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Blackmailed (Their Sins #1.5)

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by A. Gorman


  Book 1.5 of:

  Their Sins Novella

  A. Gorman


  Copyright © 2016 by A. Gorman.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: April 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-590-2

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-590-8

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This is dedicated to those who choose to be true to themselves, even when everyone around them is bending them to change. Being the square standing outside of a round hole isn’t that bad.–A.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Chapter One

  Summer Before Senior Year of College, Age 21

  My head is pounding as I try to wake up. I’m all tangled in my bed sheets. I pry my eyes open to glance at the clock, which is sitting on my bedside stand. It’s three in the afternoon. Damn, I’ve slept all day. I need to get my ass in gear.

  I’m so over college and it hasn’t even started for the semester yet. I was hoping the beginning of my senior year at Indiana University would be more eventful, but it’s been very boring. I’m ready to graduate, but I’m not completely ready to leave Bloomington to go back to Indianapolis. I’m sure I’ll have many job opportunities here, but in Indy, there will be higher paying positions.

  As I get out of bed, I can’t remember if I had a chick in here last night. She isn’t here now, if I did. I’m quite the ladies’ man here on campus, and the women I sleep with know that I’m not looking to settle down. I have plenty of numbers in my phone for a hook up whenever I need it. I use women for one thing—sex.

  I’m heading to the bathroom so I can get this day started with the three S’s: shit, shave, and shower. Preferably in that order. You’re probably wondering who I am. Well, the name is Chet Lee Boston, and I’m twenty-one and the only child to Chris and Bree Boston.

  My dad is a lawyer, and my mom? Well, um, she’s a socialite. Heavy on the social. She’s not a cheater or anything, just very well-known as my father’s wife. I learned a lot from her growing up. I’m a business major since I decided I didn’t want to work at my father’s law firm. I didn’t want to have to worry about my skeletons coming out of my closet. I have some secrets that no one needs to know about.

  Last summer, I went back home to stay with my parents during summer break. That didn’t go over so well. Got in a little trouble with the police, and so I decided I would stay down here and hopefully stay out of trouble. More like not get caught doing what I’m not supposed to be doing.

  I love to party. I hit up parties wherever I can find them. I have a lot of friends in the frats, so I can often be found at a few parties a night on the weekends. I’m not much of a drinker. I mean, I can hold my own, but my drug of choice is cocaine. Luckily, when I was busted last year, it was for alcohol instead of coke. I don’t think my dad could have gotten me out of that, but who knows? He knows many people behind the scenes.

  After I finish showering, I head to my room, and I hear someone opening the front door of the apartment. My roommate must be home. I pick out the clothes I want to wear when I go out later on. I’m sure there will be a party or two to hit up.

  “Hey, bro. What up?”

  “Not much. Heading to a party over at Derrick’s later. Wanna hit it with me?”


  “The softball team is supposed to come, and I heard there are a few new hotties on the team.”

  “Right on, man. I can’t wait.” I give him a high-five as he goes to his room. I head in the kitchen to look for something to eat.

  There’s not much in the fridge. Just some leftovers and alcohol. I grab the leftovers and a beer. I’ll drink while I’m waiting for my food to heat up in the microwave.

  This party tonight should be a blast, especially if there are fresh chicks to hook up with. Normally, the athletic scholarship girls aren’t looking for a relationship. They’re never around long enough to see anyone. That works out perfectly for me.

  I finish eating and go see if Matt is finally ready to roll. I grab some of my stash because I’m sure I’ll want a hit later on. We’re heading to this dude’s house that I’ve only partied with a few times. He seems like he knows pretty much everyone who is everyone on campus. My kind of party.


  The party’s in full swing when we get there around nine. The ladies’ clothes are falling off. Oh yeah, I should be able to score tonight. I see a few women I don’t know, so I make sure to introduce myself to them.

  There is this tall female with almost black hair, and her skin is really light, like she’s never been out in the sun. Her legs go on for miles. I would love to see those up in the air.

  I walk over to her. She is talking to her friend, who seems to be sober. She is not bad looking, either. She’s really curvy with strawberry blonde hair. I could see myself getting some of that too.

  “Hi, ladies. New on campus?” I ask as sweet as I can. The dark headed hottie doesn’t give me the time of day. Whatever, snob.

  “Hey. Yes. We just moved here from Colorado. Not used to this kind of party, though. My teammates told me it would be good for me, but I feel really out of place. Maybe we’ll catch you around.” She smiles sweetly, grabs her friend’s arm, and drags her off.

  Whatever. I’m sure there are more ladies around here to hook up with. I see some of my friends and head over to talk to them before they get too shit faced. The guys are talking about how the defense needs to step up their games if they are going to win their opening football game of the season. They say hey to me and go back to their conversation.

