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Vet's Desire

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by Angela Verdenius

  Vet’s Desire

  By Angela Verdenius

  (Big Girls Lovin’ trilogy)

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2011 Angela Verdenius

  Cover images courtesy of pixitive, Monkey Business Images,, & Joleene Naylor

  Cover by Joleene Naylor

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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  I found with Doctor’s Delight that some readers were having difficulty with the Australian slang, so I thought a list of the slang I’ve used will help while reading the following story. If I’ve forgotten any, I do apologise! Angela

  Australian Terms/Slang

  Got his/her/their goat – annoyed him/her/them

  Dander – temper.

  Golden Link Nursing Association - fictitious nursing organisation that visits patients at home. In reality, there are organisations that do this.

  Moosh - slang for face/mouth

  Torch - flashlight

  Mobile phone - cell phone.

  Bloke/s - men

  Iced coffee/chocolate - a milk drink flavoured with chocolate or coffee.

  RAC - Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia. Covers insurance, holidays, loans, etc.

  Tim Tams - a brand of Arnott’s Biscuits. Yummy!

  Chemist - pharmacy

  Buggered - many Aussie use it as a slang word for ‘broken’ (it’s buggered), ‘tired (I’m buggered), and ‘no way’ (I’m buggered if I’m going to do that). Just some examples.

  Bloody - a swear word ‘no bloody good’, in place of ‘no damned good’

  Tucker - food

  TLC - Tender Loving Care

  Biccies - biscuits. The same as cookies.

  Boofhead - idiot, simpleton, etc. It’s an insult, though sometimes we use it as a term of affection. It depends on how it is said and meant.

  Sheila - female.

  Hoon/s - person/people who indulge in antisocial behaviour. Great explanation in Wikipedia

  Primapore - sticky patch with a pad in it. A medical dressing.

  Panadol - paracetamol.

  Milo - chocolate malt drink. Can have it hot or cold. Yummy!

  Budgie smugglers - men’s bathers, small, brief and tight-fitting.

  Tea - some people call the evening meal dinner. In my family, we’ve always called it tea, as in breaky, dinner and tea, or breaky, lunch and tea.

  Donger - penis

  Yamaha & Suzuki - ‘brands’ of motorcycles.

  English Blazer – really yummy men’s after shave!

  Pub - hotel.

  If someone’s tickled pink, they’re - delighted

  Giggle-box - TV, television

  Lug - face

  Shag - sex

  Pedal Pushers - three quarter pants/knickerbockers

  You wally - silly,

  Beaut - beautiful, awesome, great, wonderful

  Crash cart - resuscitation trolley in a hospital or medical setting - used for life threatening situations such as cardiac arrest.

  Chapter One

  Sitting at the bar, Tim sipped from the glass of beer and watched the crowd reflected in the mirror. Music was pounding out and a group of dancers were gyrating in a corner of the bar. Bodies whirled and dipped, short skirts and jeans flashed around, and women wiggled and shook their bosoms while the men flexed their muscles and showed off their prowess.

  There was only one bosom that Tim was interested in at that moment, and it belonged to Cindy Lawson. He couldn’t help but watch her bosom as she shimmied and rocked her way merrily around the floor. The tight top she wore not only clung to her generous bosom, but whatever bra she was wearing had pushed it up to eye-watering level. The generous curves almost threatened to spill out of her top.

  She shook her ample bottom with gusto and her generously curved hips seemed to have a mind of their own as she swivelled them with the expertise of a belly dancer.

  Shaking his head, Tim closed his eyes briefly while taking another sip of beer. Cindy Lawson was an out-of-control, overblown hour glass. Most plus-sized chicks he knew covered up their curves, but not Cindy. Oh no, she had to flaunt what she had in tight tops that showed every curve to advantage, and right now she also had on a skirt that had a slit – yes, a slit, damn it – right up the length of one plump thigh. Her blonde hair, recently dyed back to its original colour from the flaming red she’d previously had it, was pulled up in some intricate knot that had wisps of hair clinging to her flushed cheeks as she shimmied and boogied and basically tore up the dance floor in a pair of stilettos that had his toes cringing in sympathy.

