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Tamed by the Earl

Page 9

by Carole Mortimer

  Her nipples hardened to twin peaks of aching need at the thought of reaching that pinnacle a second time. Perhaps even a third?

  That need increased to a painful level as Daniel continued to stroke and suck on her already sensitive clitoris until it once again hardened and swelled in his mouth. Her second release was more prolonged even than the first. Jo shuddered and quaked with each swipe of Daniel’s tongue against that aching nubbin.

  “Please. Oh please,” Jo cried out seconds later, her hands moving restlessly to grasp Daniel’s shoulders as he continued those caresses. “It is too much. I cannot—” She instantly did, her breathing turning to sobs as the pleasure now seemed never-ending.

  Daniel finally raised his head to look at her, licking her juices from his lips as he did so. “I have neglected your breasts.” He moved up onto his knees to cup them in this hands, the soft pads of his thumbs stroking lightly across the engorged nipples.

  Even that soft caress seemed too much in Jo’s highly aroused state. “No more. Please.” Every part of her felt sensitized from the inside out.

  Daniel shook his head. “Your breasts are in need of attention.” He squeezed one of her nipples between his thumb and fingers, causing Jo to tremble and shake all over again. “If not my attention, then your own.”

  “My own?”

  Daniel nodded. “I would very much enjoy watching you as you touch and caress your breasts. To see you stroke, tweak, and then pull on the nipples, softly and then hard, and discover which pleases you best.”

  Jo’s governess had told her the exact opposite of what Daniel was asking of her. That worthy lady had insisted Jo must never touch herself between her legs or, once she was old enough to possess them, on her breasts.

  “Modesty and shyness, in the woman or the man, play no part in lovemaking,” Daniel assured her gently as he saw Jo’s hesitation. “Unless you would rather we stop now?”

  “No! No,” she repeated calmly. “Perhaps if you were to first show me how you take your own pleasure, I might feel less self-conscious afterward about touching myself.”

  He drew in a sharp breath. “You are aware men do that?”

  Her cheeks colored. “My grandfather had a book in his library which… It had drawings, sketches, of the different ways a man might take his pleasure, with or without a woman. Some of those ways seemed… Well, I would rather not talk about them. But stroking and pumping his own cock until liquid exploded from the tip was on several pages of the book, with drawings of each stage of the process.”

  “I am guessing it was only the man’s pleasure which was…catered to in this book?” Daniel said dryly, knowing it was a myth long held in Society that women of good breeding should not feel the same pleasure as lesser females. That it was the woman’s duty to allow a man his pleasure and receive none herself. A load of poppycock, in Daniel’s opinion, and more likely an excuse for the gentlemen to tup whores and courtesans.

  “Yes.” Two dimples appeared in Jo’s cheeks as she smiled. “I was not aware a woman felt that same pleasure until you touched me yesterday and again just now.” She sat up, causing those rosy-tipped breasts to jut forward invitingly. “There were also drawings of a woman taking a man’s appendage into her mouth. The expression on the man’s face appeared to be one of euphoria. Would you like me to do that for you?”

  Daniel breathed in sharply. Would he like for Jo to perform fellatio on him? Having remained faithful to his marriage vows for eleven bleak years, even if Beatrix had not, Daniel had discovered oral sex only after his wife’s demise, and it had quickly become one of his favorite sexual pleasures. Not only was it highly erotic, but it also ensured there would be no unwanted pregnancy from the sexual encounter.

  Here and now it was an imagined pleasure second only to burying his cock to the hilt in Jo’s virginal sheath. Which Daniel refused to do. “This was supposed to be a punishment for you, not a pleasure for me,” he reminded her.

  “But it seems such a waste not to…explore further when we are both naked? My punishment shall be not to receive any more pleasure,” she enticed.

  Daniel wanted— No, he craved having Jo’s lips on him. To thrust his cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth. To allow his fingers to become entangled in her golden locks as he held her in place when she took every inch of him to the back of her throat. He wanted to do that time and time again, until he felt that familiar tingling at the base of his spine and pumped his cum into her mouth until he was spent.

