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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

Page 5

by Bethany Winters

  “Somethin’ on your mind, ganja man?” Callie asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I laugh lightly to hide the ache in my chest and pour out a couple shots of Jack, forgetting the coke, then I knock my glass against hers and throw it back, pretending I don’t feel her eyes on my face while she leans her elbows on the island beside me. She knows some things, things I told her when I was drunk and high on the roof that night a few weeks back, things I wish I’d never let slip because she’s a clever little thing who sees a helluva lot more than she lets on.

  “What happened to him?”

  I frown at that, following her line of sight to Levi. He’s still sitting on the couch outside with his head tipped back and his eyes on the stars, dressed in dark jeans and a white t-shirt that clings to his body like a second skin, the small cut and the bruise beneath his left eye darkening even further as the minutes tick by.

  “He’s a fighter,” I tell her, dropping my eyes to the split on his knuckles. “Not so much now, but back when we were kids he’d turn up at school with a black eye and a busted up hand almost every other week.”

  “Kids?” she asks, cutting her eyes to mine. “How long’s this been goin’ on?”

  “Pretty much as long as I can remember,” I shrug, pouring out another two shots. “He’s not as bad as he used to be but it’s like he goes out lookin’ to get his ass beat, throwing punches at the biggest guy he can find like it’s fun for him.”

  She nods and throws her shot back, but I don’t miss the way her jaw ticks like she’s mad about something.


  “Nothing,” she mutters, taking a few beers from the fridge before stealing the fresh joint from behind my ear. “You want some?”

  “Of my joint?” I raise a brow, following her out through the kitchen.

  She grins and snatches Damon’s hand to pull him along with us, leading us outside to go sit on the couch beside Levi. I sit down between him and Damon and he rolls his head to look at me, frowning at Callie when she tosses him two beers.

  “One’s for you, one’s for your face,” she says simply, dropping down on Damon’s lap to light my joint. “You need to ice it.”

  He raises a brow but does as he’s told, cracking one open before lifting the other one to his eye. “Thanks.”

  She leans back on Damon’s chest and moves her eyes over the crowd, taking a couple hits before passing to me. “Where’s Kai?” she asks, laughing when she spots him rushing outside with a big ass grin on his face.

  “Callie, c’mere,” he calls, taking her hands to pull her up to her feet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Ryan bet me a hundred bucks I wouldn’t drink a beer underwater and post it on TikTok,” he tells her, tossing her his phone so she can record him.

  “You can drink a beer underwater?” she frowns, not buying it. “How the fuck do you do that?”

  “Watch and learn, baby girl.”

  I snort and she shakes her head at him, getting the camera ready while he pops the button on his jeans.

  “What happened to no compromising pictures?” she asks, flicking her wrist at the massive group of underage high schoolers surrounding us. “Your dad’s gonna kick your ass for this.”

  “Yeah, well..” he shrugs, shedding his clothes until he’s down to nothing but his boxers. “If he tries to take my cash and my car, we’ll just tell him it was Wren.”

  “What the fuck?”

  He laughs at me over his shoulder and pops the cap on his beer. The crowd cheers when he backflips into the pool and I roll my eyes, taking a couple hits of my joint before blindly passing it to Levi. He doesn’t take it so I look his way, telling myself if he’s seriously eye fucking my half naked twin brother right now imma lose my shit on him for all to see.

  He’s not looking at Kai, though.

  He’s looking at me, mindlessly sliding his hungry eyes over my body until he finds the key tattoo on my wrist, which just so happens to be lying across my lap, right next to my cock.

  “Lev..” I warn, speaking through my teeth.


  “You want a fuckin’ hit or not?”

  He jumps at my tone and snaps himself out of it, grinning like the cocky fucker he is while he reaches over to take it from me. I watch his mouth as he takes a hit, telling myself it’s only because I want it back, but it seems we both know I’m full of shit.

  “I like you mad.”

  “I like you silent.”

  He smirks but I ignore it, snatching my joint from his mouth before dropping back in my seat to smoke the rest of it. I toss my roach into the ashtray and keep my eyes forward despite feeling his on me, honest to god torn between wanting to choke him with my bare hands and pinning his ass to this couch to shove my tongue down his throat, followed by my cock.

  He confuses the fuck outta me.

  I’m not fucking gay.

  I can look at any other guy in here and feel nothing, but with Levi.. I feel every fucking thing.

  It’s fucking maddening.

  “Dude, what’s wrong with you?” Damon whispers, glancing between me and the pool. “Are you shaking?”

  “I’m fine,” I mutter, flicking the lighter on my lap to keep my hands busy. “Just leave it alone, man.”

  He nods in my peripheral, but I know my brother better than almost anyone.

  He’s starting to see it, too.

  After they caught us in his bedroom that night, I played it off and told them he didn’t mean anything to me. I said it was just a one time thing, a little bit of fun to distract myself, a fucking experiment..

  I lied.

  I drop my forehead down on the black tiled wall and concentrate on the hot water running over my back, attempting to force my thoughts somewhere else, anywhere else, but it doesn’t work. The memory of his eyes on mine with my cock in his mouth has me tightening my grip on myself and I shudder, leaning my forearm on the marble above my head.

