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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

Page 18

by Bethany Winters

  Right above the dead guy.

  “Are you for real?” Levi growls, stepping closer to crowd his cousin’s space. “You’re not pinning this on him.”

  “Will you relax?” he rolls his eyes, easily shoving his ass back to snatch the knife from my hand. “It’s called insurance, not evidence.”

  “Insurance for what?”

  “You really think I’m about to let a Kingston brother walk outta here with this kinda dirt on me?” he raises a brow, bending to search Donovan’s pockets for his phone. “The only reason I haven’t killed you both already is because three people going missing from the same party on the same night would look a little suspicious now, wouldn’t it?”

  “A little bit, yeah,” I say dryly, locking my jaw when he laughs at me. “What’re you doin’ with his phone?”

  “Texting his mom.”

  “The fuck for?”

  “To tell her he’s leaving town and never coming back,” he says simply, looking between us while he types out a message. “You boys better go get ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “To help me bury the body,” he draws out, speaking slowly like I’m stupid. “You know, for a guy who doesn’t talk much, you ask a lotta fuckin’ questions. It’s annoying.”

  I blink at that, frowning when I realize he’s not even a little bit joking. “Are you crazy?”

  “Another question,” he mutters, smirking to himself when I glare at him.

  “We’re not helping you do shit.”

  He stops what he’s doing and slowly lifts his eyes to mine, holding them there a second while he pockets both phones. He steps over the dead guy without breaking eye contact and twirls the knife in his hand, the look on his face telling me he’s officially gone and lost his temper.

  Fucking lovely.

  He stops right in front of me and Levi steps closer like he’s about to get between us, but then Zane’s got us both pinned with our backs to the wall, shoulder to shoulder with his hand wrapped around Levi’s throat and his knife pressed up against mine.

  “Let me make this very fucking simple for you,” he bites out, adding a little pressure to ensure I stay put. “Like it or not, you’re gonna come with me and help me bury this asshole someplace they’ll never find him, then you’re gonna go home and pretend this never happened, keep your mouths shut tight and move the fuck on without telling a goddamn soul what you saw here tonight. Got it?”

  I glare and open my mouth to tell this stupid prick to go fuck himself with his creepy little pocketknife, but then Levi snatches my hand and squeezes, hiding it between my thigh and his. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t even look at me, but I don’t miss the way he digs his nails into my knuckles in warning.

  Don’t make him mad.

  Anger mixes with fear and fear mixes with guilt and I don’t know what to fucking do, so instead I do nothing, keeping my mouth shut tight like he told me to. Levi gently runs his thumb over the edge of mine but I ignore it, keeping my eyes forward and on Zane. He takes our silence for what it is – submission – and releases us both with a grin, backing up a bit to look down at Donovan’s body.

  “Alright, then,” he says, suddenly back to crazy motherfucker mode. “Who wants to rip all his teeth out?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  “Wait,” Callie frowns, leaning back in her seat to bounce her eyes between me and Levi. “You two really had a gay threesome with a girl and she had no idea what you were doing?”

  I run my fingers over my temples and he raises a brow at her, pouring out another five glasses of whiskey. “Is that really the only thing you heard just now?”

  “No,” she mutters, rolling her eyes when she catches Damon’s glare on the side of her face. “What?”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  She smirks at that, wiggling her brows. “Too late.”

  He snatches her waist and lifts her up onto his lap, pulling her head back by her hair to speak in her ear. Whatever he says has her pouting and I look at Kai, sighing heavily when I catch the look on his face. He’s got his hands linked on the counter with his eyes on me, deep in thought with his brows dipped in the center, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what he’s thinking but not saying.

  I’m an idiot.

  An idiot with a death wish, it seems, because if I stay with Levi and Freya decides to go to Zane just to fuck with me, he’ll kill us all without blinking, just like Kai said he would.

  Levi takes my hand beneath the counter and holds it between both of his, glaring at Freya when she pushes herself off the kitchen wall to step closer to me.

  “Can I talk to you?” she asks. “Alone?”


  “For fuck’s sake, Wren!” she shouts, crossing her arms over her chest when five heads turn her way. “I’m not playing with you anymore. If you don’t stop seeing him and come back to me I will tell Zane everything I know.”

  I laugh lightly and lean back in my seat, casually sipping my drink while I look her up and down. “Is that right?”

  “You think I won’t?”

  “I know you won’t,” I correct her, keeping my tone bored despite the fact my heart’s fucking racing.

  “And why’s that?”

  “Because if you do, he’ll kill you and everyone you give a fuck about. End of fuckin’ story.”

  Her face falls and I watch her closely, not missing the way she balls her tiny little hands into fists like she’s fixing to smack me into submission.

  She wouldn’t fucking dare, but the thought still pisses me off all the same.

  “Go to bed.”

  Her nostrils flare and she opens her mouth to argue, but then she growls and stomps her foot like a child, damn near shaking with anger while she storms off to do as she’s told. I release the breath I’ve been holding and look at my family, chewing the inside of my cheek when they all stare at me like I’ve lost my goddamn mind, Levi included.