  I did not come here for this!

  Did I not?

  Was that not the reason I brought the tea tray up to Jo myself, knowing exactly what would happen once I had entered her bedchamber?

  He drew in a ragged breath as the voices of his conscience bickered inside his head. “I wish… No, I insist that we postpone any further exploration until tomorrow, when you have had time to consider what you are doing.” He had already masturbated three times in the past two days out of desire for this woman. He could do so again once he reached the sanctuary of his own bedchamber.

  “I do not need time to consider— Daniel?” she pleaded as he reached out to grasp the tops of her arms and hold her at bay as she would have launched herself at him.

  “I said I insist, Jo,” he rebuked her sternly. “My letter to your great-aunt will not be sent until tomorrow. Hampshire is not so far away, but it will still be several days more until we can expect a reply. We can use that time to explore further, if you are still set on the idea tomorrow.”

  Jo’s disappointment was tangible. “How do I know you will not change your mind in the meantime?”

  He looked down the length of his nose at her. “Because I am not a man who goes back on his word.”

  She looked at him searchingly, taking in his steady green gaze and stern and unsmiling mouth, and knew that Daniel meant exactly what he said. “I am not a woman who goes back on her word either.”

  “Then we are in accord.” Daniel stood up to begin collecting his clothes, pulling on his breeches and shirt but carrying the rest of his clothes in his hands as he prepared to leave. “I will not think any the worse of you if you decide otherwise overnight.”

  “Is that because you think so badly of me already, your opinion could not possibly become any worse than it is?”

  Daniel already thought so highly of this woman, desired her so intensely, he knew if he did not leave this room right this minute he would not do so at all tonight. “I am not a man given to compliments. But in your case I will make an exception,” he added as he heard her sigh of disappointment. “In my opinion, you are a beautiful woman of great fortitude and courage. You have also,” he continued as she would have spoken, “succeeded in giving me a continual cock stand for the past thirty hours.” He smiled at the blush which instantly colored her cheeks. “For that reason alone, I assure you I will not change my mind regarding any future sexual explorations you might wish us to enter into. Does that satisfy you?”

  Her eyes gleamed with mischief. “Oh, I have been very well satisfied, Daniel.”

  “Witch,” he accused lightly, aware she was now enjoying his own physical discomfort.

  Jo’s soft laughter followed him as he crossed the room and left her bedchamber.

  Chapter 9

  “Where would you like me to put the tea tray, my lord?” Bedford enquired politely the following morning as he entered the study and saw the desktop was littered with papers.

  Not that Daniel had been working on them for some time.

  His horrified glance moved downward and found mischievous blue eyes gleaming back at him from beneath his desk. He hastily returned his gaze to the butler. The last thing he wanted was for Bedford to discover Lady Josephine Kendall kneeling on the floor in the well of his desk, Daniel’s bare cock in her hand.

  She had come in search of him in his study immediately after eating a late breakfast. Daniel had intended telling her he had already written to and sent the letter off to her great-aunt, but had been prevented f
rom doing so when she crossed the room to sit on his thighs before very thoroughly kissing him.

  Leaving Daniel in absolutely no doubt that she had not changed her mind and wished their explorations of last night to continue. The instant renewal of his cock stand showed that Daniel had not changed his mind on the subject either.

  He had almost choked on his own tongue when Jo, satisfied with the depth and desire of that kiss, had then proceeded to slide down the length of his legs before settling herself between them. Within seconds, she had unfastened the fall of his pantaloons and bared his cock, before Daniel felt the caress of her hands along that engorged length.

  She was still there, gently pumping his cock.

  “On the end of the desk will suffice, Bedford,” Daniel instructed tightly as he hastily made a space for the butler to put down the tray. He wanted the other man gone as quickly as poss—

  Daniel gave a strangled gasp as he felt the hot, wet rasp of Jo’s tongue sweep over and around the sensitive top of his cock. His balls tightened as pre-cum leaked to the surface before being eagerly lapped up by that marauding tongue.

