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Past Lives

Page 37

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Although Lukas had a much better bond with his father, he still didn't like sharing lovers with him, and George was one of his favourites, so Lukas changed the subject.

  'Jonathan, does it hurt you to talk of your years in the wasteland?' he asked his young friend.

  Smiling, Jonathan replied: 'Not anymore, since you helped me process those memories. Why?'

  'You know I'm from a different culture,' Lukas said, thinking of how to proceed, 'we live under the thumbs of our gods, but in our culture, no-one is cold, or hungry, or left to waste away in sickness.

  As the weather has started to turn, I'm seeing destitute people everywhere, hungry, sick, dying, and no-one seems to care. Is that the price of freedom?'

  'Most people would think I'm to young to have the right to an opinion on that, Lukas,' Jonathan observed, 'but of course you have seen what I have been through. Our suffering was not ignored by other people, they often left food on the edge of the terrain, and sometimes even clothes and blankets. Old and worn, for they were poor themselves, but those gifts saved our lives in winter, and they proved someone did care.

  They were just very much afraid of our mindlessness, and the feeling of wrong pervading that place. And of course no one person can save all the suffering people even in one part of the city. Personally, I hope we will live to see a London where people can be both free and benevolent, not just one of those.'

  This was clearly something that occupied Jonathan's thoughts as well as Lukas'

  'You know I want to work towards that very much, and I think magic can be used to improve the world. Like Tristan, and George, and all of you, I will learn as much as I can, and do everything I can to improve this city.'

  Jonathan now looked Lukas in the eye, and said: 'If you need someone to help you heal people, I will come with you, you know I am strong, I can handle what I will see. Thanks to you I've escaped from my Hell, now I want to free others, please let me do my part.'

  They shook hands on that, and Lukas was certain he would let Jonathan do his share. He agreed with Melissa, that Jonathan was somehow destined to become either a force for good, or one for evil, with no choices in between.

  And like Melissa, he was determined to help the boy choose the right way.

  Quicker than they expected, George came back with Hermes, both dressed in warm, dry clothes, no jumpers of course, George didn't even have those. Warm clothes could be good-looking, if one had taste and money.

  George took his usual place at the head of the table, whilst Hermes greeted everyone at the table personally.

  Lukas was pleased to see his father greet Paul with true affection, and he could see genuine affection in Paul as well. Well, that was something their journey had brought that he could be glad of. Lukas did not have good memories of that visit, to him it had been one big tragedy, and not even saving his daughter and restoring order and safety to his people could ever wipe the images of Paul's horrific wounds and memories out of his mind.

  And the mindless adulation of the people, how could his family value that so much? It made Lukas sick to the stomach, he would rather be a beggar in the freezing rain than be worshipped by sheep-eyed people again. No, Lukas realized he was meant to live in London, no matter how much he missed the heat of the sun, and the olives, and the lovely fresh cheese.

  Of course his father greeted Melissa with obvious love. But knowing they had reached an understanding had taken away his fear for her, Hermes loved her, but he also respected her, and she had come to love him as something more than just a father-in-law, but she loved Paul and Lukas much more, and that was enough. Melissa would not share love in London, and anyway, George would keep Hermes occupied most of the time. They embraced with obvious feeling, but then parted without regret.

  There was no danger of losing her, and that was everything he had ever hoped for. Except for one thing, of which he had started to see ever more signs, though Melissa still didn't speak of it. Maybe she really could deny it, or maybe she was desperate to talk, but afraid to be confirmed in her fears.

  Lukas decided there and then to flex his morals once more, and eavesdrop on her emotions tonight, in bed, just before she fell asleep.

  Then he was taken into a firm embrace by his father, who was truly very happy to see him. 'You look fine, my son, still powerful I see, and very happy, despite the cold. I have good news for you, on many subjects, but tonight I want to be with George. Can I visit tomorrow?'

  Witnessing his father's true attachment to George, Lukas was touched somehow, and he felt a bit ashamed to not want to share George with Hermes. Lukas loved George so much himself, and he had been desperately unhappy when Hermes left.

  'Yes, please father, my curiosity is killing me, but not as much as George's longing for you is killing him. So go with him, and love each other, and we'll meet tomorrow. Our place?'

  Hermes nodded, then sat with George in total silence, just feeling each other's presence.

  Wishing to give them time together, but not eager to spend the evening on her own, Frances convinced her husband and his guest to feel free to retire early, no-one would feel slighted.

  And that was true, they all enjoyed dessert, and coffee, and went home late.

  They accepted Tristan's offer to drive them home, neither of them wanted to be drenched, cycling through this freezing rain. They'd pick up the cycles tomorrow, hopefully the weather would improve.

  'If your father means to stay a whole week, I'd better hand him an invitation to our wedding,' Tristan said, laughing. 'Can't have him crash another wedding, now can we?'

  Lukas could really appreciate the humour of the English, he loved to be made the victim of a joke, and his father could do with the experience as well, Greek gods were so used to taking everything seriously.

  They parted in an excellent humour, and went to bed immediately, though they did not go to sleep straight away. Tonight, Paul and him jumped Melissa, and as they stroked her and felt her up, and tasted her and nibbled her, Lukas opened his mind to her feelings, feeling only slightly guilty for his breach of privacy.

