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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

Page 26

by Bethany Winters

  “Fuck me, you’re hot,” I mouth, flicking the towel from his body to take his cock in my hand.

  “Did you talk to Ryan today?” my dad asks, reminding me of his presence in my ear.

  “We were with him and Rachel all night,” I assure him, walking Levi back towards the bed to push him down on his back. “We ordered a pizza, watched a movie, had a few drinks. All that fun stuff.”

  “You were there all night?”

  “All night.”

  “Good,” he says, and I don’t have to see him to know he’s half relieved, half exhausted. “Think about what I said, alright? You know I’d never push you to jump into something you’re not ready for, but if this is really what you want, I’ll help y–”



  “Come home and get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Fine,” he sighs. “Night, Wren.”

  “Night, Dad.”

  He hangs up on me and I toss my phone down on the nightstand, lifting one leg over Levi to straddle his thighs. He opens his mouth to ask me questions so I kiss him, enjoying the way he shivers beneath me while I rub my cock against his.

  “Fuck, Wren,” he moans, dropping his head back against the headboard. “What was that abou–”



  “Shh,” I tease, sucking on his neck to shut him up.

  His hips buck and I grin, reaching over to grab the lube from the side. I coat his fingers with it and he licks his lips, looking up at me from beneath his lashes while he reaches down between us to finger my ass. My mouth parts and I run my hands through his hair, grinding on him to encourage him to go deeper. He crooks his fingers inside me and I whimper, dipping my head to speak over his lips.

  “Fuck me, Lev.” I plead. “Now.”

  He snatches my bottom lip between his teeth and holds onto my hip, sliding his hand over his cock to get it wet. “You want this?”

  I nod and he teases my hole with the tip, slowly pulling me down on him until he’s buried deep inside me. We groan as one and he wraps his fist around my cock, tightening his grip on me when I roll my hips to ride him.

  “God fucking damn, baby, you’re so fucking tight,” he whispers, matching my pace hit for hit. “You like it this way?”

  “Fuck, yes,” I moan, dipping my head to take his mouth with mine. “Feels so fucking good.”

  He kisses me back and slides his heels up the sheet, shifting his hips a little bit to adjust me on his lap. “Keep still and let me fuck up into you.”

  I do as I’m told and he takes over, fucking me so hard I’m sure it’s gonna hurt to walk tomorrow. He sucks on my tongue like he’s starving for me and my eyes roll, my short nails piercing the sides of his neck while he smashes his hips up into me over and over again.

  “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You,” I rush out, clinging to his head while he fucks me better than he ever has done. “Only you.”


  “Only you,” I tell him again, moaning loudly when he squeezes my inner thigh.


  “Fuck, Lev, you’re gonna make me come.”

  “Do it,” he rasps, pulling my head back to nip my throat. “Show me how much you love it when I own this tight little ass.”

  My cock pulses in his hand and he groans like I’m killing him, looking down to watch while he pumps the cum from my dick. He pins me down on him to finish inside me and I face plant the crook of his neck, sliding my arms beneath his head to keep him close. Our heavy breathing mixes together for I don’t know how long and I close my eyes, smiling to myself when reality comes crashing down on me.

  Think about it, he said.

  But I don’t need to think about it.

  Levi’s the one, and I’ll do any fucking thing I can to ensure he gets everything he deserves and more.

  “My dad went to see your mom tonight.”

  He tenses at that, pulling back a bit to look at me. “What? Why?”

  “He took his lawyer with him and made a deal with her,” I explain, quickly clearing my throat to hide my nerves. “Said if she can help prove your grandfather’s businesses were legit before Killian took over and fucked it all up, he’ll do whatever he can to get her a lesser sentence and you’ll get the inheritance he left you, but..”

  “But only when I’m twenty five,” he guesses, sighing when I chew the inside of my cheek. “So I’ll go to college when I’m twenty five. It’s not a big deal, Wren.”

  He’s lying, but I don’t call him out on it.

  “I want you to go to college with me.”

  “And how do you suggest I do that?” he mutters, gently running his thumb over my bottom lip. “You wanna be my sugar daddy? Because I already told y–”

  “I wanna be your husband.”

  He blinks at that, then he blinks again. “What?”

  “The Will says you’ll get your money the day you turn twenty five or the day you get married,” I stress, laughing lightly when he hits me with a look that tells me he’s not following. “What do you say, Lev? You wanna be a Kingston?”

  “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

  “Are you really gonna make this a thing?”

  “Maybe,” he teases, sliding his hands over my thighs. “I kinda like seeing you all red and nervous and shit.”

  “I’m not fuckin’ nervous.”

  “Why’s your heart beating so fast?”

  I feign a glare and he laughs at me, making me laugh. “Just answer the fucking question, Lev.”

  “Yes,” he rasps, grabbing my face to pull my mouth down to his. “Fuck, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Dude, are you really just gonna walk in there without knocking firs–”

  Kai swings their bedroom door open and I shut my mouth, awkwardly running a hand over the back of my neck when I spot Callie lying on her back with Damon’s mouth between her legs.


