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Page 13

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Uncomfortably erect, he turned on the monitor and left her there, mostly asleep but moving restlessly because of the invader in her bottom. He left the room with a knowing smile on his lips, looking forward to waking her several hours from now.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the next few days, both Prima and Joseph each had a chance to consider how lucky they were. Joseph knew that he could well have ended up with a shrew who could barely tolerate his touch, or one who couldn't string two intelligent words together in a coherent sentence. Katherine's responses to him – physical, sexual, verbal, emotional – were, simply put, priceless. When he made her cum, when he came inside her, when he punished her, when she smiled at him…he felt like the king of the world. She genuinely tried to please him and was a natural submissive. Heck, she already had him buying her gifts – well, gardening equipment anyway – to assuage his feelings of guilt over the harsh punishments he made her endure and which he had no intentions of stopping.

  If he'd met her in the Before Time, he would have asked her to marry him in a New York minute, and then he would have had to sweat her answer.

  Nowadays, he already had her, and she could never get away from him and could never be taken away from him.

  Although Joseph kept her fairly busy, he still generally made her nap in the afternoons. Sometimes, after he put her down, it took her a little while to fall asleep, and for several days after their trip into town, all she could think about was how fortunate it was – relatively – that she had been bought by Joseph and not someone like the men she'd seen. At least, she didn't have split lips or black eyes. Granted, she did have bruises, but they were on her bottom and the backs of her thighs, and generally not out there for everyone to see. If he made her show her bottom, it was around the house, and he was the only one who was going to see it.

  It was not easy to be a woman in this society at all. And it certainly wasn't easy to endure one of Joseph's punishments, regardless of how sexy he was or how much her body seemed to like it. Considering, though, what the law allowed him to do, and what other men were definitely doing without any conscience about it, he practically treated her with kid gloves. She was fed regularly, the same food as he ate. She had clothes, when he let her wear them, and shoes without holes. He'd taken her virginity as carefully as he could, and then had brought her to mind-blowing pleasure. Generally, when Joseph spanked her, she knew what she had done to deserve it. Prima could never see him taking his fists to her in any way, shape, or form, ever. He'd defended her honor from another man when he could just as easily have started charging or betting access to her body. He practically obsessed over her health. He adored her cooking, and had the best lap to curl up on, when she was allowed to, to say nothing of the sex. Even when she didn't want to, he took over her body and made it respond with incredible pleasure.

  In the Before Time, she'd always agreed with the 'everyone is created equal, equal pay for equal work' sound byte. But, secretly, as soon as she'd gotten a hold of a computer with internet access, the first thing she ever typed into a search engine was 'sexual submission.'

  The phrase epitomized her current situation. She submitted to him sexually and in every other way. She had no choice. There were times pre-plague that she had fantasized about exactly this type of situation, of course, with her own choice of man to submit to and her own rules. Its reality was quite sobering, especially when one was on the receiving end of any of those wicked implements of his. But…if she'd been given a choice between submitting to someone like Randolph or someone like Joseph, she'd certainly choose Joseph, hands down, even knowing how severe and sometimes fickle his punishments were.

  He certainly didn't love her, and his trip was definitely about control, but at least she got a bone-deep sexual thrill whenever he touched her, and his ego demanded that he satisfy her on a fairly regular basis.

  She could have picked a much worse man to fall in love with, she supposed.

  But love or not didn't count for much, nowadays. Instead, the keywords were obedience, submission, and in Joseph's household, orgasms.

  All too soon, Katherine found herself in that unenviable position over the horse in the bedroom, bound wrist and ankle with a thick belt tight around her waist, the unlucky recipient of a Friday Night spanking prior to the 'real' punishment. As he tied her down, Joseph had given her an idea what was coming up, his rough skinned hand tracing up the inside of her thigh, over her wobbling ass cheeks and up the curved line of her back. "God, I love to see you like this, gets me incredibly hard." He stood between her widely spread legs and rubbed his erection against her defenseless bottom while holding her hips steady for his abuse.

  She was neither gagged nor laryngitic, so when she moaned, it came out loud, and Joseph "mmm'd" back at her. "I love making you moan and cry and scream..." He was dropping wet tongue-kisses all over her body, on whatever area caught his eye – the side of her breast, her shoulder blade, the back of her neck – making gooseflesh rise wherever he touched. He lifted her chin and kissed her deeply, hotly, as if he never wanted to stop.