  How she didn’t go arse up on the dance floor, he’d never know.

  “She is some dancer,” Rick observed, sipping on a Coke.

  “Is that what you call it?” Tim slid his glance back to the mirror and held his breath when Cindy dipped low and her bosom threatened to come free completely from the tight confines of her top.

  Going by the wide eyes of her dance partner, he was obviously hoping she would break free. Literally.

  “So.” Rick looked at Tim’s reflection in the bar mirror. “Not on call tonight?”

  “Whatever made you think that?”

  “You’re drinking alcohol.”

  “What, you don’t think I could deal with a dog when I’m drunk?”

  “I can’t deal with a human patient when I’m drunk, so I don’t see the difference with your animal patients.”

  “True. Both can bite.”

  Rick grinned. “Amen, brother.”

  They clinked glasses.

  “Nah,” Tim said. “I’m not on-call.” He glanced in the mirror again but Cindy was lost from sight. What did catch his attention now was a sultry brunette with a short skirt and pouting lips, who was gyrating her hips in exaggerated slowness and watching him while licking her lips suggestively. “Whoa. Get a load of this babe.”

  Rick’s glance was decidedly disinterested. “Nice.”

  “Nice? Are you kidding me?” Tim grinned at the woman and she started to shimmy her way across the dance floor.

  Oh yeah, that’s what he liked. A hot looker with great legs and a nice handful of bosom just right to fit into his palms. Neat little bottom and full, pouty lips.

  Rick shook his head and sighed. “You’re gonna regret this.”

  “I doubt it.” Tim grinned wider when the woman slid up onto the vacant bar stool on the other side of him. “Hello, sugar. Nice moves out there.”

  He couldn’t see his friend, but he could imagine the eye rolling that was going on behind his back.

  The woman licked her lower lip and gazed up at him from lowered, thick, and very obviously false eyelashes. “Thanks. I’m Sassy.”

  He just bet she was. “Tim.” He stuck out his hand.

  “And I’m Rick,” his friend said, sticking his head around Tim’s shoulder.

  Tim elbowed him in the stomach and leaned closer to the woman. “And he’s of no consequence.”

  Sassy smiled.

  “So.” Tim ignored Rick’s chuckle, “All alone tonight? Or with friends?”

  Perfume, thick and strong, surrounded him as she leaned forward, giving him a good eye-full of her cleavage. “I came with friends, but I can leave without them.”

  There it was, the bold invitation. No messing around with this woman.

  “Really?” He slanted a glanc
e back to the dance floor. “Male friends?” Any problems there?

  “Just a group of friends,” she assured him, and looked at the barmaid as she approached.

  “What are you drinking?” Tim queried.


  He nodded to the barmaid then turned back to Sassy. “So, Sassy. Celebrating anything?”

  “Apart from meeting you?”

  “Okay, that might be cause for celebration-”

  Rick groaned.

  “But,” Tim continued, “Any other reason?”

  “No.” Accepting the glass of beer, she ran her fingertips – talons, really – down the frosted surface before picking it up and taking a delicate sip. “So, Tim, what do you do for a living?”

  Rick leaned forward on the bar to peer at Sassy. “Puts his hand up horses’ arses.”

  Tim mentally swore. Some days it didn’t pay to keep company with friends when you were trying to pick up a girl.

  Sassy raised her brows.

  “Ignore him,” Tim said. “The poor bastard’s drunk.”

  Her gaze fell to the Coke in Rick’s hand.

  “Rum in it,” Tim said. “Lots of rum. Mostly rum, actually.” He looked at Rick. “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. It’s always educational watching you.”

  “What are you, fifteen?”

  Rick grinned widely.

