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Past Lives

Page 15

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  of power between gods, and it made Paul very angry to realize that whoever put this spell on her was enjoying the irony of what he was doing to her hugely, using her precisely as she hated, an unwilling pawn, helpless to prevent the ruin of her beloved country and the gentle, loving people in it.

  There was a distinctive mark on the spell, and Paul memorized it and told Lukas to do the same. He knew the gods better than Paul did. It felt masculine, was Lukas' silent comment, and Paul agreed. Lukas felt even more anger than Paul did and felt it personally. Of course Lukas had known Katarina all her life, so it was personal to him in that way, but it seemed to anger him for another reason as well.

  The spell was not a loop, it took Katarina's feeling of love for her people and for her work, combined it with her need for privacy of her body and her anger at being used as pawn in the games of the gods, and as a kind of reversed leach, it stuck to people around her and injected them with these feelings. Once it had taken over their minds completely, they would also start to infect the people around them.

  The youths in the first village had been in an early stage of the sickness, and even the herder had not been totally taken over, but it would be impossible to free all the infected people who had virtually no will of their own left.

  Lukas couldn't do it even with one, and there were villages full of them.

  This spell would need a god to remove it, and it couldn't be Hermes because he was not up to a direct confrontation with a rival yet, he would need at least six months of recuperation before he could even try major magics without endangering his life.

  And any male god Lukas asked might be the perpetrator, so Paul better finish that necklace soon, for a meeting with Aphrodite was imminent.

  Before Paul could warn Lukas not to touch the spell, he had come too close to it. Tendrils flicked out and caught him, pulling him in. Paul was helpless, the surface of the spell was totally smooth once again, and letting himself be pulled in would have no use at all.

  His mind still felt Lukas', but it was silenced.

  Suddenly a feeling of loss came over him, and he called for Melissa. She would find Lukas, she had found him before!

  Melissa was monitoring their progress, but careful not to follow them too deeply, so she kept an eye on the now as well. Katarina was in a trance,

  Galan was worried but only slightly so, Paul and Lukas were also blanked out.

  Suddenly Lukas crumpled, and she felt Paul's alarm, and against common sense she left the now and sought him out. Paul was in a state, Lukas had been sucked into the spell, and could she find him in there? First an anchor.

  Within seconds, she had warned Galan to take Lukas' hand firmly as well as one of hers, and then she plunged back in. Paul showed her the spell, then took his usual place as anchor but with their incredibly tight bond and the extra security of Galan holding hands with Melissa, he dared assist her with his greater knowledge.

  Melissa looked at the spell with sight, and the whole structure of the thing became clear to her. There was a bridge linking the feelings, and a leach part that sucked everything in blindly, trying to establish a mind-link to inject the spell through.

  Lukas had been sucked in, but mindlessly, not as an attempt on his life or mind. He was now clogging the entrance to the leach part, it was not meant to suck things in, it sucked to stick to surfaces, so there was nowhere for Lukas to have gone. He would still be there, and the leach spell would not suck again until he was removed from it.

  She approached the mouth of the spell fearlessly, and stuck in her virtual hand. Lukas was shaken, but not wounded, and he took it firmly. Contact re-established, Paul's considerable strength had them both to safety in a second, and straight into the now.

  They were all very shaken, and Melissa was drained totally. Galan quickly poured them some wine, and helped them to a comfortable sofa in the adjacent room one by one. Helped by the spirits, they slowly regained their wits, Katarina first.

  She assured her anxious husband that she was fine, but that something had happened, and that Lykos had been lost for a short time. Not one of the three was yet able to speak coherently, but Paul managed to whisper: 'We'll be fine in a few moments, maybe some food?'

  Galan was off already, bringing hearty, soft foods, like salty olives, tangy oranges, creamy cheese with strong herbs. Katarina handed each of them a choice of foods, and they ate slowly, regaining energy and coherence.

