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Sweet Italian Christmas: Three Christmas Romances

Page 4

by Helen Scott Taylor

  She turned in the enclosed space and rested her palms on Leo's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.

  "Why do you still wear a wedding ring, Leo?"

  "It protects me."

  He must have women come on to him all the time because of his looks and his money. "I don't expect anything from you." She didn't want him to think she was just interested in what she could get out of him.

  She trailed her fingertips along his jaw, the slight roughness sending streaks of sensation up her arm.

  His fingers slid into her hair and she turned her face up to him. His breath brushed her lips, then the warm press of his mouth made her eyelids fall as she lost herself in the kiss.

  If she could have one wish this Christmas, it would be to swap her troubled life for this enchanted existence with Leo.

  • • •

  The Marin family treated her like a welcome visitor, especially Gina, who quickly became her friend. Claire almost forgot the stressful first day of her vacation and the fact she was an interloper rather than an invited guest.

  Two days before Christmas, Leo, Gina, Violet, and Claire climbed into the SUV at dusk. Leo drove down the hill and parked near the seafront.

  They climbed out, their breath steaming in the chilly air. Violet jumped up and down with excitement, slapping her small feet on the cobbles.

  "Hold my hand." Leo stretched out an arm to his daughter. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd."

  Violet's tiny hand disappeared in her papa's safe grip, and the four of them set off towards Spaccanapoli, the ancient Roman thoroughfare that ran through the heart of Naples. Soon they entered the maze of narrow alleys in the oldest part of the city.

  Gina linked arms with Claire and they walked side by side, stopping now and then to stare in the windows of the small shops at the religious icons with lit-up halos, and other Neapolitan souvenirs.

  The crowd grew denser as tourists and locals converged on the alleyways around the church of San Gregorio Armeno, where the craftsmen who made the presepi had their shops.

  "Right, piccolina. Time for you to come up high where you're safe with Papa." Leo lifted his daughter onto his shoulders and gripped her ankles to hold her in place. She grasped handfuls of his thick dark hair, her eyes wide with wonder at the aerial view of the bustling stalls.

  "Oh, to be young and carefree again," Gina said. "Mamma and Papa used to bring us here every Christmas. We were each allowed to buy a new figurine for our presepe. I haven't been for years."

  Darkness had fallen and the world narrowed down to this alley crowded with many stalls, each laden with a fairy-tale wonderland of crib scenes large and small. Some presepi were far more than representations of the nativity. They included whole villages recreated in miniature with wells, lakes, houses, and models of people and animals, all lit up with millions of tiny lights.

  "Wow. I've been looking forward to coming here, but I never imagined it would be this magical." The sight enchanted Claire. She could only imagine how enthralling it must be for a child.

  Grateful for the new phone Leo had given her, Claire snapped photographs of handcrafted figures of shepherds and kings, donkeys and sheep, and Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. She also took a few shots of Gina and some of Leo with Violet on his shoulders. Then they all crowded together, Leo with one arm around Gina and the other around Claire. One of the stall holders took a photo of them with the colorful display behind.

  Violet bounced up and down on Leo's shoulders, making him stumble as he hung on to her. "Calm down, angel, or you'll fall off."

  "I want one." Violet waved her finger at a brightly lit crib scene.

  "We have a presepe. Tomorrow you can help Papa set it up."

  "It would be nice to have some new figures." Gina picked up an intricately carved king, his robes made of gold and red cloth. She chose a few more models and paid for them.

  Leo set Violet on her feet. "You can choose one new thing for our display." The little girl ran from stall to stall, picking up items to look at them, with Leo supervising.

  While they did that, Claire wandered on a short distance, examining all the models. She didn't have enough money to buy the family presents, but the least she could do was give a small gift to Violet. She bought a funny little monkey for three euros. It wasn't very traditional, but it was cute. After she paid, she put the package in her pocket.

  As they wandered back to the car, they bought roasted chestnuts in paper cones from a vendor and ate them to ward off the chill. They laughed together and all looked after Violet, peeling off the chestnut shells and giving her small pieces of nut. How wonderful to be part of a warm, loving family—so different from her memories of growing up.

