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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

Page 16

by Bethany Winters

  I’m not like him.

  “You alright, Lev?”

  I nod and release my grip on his hands, gently running my thumb over his bottom lip. “What did Callie do to her?”

  “What do you think?” he raises a brow, grinning when he catches the amusement on my face. “She paid some freshman kid fifty bucks to tell Freya she was wanted in the principal’s office, stole her phone and kicked her ass right there in the middle of the hall.”

  I laugh at that, shaking my head at her because of course she did, the crazy bitch.

  “You like her.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “Because it’s true.”

  “If you say so,” I mutter, rolling my eyes when his hit mine and stay there, searching for answers he really doesn’t want to find.


  “What is it with you and her?” I ask, partly to get the attention off me but mostly because I’m jealous as fuck and fucking dying to know.

  “She’s my sister.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Yes,” he says simply, jolting when I tease his ribs with my fingertips.

  “Are you in love with her?”


  “Are you in love with me?”

  He tenses at that, tightening his features like he’s in pain. “Don’t fuckin’ ask me that shit, man.”

  “Why not?” I tease, slowly working his cock in my hand while I grind my hips on his ass. “You scared I might be on to somethin’?”

  He glares like he’s ready to kill me and I smirk, laughing lightly when he wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes. “Stop talking.”

  “Deny it,” I challenge, sliding my tongue over his bottom lip. “Lie to me, Wren.”

  He pulls my hair like an asshole and smashes his mouth on mine, kissing me like he’s attempting to shove the words back down my throat with his tongue. I groan and shift my hips to get the angle I want, fucking him hard and fast the way I’ve been dying to since the first time I touched him when we were sixteen and wasted.

  Fuck, I wanted him so bad.

  I made a lot of stupid mistakes that night, mistakes I’d take back in a heartbeat if I could, but Wren..

  He’s the best fucking mistake I ever made.

  I squeeze his cock to set him off and he moans, snatching my lip between his teeth to bite me. “Oh my fucking god, Lev.”

  All it takes is a couple more hard hits to his ass and he’s coming, throwing his head back on the sheet while he goes off in my hand. His tight little ass clenches around my cock in a way that has me seeing stars and I’m gone, pinning his hips with mine to finish inside him.

  “Fuck, Wren,” I rasp over his lips, struggling to pull air into my lungs. “That was.. fuck.”

  He nods and I fall down on him, dropping my face to the crook of his neck while I wait for my heart rate to return to normal. He rakes his hands through my hair and I shiver, wrapping my arms around his back to keep him as close as humanly possible.

  “Lev,” he whispers, filling the silence.


  “I don’t love you.”

  A light laugh leaves me and I turn my head to kiss his neck, speaking in his ear. “I don’t love you, either.”

  “You two are so fucking cute.”

  I jump at the sound of Rachel’s voice and so does Wren, quickly dropping my hand while we spin to face her fully. She’s leaning back on the huge seven seater couch in the living room with Ryan’s head in her lap and her hand in his hair, staring right at us over whatever’s in that red cup she’s holding. Everyone else cleared out about a half hour ago, leaving just the four of us, but I thought for sure they’d be in bed by now.


  “Why won’t you boys just come out already?” She asks, plain and fuckin’ simple.

  I cock my head and Ryan hides a grin, lifting his hands in mock surrender. “I didn’t say shit.”

  “Because you didn’t have to,” she draws out, leaning forward to pause the movie they’re watching. “I swear y’all think I’m stupid or some shit. I have eyes, you know? And Wren’s car was parked right outside just before you two snuck out of here last weekend. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?”

  “Yeah, well, you were kinda busy,” Wren mutters, laughing to himself when her brows snap in the center.

  She remains mute for a solid ten seconds, bouncing her eyes between us and the kitchen, but then it hits her and she drops her jaw. “Motherfuckers.”

  Ryan snorts and she clips the back of his head, dropping back on the couch with an exaggerated huff when we all laugh at her.