  She was happy Hermes was visiting, though she had no inclination to share love with him, she really wanted news on everyone they knew in Greece. Lukas felt her genuine pity for both Rhoda and Dionysus, she feared the latter would have been punished beyond reason.

  And she was very curious whether Katarina would be with child by now, and Ophelie. See, it did occupy her thoughts. Ophius had told her about Aphrodite's touch, as if it enhanced the chance of getting pregnant. They were nearing the subject that mattered to Lukas, but he had real trouble staying focussed, for his body was telling him to stop thinking and start making love.

  But this was important to Lukas, so he ignored it and continued to allow Melissa's feelings to pass his shields.

  Her lust was steadily rising, and she felt glad that she was still able to feel such heat. How could any woman be so fortunate to share a bed and her love with two such loving men? Why couldn't she be a normal woman and hope to be pregnant when her period was nearly two weeks overdue, instead of alternately hoping it was true for Lukas' sake, and fearing it was true for her own.

  That was enough information for Lukas, she showed no sign at all of her inner battle, it must be the magic that taught such control, or maybe her stable character, but the fact was, Melissa was still suffering fear alone, and she needn't be. Paul and himself had been very clear on that.

  But first things first, and Lukas gave himself up to the demands of his body, taking their love-making to the next level. The doubts and worries in Melissa's mind were overruled by passion, soon followed by his own lust taking over. He did not forget Paul in his ardour, Paul was totally comfortable now with letting himself be brought to great heights by the acknowledged master of love, and with returning the favour as well.

  They managed to keep the heat on for ten more minutes, and then Paul was overcome by an explosive release. He was usually fighting sleep straight afterwards, and tonight was no
exception. Lukas stroked him gently to help him find it, despite being distracted by Melissa's exploring tongue on the head of his penis.

  As soon as Paul had succumbed to sleep, Lukas carefully removed himself from her mouth, and entered her in one smooth, decisive move.

  She gasped and said: 'You did that on purpose, you just put him to sleep to have me to yourself!'

  Thrusting firmly, he admitted: 'I did, but I did it nicely, didn't I? We need to talk, you've been sly with us, keeping things from us, when you promised you'd talk about them.'

  'All right, all right, I'll talk to you later, just quit the talking now and get on with it.' She could be just shameless when the heat had a hold of her, he loved her so much for that, as well as for all the other things.

  But first things first, and within seconds he had her moaning, until she grabbed for his horns, which had him gasping, and pumping away faster than even his own eyes could see. They came at the same time, a fortunate coincidence, always a good omen, and he needed one, for he had breached her privacy and she was going to be angry.

  He did not crash on her, afraid to hurt her, and that was a mistake, for not showing her his usual abandonment had her suspicious in an instant. Hoping to make up, he let his full weight rest on top of her anyway, and it did make her happier instantly.

  Lukas admired his beloved for her strong mind, a mind that had even impressed his family, but at this very moment it frightened him a little, too.

  What if she got really angry, he'd really hate to have that happen.

  Of course Melissa saw his anxiety, but what did Lukas have to fear?

  From her? He must have done something really bad then, much worse than purposely setting Paul asleep to talk in private.

  He didn't even dare speak up, he reminded her of the old Lukas, always afraid to do something wrong, to break some incomprehensible rule.

  It was a very, very long time ago that she had seen him like that, and though she could not think of anything he could do that would anger her, he did look irresistible that way. So shy, she melted at the spot, and just had to kiss the dent in his lip, and the rest of that cute face.

  Lukas didn't even need to lower his shielding to feel the incredible burst of love, it hit him like a board. In a good way. It practically stunned him with love, and he had trouble breathing for a moment.

  Then he felt her mind brush his, that might be the best solution, not to try to put things in words, but to just exchange thoughts and feelings directly. He should have done that way before now, then he would have known the truth without resorting to breaching her privacy, but they had all been so busy, and he truly hadn't realized something was up.

  He invited her in and came clear all at once, everything. Afraid to feel her disappointment in him, he bowed his head to take what was coming, but he didn't get what he feared.

  Instead his face was lifted by his chin, and he was kissed heartily, and this time she did lick the dent in his lip first. The new shower of kisses was accompanied by an overwhelming relief and her own need to come clear. She forgave him his small indiscretion, it was not an active invasion, in a way he couldn't help catching thoughts, it was his nature, and she did need him and was glad he had felt it.

  She felt bad herself, for not keeping her own promise to share her feelings with them, for she had not told Paul anything either.

  Melissa had managed to convince herself that nothing was going on, though she felt ever more signs of being with child. Strangely enough, she had accepted the idea, but not the reality. Finding it confirmed in Lukas'

  observations was a kind of relief, but now she wanted to be sure. A few months extra warning would make reality easier to accept, wouldn't they?

  Strangely enough, the idea of this child being Lukas' did not concern her at all, she had not the slightest fear that Paul would be hurt by that. She thought it was totally fitting that the person who was looking forward to this the most, was going to have an active share in it.