  Gina took Violet's hand and they ran on ahead to look in a puppet shop, leaving Leo and Claire to walk together. His fingers closed around hers and squeezed. "So, did Via San Gregorio Armeno live up to expectations?"

  "Fantastic. Magical. I'll never forget coming here."

  In fact, the whole world felt enchanted tonight. After their trip to Pompeii, Leo hadn't kissed her again. When they were together with his family he kept his distance, but tonight, walking side by side along the ancient alleyways trodden by Neapolitans for hundreds of years, there was that same magic in the air, almost as if they'd been transported to a different world.

  A scooter whizzed towards them, tooting its horn. Leo pulled her aside and stepped into a doorway, his arms slipping around her waist. "You have to watch the teens on their Vespas. They drive like maniacs."

  Claire's heart tripped and bounded at the feel of Leo so close, his tone pitched low for her ears only. When she was with him, the world felt right for the first time in her life.

  He stroked his fingertips across her cheek in a lingering caress that brushed the corner of her lips. "You confuse me."

  "I don't mean to."

  "I know, tesorino."

  She longed for him to kiss her again, but not here in this busy street, somewhere quiet and private. Yet when they were at his home, Leo seemed to avoid being alone with her.

  • • •

  "Straight to bed now, my angel." Leo crouched to unbutton his daughter's coat. "It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and you'll have a very long day."

  "I want Claire to put me to bed."

  Violet wriggled out of his grip and scampered across the entrance hall to where Claire was slipping off her shoes. His daughter grabbed Claire's hand and tugged her towards the staircase.

  Leo rose to his feet, folding Violet's coat over his arm absentmindedly, his attention absorbed by his beautiful guest. Claire's sleek pale gold hair gleamed in the lights as she angled her head, her blue eyes alight with laughter.

  She'd transformed in her week here. The bedraggled girl with a guarded expression had been replaced by a confident young woman who sparkled with enthusiasm and pleasure as he showed her around this beautiful corner of Italy. With every smile and every touch, Claire worked her way deeper into his heart. And it terrified him.

  He didn't want to fall for another Englishwoman, especially one whose goal was to travel. He needed a wife like his mamma who treasured her role in the family above all else, a woman who would be a loving mother to Violet and stay by his side.

  If he let the wrong woman into his life, this time he wasn't just risking his own heart, his little Violet might be hurt as well. In one short week, she had already grown attached to Claire and would miss her when she left.

  "I'd love to help you, sweetie. If it's okay with your papa." Claire glanced his way, her glossy pink lips parted, her eyebrows lifted in question.

  "Yes, of course," he said, distracted, noticing for the hundredth time how kissable her lips looked tonight. He wanted to kiss her again so much it hurt. Every time he went to his studio to work, thoughts of Claire filled his head. With Claire around he couldn't add two plus two, let alone finish his latest contract.

  Claire took Violet's hand and they walked up the stairs side by side, chatting about the pr
esepi they'd seen and which figurines they'd liked best.

  He followed them upstairs and paused at Violet's bedroom door. "Do you know where everything is?" he asked Claire.

  "We'll manage, won't we?" Claire smiled at Violet, who nodded.

  Leo wanted to stay and watch them together, watch the magical sight of this lovely woman and his darling daughter, and imagine how his life would change if Claire stayed with them permanently.

  Instead he turned away, stepped out of sight, and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew what sort of woman was right for him, and it wasn't Claire. Yet his heart and his head did not agree.

  He switched off the hall light and rested his hands on the rail around the landing. Turning his face up to the glass roof above the hallway, he stared at the points of starlight speckling the patch of navy sky.

  Meeting Claire was either the best thing that had happened to him since Violet was born, or the worst. She might fill his life with joy or break his heart. Leo cursed himself for overthinking everything. Why not follow his heart and see what happened?

  The sound of their chatter seemed so right, like a mother and her daughter.