  Tim returned his attention to the beautiful brunette. “What about you, Sassy? Model? Actress?”

  “Miranda,” Rick called to the barmaid, “I’ll need another Coke. Fast.”

  Jesus, why did Rick have to pick now to get in a funny mood? Annoyed, Tim glared at him over his shoulder.

  Laughing, Rick turned away to take his glass of Coke from the barmaid.

  Coming from the opposite direction Tim spotted Cindy bouncing towards the bar. Yes, the woman was bouncing. Everything bounced, in fact. Bosom, hips, hair, even her eyes brimmed with sparkling delight. Seriously, what was with her?


  Refocussing on Sassy, he smiled. “Sorry. Annoying friend and all. Let’s go find a table.”

  Taking her elbow, he picked up his glass and steered her through the crowded floor to the table, ensuring he strode right behind her so she could feel the heat of his body and get a good whiff of his English Blazer aftershave. Nothing like a little masculine scent to help get the hot blood flowing in a beautiful woman.

  Gallantly holding the seat for her, Tim waited until she sat before taking the chair opposite.

  “My,” she said. “A gentleman. Not easy to find nowadays.”

  He merely smiled a little. “So, Sassy, what do you do for a living?”

  “I manage a clothing shop, Petite Creations.”

  “Really? Why do I know that name?”

  “I sincerely hope you don’t shop there.” She laughed huskily.

  “Never set foot in it, but I do know the name.”

  “It’s fairly new to the city, but it’s quite elite.”

  That would explain that. No doubt he’d heard someone talk about it. “Really?” Booooring. Faking interest, he smiled.

  “Oh yes. A lot of the more influential women shop there.” Warming up to subject, Sassy continued on for several minutes about the creations in her shop. When she finally stopped, Tim’s eyes were almost glazed but he kept that smile on his dial. He was nothing if not polite, even when he was faking it.

  “So,” she finished, “Enough about me…”

  Thank you, God.

  “What do you do, Tim?”

  “I’m a vet.”

  “Oh. Really?” She studied him for several seconds while he took a mouthful of beer before her eyes widened. “Tim? Tim Clarke the veterinarian? ”

  Uh-oh. Had he just hit on a client? His boss would not be happy. “Do I know you in a client capacity?”

  Her eyes gleamed. “No, I don’t like animals, all that hair getting on my clothes and things. But I do know your mother.”

  “Are you sure?” Jesus, he couldn’t even hit on a woman without the ghost of his cold-hearted mother looming over the whole thing. “She shops at Petite Creations?”

  “My mother knows your mother.”

  Ah, now he was getting the picture. “When you say you manage Petite Creations…”

  “My mother owns it. Or rather, her company. It’s one of a chain of shops that are world-wide.” Leaning back on the seat, Sassy crossed her legs leisurely, but Tim didn’t miss the glow in her eyes.

  Gold-digger was written all over her.

  Okay then, they were playing on sort-of the same team. He wanted her body, she wanted his money. He’d get her body but she sure as hell wasn’t getting his money – or his phone number. A quick boink her and leave her, that was what he had lined up for the night.

  Crossing his own legs, he let his gaze drift down to her cleavage. “Delightful.”

  “And to think,” she said brightly, “My parents and I will be attending your mother’s party on Saturday night and we’ll meet you there. But better yet, I have an idea.”

  Tim was pretty sure he didn’t want to hear it, the bells were going off in his head like out-of-control ringers.

  “How about you pick me up on Saturday night and we can go together?”

  And there it was. They’d only known each other for less than twenty minutes and she was eyeing him as though mentally measuring him for the groom’s suit at their wedding. Maybe that’s what the alarm bells were – the ringing in her head transcending time and space to clang inside his.

  He shuddered mentally.

  Time to nip this in the bud, and fast. “Well, it’s been nice meeting you, Sassy. I’ll have to introduce you to my girlfriend.”

  Her smile froze on her face. “I beg your pardon?”