  “Are you quite well, my lord?” Bedford’s expression mirrored the concern in his voice.

  “I am—” Daniel broke off with another groan as the heated inferno of Jo’s mouth closed completely over the bulbous top of his cock. His hands tightened into fists as they rested on the desktop. “Perhaps I am feeling a little…stiff this morning, after my exertions in the fields these past couple of days.” He drew his breath in sharply as the length of his cock was sucked to the back of Jo’s throat in retaliation for his teasing comment.

  This woman is going to be the death of me.

  But what a delicious way it is to expire!

  “Can I bring you anything to relieve the stiffness, my lord?” Bedford enquired innocently. “I believe Cook has some ointment she applies when she is troubled by aching joints.”

  Daniel smiled tightly as the heat of Jo’s mouth slowly and pleasurably lifted to the tip of his cock but without releasing it completely. “I will suffer a little longer and see if the stiffness does not go away on its own,” he assured the butler.

  “Very well, my lord.” Bedford turned and walked away, only to pause in the open doorway. “I looked for Lady Josephine earlier but could not find her anywhere.”

  Daniel’s cock was once again buried to the back of Jo’s throat. “Perhaps she has gone for a walk?” Even to his own ears, his voice was sounding more and more strained.

  “I do not think so, my lord,” the butler answered doubtfully.

  “I am sure she will surface again soon,” Daniel reassured him. Jo’s fingers were now curled about his cock and pumping to the same rhythm as she took his length to the back of her throat, before lifting again and repeating the process. No doubt she managed so expertly on the instruction of the illustrations in the book in her grandfather’s library. Daniel could only wait with anticipation for whatever else she had learned there.

  Wherever and however she had learned the art of giving a man oral pleasure, she now had him so excited, so on the edge, he was going to come in her mouth in the next few seconds, with or without Bedford in the room.

  “That will be all, Bedford,” he dismissed tightly.

  “If you change your mind about the ointment—”

  “I will be sure to let you know. Now please leave, Bedford,” Daniel requested harshly, the base of his spine tingling as a warning his cum was about to explode along the length of his cock and into Jo’s waiting mouth.

  The butler looked startled by his vehemence. “Very good, my lord.”

  Daniel waited only long enough for the door to close behind the retreating man before allowing the pleasure of Jo’s moist and sucking mouth and the lapping of her tongue into the slit at the top of his cock, combined with that steady pumping of her hand, to claim him completely. He groaned long and loud as his cum surged along the length of his cock and released into Jo’s mouth in fierce, hot spurts.

  “Sweet and slightly salty,” Jo confirmed minutes later when those pulsing spurts had finally come to an end.

  Considering Daniel had pleasured himself last night and again this morning, he was surprised there was anything left inside him to climax with. The length and quantity of this release had just proved otherwise.

  “I believe you to be capable of seducing a monk,” he muttered as he pushed his chair back slightly before reaching down to grasp Jo’s arms and pull her out from beneath his desk. “Do you have any idea how close I was to coming while Bedford was still in the room?” he grumbled irritably as he released her long enough to push his still-engorged cock back inside his pantaloons and refasten them. If this continued, he was going to be rubbed raw from an overabundance of pleasure.

  Jo’s grin of satisfaction in response to this remark caused her to appear a strange combination of Lady Josephine and the cheeky imp Jo Turner. She looked every inch the elegant Lady Josephine in a cream flower-sprigged day gown and with her hair once again secured in a cluster of curls at her crown. But the devilment in her eyes was purely the outspoken stable lad, Jo Turner.

  She licked the last of Daniel’s release from her lips with obvious relish. “Is that what it is called? Coming?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed tightly.

  “So I came three times yesterday evening?”

  Daniel eyed her warily, believing he knew exactly where this conversation was heading. “You did, yes.”

  Her gaze brightened even more. “Which means I owe you two more comings.”