  "Good girl, in you go," Claire said. Then a moment later, "Which book would you like me to read?"

  "Sleeping Beauty."

  Her favorite. Leo had read her that story so many times he'd lost count. Although he knew the words by heart, Claire's softly modulated tone entranced him as the tale unfolded, until the prince woke Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. Then they lived happily ever after. If only life could be that simple.

  "Leo, is that you out here in the dark?"

  He pivoted, embarrassed to be found eavesdropping.

  "Yes. The darkness helps me think." Claire probably assumed he meant think about his work. He wouldn't disabuse her of that notion.

  "Violet's ready to say good night to you."

  He went into the room and kissed his sleepy girl on her forehead, smoothing back the wisps of dark hair from her face. "Sleep tight, piccolina."

  Violet gave him a drowsy smile that squeezed his heart. She was his world, his moon and stars. He wanted to do what was best for his little angel. If only he knew what that was.

  He followed Claire out of the bedroom and pulled the door shut.

  "She's a good girl, Leo. Such a darling," Claire said softly. "You're very lucky."

  "I know. My world revolves around her."

  "Dinner's served," Gina called from downstairs.

  Leo caught Claire's hand as she turned towards the top of the stairs. Pulling her back into the shadows, he slipped his arms around her waist.

  She rested her palms on his chest and gazed up at him. The faint light from downstairs cast her in light and shadow. "You said I confuse you, Leo. Well, you confuse me too. You're giving me mixed signals."

  "I'm sorry. I do like having you here, Claire."

  "I like being here. You and your family have been so gracious in the way you've treated me."

  "Do you have to go home on December 26th?" Leo needed time to think, time to consider his feelings. He didn't want Claire to disappear out of his life so soon.

  "That's the date my flight's booked."

  "Our holiday season lasts until Epiphany on January 6th. That's when we exchange most of our gifts and the good witch, La Befana, brings presents for the children. You should stay until then if you want to experience all an Italian Christmas has to offer."

  "I'd love to, but what about my flight?"

  "Don't worry. We'll rearrange it."

  "The budget airline won't let me make changes."

  "I'll be able to make changes." Leo would simply book her on a different flight. "I want you to stay and so does Violet."

  "Well." Claire glanced over her shoulder at Violet's bedroom door. "I'd hate to disappoint her if she wants me here." Then she turned back to him, her eyes wide and thoughtful. "But what really matters is how you feel, Leo. Are you sure you want me to stay?"

  "I do."

  Leo gave in to his need to touch her hair and slid his fingers among the shiny strands. Then it was only natural he should kiss her. So he did, for a long time, drawing her tightly against him and reveling in the feel of her slender body in his arms. He wanted more, so much more. He wanted to make Claire his.

  • • •

  After dinner, the Marin family remained at the dining table, drinking wine, talking about their visit to see the presepi, and discussing their preparations for Christmas Day and Epiphany.

  The cheerful mood was enhanced by the consumption of two bottles of Italian red wine from Leo's extensive cellar.

  "Well, I must call it a night. I have presents to wrap." Leo twirled the stem of his wineglass between his fingers and cast Claire a smoldering glance from beneath his lashes, making her go all tingly. "Will you come and help me? Gift wrapping is not my strong point."

  Gina giggled. The wine had made her talkative. "My genius brother can't wrap gifts to save his life. He's good at buying them, though. Perhaps you could buy me a new boyfriend for Christmas, Leo. I'm not too demanding. Just make him drop-dead gorgeous, wealthy, generous, and kind. Oh, and a sense of humor would be nice."

  Signor Marin tutted and took the wineglass out of Gina's hand. "We need caffè, Mamma. Lots of it."

  Signora Marin stood and carried some dishes through to the kitchen.

  Claire didn't want any of their strong black coffee. She wouldn't get any sleep if she consumed a dose of caffeine now.

  "If you don't need my help down here, I'll go with Leo. I love wrapping gifts." And she loved being with Leo. Especially if they were alone together.

