't need Luc's money. I inherited plenty and made my own fortune modeling. After winning damages against my agent, I'm wealthy in my own right. Yes, the Man could buy a planet, but I'm no 'poor boy' who needs help to survive. I never have to work again if I don't want to. I'll be glad when we're old news."

  "Sweetie." Icia patted Wulf's cheek. "That'll never happen."

  "Luc and I can't get a minute's peace. Between the publicity over our relationship and my agent's trial..."

  "I hope they threw the book at him."

  "He'll be in prison forever." His agent's uncle, James Stalkos, had escaped conviction for lack of evidence. Luc could have arranged evidence against him, but his honor precluded him from doing so. Still, the man wouldn't get away with it forever. Luc seemed particularly careful that the man did not go anywhere near Senthys.

  "Go ahead and take off the jacket." Icia folded her arms. "I'll finish the last bits tonight."

  He shrugged out of it, folded it, and laid it aside. "Thank you. Having an Icia Teoh tux to wear--I know I'll look good." Holding out his arms, he wrapped her in a brotherly hug.

  * * * *

  Tarth City, Palace District

  Jade Park, Destine Pietan Pavilion

  Sofftem 30

  The glorious splendor of autumn bathed Jade Park's woods and gardens in breathtaking colors. An early rain had left a line of young saplings naked along the entryway of the main pavilion, red and gold clothing wet and scattered at their feet.

  Luc leaned against the window, arms folded as he waited for Wulf to come up the short flight of stairs outside. Wulf paused and hugged the young woman accompanying him. He kissed her on the cheek, and glanced up over her shoulder to where Luc stood. Wulf waved. When the woman turned to see whom he'd greeted, Wulf pointed at Luc.

  So that's Feeyona Joie. Luc narrowed his eyes. I've seen her before. Where? Her milk chocolate skin and pale golden eyes seemed as familiar as an old friend.

  Feeyona covered her mouth with one dainty hand as she giggled, then lifted it and fluttered her fingers at Luc. After hugging Wulf, she continued up the stairs ahead of him.

  Trink and Yvan arrived and Wulf hurried back down the steps to greet them.

  "Sir?" McDoth stood at Luc's elbow. "It's time to dress for the ceremony."

well." He turned from the window. "Send Wulf to me after he dresses, will you?"

  An hour later, Luc paced the floor of his dressing room. Senthys was out there in the audience, seated with Gnat and Flea as chaperones. Hard to imagine the irrepressible Gnat as chaperone. In his day, he'd caused as much trouble as Senthys--if not more. Yet having a man of his skill to fine tune his son's skills made any trouble worthwhile.

  Wulf finally entered, shut the door behind him, and leaned against it. "What did you think of Feeyona? Isn't she beautiful?"

  "She looks familiar."

  "I hope so. I've modeled with her a thousand times. Fee's the best female model on Tarth. One other, Chi has appeared in more shows."

  I should tell him. I should tell him why I follow Pietas. Tell him the truth about my life. Luc chewed the inside of his lip. And risk seeing him die because of me? No. No matter how much I trust him. I can't risk his death. I must walk this path alone.

  Wulf set one hand on his hip. "Are you listening to me?"

  "Of course I am, love." He rubbed a hand over his mouth. "My stars, you're a vision. Icia Teoh outdid herself."

  The black tux and tails molded to Wulf's frame. A white shirt sported layer upon layer of lace at the throat and down over his hands. Few men could claim beauty and masculinity at the same time. Wulf Gabriel personified it. From his dark, glossy hair to his trim waist and all the way down to his shiny shoes, he was perfect. Every single inch of him. Luc wet his lips. Especially his favorite inches that lay beneath those clothes.

  Wulf grinned. "I can read your mind like a vidscreen."

  Luc clasped his hands behind him. "I'm that transparent?"

  "Oh, yeah, baby. My dirty boy wants to do the nasty with his Wulf." He held his lower lip between his teeth. "I like that about you."

  Luc chuckled.

  "So you think you want to commit yourself to me, huh?" Wulf ambled toward him, taking his time.

  Luc stood stock still, savoring the sight of this gorgeous young man he adored. "Indeed, I do."

  Wulf stopped in front of him and smoothed a lace-covered hand down Luc's lapel. "I want you to know that when I say those things out there in front of everyone"-- Wulf lifted his face, dark brown eyes studious and wise --"I won't be lying."

  Luc dropped his hands, standing before him with all humility. "Wulf, love, I know. I love you for it."

  "When I say that I will honor you, and cherish you above myself, that I'll seek to understand you and to share my heart and life"-- Tears welled in his eyes --"I will mean it."

  Cupping a hand beneath Wulf's chin, he tilted back his lover's face and bent to press his lips against Wulf's. "I can never tell you how much you mean to me. I hope to show it in every word, every touch, and every kiss."

  "My heart is yours, Luc, even before I give myself to you in the Chanoyu of the Chosen."

  The Ceremony of Faithfulness linked a Chosen to his Sempervian in a bond forever. Pietas himself would officiate. Every Sempervian possible would attend. Even the Conqueror.

  Wulf took Luc's hands in his. "Death will part us some day, Sempervian, but no matter how things end -- I will never betray you."

  Resting his brow against his lover's, Luc brought their linked hands up against his chest, then to his mouth. He kissed Wulf's fingertips. "You are my confidant, my friend, my lover, and my Chosen. I will hold you in my heart for eternity. For immortals, romance lives forever."

  Wulf curled his fingers into Luc's hair, and drew him down for a kiss.

  The End -- or is it?

  Read on for more of the Chosen in Alitus.

