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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

Page 13

by Bethany Winters

  Good girl.

  “Baby, you could have shot her.”

  “But I didn’t shoot her,” she stresses, reaching over to grab the coffee slash hot chocolate Wren made her just now. “Mornin’, Wren.”

  “Mornin’, Callie,” he sings back, playfully shaking his head at her when she grins like a pig in shit.


  Wren looks at me like he heard me and she raises a cocky ass brow, dropping her eyes to my lap, and it’s only now I realize I’ve stolen his hand to lock my fingers with his, my short nails digging into the skin of his knuckles in a hard grip.

  “You know I’m married, right?”

  “You know I can’t stand you, right?”

  She laughs at me and I roll my eyes, lifting my coffee to my mouth when I feel Wren’s eyes burning two holes through the side of my skull. I don’t look at him, but I don’t remove my hand from his, either.

  “Gimme my gun back.”

  Damon sighs but does as he’s told, looking it over a second before placing it in her hand. “Where’d you even get that thing?”

  “Dean gave it to me,” she lies, forcing her features even when he cocks his head at her.

  “Is that right?”

  “Speakin’ of Dean..” she changes the subject, looking at Wren to avoid Damon’s glare on the side of her face. “If you won’t let me torture the pixie I can always get him and Harley to do it for you. You’ll have to watch Harley though because he really will kill her if you leave him long enough. I’m pretty sure he’s a serial killer.”

  I blink at that, leaning over to speak in Wren’s ear. “Is she all there?”

  He laughs quietly and turns his head to face me, speaking over my lips. “She’s.. fine.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I’m not crazy,” Callie mutters, casually reloading her gun at the kitchen island like it’s completely acceptable behavior. “Elijah had me tested.”

  Kai spits his coffee out and I laugh before I can stop it, digging my fingers into my eye sockets in an attempt to hide it. She smirks to herself and Kai chokes on thin air, making us all laugh harder. I pat his back a couple times and lift the hem of my shirt to wipe the tears from my face, looking left when I feel Wren’s eyes zoned in on my abs. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth and I bite back a groan, spinning in my seat to face him fully.

  “What’d I tell you about lookin’ at me like that?” I whisper, tipping his chin up until his eyes touch mine.

  He hits me with that lazy ass bad boy grin and I grin right back at him, leaning in further to tease his mouth with my tongue. His eyes darken and he moves to rush me, but then something over my head catches his attention and he jumps back like I burned him.

  Fucking Freya.

  I lock my jaw and look over my shoulder to watch her walk downstairs dressed in a light blue denim skirt and a white tank, her shoulder length blond hair swaying with each step while she taps away on her phone. She looks this way on her way to the elevator and does a double take at us, freezing where she stands when she sees me sitting with them.

  “What are you doing here?” she snaps, dropping her eyes to the hickeys on my neck. “Did you sleep her–”

  The sound of a gun cocking shocks her into silence and she jumps, gritting her teeth when Callie leans her elbows on the island to point it directly at her head. Freya balls her hands into fists but keeps her mouth shut, damn near stomping her foot like a four year old before she turns to walk for the elevator.

  “Where’s she going?”

  “She gets her nails done at the salon downstairs every Saturday,” Kai tells me, moving for the counter to pour himself another coffee.

  “Imagine that,” Callie deadpans, but I don’t miss the venom in her tone. “Your very own Katherine junior.”

  “Lucky me,” Wren mutters, dropping his head in his hands with a heavy sigh that has my chest tightening with guilt.

  He wouldn’t be in this mess if I hadn’t convinced him to go out with me that night. It’s my fault we were even there to begin with, but despite that and everything that’s happened since, I don’t regret it. He was a fucking mess when I found him in that bar the day he caught her fucking Derek, and I hate to think what would’ve happened to him if I hadn’t shown up and taken him with me.

  “You ready, fuck boy?” Callie asks, moving to place her empty mug in the dishwasher.