  Nature working in certain ways, there would probably be more children in the future, and they would be Paul's, which was fitting as well, for by then he'd know what was coming, but for now Paul was as much in the dark as Melissa herself.

  She wanted Lukas to check her with his Gift, right now. So he did, and of course it was easy to see, her whole body was working overtime, so much was changing to accommodate the new life growing inside her, the inside of her breasts, her muscle-tone, her blood.

  Small wonder her taste was changing, and suddenly he realized her mood would change too, to stimulate her to take care of a helpless being. Minds still connected, Melissa could see the changes going on inside her, and though part of her was really upset, still believing she was not suited to be a mother, and still afraid too much would change, another part of her was impressed by the fluency with which her body was adapting itself to its new function.

  Once an engineer, always an engineer, was Lukas' amused thought, and it broke Melissa's shock. Was she like Lukas, desperately afraid of the possibility of something happening, then just accepting the fact once it really had?

  She didn't know, but she knew she wanted a cuddle from her beloved. She would tell Paul in the morning, but now she wanted comfort from the one who was aching to have what she had feared for so long.

  Holding Lukas close, Melissa started to feel acceptance. She had denied the possibility for weeks, but subconsciously she had gotten those hints from Ophius, from Zeus, from Aphrodite, and she had felt the changes inside herself. She had denied them to give herself more time, but Lukas was much better in giving her acceptance than time was.

  Holding him close, and smelling his enticing musk, she decided to let go of the fear. It was not just her problem, she could share it and thereby lessen it. She would trust this man, who had seen it all before, and she would follow his lead in this.

  He felt nice, strong, muscular, though he would always be slight of build.

  Lukas would probably look like this forever, whilst Paul and she would grow older. She felt his chest and arms, rock hard again with forging and hammering, Lukas had taken to steel as much as Paul, almost forgetting copper, bronze and brass in the process.

  His stomach, hard as well, and his legs, still impossibly developed,

  ending in springy hocks and rock-hard hoofs, so well-suited to running. And something else that was rock-hard again, how could someone be so solid beneath his skin, and still feel so soft to the touch?

  She wanted to feel him inside her again, and already felt him enter her, very slowly and smoothly this time. Her fervour exploded again, the intimacy of their connected minds, the feeling of her flesh around him, mixed with his touch on her inside.

  It was very comforting to be connected in every possible way, and they lost track of what belonged to whom for some time, feeling a touch and touching at the same time. It was heady and not something to do often, for it could be confusing, but they did not think, they just felt, and this time, everything was right.

  Even in slow-motion, the total connection gave such strong impulses that their heat rose very quickly, and soon Lukas was thrusting with abandonment. That was something Melissa had not experienced from his side since his rise to godhood, and now she understood why he loved it so much.

  The combination of intense lust, and intense stimulation, combined with screaming muscles and heaving lungs felt so good to him, he had to give his all.

  Melissa felt his ardour rise fast, and since it was hers too, it spiralled, rising ever faster. Very soon they both arched in release, and this time Lukas did not hesitate to crash on his beloved. He felt her intense satisfaction, and a sleepy acknowledgement of his final feeling: intense joy that he was going to be a father for real one more time, and this time he was going to be allowed to be totally hands-on, experience everything.

  Then Melissa snuggled against Paul, oblivious in his sleep, and Lukas snuggled against Melissa, and they fell asleep, minds still connected.

  The next morning,
Melissa awoke when it was still dark. Lukas was watching her sleep, still in bed, he never rose before sunrise, she wondered whether he'd manage to stick to that once the days got really short. Maybe he really would stay in bed all day when he found out how long the dark would last in midwinter.

  He was watching her with a soft, bemused look, but when he noticed she had opened her eyes it changed into a broad, broad smile. His face approached her, and he kissed her almost formally, very tenderly. 'I'm sorry love,' he said, eyes twinkling, 'I just can't help feeling incredibly happy. Over

  the moon!'

  'You are forgiven,' Melissa said, laughing, 'if you'll kiss me again, and for real this time.'

  Without hesitation, he took her in his arms and kissed her lustily, fondling her breasts, rubbing something hard firmly against her thighs.

  'I think my fears of becoming sexless are totally unfounded, I feel heated more than ever, even more than in Greece,' Melissa admitted, 'shall we go to the apartment and have at it? Paul will not wake for hours yet, and George is undoubtedly very busy. We'll have to please ourselves.'

  They frolicked in her old bedroom, Lukas took her against the wall again, saying: 'As long as I can still lift you,' with a cheeky grin.

  But he also explored her changing body very gently, with intense love that Melissa could feel overflow his shields. Nothing could stop that love.

  He did not totally sate her, 'You must have something left for Paul,' they just took the edge off their heat, then laid on the bed together, remembering old times in this room.

  Melissa could see Lukas spilling a few tears, he might have adapted totally to Victorian England, but deep in his huge heart he was still a sentimental Greek, and memories could do that to him. Melissa was relieved she didn't feel the need to weep herself, turning into an emotional wreck was her greatest fear of all.

  'I'm not sentimental over when I first came here, well I am a bit, but I'm mostly crying because I'm so intensely happy.'


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