  “Fuck you all,” she flips us off, swallowing the rest of her drink. “For real, though, Freya’s obviously blackmailing you to be with her because she found out you’re into guys, right?” she asks Wren, sighing when he gives her nothing. “Dude, man the fuck up and tell that little bitch to go fuck herself.”

  He blinks in surprise and I run my thumb over my bottom lip, amused by the balls on this girl.

  She’s lucky Wren likes her.

  Ryan tries to shush her but she waves him off, covering his mouth with her hand while she pours herself another shot. “And if she ends up telling everyone you’re together, who fucking cares? Y’all are happy, right? What’s the worst that could happen?”

  Fucking hell.

  My best friend looks at me and I chew the inside of my cheek, nervously running a hand over the back of my neck. It’s clear they’ve talked about this before tonight, but despite the fact they’re half right, they’ve got it all wrong.

  We could die for this if the wrong people ever found out, and even though I’d give anything to do everything she just said and more, I’m not about to risk Wren’s life just to make him mine for every motherfucker to see.

  He’s mine behind closed doors.

  It’s not nearly enough, but it has to be.

  We don’t have a fucking choice here.

  “Rachel,” Wren tips his chin, leaning back against the staircase with his arms crossed over his chest. “If you tell anyone about this–”

  “Psycho Callie kicks my ass, I pack my shit and I’m gone,” she finishes for him, rolling her eyes. “I got it.”

  He raises a lazy ass brow and she grins, batting her lashes at him like the cocky little shit she is. I shake my head at her and take Wren’s hand, locking our fingers together while I back him up towards the front door.

  “Yo, wait a sec,” Ryan calls, gesturing between us with the top of his beer. “Who’s the boss between you two?”

  “I am,” we say together, making them laugh.

  “The fuck you are,” I throw back, hitting him with a look that says I’m the fucking top and you know it.

  He smirks and pulls me out to Kai’s car parked on the driveway, walking me over to the passenger side to open the door for me. “Get in, girlfriend.”

  I snort and shove his head away, flipping him off when he winks at me and walks around to the driver’s side.


  A little while later, Wren tosses his keys at valet and slips him a couple hundred bucks to keep his mouth shut, same thing he does every time he brings me here after hours. We walk through the lobby and he uses his keycard to open the elevator, taking a quick look over his shoulder before he pushes me inside and backs me up against the mirrored wall.

  “Aren’t there cameras in here?” I whisper, groaning when he takes my mouth with his. “Dude, we’re gonna get caught.”

  “We’re not gonna get caught,” he assures me, taking my waist with both hands to grind on me. “I already paid the guards to cut us out whenever we come and go.”

  “How much?”

  “Five grand each.”

  “Jesus, Wren,” I mutter, laughing lightly when he grins. “Are you outta your fuckin’ mind?”

  “Maybe,” he teases, dragging my bottom lip through his teeth. “You like it, though.”

  Fuck yeah, I do.

  “You gonna fuck me again?”

  “You want me to?”

  He nods and pulls me out through the doors, keeping his mouth on mine while he backs us up towards the stairs. I fist the hem of his shirt and pull it up over his abs, planning on pulling it all the way off, but then a throat clears somewhere beside us and we jump as one, finding Damon, Kai, Callie and Freya fucking Thorne standing in the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed on us.


  Callie winces and Wren frowns, sighing when he catches the look on his twin brother’s face.

  “Dad called me Kai.”

  “Because you are Kai,” Freya bites out, sliding her glare from him to Wren. “How long has he been pretending to be you so you could go off and fuck around with him behind my back?”

  Kai snorts at the irony of that and she grits her teeth, ripping her hands through her hair while she paces the kitchen. I don’t know this girl well enough to be able to tell what she’s thinking, but I know fear when I see it. She looks fucking terrified, and I don’t miss the way Wren’s brows jump a little bit like he sees it, too.