  Lukas was the first to recover, and the first thing he did was check his friends. Paul got a quick kiss, transferring a bit of energy to top off his supply. He'd be wanting to play with gold in that smithy later, Lukas just

  knew it, so he'd need all his power.

  And Melissa, she'd gone after him once again, saved his skin, though he would probably have been able to free himself from the leach spell eventually, it was not meant to suck in curious mind-healers and restrain them. But she would have saved him no matter what, and her fatigue was clearly due to overspending power.

  So he kissed her too, but much more lingeringly, really putting his heart in it and all the love he felt for her. She tasted of the spicy tomatoes she had been eating. Within a few heartbeats she started to answer his kiss, power filling up the empty spaces inside her. After that, she ate more heartily, and she regained her senses quickly.

  When they were done eating, Lukas sat for a few moments gathering his thoughts, then told the couple: 'Katarina, there is a spell in your mind that connects your feelings, your love of your people, your love of thrift, your need to hide your body and your abhorrence of the way gods treat people as pawns, to a second spell, a spell that attaches itself to other people and injects those feelings in them, overruling their minds with feelings of dissatisfaction.

  Once they are overruled, the spell starts to infect the people around them, slowly causing dissatisfaction and unrest all over my father's realm.

  I don't know why it hasn't taken over your mind, or Galan's, probably to make matters worse for you and thus for father. For I think this is aimed at Hermes, though a lot of effort has been taken to sink me as well.'

  It was clear that this pained Lukas, he was used to people liking him, even loving him, and there was even worse to come:

  'There was a distinct mark on the spell, and I have a suspicion who placed it on you, probably in person, in disguise of a merchant buying a lovely copper decanter from Galan. He'd appreciate the irony of using you as a pawn in a game of power, and if he found out you're in fact my daughter, he'd like that even more, for he loves practical jokes.

  Though I don't have a clue why, I thought we were friends. Good friends.

  I'm not telling you who it is for I cannot be sure, and I cannot think why he would want to hurt me so badly, but maybe I'm wrong and it is someone else who did this to us.

  At any rate, the spell sucked me in as if I were a butterfly on the wings of a storm, I have no chance to remove it. My father can't, for he is damaged by his ordeal on Paul and Melissa's world. He needs a bit of time to heal totally.

  The signature is male, did you get that too, Paul?' Paul nodded.

  'So I propose we contact father, have him arrange Aphrodite to remove the spell, take you, or both of you, on a ship to my father's palace, tell my father the truth about your parentage, have the spell removed, hope to survive the power-struggle that follows.

  I think the spell will be lifted from the people once it is broken, but those whose minds were taken over may suffer forgetfulness for some time yet and will need help. I'm afraid that will fall to Ophelie and you two, hopefully with some assistance of my father, who has changed a lot lately. You will find him almost likeable actually.

  Paul, Melissa, do you have anything to add?'

  Melissa shook her head, glad the problem could be solved, but not happy to get involved with gods.

  Paul was shocked at the implication that Dionysus had done this to, well, everyone involved. He knew there was only one god that Lukas knew personally and even loved. Bein
g betrayed by him would hurt Lukas a lot, he was so sensitive to love.

  He put an arm around his friend and stroked him gently, saying: 'I'm so sorry, Lykos.' Lukas knew he knew, and leaned in the caresses eagerly, the love Paul gave him making up for his feeling of betrayal just a tiny bit.

  Still caressing Lukas, Paul added: 'We have this cute little donkey still waiting for us outside. And I guess I want to ask you permission to use your smithy, Galan. If we are going to ask Aphrodite to help, we'd better finish that necklace, and quickly!'

  That put some heart back into Lukas, he loved working the metal and this new challenge of doing it with magic was even better.

  He righted himself, kissed Paul to show his appreciation of his love, and said: 'I'd better send a summoning to my father, to let him know what we found out and to tell him what to to. I'll tell him that other tiny detail in person, but you'd better start shortening some dresses, Katarina, and removing some sleeves. Your days of hiding your spots are over!'

