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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

Page 15

by Kincheloe, Allie

  When we got home, I excused myself to take a nice long bath. Candles lit, I turned off the lights. Sinking down into the bubbles, I laid my head back on a towel and sighed. Stressing over Jake, and what he would do, had my muscles tied in knots. I closed my eyes and swore I could feel Jake there with me. The warm water rushed over me and I could almost pretend it was the warmth of his skin. Almost.

  The water chilled before I drug myself out. I threw on some PJ's and collapsed into my bed. Exhaustion overtook me, and despite everything on my mind, sleep won out.

  Chapter Forty-one

  My dreamless sleep ended abruptly. My mom shook my shoulder and handed me the house phone. I muttered a sleepy "Hello" to whoever had called.

  "You still in bed? Honey child, it's after eight," Granny asked.

  "I'm up now," I said with a yawn. Stretching my arms out, I dropped the phone and had to dig through my bedding for it. Crap. "Granny? I dropped the phone, you still there?"

  "Oh, I'm here. You need to come take me to church. We have to be there at 10:45. Go get your face on and come get me." Blunt as always. And I wondered, as always, who came up with that phrase? Get your face on. As if I took it off at night and hung it on a hook?

  When I replied I'd be there by ten, I talked to an empty line. Granny'd already hung up. With a quick glance at the time, I hurried into the shower. It's later than I thought. Granny said after eight, she should've said almost nine. I was in Mom's car, driving out to Granny's, before Jake even crossed my mind.

  Well, at least I looked nice if got dumped in front of everyone. Could it really be termed 'dumped' when we weren't even officially dating? I didn't have a clue. But either way, I wore a dress and had my hair and makeup done. Granny'd shoot me if her church escort didn't look nice.

  She waited on the porch swing as I pulled up, giant purse in lap, pillbox hat on her head, buckled shoe tapping to a beat only she could hear. She gave me a once over as I walked to the steps, nodding at my outfit. A weight lifted from my shoulders at her slight indication of approval.

  When we walked in the front doors at Free Will United Methodist Church, she clung to my arm like she needed the support. Not sure what that was about, but I didn't protest. I knew better. When I saw the nervous glances she gave Mr. Peterson though, I had to suppress a chuckle. Granny had a crush.

  We weaved through the crowd, greeting people as we went by. It's a small town, and Granny'd been a member of this church since before it had this big nice sanctuary. Everyone knew her and, by extension, me.

  Even though we'd just arrived, the third pew on the right-hand side sat empty. Granny's butt had warmed that very pew for more years than I had been alive. She slid in and left me the end spot. Mr. Peterson came in from the other side, they'd been pew-mates for decades. I recalled hearing that his wife passed last summer. He left a respectable distance between the two of them, but he seemed to peek at her more than mere friendliness implied. Well, well, looked like Granny had herself a bit of a romance. How sweet!

  During the service, I managed to angle myself so that I could see them a little better. They kept glancing at each other, and on the few times their eyes met, they flashed each other shy, little smiles. When it came time for the passing of the peace, she moved toward him and they spoke only to each other. I greeted several people, still keeping an eye on Granny. Did my mom know about Mr. Peterson? I sure wouldn't be the one to tell her Granny might be moving on. My skin was worth more than that to me.

  When we left, the teasing tone of my words earned me a sharp glance from Granny. But eventually she softened. "I don't know if anything'll come of it. We've just enjoyed a few cups of coffee and some conversation. That's all. Now don't you go telling your mama. I'll tell her if I need to."

  "I bet Mom thinks she has as much control over you dating as she does me," I joked with Granny. We pulled up to Scott and Martha's house and my heart wasn't really in that joke.

  Granny's age-spotted hand reached across and clasped mine. "Don't you worry about that boy. He'll do what you need him to do. And if he don't, well, we will have us a bit of a pity party and eat us some pie. And then you'll put on your big girl panties and find you another boy to try to pull'em off of you."

  "Granny!" I couldn't believe she just said that.