  “You know what, it doesn’t even matter,” she decides, shaking it off like it’s no big deal. “Whatever you’re doing with him ends now. I mean it, Wren. You’re supposed to be mine, and if you don’t start taking this seriously I’ll–”

  “You’ll what?” he cuts her off, cocking his head when she swallows, then swallows again. “What the fuck are you so shaken up about right now?”

  Her glassy eyes flick to mine before she drops them, wrapping her arms around herself to stare at the floor.

  “Who brought you back here, Frey?”

  She keeps her mouth shut and I watch her closely, ignoring the unease creeping up my spine while my thoughts wander some place I wish they wouldn’t.


  It’s not him.

  It can’t be him.


  “He has to go, Wren,” she whispers. “Make him leave.”

  Honest to god, I expect him to do as he’s told and kick me out on my ass, but he doesn’t do that. Instead he shocks the shit out of me and takes my hand, keeping his eyes on her while he slowly shakes his head no. Her nostrils flare and she locks her jaw, forcing her chin up to look him dead in the eye.

  “What exactly would Zane do if he found out I have a tape that shows the three of you burying the body of the innocent man you killed two years ago?”

  This bitch.

  Wren flinches like she slapped him and I tighten my grip on his hand, instinctively moving closer to him when I catch the look on Damon’s face.

  “You didn’t,” he says, white as a fucking sheet. “Fuck, Wren, please tell me you didn’t.”

  He drops his eyes to the marble and Damon loses it, spinning to smash his fist into the kitchen island.

  “Fuck,” he growls, leaning his elbows on the counter to scrub his hands over his face. “Fuck.”

  No one says anything for a long minute, but then Callie closes her mouth and frowns, looking between the four of us in confusion. “Who’s Zane?”

  “Levi’s cousin,” Kai mutters, side eyeing me while he grabs a bottle of whiskey from the kitchen cupboard overhead. “He’s a junior at Sainte Haven High a few towns over.”

  “Okay..” she draws out, still confused. “What happens if he finds out?”

  He shrugs and takes out a few glasses, laughing lightly despite the circumstances. “We die.”

  Her brows jump and she looks at Damon, moving to calm him down before he smashes up the entire penthouse and wakes Elijah. She pulls his face down to hers to say something over his lips and he glares, looking at us over her head while he wraps his arms around her waist.

  “Sit the fuck down and start talking.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Two years ago..

  “You wanna slow down a bit?”

  “You wanna suck my dick?” I fire back, flipping the bossy bastard off while I swallow another shot.

  He shakes his head at me and I smirk, passing him the half empty bottle of vodka while I move my eyes over the huge crowd of wasted teenagers surrounding us. We’re sat back on the couch at some college party in Sainte Haven, a small town run by three fifteen year old assholes a few miles south of Westbrook. The guys are mostly shirtless and the girls are mostly half naked by this point, walking around this big ass mansion in nothing but their underwear. Freaks Like Us by Sleeping Wolf blares through the speakers set up in the corner and I tip my head back on Levi’s arm, enjoying the way the room spins while I watch the dark red lights dancing on the ceiling.

  Fuck, I love this feeling.

  Just as my eyes start to close, my phone vibrates against my thigh and I pull it out to check it, squinting a bit to read the messages displayed on the screen.

  Freya: I’m so sorry.

  Freya: Please don’t do this to me.

  Freya: I love you, Wren.

  I laugh despite the pathetic crack in my heart and switch it off, shoving it back into the pocket of my jeans.

  I hate you, Freya.

  “Wren, right?” some guy asks, dropping down on the coffee table in front of me with three solo cups in his hands. “You boys wanna drink?”

  I grin and move to take one from him, frowning when Levi snatches it first and tosses it at the guy’s chest, shoving his ass away from me with a lot more force than necessary. “Get the fuck outta here, Donovan.”

  “The fuck, Lev?” I complain, smacking his abs with the back of my hand. “I wanted that.”