  I’m half listening to the conversation and looking for other women to get to know. I see someone I would like to meet and make my way over to her. I make sure my breath smells good.

  “Hey, I haven’t seen you around. First time here?” I smile the panty dropping smile I’ve been told I have.

  “Hey, yourself. Yes, I just moved next door. I was told this is party central. Looks like I moved into a good neighborhood.” She laughs. “My name is Kami. Yours?”

  “Chet. Nice to meet you, Kami. And you’re correct. Derrick throws parties normally all weekend, and they can get a little wild. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. As long as I’m invited.”

  “I’m sure that won’t be a problem, especially if you come dressed
like that. Hot damn.”

  “Are you trying to get in my panties, Chet?” she says, almost appalled.

  “Yes, I am,” I say, straight faced. I’m honest.

  “It won’t be hard. I’m not wearing any…” She grins a wicked grin, turns, and walks away.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you’re a woman after my own heart. When and where?” I call out to her.

  “Just follow me,” she says over her shoulder.

  We head to her house. I need to make sure she is sober and isn’t under the influence of something.

  “Kami, have you had anything to drink or anything else? I don’t want to go through this and get into trouble later.”

  “I had a beer or two, but I’ll be honest, I like to fuck. I’m not looking for emotional shit, just pleasure,” she states matter-of-factly.

  “Done deal. Let’s fuck, then.”

  Forget the foreplay. We get right to the point. Thank God I added a few condoms to my wallet before we left for the party. She’s stripping off her tank top and mini skirt on the way to what I am guessing is her bedroom. When she opens the door to the room, I see what looks like a king sized bed taking up most of the room. She walks in and turns around.

  “Do you need help getting your clothes off? You’re a little over dressed.” She gives me a naughty grin.

  I take off my shirt. She starts unbuttoning my shorts. Hell yeah for flip-flips. She’s going to be surprised when she gets my shorts undone and sees that I am commando.

  She pulls my shorts down, and I hear her inhale a swift breath. Oh, yes, I’m large. He’s not called Big Papi for nothing. She gets down on her knees and takes my cock in her hand. Is this chick for real? If she isn’t a clinger, she’ll get a call back. Shit. She licks my shaft and puts her lips around the head of my cock. She slowly takes me into her mouth. I feel the back of her throat hit the tip of my cock. She adjusts and takes in even more of me. I start pumping slowly in and out of her mouth. I feel myself quickly approaching release, and then…nothing. She removed her mouth from my cock.

  I look at her, confused. She looks at me with a look of disgust on her face.

  “Put your cock away. I’ve heard all about you from my roommates. You are an easy lay.” She laughs in my face.

  What the hell? I just stand there.

  “What? Lost for words? I said get your clothes on and get out. Now you know what it’s like to be fucked over,” she bites out.

  I gather my clothes and try not to zip my swollen cock in my shorts. I put my shirt on.

  “Who are your roommates?”

  “Diana and Heather Sims.”

  Damnit. Diana was a crazy bitch. I could tell she was a clinger. I made the mistake of bringing her back to my house one night. She would follow me to my classes and drive by the house after I told her I didn’t want to see her anymore. I was glad when she finally found someone else to latch onto.

  “I’ll gladly show myself the way out. Just remember what you’re missing out on. I don’t give second rounds either, so your loss,” I say as I walk out the door.

  Crazy bitches. One of these days, I will learn. After all that drama, I need a hit. I hope Derrick’s bathroom is vacant. I walk to his house and go in. I find the bathroom. It’s empty. The mirror is where I found it last time, in the side drawer of the vanity. I pull out the bag of cocaine and get my hit ready to go.

  I snort the white goodness up my nose. Minutes later, the warmth starts running through my body. I’m ready to party now. I’m on top of the freaking world. I clean up my mess because it’s no one’s damn business what I was doing in here.

  I open the door and walk into a very leggy blonde. Hello, sexy.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” I smile my best smile. She blushes.

  “Hi. I was looking for the bathroom and it looks like I’ve found it.” She smiles and stumbles into the room I just occupied.

  A few moments later, she comes out, looking more awake.

  “Hey. I was hoping I would catch up with you again. My name is Marie. Yours?”

  “I’m Chet. Nice to meet you. I haven’t seen you around. Are you new to IU?” I’m hoping this chick is an easy hookup. After the earlier session, my balls are aching for a release.

  “Kind of. This is my cousin’s house. He wanted me to see what I’ve been missing all these years since I went to Purdue instead of IU. I transferred to IU because I switched majors.”

  “Interesting.” She seems like she might not be the type that plays around. “Want to head back outside?”

  “Sure. Lead the way,” she says, giggling.

