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Past Lives

Page 62

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  She ran her hand through his shoulder-length hair, and stroked his smooth cheeks, exploring his totally new body, no longer frightfully thin, nicely muscled in places, a thin layer of fat elsewhere, he even had a cute little belly again. Life was good for John, and that little belly belonged to him, Hailee had truly missed it a few weeks ago, when she last saw him naked and he had still been very lean.

  After their renewed connection, their overwhelming love started to turn to passion, John's tender touch becoming eager, his mouth sucking her nipples, sending flashes of heat through her, his incredible hands setting her body on fire everywhere they stroked her.

  Their kissing became more intense, and Hailee felt a fire between her legs that demanded instant gratification. Having always been rather submissive towards Dionysus, letting him do with her what pleased him, Hailee now felt herself free to sit on top of John's solid erection, and feel him slide inside her.

  The burning intensified, and she groaned her satisfaction and kissed him once more, riding him in ever rising bliss. She could see he liked her taking the initiative, and when the burning had been lessed a tiny bit by getting indulged, she removed herself from him and sat on his face.

  He liked that even better.

  His hands opened her tantalizingly, and his mouth dug in, relishing her softest flesh, sending shudders all through her, bringing her to total ecstasy, leaning against the headboard of the bed, until she had an intense high, and

  he took a firm hold of her body.

  He lifted her off him, and gently laid her beside him, then jumped her with glee. And as she felt him enter her once more, she knew him again, for his touch on her inside had not changed one bit. It was just like the old days, so firm, and so good, he still remembered every place where she liked to feel him, and he didn't have to take a breather once, he had such stamina.

  And then his little belly touched her, and she could hardly think anymore, she had almost forgotten that little trick of his, he had been so proud of that.

  And rightfully so, for even with only the slight protrusion he had now, it was just incredible, so good..

  Hailee let herself be taken over totally by her bliss, such happiness to be in the care of her beloved again, and more so, for he had promised they would be together forever.

  John was showing extreme ardour now, he managed such speed, and such force, he was so much stronger than he had been, and he let himself go totally, Hailee suddenly realized he hadn't done that before either.

  There had always been some measure of control left in him, as if he realized how vulnerable he was in that moment of exquisite passion, and expected to be betrayed. The thought was very hurtful, what kind of life did he have then, to not be able to let go even in the heat of making love?

  Her own thoughts were now interrupted by the rush of a climax coming on, a very strong one, shuddering its way out of her to an incredible release.

  His efforts intensified, and she could see total abandonment in his features, bliss already building up inside her again. She adjusted her position slightly, and felt the world start spinning as he put in his last, and best, effort, causing them to climax together, then crashing on top of her.

  She remembered how he had always been very careful not to land on her too heavily, but now his weight on top of her felt incredibly good, he was heaving, sweating, and yes, weeping.

  Why? It had been better than ever, hadn't it?

  At the questioning look in Hailee's beautiful eyes, John tried to say: 'I suddenly realized I never dared let go then, I was always alert for danger, especially when in a vulnerable situation. I'm so glad we are here, together, able to just be together to the exclusion of everything else.'

  But he didn't have enough breath to say it, he had pushed himself to the limit and over it for his newly gained beloved.

  She was so different, had so much more initiative, so much more

  character, and still she was the same sweet, beautiful girl he had loved for years, when she was still his subject.

  Fortunately she could see he was out of breath, and she loved him for it, holding him, comforting him, until he could speak again and told her how he had suddenly realized things were so much better now.

  She had noticed, too, that he used to keep control, how incredible was that?

  They clung together, choosing to talk more, and save the loving for another time. There was so much to be shared, felt, planned.

  John asked Hailee to move in with him, but she wanted to be sure his house-mates were all right with that before she consented. 'They are so close, and you are part of their group. If they don't let me in I'll be very lonely despite having finally caught you, my greatest love.'

  Of course that turned out just fine, Lukas already liked Hailee a lot, and when she turned out to have quite a will of her own and a subtle sense of humour, Paul and Melissa had to agree with Lukas that Hailee and John getting together was the best thing that could have happened to either of them.

  'Besides,' Paul said, 'if John were to move out, who would do the garden?'

  Chapter 36

  A few weeks later, Edward surprised his parents with his first smile, and Lukas finally felt the impact of his own smile, seeing it in full force on his own son's cute chubby face. From that very moment on he had it used on himself regularly, the broad one, emphasising the delicious dent in his lip.

  It was indeed irresistible, and Edward got kissed a lot. Fortunately, Lukas'

  own smile still worked, and he got his equal share, he needed the love as well, after all.

  They were all very satisfied with their lives, the days were long, the weather was generally fine, the garden was lovely and John and Hailee were so much in love, they were a joy to behold. They had actually married within the week, in a ceremony led by George, much like Melissa and Paul's on the manor.

  Rhoda and Jonathan were also a hot item, they were experimenting with magic together, for Rhoda had indeed found back her will to practice magic, and with Jonathan's personal stash at her disposal she was picking up the particulars of using magic in England pretty fast.