  “My girlfriend.”

  “You have a girlfriend?”

  “Yes, and she’ll be delighted to meet you.”

  “A girlfriend here?”

  “Yes.” Man, he really was an arse sometimes, Rick was correct. But at least his arse was his own and not in the cold hands of a gold-digging harlot who’d sell her soul for his old family money. “Did I forget to mention her?”

  Sassy stared at him for a few seconds and then her eyes narrowed. The woman was on the scent like a bloodhound on a poor fox’s trail. She looked around. “And where is this girlfriend now?”

  “Coming. Shortly.” He glanced around as well. “Any second in fact, so I better head back to the bar. Nice meeting you, Sassy.” Tim got up and walked back to the bar with her eyes burning a hole in the back of his shirt.

  Rick was chatting to Cindy, and he looked up as Tim took the bar stool beside him. “What happened? Did you luck out?”

  “She was mentally measuring me for the wedding suit.”

  “Let me guess, she recognised your name.”

  “And monetary connections.” Tim nodded to Miranda. “Another beer.”

  “So how did you get out of it?”

  “Told her I was here with my girlfriend.”

  “And she didn’t throw her drink at you?” Rick shook his head. “I’m impressed.”

  Cindy, standing silently beside him, didn’t look impressed at all. In fact, those big blue eyes were studying him closely. “You picked up a woman and then dumped her?”

  “Gold digger,” he explained. How could she not get it?

  “From what I’ve been told, they’re just your type.”

  Tim’s brows rose. “Who’s been telling tales? Rick?”

  “Maddy,” Rick replied. “And Mike.”

  “Mike wouldn’t talk.”

  “You’d be surprised what he tells Maddy.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. What is it with you and Mike? Get a ring on your woman’s finger and it’s magically through your nose as well.”

  Rick grinned.

  Cindy placed one hand on her generously curved hip. “That’s disgusting behaviour.”

  “Trust me, I can get worse than that.”

p; “You seem proud of that fact.”

  “You seem disapproving.”



  “No wonder you haven’t got a woman yet.”

  “Oh, I had one all right. For all of ten minutes before she was planning on walking down the aisle with my money.”

  “Money isn’t everything.”

  “Says you.”

  Cindy’s eyes narrowed.

  “Whoa.” Rick looked at Tim. “Mate, not cool.”

  “It’s all right.” Cindy moved between Rick and Tim’s stools, which placed her really close to Tim. “I can deal with him myself.”

  Several things hit Tim straight away – she smelled nice, and she had her dander well and truly up. It made her eyes sparkle.

  Or maybe that was just the beer swimming inside his body.

  He raised one eyebrow. “You think you can deal with me?”

  “Most assuredly.”

  “Lady, you don’t know me that well.”

  Her eyes narrowed further. Maybe the sparkle was enhanced by the artfully applied eye shadow and eyeliner. That had to be the explanation.

  “I might not have known you long, Clarke, but I know your kind.”

  “My kind?”

  “And I know your reputation.”

  “Oh my.” He splayed one hand on his t-shirt, which tellingly had Stud for Hire – Cheap, emblazoned on it. “I’m famous.”

  She opened her mouth but before a word could leave it, a voice purred huskily over his shoulder, “Where’s your girlfriend, Tim?”

  Shit. It was Sassy. Tim glanced at her over his shoulder to find her looking at him triumphantly. She knew perfectly well he didn’t have a girlfriend here. This could turn messy. He didn’t like messy, and this promised to get messy.

  His gaze fell on Cindy, who was watching the woman behind him with amusement in her eyes. Oh yeah, she just had to be happy with this outcome. She -

  Oh yeah. Oh yeah!

  “Oh, no,” groaned Rick. “Tim-”

  In one smooth move, Tim hooked an arm around Cindy’s waist and pulled her between his thighs. Giving her a smacking kiss on her lips, which had partially opened in surprise, he said, “She’s right here!”


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