  Straightening, he said, "Better hadn't go down that road, right, Katherine? Or you'll never get what you're here for." But Joseph just couldn't resist the way those full breasts were hung down, their tips hard and ready for the taking. He bent down again and grabbed a teat in each hand, milking her very gently, pinching only enough to make her feel good...and he knew with his Prima, that wouldn't take long. Soon her breath was ragged, and she struggled a little, jiggling her titty flesh against his hands. "Ahh, baby, you like it when I play with your tits, don't you, hmm?"

  Oh, God, she did, but she didn't want to! Afraid to not answer him, Katherine barely got out between heavy breaths, "Y-yes, Sir."

  "Yes." More tender torture until she tried to arch against his hands, seeking more, and Joseph chuckled softly, tweaking her twice more before rising. "But you like your spankings, too, Katherine. Your body does, anyway." Another knowing chuckle that made her blush, glad he couldn't see her fire-engine red face. He knew her too well. "Even if they're very severe," he continued, smacking the eighteen-inch solid wooden paddle against his own hand. "In fact, one could almost say that there was a direct correlation between how hard you're spanked and how much cream your little pussy produces. But then, your pussy produces cream for a lot of different reasons." He stood behind her, laying the wooden plank against its intended target. "It creams sometimes just when I speak to you, doesn't it?"

  Prima whimpered. This was not the kind of thing she wanted to admit to him.

  Slap. A precursor. A warning.

  A whispered surrender, "Y-yes, Sir."

  Joseph smiled. "It creams when I impose my will, send you to bed early, make you admit things to me that you don't want to admit, put the pacifier in your mouth and a suppository up your bottom, doesn't it?"

  No amount of twists or turns would allow her to escape this.

  Slap. Slap. Deliberately kindling a fire in her nether cheeks.

  "Y-yes, Sir." Barely intelligible through tears of mortification, rather than pain…for now.

  "And when I pry your legs open and catch them over my shoulder as I slam into you – when I fuck you in your tight cunt, or your even tighter asshole…" Nosy fingers poked rudely at her two holes to emphasize his statement.

  "Y-yes, Sir."

  "It's one of your greatest gifts to me, and you have no control over the bestowing of it, do you, Katherine?"

  Loud sobs burst from her throat, even though she knew she should be trying to answer him.

  Three loud cracks made her hiss her breath in, long and low.

  "No, Sir. No, Sir. No, Sir!" she chanted, too late.

  Joseph came to her head, unbuckling his belt and lowering his zipper. His erect cock rose impressively from the flaps of his jeans. "Lift your head, woman."

  Still crying, Prima did as he said, and he slid his organ between her full, wet lips, filling her mouth, dominating it as he dominated everything else in her li
fe. Her world consisted only of the thick, hard rod pushing into her mouth, slipping down her tongue. Joseph blotted out the light and, the way her mouth was being taken, all she could see was his genitals. She could feel his hand cupping the back of her head so that she could not avoid his invasion, rough fingers anchoring themselves in her hair. His flat tummy with its light fur butted her forehead with each stroke. Large, firm testicles swung against her chin, tickling her with their wiry hair.

  She knew she was not supposed to enjoy this, too. Oral sex had evolved into a method of humiliation, of control, but in truth, it turned her on to turn him on. Katherine wrapped her tongue around his bulbous head experimentally, and Joseph arched, losing himself for a moment and moaning in a manner most unbecoming. "Do that again," he ordered hoarsely, and she did. She kept on doing it, bringing him off in record time, gulping down his tribute, more because she was not given a choice than because she chose to. He was so far back in her mouth that there was nothing but a slightly salty taste of him before he withdrew.

  Joseph didn't say a word from that point on during the spanking portion of her punishment. He just went to work on her bottom, punishing her severely, much more so than he had planned. She had unmanned him, almost embarrassed him, with that curious little tongue of hers. Women weren't supposed to enjoy performing oral sex on a man – Lord knows, it was hard enough to find one to do it before everything went to hell in a hand basket. Women nowadays were subjected to it as they were subjected to many indignities, and it was a common form of punishment. He should have known that his little budding sensualist would take to that, too, in spades!