  Leo stood and pulled out Claire's chair for her. Hot, trembling excitement ran through her as she picked up her wineglass and followed him into the hallway and up the grand staircase. She expected him to continue up the next flight to his studio on the top floor, but instead he headed along the galleried landing and entered one of the bedrooms.

  Her heart pounded as he switched on the light and she followed him inside. The smell in the room was uniquely Leo, a tantalizing fragrance that fired her nerves.

  Did he really have presents to wrap, or had that been an excuse to get her into his bedroom?

  His room was a stylish layout with modern furniture and draperies, colored smoky gray, black, and beige. The only spots of color were four pictures on the walls of unusual multicolored geometric designs.

  "Some kind of computer art?" she asked, walking along in front of the four pictures to take a better look.

  "You're right. They're fractals. Algebra pictures."

  "Wow. Who knew algebra could be so beautiful."

  Leo lifted some gift bags, rolls of colorful wrapping paper, tape, and ribbon onto his bed, then pulled off his shoes and sat cross-legged in the middle of his mattress. He drew a box of chocolates from one of the bags and set it in front of him.

  "So gift wrapping wasn't simply an excuse to get me into your bedroom." Claire cocked her head with a grin.

  Leo chuckled. "No. I'm seriously in need of help, cara."

  Claire took a sip of wine, set her glass on his nightstand, then slipped off her pumps and with a tripping pulse, climbed onto the silky gray coverlet on Leo's bed. She settled facing him, the heap of paper and gifts between them.

  She tucked her legs to one side and arranged her blue dress to cover her knees.

  "Did I tell you how much that dress suits you?" His voice was pure velvet, soft and smooth as his compliment stroked her senses.

  "Thank you. It's one of my favorites."

  "The blue looks great against the gray of my bedcover."

  Claire smoothed her hand across the top of his bed, her mouth dry, her pulse racing so fast she felt light-headed. With his dark hair gleaming in the subtle lighting, his sultry brown eyes and the glimpse of his chest where the top buttons of his shirt were undone, Claire found it hard to drag her gaze away from him.

  Leo handed her the box of chocolates, his fingers brushing her hand.
A hot pulse of longing passed through her. She wanted Leo so much; she wanted to touch him and kiss him and be with him forever. She couldn't imagine leaving and going back to England where she'd be alone. The thought hurt.

  "Which paper would you like me to use?" Claire's voice was thick with emotion, and she had to swallow.

  "You choose."

  Leo rested a hand on his knee and sipped his wine as she cut a square of gold foil from the roll and carefully covered the box of chocolates, finishing the gift off with a tinsel bow.

  Then she passed it back to him.

  "Perfect. Thank you so much." Leo caught her hand and raised it to brush his lips across her knuckles.

  The atmosphere between them sparked as Leo handed her another box to wrap. Her fingers moved as if in a dream, cutting paper, sticking tape, tying ribbon, her attention fixed on the gorgeous man sitting so close.

  "I'm glad you persuaded me to stay another week. Thanks for changing my flight for me."

  It had taken Leo only ten minutes on his laptop before dinner to make the change. He seemed to want her to stay on as much as she did.

  "It was my pleasure." Leo sipped his wine, his smile so intimate Claire nearly melted.

  It wasn't her imagination. He returned her feelings, and this man was warm and loving, not cold and controlling like Jonathan. Only a few weeks ago when she broke off their engagement, she'd thought she never wanted to be in a relationship again. She'd convinced herself that men were selfish jerks. But that was before she met Leo. If he wasn't perfect, he was very close to it.

  As she handed back the final wrapped gift, Leo caught her hand and drew her closer. She fell into his arms, kicking aside the crackling paper, and sank into the warm embrace of this wonderful man.

  She clung to him, wishing she belonged here in his world, wishing she could hold on to him forever and never let him go.

  Chapter Five

  Claire stood in the kitchen doorway and watched Gina and Signora Marin rushing around the kitchen. Pots bubbled on the stove and a wonderful fragrance of Mediterranean food filled the air as they prepared the special Christmas Eve dinner of fish that was so important in Italy.


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