  I took a gamble just now and we all know it.

  Damon scrubs a hand over his mouth and swallows his drink, taking the whiskey from the counter to pour himself another one. “You sure about this, brother?”

  I don’t answer that.

  I know she can’t be trusted, but I’m the love sick moron who can’t seem to breathe right without the guy sitting next to me.

  I won’t let him go because I can’t let him go.

  Plain and fucking simple.

  Damon cocks his head like he knows exactly what I’m thinking and I toss my glass down on the counter, tipping my chin at Levi. “Let’s go.”

  He stands and moves to follow me, freezing mid step when Damon speaks again. “Wren.”

  I sigh and close my eyes a second, turning to face him fully. “Yeah, Damon?”

  He opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut just as quick, looking from Levi to his wife and back to me again. “He better be worth it.”

  Kai and Callie hit me with their stupid ass grins and I fight to keep mine in check, taking Levi’s hand to pull him over to the stairs.

  So fucking worth it.

  We get up to my bedroom and I shut the door behind us, pushing him back against it with one hand pressed against his chest. “You still wanna fuck me?”

  He nods and takes my waistband to pull me into him, quickly popping the button on my jeans while I pull my shirt over my head. His goes next and he pushes my boxers down to my ankles, walking me back towards the bed to shove me down on it. He takes the lube from his pocket and tosses it down on the sheet beside my head, then he sheds the rest of his clothes and falls down on me to take my mouth with his. He kisses me hard and I slide my hands through his hair, tipping my head back when he moves his mouth down to my neck.

  “You’re mine,” he whispers, sucking on the pulsing vein there. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I rasp. “All fuckin’ yours, Lev.”

  He groans and pu
lls back to kneel between my legs, popping the cap off the lube to coat his fingers with it. I lean up on my elbows to watch him and he watches me right back, looking up at me from beneath his lashes while he dips his head to suck my cock. My hips buck and he smirks to himself, circling my ass with the tip of his finger.

  “You like that?”

  I nod and he slides it inside me, holding me still with his other hand spread out on my abs while he takes me down to the back of his throat. He drives me wild and I swear to god I could come already, but then he sits back on his heels and grabs the lube, tipping his chin at me while he pours it all over his cock.

  “Turn around.”

  I raise a brow but do as I’m told, turning over to lie down on my stomach with my legs spread out either side of his. He takes my waist to get the angle he wants and teases my hole with the tip of his cock, slowly stretching me out a minute before he slides it inside me. I squeeze my eyes shut and fist the sheet with both hands, dropping my head to bite my knuckle.

  “Motherfucke– fuck, that’s deep.”

  He laughs lightly and leans over me until his chest covers my back, holding himself up on one elbow beside my head to speak in my ear. “You want me to stop?”

  I shake my head no and breathe like he taught me to, forcing myself to relax while he pulls out a little bit just to push back in. His hips bump my ass and he kisses my neck, grinding on me in small, slow circles that have us both groaning with need.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he whispers, sliding his hand over my ribs. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this? How hard it was for me to watch you fuck that hot little bitch right in front of me?”

  I nod, tangling my fingers in his hair to hold him down on me. “Not then but I do now.”

  “Yeah?” he teases, taking the lube to cover his hand with it. “How’s that?”

  “Because the thought of you fucking anyone who’s not me makes me wanna kill you.”

  He laughs at me and I pull his mouth to mine, eagerly lifting my hips for him while he reaches down beneath me to wrap his fist around my cock. He sucks on my tongue while he gets me off and I moan, fucking him back hit for hit while he fucks me hard and fast.

  “Harder, Lev,” I plead, digging my nails into the back of his head. “Make it hurt.”

  “Jesus, fuck, Wren,” he growls, moving his mouth down to my neck to bite me there.

  He gives me what I want and my eyes roll, my heart beating so fast I’m sure it’s about to fall right out of my chest. My cock jerks and pulses in his hand and I come, shaking like a fucking leaf while he pins my ass to finish inside me. I face plant the pillow and he drops his head down on my shoulder, pulling out a minute later to fall down on his side beside me. I crack an eye open to look at him and he slides his arm beneath my head, pulling me into him until my chest bumps his. I hide a grin and so does he, taking my face in his hand to slide his thumb over my cheek.

  “The fuck’s happening to us, Lev?”

  “I don’t know but I want more.”

  “More what?”

  “More you,” he whispers, speaking over my lips. “Whatever this is, I just fuckin’ want it. I want all of you.”

  I laugh lightly at that, not missing the meaning behind his words.

  He wants my heart?

  He’s got it.

  The fucker.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “I’m hungry,” Callie whines, climbing out of the big ass infinity pool to steal Wren’s joint. “You boys ever gonna feed me or just sit there lookin’ pretty all day?”

  We all laugh at her and Damon leans forward on the seat beside mine, taking her hand to pull her down on him. “What do you want?”

  “Pizza,” she grins, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. “And chocolate covered doughnuts.”