  Kai nods and stands to take his phone out, hiding a grin when Wren lifts his head to frown at him.

  “Where’re you goin’?”

  “I got a hot date.”

  “And you’re taking Callie?”

  “She’s a better wingman than you are,” he jokes, laughing when Wren rolls his eyes and waves him off.


  “Bye, baby,” Callie teases, leaning over to kiss Damon before she bumps Wren’s fist, winking at me over her shoulder while she follows Kai to the elevator.

  I shake my head at her and face forward again, pulling my brows in when I spot Damon staring at me with his head cocked to the side.


  “You like her,” he accuses, raising a brow when I open my mouth just to snap it shut again.

  “That’s what I said,” Wren adds helpfully, lifting his hips to take his weed out from his pocket.

  I feign a glare and snatch it from him to keep my hands busy, ignoring the two sets of curious eyes on me while I roll him a joint because yeah, maybe I don’t hate the little brat as much as I let on, but I’m not about to tell them that.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Did you hook up with him last weekend?”

  My jaw ticks at the sound of her voice and I look down at her, lying through my teeth for what feels like the hundredth time in three days. “No.”

  “You’re lying,” she hisses, rushing to keep up with me while I walk for my locker. “You can’t keep your eyes off him for two seconds and I swear to god I saw you texting each other under the table at lunch today. You really expect me to believe there’s nothing going on between you and him?”

  “Believe whatever the hell you want, Frey,” I mutter, switching my books out for last period. “No one gives a fuck.”

  “Oh, really?” she challenges, tipping her chin at the hall full of students milling about between classes. “I bet they would.”

  My nostrils flare and I slam my locker shut with my fist, walking away before I give in to the temptation to do something stupid, like wrap my hand around her throat and squeeze the fucking life out of her.

  “Where are you going?” she calls after me, sighing heavily when I don’t answer.

  I push my way through the bathroom door and move for the sink, not even bothering to look up while I flick the cold water on. “Get out.”

  The handful of guys in here scramble to do as they’re told and I release the breath I was holding, splashing my face in an attempt to calm myself down, but it doesn’t fucking work.

  “Fuck,” I growl, smacking the soap dispenser so hard it goes flying across the counter.

  She’s driving me crazy, constantly watching my every move and following me around like a lost fucking puppy. I can’t get a minute alone with him when she’s on my ass like this, and it’s taking everything I have not to tell her to fuck her deal and shove it up her ass. It’s reckless and stupid and damn near suicidal for us both, but I can’t bring myself to care about that or the potential consequences at this point.

  I can’t fucking do this anymore.

  Just as I think it, the bathroom door swings open and I glare, ready to tell whoever it is to beat it and give me a fuckin’ minute, but then Callie rushes inside with my brothers behind her and I shut my mouth, frowning when Damon flicks the lock the door and moves to check the empty stalls.

  “You think it’s healed enough?” Kai asks, quickly pulling up the sleeve of the hoodie he insisted on wearing today despite the fact it’s hot as shit outside.

  “Probably not but i
t’ll have to do,” Callie tells him, tossing him some kind of cream while she spins me to face her. “Put that on and don’t let her touch it.”

  He nods and I frown some more, bouncing my eyes between his heavily bloodshot ones.

  He’s high?

  “What the fuck are y–”

  Callie cuts me off with a light smack to my cheek and I blink in surprise, looking down at her with a mixture of amusement and confusion while she pops the cap off her concealer and squeezes a pea sized amount on my left wrist. Before I can even think about stopping her, she covers the ink there and pulls my t-shirt over my head, passing it to Kai just to replace it with one of his. As soon as she’s done manhandling me, she steps back a bit to get a look at her handiwork and nods, shoving her makeup back into the ass pocket of her jeans.

  “You ready, fuck boy?”

  I pull my brows in at that, looking between the three when I realize she’s talking to me, not Kai. “What’s goin’ on?”