  Squeezing my hand once more, she said, "He'll speak up. Don't think no more on it. Austin knows how to push Jake's buttons. He's been doing it for twenty years."

  Austin could annoy Jake like no other. If anyone could get him to talk, it's Austin. I tried to relax, but the knot in my stomach would not subside.

  From the number of cars in the drive, it looked like we might be the last ones to arrive. I checked my hair and makeup one last time. My eyes closed and I took several deep, calming breaths. I could do this. I would do this.

  Granny nudged me and I came around to help her out of the car. We were walking up the sidewalk when Austin jogged out. "Hey Laney, lunch is almost done. Y'all got here just in time."

  He bounded down the steps and pulled me into a quick hug. "Jake saw you pull up. He's been watching for you, I think. Thought I should start making it look good. So pretend you're happy to see me."

  I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. "What if he doesn't want me, Austin? If he doesn't, I need you to drag me out of there, please? I don't want to fall apart in front of both our families."

  He tilted my head up. "Hey, none of that negative thinking. He's going to do what you need him to. I may go back to campus with a black eye, but he won't let me walk away with his girl. Chin up."

  I nodded, but I wasn't as confident as Austin that things would work out. Wasting another three years of my life with someone who didn't truly want me was not an option though. I gave myself a mental shake and let Austin guide me into the house. He held the door for us, and even earned a pat from Granny.

  When I say everyone was there, I mean every one. All my aunts, uncles, and even cousins. Austin and Jake's extended families were there. So, if things went south, I only had about thirty sets of eyes on me. The knot in my stomach grew bigger.

  Austin's arm held me tight to his side. I greeted everyone, Martha rushed over and pulled me in for a big hug. She whispered in my ear, "I thought you were pretty set on Jake?" I just shook my head the tiniest bit. Understanding brightened in her eyes and she squeezed me.

  With the furniture moved around, Scott had managed to find room to line up several tables so we could all sit together. I found myself between Austin and Granny. Jake sat across from Austin, next to my dad. Every time Austin touched me, Jake noticed.

  Austin ran his finger along the neckline at the back of my dress. I shuddered in revulsion, but it must have looked differently to Jake. The hurt in his eyes, before he shut down all emotion, made me ache to go to him.

  Austin's foot held my chair in place. He leaned over and whispered, "Give it a second. Don't give up yet."

  "Hey Tim, I heard you and Mandy are getting married." Scott started some conversation with one of his nephews. The silence got a little awkward, so I'm glad someone could speak. My tongue felt about three sizes too big for my mouth. I moved food around on my plate, but very little made it inside me.

  "Yeah, I proposed on Valentine's Day. A little sappy, I know. But she didn't seem to mind. She flew home to Washington to see her family for Easter. I've got a big case at work, so I couldn't go with her.

  "So, when's the wedding going to be?"

  "Uh, Mandy's thinking Christmas. Still ironing out the details. You'll get an invite for sure, Uncle Scott."

  "I'm looking forward to having a daughter-in-law, after three sons," Scott's sister said with a laugh and nudged Tim.

  "You know, I am looking forward to getting a daughter-in-law myself one of these days," Scott said, glancing over at his sons.

  "Speaking of which. Austin, you and Laney have been dating for years. Isn't it about time you pop the question?" Aunt Lisa asked.

  I'd known it was coming. I couldn't believ
e the conversation steered that way so quickly though. My heart lodged itself in my throat.

  Austin leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Laney will become a Davidson when the time's right. Don't worry."

  I looked across the table. Jake glared down at his plate. He didn't look at me. Or Austin. The ham on his plate even seemed to shrink back in fear.

  "Jake going to be your best man? My brothers are going to be mine," Tim asked.

  The conversation had navigated perfectly toward pushing Jake's buttons. Did Aunt Lisa somehow recruit Tim to help her with her mission? Or did fate want to know how Jake felt as much as I did?

  The tinkling of shattered glass interrupted the conversation. Jake stared down at the broken glass in his hand and shook his head no.

  "Oh, Jake, is your hand hurt? You're bleeding." Martha hopped up to check on him.