  He grins back and lifts his phone to his ear to get her what she wants, playing with the strings of her bikini while he kisses the corner of her mouth. Wren and Kai pretend to gag and I snort, running my fingers over the deep ridges of his abs while I slide my hand through his hair. He’s leaning back between my legs on one of the sun beds up on the roof of Kingston Palace – a secret little hideaway they built for themselves a few months back. My Blood by Twenty One Pilots plays through the speakers set up in the corner and he reaches over to take his joint back from Callie, tipping his head back on my shoulder to look at me. He takes a hit and I dip my head to press my lips to his, shotgunning it from him like he wants me to. He hits me with that lazy ass grin and I blow my smoke out to the side, sliding my arms around his waist to kiss his neck.

  “How the fuck did I end up surrounded by a bunch of sappy fuckin’ couples?” Kai asks, flicking his wrist at us from his seat beside Damon and Callie. “You two are so fuckin’ gone for each other I’m surprised Wren’s not pregnant already,” he says, quickly moving on to the other couple before Wren can get a word in. “And you two were way more fun to be around when you were chokin’ her out every five seconds.”

  “I still do that, brother,” Damon teases, sliding his hand over Callie’s chest to wrap it around her throat. “She likes it, don’t you baby?”

  She nods and Kai smirks, standing from his seat to go grab another drink from the bar. He comes back a minute later with five beers in his hands and passes me one, tossing my phone down on my thigh with his head cocked to the side.

  “Who’s Ross?”

  I frown at the look of distrust in his eyes and pick it up to check it, cursing myself when I get a look at the thirteen missed calls and seven text messages displayed right there on the screen.

  Ross: Call me back.

  Ross: Now, Levi.

  Ross: It’s important.

  Ross: Call me back right this second or imma do something you won’t like.

  Ross: Too late.

  Ross: Dude, answer your fucking phone!

  Ross: Fuck.

  I quickly climb out from beneath Wren and move to stand, ignoring his glare on the back of my head while I walk for the fire pit to call him back.

  “Fucking finally.”

  “What happened?”

  “Your girl just caught a cab to a fucking prison, that’s what happened,” he bites out, shouting over the faint screams in the background. “She was at Valley State Pen– fuck, hang on a sec.. will you shut the fuck up?! I’m tryna talk up here.”

  The fuck?

  “Anyway. She was in there for a while. I figured you’d wanna know.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss, running a hand through my hair while I fight to think. “You kidnapped her?”

  “Course I fuckin’ did. You wouldn’t answer your phone so I used my initiative, snatched her as soon as she came outside and locked her in the trunk of my car.”

  Fucking hell.

  “Where are you?”

  “About twenty minutes from Westbrook.”

  “Alright, there’s a spot I know a few miles from my house. Meet me there and don’t fucking kill her.”

  “I’m not promising you that.”

  I lock my jaw and hang up on him, quickly texting him the address while I grab my shirt from the coffee table. Wren looks at me and I open my mouth to make something up, but then I catch the tortured look in his eyes and snap it shut again. I can’t lie to him, not when he’s staring at me with a deep frown on his face like he thinks I’m about to go cheat on him or some shit.

  “Freya went to see Katherine.”

  His brows jump and Callie hops to her feet, snatching her clothes from the floor while me and the boys do the same. We’re all dressed and walking for the exit a minute later, but I don’t miss the way Wren keeps stealing glances at me when he thinks I’m not looking. We walk through the heavy steel door and I snatch his wrist to pull him into me, pushing him back against the wall at the top of the stairs.

  “Hey,” I whisper, lifting his chin until his eyes hit mine. “You know I love you, right?”

  His ey
es widen and he parts his mouth, staring at me with something that looks an awful lot like shock. “You’re telling me this now?”

  “You looked like you needed it.”

  “Did you mean it?”

  “You know I did,” I tell him, dropping my forehead on his to speak over his lips. “Baby, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. It’s always been you, Wren.”

  He kisses me and I kiss him back, sliding my hands through his to pull him away from the wall. We turn around and walk for the stairs, freezing mid step when we catch his family standing at the bottom with their eyes on us, listening to our every word, it seems.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  They laugh at him and he rolls his eyes, looking at me over his shoulder while we walk into the elevator.

  “You’re having her followed?”

  I nod, leaning back against the wall beside him.

  “How long?”

  “Couple weeks.”

  He glares and I look away, doing my best to ignore the way he looks like he’s ready to knock my ass out for keeping it from him.

  If only that were my biggest problem.

  Fuck, he’s gonna kill me.

  Wren pulls up on the edge of the cliff beside Damon and the five of us jump out as one, all walking for the blacked out SUV parked a few feet away from us. Ross leans back against the side of his car with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes on me, his bright blond hair sticking up in all directions like he’s spent the last few hours running his hands through it.

  “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”

  “I didn’t know what else to do,” he defends, feigning hurt. “God, you’re so ungrateful.”

  I roll my eyes and move to open the trunk, wincing at the noise when Freya screams like she’s fixing to wake the dead. She’s lying on her side with her hands tied behind her back, unable to see anything due to the black hood covering her entire head. She’s probably terrified considering she’s just been tied up and kidnapped from a prison and all that, but I can’t bring myself to give a fuck.


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