  “Ejaculations,” Daniel corrected distractedly. “And a man needs time to recover from only one, whereas a woman is capable of attaining as many climaxes as she wishes.”

  Jo’s bottom lip pouted slightly. “How long do we have to wait until we can do that again?”

  His brow lowered. “A few hours at least. Which does not mean I have to refrain from pleasuring you,” he added as he stood determinedly. He owed this woman retribution for almost embarrassing him thoroughly in the presence of his butler.

  Jo took a step back when she saw the glittering intent in Daniel’s gaze as he moved stealthily toward her. “I did not think you would wish me to stop when we had already gone so far,” she defended.

  “I could have waited until after Bedford had left.”

  She shrugged. “But I could not.”

  Daniel gave her a frustrated frown. “And if I had climaxed while he was standing in the room?”

  Jo barely managed to hold back her expression of glee. “Then you could have told him the stiffness had eased somewhat.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing at me again?”

  Jo had panicked herself when Bedford first entered the study, but when it became obvious he could not see her beneath Daniel’s desk, a devilment had entered her, and she had not been able to resist continuing to taste and pleasure Daniel. Knowing, with the butler present, he was not in a position to prevent her from doing exactly as she pleased. “Did I do it correctly?” she prompted shyly.

  Daniel glowered his exasperation. “Was that not obvious by the fact I released, and carried on releasing, the moment Bedford closed the door behind him?”

  “Then yes, I am teasing you rather than laughing at you. But only a little,” she defended as Daniel took another threatening step toward her. “Daniel!” She attempted to run away from his narrow-eyed intent but got only as far the door before he grasped her arm and swung her back to face him. “What are you going to do to me?” She was breathing deeply as he pulled her toward his desk, unsure whether it was from excitement or trepidation as to what form his retaliation might take. She had no doubt retribution was what he had in mind.

  “I am going to throw up your skirts and pleasure your pussy until you beg me to stop,” he bit out decisively as he pushed the papers completely aside on his desk and laid her on her back across the polished surface. “Then we shall see how long you will need to recover until our next encounter.”

  Jo was so thrilled by Daniel saying the two of them would be having a next encounter that she totally lost concentration on what was happening to her. Until the skirt of her gown was thrown up and the cold brush of air revealed she had not bothered to wear any drawers today.

  Daniel’s eyes were a dark and stormy green when he glanced up from where he now stood between her parted legs. “It would seem you were set and determined on my seduction before coming to my study.”

  She moistened her dry lips. “I…hoped so, yes.”

  His smile became predatory. “If you attempt to move from the top of this desk before I am finished with you, I shall—”

  “Spank me?” she said hopefully.

  “I do not believe so, no. I have something far more pleasurable in mind today…”

  Before Jo had time to query his statement, she found herself flipped over onto her stomach and pulled to the edge of the desk so that her bare bottom was presented to him in all its glory. “Daniel…?” she questioned uncertainly as his large hands began to roam across and squeeze those twin globes before pulling them apart and exposing her fully. “I— What was that?” she gasped as she felt something touch that secret place.

  “The caress of my finger,” Daniel answered her distractedly as his fingers now roamed down to the dampness of her folds, dipping into that moistness before returning to that previous intimate caress. “Some men and women prefer to couple here rather than risk an unwanted pregnancy.”

  The intimacy of his touch was awakening nerve endings Jo had not even known she—or anyone else—possessed. “There?” she voiced disbelievingly. “Are you sure?” The thought of the thick length of Daniel’s cock attempting to penetrate her there caused her to inwardly wince. Surely it was impossible? Such length and thickness could not possibly fit inside her there.

  “Very sure.” The laughter could be heard in his voice. “Did your grandfather’s book not illustrate this pleasure?”

  “I believe you are the one who is teasing now,” she scoffed.

  “Not at all. I assure you, with a little patience and much caressing and stretching, it is indeed possible for a man to enter a woman here.” His fingers continued to swirl and caress those nerve endings without penetrating the ring of muscle.


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