  We make small talk on our way back outside. As the night goes on, I realize I'm not going to get the attention I need, so I head on home. I don't feel like messing with a chick at this time of night. I'll just relieve myself when I get home.

  Chapter Two

  Buzz, buzz, buzz. Who the hell is calling me this early on a Saturday morning? I grab my phone and see my mother's beautiful face looking back at me. I know to answer it or she'll keep blowing my phone up until I answer.

  “Morning, Bree. How are you?”

  “Chet Lee, you can be such a smartass. How’s my favorite son doing?”

  “I'm your only son, and I'm doing pretty well. Yourself? “

  “I am well, thank you. Just checking to see what time we should expect you for the charity dinner party tonight.” Shit. That is tonight.

  “I'll try to be there to eat a late lunch with you. Does that work?”

  “Sounds wonderful, son. I had your tux dry cleaned yesterday. It's hanging in your room. Are you coming alone?”

  “Yes, Mother. You'll be the first to know when I find someone serious.”

  “Your father's human resource director’s daughter is single. Very attractive too. She is a junior at Indiana State and would be a good fit for you.” I sigh at my mother's match making attempt.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I'm enjoying playing the field, if you know what I mean.”

  “I do not need to hear this. Just make sure you don’t make me a young grandmother. I’ll see you in a few hours. Kiss, kiss, love you.”

  “Love you.”

  That woman drives me crazy. At least I can say she cares. Although we had a maid and a nanny, my mother was very actively involved in my life. My father, on the other hand, was almost late for my high school graduation. Nothing has changed.

  I'm somewhat glad I don't have to worry about throwing the random hookup out of the house this morning. I stretch and slowly get ready to plaster on a fake smile and play the role of the perfect son, something I’ve learned to do well.


  I arrive at my family’s home on Geist Reservoir a little after noon. The house overlooks the manmade reservoir that houses half of the richest people in the Indianapolis area. Reggie Miller, the former Indiana Pacers basketball player, lives a few houses east from us.

  I pull in the gated drive and notice the driveway is lined with catering trucks. I don’t follow the crowd and head into the front doors instead of around back. I’ll be able to see what is going on once I’m in the house. The back side of the house is floor-to-ceiling windows. There’s a large yard on the side of the house, and I’m sure my parents have a tent up to host their elaborate party.

  When I reach the kitchen, my mother is on the phone. I’ve never seen the woman upset, but today she’s frazzled.

  “I said I wanted orchids in the center of all the tables, but instead, I have white oleanders. Do you know what oleanders mean? They mean caution! Not exactly what I want at a charity dinner. Is there any way to get the white orchids here before the guests arrive? I don’t care about the cost, just get them here, please. Thank you.” With that, she hangs up the phone.

  “Hello, dear. Sorry about that. How can you get an orchid confused with an oleander? It’s not that hard. How was your drive up?” She gives me her I-want-to-listen-to-you-talk smile.

  “It wasn’t too bad. Hardly any traffic, which is unusual for 31. So, what
charity are we pilfering money for tonight?”

  My mother grabs her chest and gasps. “Son, watch your mouth. We do not pilfer! It’s a tax write-off. And we’re raising money to Stop Violence Against Women.”

  I chuckle at how wound up she is. “I know, Mother. I just like giving you a hard time since I have to be involved in this event instead of somewhere I could be meeting the future Mrs. Boston.”

  “Missing one drunken fest on campus is not going to hurt you. Are you hungry? Ms. Ella was waiting on you to get here to prepare lunch.”

  “Yes, I’ll eat whatever she’s in the mood to prepare. I miss her cooking. I’m going to run my things up to my room and I’ll be back down in a few.”

  My mother smiles and nods her head as I turn to go up the staircase. My room is right off the staircase, on the third floor. When I open the door, I see that my room is just how I left it last fall, except for the freshly laundered tux that is hanging up outside of my walk-in closet.

  I lock my bedroom door and find the supplies I need to take a hit. I need to make sure I make this supply last the rest of the weekend. I don’t need that big of a high, just enough to get me through the next thirty-six hours. Who knows what all Bree has planned for me to do. I love my mother, but the woman can be relentless at times.

  I take my hit and lie back on the bed. I wait for the drug to take over my body. I love it when the coke starts coursing through my veins.

  I’ll never forget the first time I tried cocaine. It was a high I hadn’t felt before. I was popping Adderall, but it was getting hard to buy them because of the demand. Cocaine was readily available, so I tried it.

  The intensity of the pleasure the cocaine gave was amazing. I felt like I was on an adrenaline high without having to work for it, and I don’t ever have to worry about being a loser because the coke puts me on the top of the world. I have the energy to keep going and party until the last person drops. Hell, I can do a full workout and not even feel the least bit tired. To say that it’s an amazing feeling is selling it short.


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