  And he kissed her as well, and asked: 'Can I do it right here, the summoning? I don't know what to expect of the locals, I must be their biggest enemy, promiscuous, lazy, scantily dressed.'

  Now Melissa was struck with an idea that was at the same time ridiculous and plausible: 'What if they love you unconsciously instead? If the spell infecting them with Katarina's feelings accidentally included her deep love

  for you? They'd adore you without even knowing why. That would be the ultimate irony, Lukas, showing yourself here could make you immensely powerful.'

  That was a blow to poor Lukas: 'And here I was thinking all my worshippers loved me for who I am. Oh well, it's for the better anyway. I'm not going to make all these poor spellbound villagers happy and then leave them behind forever.'

  Katarina's face fell: 'You're leaving?'

  Lukas wrapped her in his arms and said comfortingly: 'I'm sorry Katarina, but yes, as soon as this matter is resolved I'm going back with Melissa and Paul to their world. I never asked to be a god, I prefer a smaller life, crafting metal, healing a few people here and there, spreading a little love amongst the Victorians, helping to raise Paul and Melissa's children.'

  'You have children?' Katarina asked, with hunger in her voice. Melissa replied: 'We do not, but Lukas hopes we will have some in the future for him to spoil. On our world, our species won't mix, he will probably not be able to sire his own.'

  This set Katarina to thinking: 'We've never been able to have any children, do you think that is due to us being different species?'

  'Things work differently here, but it may very well be. Why not let Lykos check both of you, he's a superb healer. And once your secret is out, you can share love wherever you want, it is not too late to have children.'

  Half an hour later, Galan had returned from unloading the donkey and taking it to a livery stable a few blocks down. Lukas felt up to a summoning now, so he drew a circle on the tiles with some chalk Galan had fetched from his smithy.

  Katarina plundered their collection of herbs to make the circle more powerful, and Lukas stood inside and spoke the words Hermes had told him would activate the link between them.

  Within seconds, Hermes appeared before them, greeting his son with warmth, bowing in acknowledgement of Katarina and Galan, and giving Paul and Melissa a warm 'hello' as well. Lukas explained the nature of the spell to him, and the necessity of divine intervention by Aphrodite to remove the spell. 'Will you ask her to meet us at your palace, father? We'll bring Katarina there by ship.'

  Hermes contemplated everything he had heard, and he observed: 'It is a risk, involving Aphrodite, but between us we may be able to handle her. I

  agree with you there is no alternative. Better finish that necklace then, Paul, and hope it will please her.' Paul received his look with confidence and said:

  'I think it will, the results so far are very promising.'

  Still deep in thought, Hermes decided: 'I will send a ship for you, it will arrive tomorrow, don't hire one, I want you under my protection. Someone is after me through you, and I want the risks reduced as much as possible. I will expect to meet you at my palace the day after tomorrow, Aphrodite will be there if I have any influence on her.

  I will tell her immediately that Katarina was tampered with, so I guess the danger from her and my father is more or less a thing of the past. Be easy, enjoy your stay, but stay alert!'

  And his image winked out. Lukas cleaned the circle off the floor with a rag he got Galan to hand over to him, his friendly son-in-law had done enough work for them, and they prepared a nice dinner together.

  Paul asked: 'Do you know a shoemaker hereabouts? I want to buy a pair of low shoes, preferably open.'

  Katarina looked at his high boots, and said, in a tone that caused all of them to look up at her in surprise: 'But they look so good on you, Paul, those high boots, very manly. I guess they must be warm, though. I know a few shoemakers, I'll take you to them after dinner.'

  Melissa looked at Paul intently, to see if this worried him. He had looked forward to be safe from women eager to share love with him for a few days, and now he was being hunted by the very person they had all counted on to give him some rest.

  She was already so interested, it would be hard to refuse, but Lukas could explain to his daughter, she would understand. Paul looked resigned rather than unwilling, and said: 'Thank you so much for the offer, Katarina.'