  “You don’t take shit from this guy unless you wanna get spiked,” he tells me, handing me a freshly rolled joint to compensate. “He likes roofies and high school virgins.”

  I lock my jaw and look at Donovan, as he was called, pulling my fist back to punch the scrawny little fucker between the eyes. His ass hits the floor and Levi laughs, lifting his lighter to my mouth to burn the tip for me.

  “You know your hand’s already fucked, yeah?”

  “I forgot,” I mutter, dropping back with a groan while he takes my wrist to check it.

  Fucking Derek.

  “Alright, stay here, imma go get you some ice.”

  I nod and smoke the joint he gave me, watching him move while he walks for the fancy kitchen to grab a handful of ice cubes. He wraps them up in a hand towel and dodges the hot girl running her hands all over his chest, coming back a minute later to retake his seat beside me. He takes my hand to pour a little vodka over the bleeding split between my knuckles and I hiss, surprised I can still feel the burn considering I’ve swallowed fuck knows how many drinks tonight.

  I stopped counting about seven hours ago.

  “You alright?” he asks, side eyeing me while he presses the makeshift ice pack to my hand.

  “Not really,” I force a grin, dropping my forehead down on his shoulder. “I’m so fuckin’ high, Lev.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “Feels so fuckin’ good, though,” I laugh, swaying to the slow beat of the music pounding through my ears. “Like I’m flying.”

  He shakes his head at me and lifts my chin with his forefinger, staring at me while he takes an ice cube out to slide it over the vein in my neck. He moves it down to my collarbone and I shiver, tipping my head back for him with my mouth parted because fuck me, this feels good.

  “What are you doing?” I rasp, fisting my good hand on my thigh when he moves the ice up to my jaw and over my bottom lip.

  “Tryna sober you up a little bit,” he informs me, hiding a grin when he catches me glaring at him.

  I don’t wanna sober up – what I want is to get fucked up until I can’t think or see straight – but I don’t feel like stopping him, either.

  Not sure why.

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  “You wanna suck my dick?”

  He raises a brow and shoves the now melting ice cube into my mouth, laughing at me when I almost choke
on it. “Suck on that, you little fucker.”

  “I’m not little,” I mutter, crunching the ice between my teeth. “Asshole.”

  He smirks and looks over at the den on the other side of the giant living room, shaking his head when he spots Demi Adams standing up on the pool table with a beer in one hand and a lit joint in the other, slowly rolling her hips to the beat for the group of horny college boys surrounding her.

  “Is she trying to get their asses beat?”

  “Probably,” Levi nods, rolling his eyes when she swirls her tongue over the neck of the bottle in her hand. “Definitely, yeah.”

  I laugh lightly and lean over him to grab my drink, respecting the big ass balls on this girl despite her stupidity. She’s wearing the tiniest pair of black denim shorts I’ve ever seen and a faded Nirvana t-shirt, her bright blue eyes covered in black shit and her shiny, jet black hair falling all the way down to her ass. She’s hot as fuck and every fucker knows it, but she’s also untouchable. Whether she likes it or not, she belongs to Zane, and no one touches Zane’s girl without earning himself a broken nose and a couple black eyes to match.

  Just as I think it, the guy I just punched reaches up to touch her and she smacks his hand away, shaking her head no. He doesn’t back the fuck up the way she’s warning him to, though. Instead he moves in and slides his hands over her outer thighs, looking up at her with something that looks a lot like want for a fifteen year old girl. She laughs at him and he grins, assuming he’s got her, but then Logan Adams walks right up to him and lands a solid hit to his nose without so much as a fucking word. Donovan’s ass hits the floor, again, and Logan moves his eyes over the boys surrounding his sister, wordlessly ordering them to get back to it. They scatter like flies and he snatches Demi’s waist, lifting her up to toss her bratty little ass over his shoulder. She squeals and he glares, setting her down at the bottom of the stairs to take her face in his hands. He leans over her to crowd her space and I scan the crowd to look for Zane, scrunching my nose when I catch the look on his face.


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