  Kai smirks and lifts a finger to his lips to shush me, and it’s only now I spot the new ink he’s managed to keep hidden until now. An antique style key with a princess crown for a handle, the words never forever written along the edge in the exact same spot as mine.

  I curse and scrub a hand over my mouth, lifting my eyes back to his. “Are you for real?”

  He shrugs like it’s no big deal and I snatch his forearm before he can leave, stepping closer to level with him.

  “Why you doin’ this for me?”

  He cocks his head like I said something stupid, laughing lightly when he realizes I’m not about to let him off that easy. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”


  “I’d do anything for you, brother,” he says simply, serious for exactly five seconds before he switches back to dickhead mode. “Grab your boy before he punches me, yeah?”

  My brows dip and he slides his tongue back and forth between his teeth, bumping my fist before he turns around to walk back out into the hall. Damon wraps his arm around Callie’s neck and I follow them through the door, side eyeing Freya when she walks right up to my twin brother without a second glance.

  “We need to tal–”

  Kai snatches her waist to shut her up and yanks her into him, dipping his head to smash his mouth on hers for all to see. She melts against him like ice on fire and I hide a laugh, looking at Callie when she chews the pad of her thumb to do the same.

  “Hot date, huh, Callie?”

  “The hottest,” she teases, leaning back on Damon’s chest to link her fingers with his. “Wanna play, big brother?”

  He smirks at that, dropping his mouth to her neck to kiss her there. “Thirty seconds.”

  “Fifteen,” she counters, grinning at something over my shoulder. “Fifty bucks.”


  My heart skips a beat when I realize what they’re talking about and I look over, spotting Levi leaning back against his locker with Ryan and a few of the other guys surrounding him. As if sensing my eyes on him, he lifts his head and does a double take at us, locking his jaw when he catches Freya fucking my brother’s mouth with her own, thinking it’s mine. His eyes narrow and he pushes himself off the wall of metal, headed straight for them like he’s about to lose his shit right here in the middle of the hall. Callie laughs to herself while she takes her cash from Damon but I ignore it and move to block Levi’s path, raising a brow when he advances on me like he’s considering shoving my ass back to get around me. He opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut just as quick, pulling his head back to bounce his eyes between mine.

  “What the fuck?” he whispers to himself, looking from my face to my new shirt, then down to the now blank space on my wrist and back up again. “You’re not..”

  And then it hits him.

  He smirks like a maniac and I smirk back, slowly backing him up through the door to the empty classroom on my left. I keep my eyes on his while I lock it behind me, then I grab the sexy bastard by the neck and pin his ass to the wall, not wasting a second before I take his mouth the way I’ve been dying to since the minute I saw him in the parking lot this morning.

  “Fuck, I missed you,” he rasps, moaning when I pin his hips to grind on him.

  I nod my agreement and rake my hand through his hair, twisting his head to the side to get the angle I want. “I want you.”

  “Want?” he teases, sliding his hands over my back to grab my ass. “Tell me how you really feel, Wren.”

  This fucker.

  “Need,” I grit out, inwardly cursing him to hell and back for this unexplainable power he has over me and my goddamn mind. “I need you, Lev.”

  “So take me.”

  I groan into his mouth and look over at the rectangular window on the door, spotting several bodies passing in both directions not five feet away from us. The lights are off and the blinds are closed in here, clouding us in darkness, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get caught if someone were to press their face up against the glass to get a look inside.

  “Right here?”

  “Right fuckin’ here.”

  My cock jerks at the thought and I fist the collar of his t-shirt, pulling him with me while I pull out a chair and kick it back against the wall. I shove his ass down and he goes willingly, looking up at me with a dark, heated stare I’m sure matches my own. I pop the button on my jeans and straddle his thighs, pulling his head back by his hair to get a look at the hickeys I left on his neck. No one else knows they came from me – I’m pretty sure they all think he’s hooking up with a crazy ass bitch who likes to bite him – but that’s besides the point.

  I like seeing my mark on him.