  "My hand's fine." He looked up at me. The hurt in his eyes burned me with its force. "My heart is what hurts."

  He shoved his chair back, and it clattered to the floor as it tipped. Time slowed to a crawl as he rounded the table. But he came up behind me and spun my chair around. He wedged himself between my legs and tangled one hand in my hair. "I have waited too long for you. I refuse to lose you now. I know I said I'd walk away if Austin was your choice. But damn it, I love you, and I can't do it."

  Tears filled my eyes, and I couldn't speak. I reached toward him, and he moved closer. He bent down and his lips were on mine. The kiss started off hard, a punishment for letting Austin touch me, maybe. But when my lips parted to allow him access, he groaned and softened the kiss. He cupped my jaw and tilted my head so that he could deepen the kiss. When his teeth tugged at my bottom lip, I whimpered and arched into him. He pulled me up out of the chair, holding me close to his body with only one arm.

  One arm? I tried to break the kiss, but his lips followed mine. When I got our lips apart, I saw why. Martha held his cut hand and tried to bandage it. Laughter bubbled out of me, and he yanked me up against him. "You think it's funny I lost control because of you again?"

  "I had to see if you would fight for me. I had to know if I meant enough to you."

  "You mean everything to me. I'd give up anything you asked to keep you in my life. Don't you know that? But I can't watch you with my brother, knowing he doesn't love you like I do. And I sure as hell won't stand by and let you marry him."

  The tittering conversation around us was both amusing and embarrassing at the same time. I couldn't imagine what the extended Davidson clan must be thinking. Most of my side at least had a clue. They'd seen Jake at the hospital last week...

  "Uh, Jake? You know it's poor form to go after your brother's girl, right?"

  He looked away from me to glare at his cousin. Austin stood up next to us, and wrapped his arm around us both. His words calmed all the chatter. "She should have been his girl from the start. I'm the one who went after my brother's girl. Leave him alone. He loves her, more than I ever could."

  "You are really okay with your brother stealing your girl?" Tim asked.

  "More than okay with it. And she's not my girl. She hasn't been for a while. Not since I screwed up and cheated on her."

  Scott chimed in, "But I thought you two were going back together after this silly fling idea you came up with."

  Austin laughed. "Laney made her choice before the free pass started. She wouldn't have went out with Jake if she still wanted me. Don't you know her better than that by now?"

  Jake tipped my face up. His dark eyes were full of questions. I nodded my agreement and he pulled me in for another kiss.

  I didn't know what the future held for Jake and me, but we would face it together. I'd fight for him, and he'd fight for me. And that was enough for now...

  If you enjoyed Free Pass, check out Allie's Garden Falls series.

  The first book, Sean's Sweetheart, will be available early Fall 2015.

  Here's a sneak peek:

  Sean's Sweetheart

  A Garden Falls Novel

  Chapter One

  Tendrils of panic climbed Talia's chest, wrapped around her windpipe, and crushed the breath from her body. She choked out a plea, begging Caleb to slow down. She prayed they wouldn't end up plastered across one of the beautiful old murals on Church Street. The heavy pounding of her heart drowned out the sound of the wind rushing past the open windows. Her sweaty, shaking hands grabbed the soft leather seats, slipping when the car skidded around another corner on two wheels. Her heart lurched into her throat.

  Oh shit. They were going to die.

  The acrid smell of burnt rubber rose from the squealing tires to invade the car. The engine roared with enthusiasm when Caleb's heavy foot demanded more speed. Talia braved a glance at him and flinched at the smoldering anger in his glare. His hyena-like bark of laughter filled the car.

  "Talia, you're such a baby! This is the most fun I've had since we started dating!"

  Slurred voices from the backseat began to chant, "A baby. A baby. Caleb's dating a baby!"

  "Caleb, please stop. I'm about to hurl." Bile rose in her throat and she gagged. With shallow panting breaths, she struggled to keep her dinner down.