  She could see the ley-lines, but didn't dare touch them, yet, she wanted a few months more experience before she tried that.

  They all went to the occasional dance together, leaving little Edward and little Peter either with Frances, or, if she wanted to dance too, with Melissa's parents.

  Melissa thought that John did still share love with Frances occasionally, and John and Hailee both seemed to share with Lukas, sometimes together, sometimes apart.

  Paul and herself never had any desire to share anymore, those days were over, they were perfectly satisfied with each other and whatever love Lukas wanted to bring them. Well, actually Melissa had a secret fancy to put John through his paces once, she had had a weak spot for their small friend ever since she met him in London the first time, but it was not a strong desire, more like a small inclination that she felt from time to time, easily ignored.

  After discussing the portal with George, Paul had decided to shield it against anyone but Hermes and Aphrodite, they did not want any more incursions of people or gods from that other world. And one day, when Edward was about four months old, Hermes did indeed come upon them as they were spending their evening with Hailee and John.

  Hermes came into the living-room through the cellar door and, after greeting everyone present, asked Paul to remove the shield from the portal, for there was someone who had a request for John. Curious, Paul went down to the cellar and dismissed the shield.

  His jaw dropped as a wise old head came straight through the mirror, and Zeus, of all people, started to crawl out.

  Paul quickly helped him to get on his feet, and took him to the living-room.

  Once seated, both gods were offered a glass of wine, and Zeus didn't even bother to find a private space to talk to his other son, he just begged: 'Dear Dionysus, my boy, your brother here tells me you plan to stay on this world.

  Please tell me
that is not true, please tell me you will return to us, and liven up our lives once more!'

  To say that John was surprised is quite an understatement, he was stunned. But slowly, he started to come to life again, and he was not flattered or even pleased to be so addressed.

  Hailee saw his face tense, and she quickly took hold of his hand to offer him her silent support.

  John said: 'I am called John now, father, and I seem to remember that you voted to have me killed a little less than a year ago.'

  Of course Zeus knew this as well as John did, and he replied: 'True, true, but Hermes and Aphrodite tell me you have changed a lot, and are now totally trustworthy in their opinion.'

  John let a little resentment show, and said: 'I know exactly how trustworthy I am, father, but that is not the reason I choose to stay here: I also know exactly how far I can trust your lady wife, who hunted me all my youth, then argued loudly to have me executed at my trial, and sent a nasty spell to lie in wait for me at the portal. I thank you for your trust, but I have found love and safety here, and this is where I will stay for the rest of my life.'

  Zeus did look guilty at this, he had known about Hera hunting him and had done nothing to protect his son from his jealous wife, and he begged: 'But

  we need you, my son, your palace stands empty and your people are without love and guidance.'

  John shrugged, he actually shrugged at the father of all gods, then observed: 'Then let your lady wife decide who will get it, she must have a grandchild somewhere whom she can deed it to. My future lies here, with Hailee and hopefully a few children, safe and sound in good old England.

  God save queen Victoria!'

  John was getting positively audacious now, and clearly, Zeus wanted him back really badly, for he did not relent: 'But my dear son, things are really bad since you left, there is so much fewer love going around without your jolliness, and the vines are ailing without your blessed presence, and no-one knows how to have fun anymore.'

  'Don't be a hypocrite father, I've never been your dear son, you never acknowledged me, you never lifted a finger to save me from your wife, you were as ready as she was to condemn me. And look at me, look well. I am no longer jolly, or funny, or drunk, I have no business being worshipped, none at all.'

  Finally, Zeus took a good look at his least-liked son, and observed: 'You are a good deal thinner, are you doing well?'

  'I'm fine, father, thanks for caring.' John sounded positively accusing by now, it was clear he had as much anger against his father as Lukas had had, more so, for Hermes had been a good father to Lukas in his youth, whereas Zeus had ignored John as totally as Hermes had Katarina.

  Starting to realize that pathos was not going to work, that he had too few claims on his son, that there was no connection at all between them, Zeus started to think. He had actually been glad to see Dionysus leave, to leave the whole matter of his punishment to Hermes, to not have to end the life of one of his own children, and see his wife gloat over it.

  Hera had always been so unreasonable about this particular by-blow, she'd never tried to kill either Aphrodite or Hermes, and Zeus had never felt like confronting her over it. The little baby had been a mortal without Gift, why bother?

  No, they had been well-rid of the obnoxious god of wine, had been his opinion. Until things started to get totally out of hand, vineyards all over the country were dying, their owners losing heart with their prayers staying unanswered.

  Parties were spoiled when celebrants got total silence as a reaction to their sacrifices to Dionysus, and their requests for blessings went unanswered.

  Apparently Dionysus had kept up a better connection to his worshippers than to his family, for they were all aware that he was no longer amongst them. His whole following was in disarray, mourning their beloved idol, blaming the other gods, especially Hera.