  “Kai,” she screeches, throwing her head back when Damon continues doing whatever it is he’s doing down there. “Fuck, Damon.”

  “Hundred bucks says he makes her come in under sixty seconds,” Wren says, dropping down in his usual seat by the window.



  The twins bump fists and I avert my eyes, pulling my brows in when I spot the single dining chair next to the closet with a couple bits of cut up tape attached to it.

  What the fuck?

  Callie finally comes after what feels like forever and Kai pockets his cash, dropping down on the bed beside her to place a plastic golden crown on her head. “Good morning, birthday girl.”

  She blows the hair from her face and raises a brow at him, leaning back against the headboard to pull Damon’s t-shirt over her thighs. “What do you boys think you’re doing?”

  “It’s your birthday,” Wren informs her, sitting down on her other side to kiss her cheek.

  She frowns at that, bouncing her eyes between the four of us. “So?”

  “So,” he echoes, passing her the mocha latte we got her from the coffee shop just now. “We brought you presents.”

  “You did what?”

  “You heard me.”

  She looks at me for help and I shrug, tilting my head at the chair by the closet. “What happened there?”

  Damon smirks like the devil himself and she blushes – fucking blushes – taking a long sip of her coffee in a lame ass attempt to hide it. “Nothing.”

  “Did you just–”

  “What’d I tell you about that word?”

  Kai covers his cock with both hands and I laugh, dropping down beside Damon to steal Wren’s lighter from his pocket. I set the box of eighteen chocolate covered donuts on Callie’s lap and light the candles on top, hiding a grin when she stares at us with a hilarious look of horror on her face.

  “Please don’t–”

  We sing Happy Birthday just to torture her and she lifts her hands to her face, peeking out at us through the gap in her fingers while she waits for us to finish. Kai motions for her to blow out the candles and she humors him despite the fact she’s mortified, muttering something I don’t catch while she snatches a donut from the box to pick the candle out.

  “Are you done?” she asks, speaking around her food.

  “Nope,” Kai laughs, leaning over to grab the purple gift bag of presents we got her. “You like your new necklace?”

  She bites her lip ring and runs her forefinger over the necklace Damon must’ve given her last night – a solid gold chain with a badass crown for a pendant and the word punk engraved on the back of it. We grin as one and she glares, making us laugh.

  “Are you asking me to kick your asses right now?”

  We laugh harder and she rolls her eyes, shovelling the last of her donut before she opens the rest of her presents. We got her a new pair of those Beats headphones she wears all the time, a few hoodies from her favourite store at the mall along with some other stuff we knew she’d love, and a Kindle Oasis with a five hundred dollar Amazon gift card to go with it. Her brows jump and she starts to argue, but then Kai shoves another donut into her mouth to shut her up, winking at her when she chokes on it. I snort and pass her the envelope from the bottom of the bag, sliding my arms around Wren’s waist to pull his back to my chest.

  “Boys, for real, this is way too m–”

  “Just open it, Callie.”

  She sighs heavily but does as she’s told, dropping her jaw when she pulls out the Machine Gun Kelly tickets Elijah managed to get us at the last minute this morning. They cost us more than five times what they’re worth considering the concert’s tonight and completely sold out, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  Her face lights up and she squeals, wrapping her arms around all four of us to kiss our faces. “I take it all back. I love each and every one of you.”

  We laugh at her again and she grins like a kid in a candy shop, dropping back against the headboard to snatch another donut from the box.

  “You got seven tickets?”

  “Five for us and two for Ryan and Rachel,” Wren tells her, leaning back on my chest to sip his coffee.

  “We offered Elijah and Ryan’s parents to come with but they turned us down, said they’ll meet us at the Kingston Palace in Vegas once we’re done,” I add, stealing his drink to take a sip.

  “Okay..” she draws out, bouncing her eyes between me and Wren. “I’m confused. Why’re Elijah and Ryan’s parents coming to Vegas?”

  Damon and Kai hit us with their stupid ass grins and I fight to keep mine in check, tightening my arms around Wren’s waist to drop my mouth to his neck.


  “Because me and Lev are gettin’ married tomorrow.”

  “What?!” she screams, dropping her donut to smack his chest, then mine. “Oh my god, fuckers, why the hell didn’t you lead with that?!”

  “Because it’s your birthday.”

  “But you’re getting married,” she informs us, suddenly back to grinning. “What time do we leave?”

  “Later,” he tells her, quickly kissing her cheek before he stands to pull me up with him. “We gotta go do somethin’ real quick.”

  Wait, what?

  “What are we doing?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Dude, why the fuck are we here?” I complain, damn near sulking like a four year old because this is not what I had in mind.

  He ignores me and takes out a black duffel from the trunk of the SUV we borrowed just now, reaching inside to pull out a couple black ski masks. I open my mouth to ask why he has those, but then he closes the distance between us and wraps his hand around my neck, shutting me up with his mouth on mine.