  The car bumped along the warning stripe and swerved into the oncoming lane. Caleb yanked the wheel and straightened the car out. He turned toward her and his eyes narrowed. Spit flew from his mouth and carried the threat of retribution. He would kill her if she vomited in his brand new car, his twenty-first birthday present from his parents. Vomit is bad, but alcohol and drunk-driving, he was okay with. Asshole.

  "Bitch, you're ruining my buzz. And if you mess up my car, I'll ruin your pretty face." Caleb tapped the brakes and shook his bony fist. Talia recoiled from his raised hand and covered her mouth. A tear trailed down her nose and Caleb sniggered at her. Probably left a black mascara streak all down her face, she thought with a sigh. The delighted twinkle in his eyes terrified her. She should have stayed home. A new book lay on her bed, waiting for her to bury her nose in it. She'd planned to spend the night lost in her own literary world, but she hadn't wanted Caleb to cause a scene. If she'd realized he planned to drink, she'd have chanced it.

  "Hey dude, let's go to Garden. You can ditch Miss Stick-up-her-ass," one of his friends leaned forward to say. The stale stink of alcohol lingering on his breath made Talia gag again. Caleb glowered at her before he swung the sporty car through the historic district toward the club.

  Rumor said Garden was the hottest club in town. The number of cars out front confirmed it. Circling the lot a few times, Caleb cut off another car and sped into an open spot. He and his buddies poured out of the car and stumbled toward the club without sparing Talia a single glance. She followed on quivering legs. While Caleb's attention was focused on the ass of a blonde in front of them in line, Talia tried to compose herself. Moisture welled up in her eyes, but she blinked it away. Caleb would not get the pleasure of her tears again. His behavior had devolved more toward abuse over the last few months. Tonight's actions confirmed she needed to end things.

  Once inside the club, Caleb and his friends headed straight for the gleaming hardwood and joined the throng of scantily-dressed dancers. Talia weaved between bodies and made her way around the club. Lush green plants in rough-hewn planters gave the illusion of privacy along the edges of the room. Beautiful stained glass windows depicted garden scenes and looked almost biblical in content.

  A long wooden bar, lighter in color than the walls, stretched along the right-hand side. Spying an empty stool at the end of the bar, Talia slid onto the leather seat. The bartender came her way. Her eyes went straight to his chest and she had to crane her neck up to see his face. Towering well over six feet, his shirt stretched taut across his muscular frame. Tattoos poked out from beneath the rolled sleeves of his plaid shirt, but his broad shoulders threw shadows across his arms and kept her from making out their design.

  Holy scorching hotness.

  "What can I get you tonight, sweetheart?" His deep voice carried well o
ver the peppy din of the music. That low rumble shimmied down her spine, pebbling her skin with each delicious syllable. One look into those eyes and she lost all ability to form words. Her heart raced once more, but not from fear. She didn't find her voice until he winked at her and repeated his question.

  "Oh, um…just a coke, please, I guess." His look of utter self-confidence made Talia want to slide under the bar and die. Her face burned with embarrassment and a choked little sound escaped her throat. He opened his mouth to speak, but shook his head and seemed to talk himself out of it and turned to get her drink.

  Talia let out a shocked squeak when a lanky hand grasped her wrist and yanked her off the barstool. She gasped at the murderous expression on Caleb's face. When he spoke, she cringed.

  "I expected you to come and dance with me, but I should've known you'd be too stupid. Come on."

  She staggered with arms flailing, hitting some of the other customers in her efforts to stay upright. Her muttered apologies wasted breath; no one heard. It didn't take long for the crowd to focus on the drama in its midst. Caleb paused for mere seconds so that she could regain her balance before dragging her toward his friends. They weaved around club-goers. Caleb never released her. A stab of pain shot up her arm.

  She yanked against his painful grip, but his hand tightened with her every effort. Instinct called for fight or flight, but she'd learned the hard way not to fight Caleb. She couldn't leave with him. But how could she get away?

  He only loosened his grip when he walked straight into a wall of muscle.

  * * * *

  "I suggest you let the lady go now." Sean glared down at the boy in front of him. The pretty redhead struggled to free her wrist from the boy's grip.


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