  Fuck it.

  My eyes fall closed and I give in to the fantasy, imagining that cocky little smirk on his face while he leans in to speak over my lips.

  “Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”

  I smirk back and toss my joint on the ground, then I move to stand and grab his throat to shove his head back against the couch. He looks up at me and I lean over him, gently running my thumb over his bottom lip.

  “I want this,” I admit, but it’s more than that. “I want you, Lev.”

  “So take me.”.

  I drag my bottom lip through my teeth and look around, noting the several pairs of eyes on us, all watching us in confusion. “Right here?”

  “Right fuckin’ here.”

  I grin and he grins back, taking my waistband to pull me down on him until I’m straddling his hips. He holds my eyes hostage and pops the button on my jeans, tapping my thigh to get me to lift up a bit. I do what he wants and run my hand through his hair, watching him watch me while he pulls my jeans down to my thighs. He dips his head to slide his tongue over the length of my cock and I curse, tightening my grip on his hair in warning.

  “Don’t play with me.”

  He opens his mouth and takes me fully, easily swallowing me down until the tip hits the back of his throat. I moan and roll my hips out, fucking loving the way his fat lips look wrapped around my cock.

  “Choke me on it,” he rasps, squeezing my ass to pull me into him.

  “Fuck, Lev,” I groan, snatching his hands with one of mine to pin them to the couch above his head. “Open.”

  He does as he’s told and I tangle my fingers in his hair again, holding him where I need him to fuck his mouth hard and deep, just like he told me to. He gags a little bit so I pull out, giving him a three second breather while I run the tip over his bottom lip, then I shove it back inside him and fuck him even harder.

  “Fuck,” I growl, tipping my head back into the spray of the water falling down on me.

  With my hand wrapped around my cock and t
he image of fucking his tight little throat while every fucker watches me take what’s mine, I come hard with his name on my lips. My release hits the wall and I drop my head down on my forearm, staying there a minute while I attempt to calm myself down.

  Jesus, fuck.

  After I don’t know how long, I clean up and rinse myself off again, then I grab a clean towel from the rack and step out to wrap it around my waist. I stare blankly at the bloodshot eyes staring back at me while I brush my teeth in the mirror, then I walk out to my bedroom to pull on a pair of boxers from the drawer in my closet. I toss my towel into the laundry basket in the corner and grab my phone from the nightstand, scrubbing a hand over my mouth when I realize it’s already four am. We got home from Ryan’s just after one thirty, meaning I’ve been in there for over two hours, thinking about him..

  I contemplate smoking another joint but decide against it, flicking the lights off before I drop down on my bed to stare at the ceiling a while. Just as my eyes start to close, my bedroom door opens and I look over, grabbing the corner of the blanket to pull it back for him.


  “Hey,” he says back, climbing onto his side of the bed to lie down with his back to me.

  I reach over to grab a spare pillow from the floor and shove it down between my dick and his ass, then I fall asleep with my twin brother in my arms and Levi fucking Matthews in my head.

  Chapter Seven



  I crack an eye open and squint at the mid morning sun rising through the floor to ceiling windows, tightening my arm around his waist in the hopes he’ll go back to sleep.


  “What, Kai?” I mutter, rolling my eyes despite the fact they’re closed.

  He’s not going back to sleep.

  “Is it weird we still sleep together?”

  “A little bit, yeah.”

  I raise a brow at that, lifting my head to find Callie leaning back against the wall by the door with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks just as hungover as I feel, dressed in my brother’s massive t-shirt and a gray pair of cotton shorts. Last night’s makeup now consists of black and gray smudges around her eyes, her dark brown hair falling down to the bottom of her spine in a tangled mess.

  “It’s cute, though,” she shrugs, grinning.

  “We’re not fuckin’ cute,” Kai argues, speaking into his pillow.

  “You’re hella fuckin’ cute,” she throws back, pushing off the wall to drop down on her back beside him.

  He grins and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her into him to sandwich himself between us. “What time is it?”

  “Just after eleven.”

  “Where’s Damon?”

  “Gone down to the gym,” she tells him, taking her phone out to play on it. “You know your video’s probably gonna go viral, right?”

  “Three thousand likes within the first hour, baby girl,” he says proudly. “The people love me.”

  I snort and she shakes her head at him, tapping away on her screen with her black chipped nails. “It’s got thirty thousand now.”

  “Damn,” he sighs, feigning a pout. “Sorry, brother. Looks like you’re about to be carless and cashless for the rest of the month.”

  “It’s on your account, dumbass.”

  “But I tagged you in it,” he shrugs, laughing when I lift my head to take a look. “It’s only posted on my account because I’m the one behind the camera. Everyone knows that.”

  “You little shit.”

  He laughs some more and I sit up to punch his abs, making him groan. “Ow, bitch.”


  He slaps my face so I slap him back, lifting my hands to my head to protect myself when he shoots up to get me in a headlock. He shoves me down and pulls my hair like a little bitch so I pinch the skin of his inner arm, smirking when he squeals and lets me go.

  “Motherfucker, that hurts.”