  He smirks and I kiss him, rolling my ass on his lap while I reach down between us to take my cock out fully. He slides his hands over my thighs to guide my movements but I snatch his wrists to stop him, standing up with my legs either side of his hips to pin his hands to the wall above his head.


  He does as he’s told and I slide my cock over his tongue, visibly shivering when he wraps his lips around me to pull me in further. The cocky fucker taunts me with his eyes so I pull his head back again, shifting my hips to get the angle I want. I take a second to check his face for any signs of hesitation, finding nothing but pure, unfiltered heat, then I shove my cock into his mouth until I hit the back of his throat.

  “Fuck, Lev,” I rasp, fucking loving the way he looks beneath me like this. “More?”

  He nods and I take what I want from him, laughing lightly when his hips buck beneath me.

  “You want your hands?”

  He nods again and I release him, slowing my pace to watch him while he pushes his jeans down to take his cock out. He looks up at me while he gets himself off and teases my ass with his free hand, grinning to himself when my cock jerks in his mouth.

  “You fucking love this,” he mumbles, sliding his finger over the spot.

  “Fuck,” I groan, damn near shaking at the feeling of is voice vibrating around me. “Do that again.”

  He does and I come without warning, moaning like a fucking girl while he swallows me down like the cock sucking pro he is. The thought should piss me off – and it does, if I’m being real – but I’m too high on him to give a shit right now.

  Fuck me, he’s..

  I don’t know what he is, so instead of thinking too much into it, I pull out of his mouth and fist my hand on the wall above my head to keep myself steady, honest to god feeling like I just had my ass handed to me by a motherfucker three times my size. He slides his hand over my abs beneath my shirt and licks his lips, biting down on the bottom one while he leans back to chase his own release.


  He stares at me, breathing hard. “What?”

  Ignoring the fact I just said that out loud without meaning to, I sink down to my knees and spread my thighs out on either side of his feet, smacking his hand away to wrap my fist around his cock.


His eyes darken and I lick the precum from the tip, dipping my head to take him all the way down to the back of my throat like he does to me.

  “God fucking damn it, Wren,” he rasps, tangling his fingers in my hair. “Fuck you for takin’ so long, man.”

  My brows dip because I don’t know what he means by that, but then it hits me and I smirk, sliding my hand up over his body to dig my nails into his neck. He hisses and snatches my wrist to pin it to his chest instead, holding it right above the spot where his heart’s beating as fast as mine is. He tightens his grip on my hair with the other one and fucks my mouth hard and fast, almost like he’s punishing me for pushing him away the way I did before. He chokes me until I can barely breathe and I let him do it, twisting my hand from his grip to lock my fingers with his.

  “You want it?”

  I nod and force myself to gag over and over again, proud of myself when he groans like I’m killing him. His cock pulses in my mouth and he squeezes my hand so hard I’m sure he’s about to break it, holding me down on him while he fills my throat with his cum. As soon as he finally stops shaking, he pulls me up to straddle his lap and wraps his arms around my waist to hold me close. I slide my arms around his neck and drop my head down on his shoulder, damn near falling asleep on him while he draws these imaginary circles on my back that have me tingling all over.

  I’m in so much trouble.

  “She won’t find out,” he whispers, and it’s only now I realize I said that out loud, again.

  But that’s not what I meant.

  Yeah, sucking dick in an empty classroom when we’re supposed to be in study hall is stupid and dangerous as fuck considering it could get us both killed in the long run, but that’s not what I’m worried about.

  I’m worried about my heart.

  And no matter how much I fight to ignore it, I can’t deny the way he makes me feel when he’s around.

  Like nothing else matters.

  All this other bullshit hanging over our heads means shit to me when we’re together like this.

  Because all that matters is him.

  Just as I think it, he pulls back an inch to look at me and bounces his eyes between mine, frowning at whatever he finds there, but then something that looks an awful lot like understanding crosses his face and he starts to say something, rolling his eyes when I slap my hand over his mouth to cover it.


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