  Alitus, Tales of the Chosen - PREVIEW

  Chapter One

  Tarthian Empire, Tarth

  Tarth City, Palace District

  Imperial Palace, Division of Imperial Intelligence

  Office of Alitus Vivaldi

  Sumertsag 34, 4664 Tradestandard date

  Spymaster Alitus Vivaldi paused beside his new assistant's desk and tapped a finger on it.

  The man jumped to his feet. "Yes, sir?"

  "I didn't mean to startle you, Jarod." The man had been with Alitus less than a week, but he'd already proven himself invaluable. "I'll be working on a Class Four project the rest of the day. Keep interruptions to a minimum."

  "Yes, sir. I'll ensure you're not disturbed, Minister Vivaldi."

  Inside his private office, Alitus set the standard safeguards, and added a few layers of additional protection. The glowing logo for the Conqueror's Division of Imperial Intelligence faded as Alitus pulled up a bank of images from the idBot interface. He slipped a link bracelet onto each wrist, and flicked his fingers to cast the images onto the walls around the room.

  "Begin capture. Target: Wulf Gabriel. Parameters: record my questions as well as any and all information available in database for target." Pointing toward the top right of one wall, Alitus moved his finger diagonally to the bottom left to bring up a set of images. "Play series." His current quarry was walking toward the Renyoj Building in the Di Consueto District. "Stop playback."

  Alitus tapped a finger on one picture to create a still, and zoomed in for a better view. Mid-stride, Wulf had reached the entrance. He wore a charcoal gray suit, dark hair tousled from the breeze. A former supermodel, Wulf's chiseled features and strong jaw set him apart in any crowd.

  How could anyone fail to recognize him? He's beautiful. All he has to do is walk into the room and everything stops.

  The lover of wealthy tycoon Luc Saint-Cyr, few things Wulf did were off the public record. The man still had fans from his modeling career five years ago, but these days, fans followed him because he managed famous rock bands for Lucsondis Entertainment, Saint-Cyr's business. That wasn't what had warranted the attention of the spymaster. Wulf was no traitor to the crown, and he'd committed no crimes.

  Wulf was suspected of having an affair. Luc Saint-Cyr wanted to be sure, and since he was the Conqueror's friend, the Conqueror had tasked Alitus with finding out who to blame. Saint-Cyr might have no qualms about engaging in an affair himself, and was well-known for his licentious behavior, but his partner had no such freedom. Saint-Cyr and Destoiya were allies in every sense of the word. Were even lovers when it suited them.

  Alitus would refuse no request the Conqueror made. Nor could he refuse Saint-Cyr. One drew his ire at one's peril.

  The man owned a large percentage of legitimate businesses on Tarth, Kelthia, and a smattering on other planets. He had once headed the Kelthian Thieves' Guild. No one had yet proven he led the largest crime syndicate in the empire, but the assumption was there, despite official denials. There was no public discussion of Saint-Cyr anywhere except entertainment news, where it seemed to be encouraged. On Kelthia, they said his name only if they couldn't avoid it. Otherwise he was the Harbinger, or the Man, or simply Him. One could hear the capital letters.

  Proving Wulf was having an affair would be dangerous. It could cost Wulf everything, up to and including his life. Especially if anyone found out with whom he was having the affair. The trick was to get idBot to prove he wasn't.

  Alitus swallowed. Focus. You must do this right. Wulf's life could be at stake.

  "IdBot. Show interior. Face outward. Play." The image shifted to the other side of the door as Wulf entered. "Pause." Alitus drew an oval around Wulf's image. "Follow target. Play."

  Wulf entered an elevator. On the right of the screen, an inset showed the elevator cabin from the top. Wulf was joined partway up by two women, each of whom flirted with him. When the elevator stopped on the seventieth floor, the idBot security system announced the target passenger had exited. Different cambots took over. Wulf touched a security panel, unlocking the door of an apartment. Once he'd stepped inside, the owner's idBot privacy guards prevented further access.

  "Override apartment privacy protocols on my order." Alitus spoke his passphrase.

  No place was immune from the spy network Alitus managed for the Conqueror. Anywhere a target went, secret eyes followed, recorded, and
reported. Once Alitus named the person, idBot went to work, finding everything there was to know. The system gave him unprecedented access and stripped away privacy on levels the average citizen could not begin to fathom.

  How ironic that the name "idBot" was synonymous with "protection."

  The visual of Wulf fluttered, and then revealed a grainy image of him inside the foyer.

  As Alitus had coached him, Wulf turned out of view, and returned with a glass of water, which he drank, and then returned the glass to what was apparently the kitchen. He made a quick walk-through of the apartment, during which idBot reported his presence via items such as a heat control that registered his body temperature, and an electronic picture frame that activated upon sensing his nearness. Wulf returned to the door, wrote on the apartment's note screen, and exited.

  "IdBot, scan note, please." The line had been signed with a smiley face and his name, saying Wulf had performed "the inspection."

  Time for Alitus to play his part in the charade. "Inspection? Of what?"

  "Cannot process the request." IdBot's female voice sounded pleasant and calm. "Please rephrase."

  "Sorry, idBot. Wasn't talking to you."

  "Cannot process the request. Please rephrase."

  Alitus took a deep, calming breath. Let's try this from a different viewpoint. He flicked his fingers at a different part of the screen. "Access apartment information. Provide occupant name, occupation, and occupant's current location. Voice and main screen, please."

  "Occupant L Givens, artist. Registered owner of the Dark Neon Art Gallery in Top Tier. Last known location is off planet. Port Tarth, Ezraki." The information flashed into view in the upper right corner.

  "Show full name, please."

  "L Givens."

  "Not the initials, idBot. Full first name, please."


  Alitus frowned. "Spell the owner's first name."


  Alitus paused. "One letter? 'L'?"


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