  Galan certainly didn't seem to mind, he appeared eager for his lady to share her love, he probably considered it healthy, like everyone here.

  Well, Melissa didn't mind either, as long as it didn't mean they expected her to join up with Galan, and as long as it didn't hurt Paul as it had before.

  But she knew that Lukas would not let Paul be taken advantage of, he'd ask him outright whether he objected, determined to protect him if needed.

  Of course Paul felt a certain inevitability as Katarina offered him assistance in finding a pair of shoes. He also knew that Lukas could get him out of the situation without giving too much offence, if anyone could

  understand a difference in customs it must be Katarina.

  But she had wanted this for years, and he was the first man ever beside her husband that she could trust with her secret.

  That might change when Lukas told his father about his indiscretion with Ophelie, but that didn't change anything now. And she was an attractive woman to him, there was no doubt about that. Melissa smiled at him graciously, leaving the choice to him.

  Paul decided to take a little more time to get used to the idea, and leave a possible escape route by including Melissa in the trip to the shoemakers.

  He said: 'Katarina, I'm sure Melissa will want to have a look around the village as well, I'd like her to come along. Do you want to come too, Lykos?'

  'I'd love to, but Melissa has scared me that the villagers will fall at my feet if I show myself. Still, I really want to come. I want a pair of traditional shoes, for special occasions.'

  Melissa understood immediately why Paul wanted her along, and said:

  'Do come, Lykos, just wear pants and no-one will even see you. They're too busy working. And if they do recognize you, you can do the bartering.'

  She didn't want to set herself up between Paul and Katarina, if Katarina really wanted a piece of Paul, Melissa could understand, after all these years she must be aching to share her love and Paul was a safe man in every respect, married, already into her secret, and destined to be far away from her within weeks.

  Rummaging in her backpack Melissa extracted a some silver pieces and some copper pieces she had brought along just for occasions like these. Paul had a similar stash, and Lukas too.

  Melissa planned to spend some of it on Katarina's craft, she really liked the few pieces she had seen so far, and she wanted a few pretty things for herself but also for her mother and for Frances. Lukas would do well to get some woollen shirts, they'd look good on him and he could wear them in London, they'd keep him warm when the cold set in. />
  Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to wear the Greek fashion at home, the difference in style was just too great, and winter would be on them when they came back, but she would find something to please herself.

  They set off together, Galan staying in his smithy to finish a project before the guys would return, he'd want to watch of course, but the work had to be done as well.

  At the first shop, they didn't have Paul's size, but he could see the types of shoes people wore here. There were sandals, and elegant exotic looking pairs, that one could step into without tying laces. He was looking for something more solid himself, but Lukas saw a small pair he rather liked, and he kept it in mind for further bargaining on their return trip.

  The next shop did have a pair in Paul's size, and it was more to his liking.

  These shoes were low, and had some openings to allow ventilation, but they were rather solid and had laces to tie them on. The soles were sturdy and not too slick, and the insides soft. The price was ridiculously low, he would not be bargaining for this quality work for such a price. He was clearly used to living in a large city.

  Paul decided to just buy the shoes, and see what else the other shops had on offer. Though they would probably have to leave the donkey in the livery stable where Galan had taken it, there would be plenty of space on the ship, so they were not exactly limited to the few things they had taken with them.

  There was one more shoemaker in the village, and as they were on their way there, they started to notice some hostile glances being directed towards Melissa. She was the only one in their midst who was clearly a foreigner, with her size and colouring, and her dress was a bit revealing for the local taste in clothing.

  But since she had always resisted bowing to propriety, and these people were under the influence of a spell, Melissa ignored the looks and just went on without feeling hurt or concerned. They couldn't help feeling prim and stuffy, and she couldn't help being tall and fair.

  Katarina said the shop was really close and she was right, it was. This shop had a nicer pair for Lukas, better suited to the fashion and wet streets of London. Lukas didn't barter either, he was also used to London prices by now.


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