  I grin, spinning on him to shove him down on his back. “I win.”

  “You cheated.”

  “Did not.”

  “Did too.”

  “Did no–”

  “Oh my god,” Callie laughs, licking the seam of paper to seal the joint she’s managed to roll with my weed while we were distracted. “You’re both idiots.”

  “But you love us,” we say together, grinning.

  “And I honestly can’t remember why,” she teases, tipping her chin for us to follow her out to the balcony. “Come help me smoke these and I’ll make you breakfast.”

  Make that two joints with my weed.

  “Will you cut up the bacon before you fry it like Mom used to do?”

  “Whatever you want, fuck boy.”

  He jumps up like his ass is on fire and so do I, dropping down on the couch next to her to prop my feet up on the coffee table. Kai takes the space on her other side and the three of us sit in comfortable silence a while, passing the joints back and forth between us until they’re gone. Kai doesn’t smoke as much as we do, he and Damon only smoke it for the light buzz now and again, but Callie and I are different.

  We need it to function.

  To numb the pain beneath the surface.

  I’ve never seen her completely sober before, and I’m one hundred percent sure I don’t want to.

  “I need coffee,” Callie groans, forcing herself up to her feet.

  I nod my agreement and stand to follow them. “I’ll be down in a sec.”

  They leave and I move for the bathroom to take a piss, washing my hands before I brush my teeth to scrub the taste of whiskey from my mouth. I grab a black pair of basketball shorts from my closet and throw them on, sliding my phone from the nightstand to take it with me. I’m mindlessly scrolling through my notifications on my way downstairs, silently cursing my idiot brother as I go, which is why I don’t see the shirtless back standing at the bottom before I walk right into it.

  “The fuck?” I frown, shoving Damon’s shoulder to get him to move his big ass, but then I look over at Kai and Callie and freeze where I stand, slowly following their line of sight to whatever it is they’re staring at.

  And then I see it.

  There’s a blue eyed, blond haired little pixie standing in my fucking living room of all places, vacation bags at her feet, hands in her pockets with her head held high, and just the sight of my ex-girlfriend standing here in front of me damn near knocks me on my ass because what in the actual fuck does she think she’s doing?

  The four of us stay silent and Freya clears her throat, quickly bouncing her eyes between me and Kai before she spots the key tattoo on my wrist – the only real difference between our identical bodies and still the only way she can tell us apart, it seems.

  “Hi, boyfriend.”

  I straighten my spine and continue to stare at her, grinding my teeth when she has the audacity to blink up at me from beneath her light lashes, the same shit she used to pull on me back then to get her own way.

  “She can’t be serious,” Callie says through her teeth, side eyeing Damon when he takes a step closer to her, white knuckling the black gym towel around his neck with both hands.

  “I said.. get out,” he says slowly, his tone causing her to shift on her feet, but she doesn’t shrink in on herself like she used to.

  Instead she balls her hands into fists inside the pockets of her light denim jeans and lifts her chin. “And I said I need to talk to Wren.”

  He glares and takes another step, towering over her now. “He told you what would happen if we ever saw you again. I’m offering you one out, little girl. I suggest you take it and run. Now.”

  She looks from him to me and back again, crossing her arms over her chest in a clearly practiced form of defiance. “Or what?”

  He locks his jaw and Kai looks at me, blinking a few times with his mouth parted like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.

  “Alright, fuck this,” Callie mutters, stepping forward to wrap her hand around Freya’s throat
. “Tell us what the fuck you think you’re doing here or leave,” she grits out, getting in her face. “Choose now.”

  “I..” she trails off, looking at me for help. “Can you get her off me so we can talk?”


  She sighs and tries to take a step back, but Callie doesn’t budge. She tightens her grip on Freya’s throat and backs her up into the side of the staircase, roughly shoving her head back against the glass.

  “Bitch, I swear to god–”

  “I came back for Wren,” she rushes out, pulling on Callie’s wrist with both hands like she thinks that’ll stop her. “I want him back.”

  Callie blinks a couple times and then laughs like a psychopath, but she’s not amused.

  None of us are.



  Damon cocks his head and moves to stand at Callie’s back, leaning over her to speak in her ear. “You wanna play, baby?”

  She nods and he takes her waist in his hands, looking at Freya while he speaks.

  “Have at it.”

  Callie’s eyes darken and Freya swallows, still struggling against her grip. “Wren, please don’t let them do thi–”

  “Shh,” Callie teases, slowly closing her hand around Freya’s throat. “You remember this game, don’t you? Ten.. nine.. eight.. seven..”

  “You don’t wanna do this, Callie,” she chokes out, looking directly at me. “You really don’t wanna do this.”

  My brows dip and I scan her face, watching her closely like I have been for the last few minutes.

  She seems different.

  Empowered somehow.

  The last time I saw her she was shaking with fear, crying her twisted little heart out while the four of us crowded her space like four wolves surrounding their prey.

  She was fucking terrified.

  Now, though?

  Now there’s a little spark in her eyes, something that shouldn’t fucking be there after everything she’s done to me. She knows who we are and what we’re capable of, and yet here she is, challenging us in our own fucking house like she has some right to be here.


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