  “You’ll see,” he says again, gently dragging my bottom lip through my teeth. “Put your mask on.”

  I frown but do as I’m told, watching him curiously while he does the same. We leave the car parked just outside the gate and make our way up the driveway, walking towards the big ass mansion my parents don’t own anymore considering it was seized by the cops last night. My key doesn’t work because the locks have been changed, so he smashes the rectangular panel window beside the door and lets himself inside. I follow him through and he drops the duffel on the side table, confusing the fuck out of me when he unzips it to reveal a couple dozen clear bottles of water.

  “Uh, Wren–”

  He pulls one out to twist the cap off and I shut my mouth, smirking to myself when I realize that’s not water, it’s gasoline.

  Oh, hell, yes.

  “Lev, wait,” he says quickly, pulling me in to bounce his eyes between mine. “Is there anything here that means shit to you? Anything you wanna keep?”

  I chew my lip and look around a minute, mentally scanning each room for its contents. There’re no pictures on the walls or photo albums tucked away anywhere, nothing of mine they bothered to hold on to from when I was a kid, nothing to remind me of the grandparents I barely knew before they died..

  “There’s nothing.”

  He nods once and kisses me through my mask, fisting a handful of my hoodie to pull me back towards the stairs. We start at the top and make our way down, soaking every room in gasoline until we get to the vault in the basement. As soon as we’re all out, he heads back up to the entryway and I go with him, taking the box of matches he passes me to light one up. He moves to stand beside me and glances my way like he thinks I might need a minute, but I don’t need a minute.

  I don’t even need a second.

  I toss the flame at the stairs without a second thought and he takes my hand in his, quickly pulling me out through the window he smashed to get us in here. We haul ass back to the car and he pins me back against the driver’s side, watching me closely while I watch the mansion behind him go up in flames.

  “You alright, Lev?”

  “I want a kid.”


  “I want a kid with you,” I rasp, grabbing his face to pull his forehead to mine. “I know I wasn’t taught right but I swear to god I’ll be better than them. I just.. I wanna show our kid what it feels like to have someone who loves the shit out of you no matter what, you know?”

  His eyes soften and he runs his hands over my chest, but then the sound of a siren rings out in the distance and he curses, ripping the driver’s door open to shove me through to the passenger side. He jumps in after me and hits the gas, quickly looking over his shoulder every few seconds to check we’re not being followed. We’re not, thank fuck, so I release the breath I was holding and pull the mask from my face, dropping my head back against the seat with a shaky laugh.

  I can’t believe we just did that in broad daylight.

  He tosses his mask down on my lap and smirks at me, linking our fingers together to pull my hand up to his mouth. “What now, Lev?”

  I shrug and glance at the clock on the dash, noting we still have a couple hours to kill before we have to leave for Vegas. “Dinner and a movie?”

  He grins like I hung the motherfucking moon and I grin right back at him, leaning over the center console to rest my head on his shoulder.

  How this is my life, no fucking clue.

  The end.

  Quick Note From The Author

  Thank you SO MUCH for reading!

  Kai’s book will be the next (and last) of this series so make sure to join my readers group for updates on that —>

  Wanna know how that chair ended up in Damon and Callie’s bedroom??? Download a little bonus content here —>

  All my love,

  Bethany <3


  First of all, I suck at this, so please feel free to cringe right along with me.

  Second of all, to whoever read my About the Author section at the back of book one, yes – my family and friends did find out I’m an a
uthor last August, and yes – I did fall over and die. But seriously, you’re all so supportive of me despite my obsession with dark romance and I love you all so much.

  Geissa and Pamela.. my baby girls. God, where do I even start?! We’ve been on a ride these last few months and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You two have been with me since day one, you’re the best book besties I could ever ask for and I couldn’t do this without you. P.S. you can fight over Zane Kincaid all day long just leave me out of it, yeah?

  Samantha La Mar, you beautiful human. Your laugh makes me laugh. Thank you for just being there for me day and night, for your hilarious voice notes, for promoting the shit outta this book and for introducing me to the some of the best people I’ve ever met. AKA those crazy ass butches (yes, I said butches) with no chill. I love you guys more than Sammi loves Dunkin’ Donuts. Oh, and I’m not forty four!

  Shout out to my gorgeous ARC readers and to all of the reviewers from TalkNerdy2Me for your early feedback on this book. I read every single post, comment and review and I am blown away by all the love I’m getting for these boys.

  Last but not least, thank you so much to my incredible readers group for putting up with me and my craziness, and to every single one of you for reading read this book. You have no idea how much that means to me.

  About the Author

  My name is not Bethany Winters, I’m an indie author and I have no idea why authors write this part in the third person, so I’m not going to.

  I live in Wales with my husband and our son, I have a very real, very unhealthy obsession with books and I drink tea like its water.

  I also despise writing About the Author sections.


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