  There was no feasting anywhere, people had stopped making love, even among Zeus' own worshippers. It seemed many of them had paid homage to Dionysus as well, on special occasions, or on the days they generally had fun.

  They dedicated their joy in life to Dionysus, and without him it didn't seem to be worth much. The situation was even worse than the thing with Katarina and the satyrs, for the insurgence was much more widely spread.

  And they didn't threaten to overthrow the gods, they just lost all heart.

  They didn't demand their favourite god back, they sank into depression and stopped working and playing altogether. The whole Greek society was feeling low, and they all knew Zeus' wife was to blame.

  Zeus remembered Dionysus as he had been, and just couldn't believe anyone missing him, the loud, drunk, smelly blob of a man, who used women openly, discarding them whenever a prettier one offered herself to him.

  John was still very angry and hurt, and from what Zeus had told him, he could have no idea how bad the situation really was. So Hermes felt called upon to describe it to him: 'John, there are no excuses for what Hera put you through, and for our father's neglect of you.'

  Zeus looked insulted, but since what his favourite son said was actually true, and they really needed Dionysus back in his place as jolly god of wine and feasting, he kept his silence and even managed to school his face back to shame and regret.

  And it worked, for the small, healthy looking chap that his senses told him was his son, listened to his respected brother, and his face became less angry, and a little more open. He liked Hermes, Zeus could see that easily enough, though his older son had taken Dionysus' magic and left him in London, where apparently, he had lost his weight, his pride, and his trust in people.

  But Dionysus didn't seem to hold that against Hermes, nor did he strike Zeus as particularly humble or despondent, he seemed well-content, except with his father's presence.

  Hermes told them: 'Things are really bad without you, John. Your

  worshippers are in mourning, they seem to have your pathos, for they just don't care anymore. It started with them refusing to drink any more wine, and since that doesn't hurt a person much, we thought we'd see what happened and hoped it would pass.

  But it didn't, they also stopped feasting, not just local feasts and birthdays, but also religious holidays and worship of other gods, even those people who only asked your blessing when they drank a glass of wine.

  Of course the gods felt that, they had less power coming in, and then it got worse. Hera has gotten most of the blame, she's getting pretty weak.

  Your own worshippers have stopped caring, they don't work anymore, they eat little, they never make love anymore. They just sit and cry and pray to you and hope to get an answer.

  And our worshippers aren't much better, well, actually mine are, because I have recently spent so much time with them, they know me now and trust me, but all the other gods are feeling the disapproval of their worshippers.

  There are fewer offerings made, and fewer prayers said, and fewer blessings asked. The people don't celebrate anymore, and they have taken to praying for your return, too.

  Everyone loves you, John, and they are desperate to have you back.'

  Hermes' quiet explanation made a devastating impression on John. Who would have thought that his people would actually miss him? That they had even noticed he was gone was nothing short of a miracle.

  Did they truly love him? But why? He had been arrogant, selfish, obnoxious, he had expected humiliating obeisance from his worshippers, how could they have loved Dionysus? He felt his throat burn and his eyes brimmed quietly.

  His friends were looking at him with satisfaction, they probably thought he deserved recognition from his family.

  Hailee put an arm around him and kissed him, and her support enabled him to speak the two words that were in the front of his mind: 'But why?'

  'What do you mean, why?' asked Hermes in a kind, low voice, it was obvious John was very much touched by his report.

  'Why do they love me?' was the choked answer, 'I never did anything for them.'

  'I suppose you did, John,'
Hermes observed, 'maybe you were too drunk to notice, but apparently you blessed their raised glasses, and answered their questions about ailing vines, and gave them inspiration to feast and make


  Though very much impressed by the presence of Zeus, Hailee did come to her beloved's defence, and in a clear voice she said: 'You were the sweetest, most loveable god that ever lived. You always had a kind word for everyone, you always treated your girls right, and your staff, and you always answered prayers.'

  'I suppose I was nice to people, but that was because I was drunk. When they prayed with problems I said: I am so sorry for your problems, but I'm sure everything will be fine, just take really good care of those vines and all will be well.

  Or when they asked for a blessing I called out: Be happy, dear people, I certainly am!

  They were just drunken ravings!'

  John seemed seriously upset, and Hailee started to show signs of it, too, how could John deny his good qualities so persistently, he had been a very good master, always.

  Lukas now sat on John's other side, and instead of trying to calm John down, he offered him his curly head. The distraught little man immediately started to caress the curls, and the horns beneath them, taking care to not work Lukas up too much.

  The activity calmed him, and Hailee relaxed as well, still giving her beloved husband little kisses now and then, she loved him so much, and he deserved to finally get some recognition for the good he did, instead of always getting put down for being drunk or selfish.

  She was so sure that every one of his girls had always been very pleased to be with him, he had seen to all of their needs, even three at the same time.

  And even when he had already started to single her out a little, when she had fallen for him personally, she had never been jealous of the other girls, he had so much love to give, to everyone.


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