  But she was not supposed to be in control of anything. Nothing. Especially, not his pleasure! When he wanted pleasure from her, he'd take it. When he wanted to give her pleasure, he'd give it to her. Beyond that, he had better never catch her hands wandering where they shouldn't.

  But…God, what any other man alive on this Earth today wouldn't give for a woman who enjoyed giving her owner oral pleasure!

  When he'd finished ripening her butt cheeks with the paddle, the cane, then the rubber strap and then more of the cane, she was far from the temptress his mind had conjured. After a few minutes, Joseph helped her to the bed, putting her into that atrociously embarrassing position with her roasted bottom stuck way up in the air, but binding her so thoroughly there was nothing she could do about it but wiggle a little, ineffectually. He took a seat on the rolling stool, pulling on sterile rubber gloves as her inadvertent performance continued. As he washed every millimeter of the luscious flesh before him, Joseph watched appreciatively from behind while she tried to settle into her new position. He watched those rounded, reddened globes dance and clench, providing tantalizing glimpses of her little rosette while her pussy fairly gaped in front of him, dribbling her arousal between pouting lips, even after he had cleaned it thoroughly.

  "Settle down, Katherine. Things tonight will go much easier for you if you'd relax." One hand rested on a mottled cheek while his lips pressed to the dimple just above the start of her crease, tonguing it lewdly, reveling in her distressed cry. She tried to jerk away from him, but there was nowhere to go, and he merely followed her movements, cupping her pussy with his free hand, so that every time Prima flinched down and away from him, she pressed herself into his palm and against those fingers that became instantly slick from her own juices.


  His mouth slipped slowly, inexorably down into that vertical valley, settling determinedly over her little hole, stiff tongue working around it firmly, riding her squirms and arching expertly, frigging her little ripe clitty without missing a beat.

  "Ahhn, ahh, Gawd!" Prima's moans rose and fell, and Joseph timed it perfectly, withdrawing when she was just a few firm strokes away from culmination, causing a riot of cries and groans as her genitals swelled and ached in time with the blood that filled them rhythmically.

  "Now," Joseph said, reaching for the instruments he had already set up within easy reach. "Today, you get your first cleansing enema, Prima. But I can promise you, it will be far from your last. I'm going to put two full quarts of my favorite recipe between your little cheeks, well up into your bottom. I'm going to forcibly clean out your insides and fill you right up till your tummy looks like you've been bred and are nine months gone. You're going to cramp and plead and beg to relieve the pressure, but I'm going to make sure you can't until I decide to let you, which will be a good long time, I can assure you."

  His words made her blood run cold.

  Katherine felt a pressure against her anus as his fingers twisted the internal balloon of the Bardex nozzle he'd bought at Wench World the day they went. It had cost him a pretty penny, but she was worth it as far as he was concerned. Joseph would only use and buy the best for her. Granted, this was something that was going to contribute to her punishment, but then, better to have a sturdy, well-made bladder full of air up your butt than one that was going explode the first time he used it. She was emitting those incredible little whimpers that went directly to his cock as he pushed the folded rubber up inside her. It disappeared slowly…slowly…her pucker forced to grant it admittance whether she wanted to or not.

  When it was fully seated within her, he gave the bulb a few squeezes, then pulled gently on the tube that stuck out of her bottom, seating the expanded bladder tightly against the inside of her sphincter. Then he blew up the second balloon, effectively trapping the apparatus inside her, the tube dangling out of her butt to rest between her widely spread legs. Joseph hooked up the enema tube to the end of the Bardex, connecting it to the secret contents of the bulging red bag that hung just above her hip level.

  Prima was sobbing softly, not enjoying the internal or external pressuring fullness of whatever it was that he had forced into her. She was still trying to get over how he had mouthed her bottom hole, and worse than, that how much she had enjoyed it!

  "You're going to hear a little click, and then your medicine is going to flow into you," Joseph instructed. "If you start to cramp, I suggest that you breathe as if you're whelping." What the hell would a woman who was a virgin when he got her know about how to breathe during labor? he thought, chiding himself. "Pant fast. It's about the only thing you can do to help, and that's not going to help much." He set the clamp on a medium flow, then he moved to sit up by her head. Joseph liked to watch her face – that's why he'd gotten so much enjoyment out of the mirrors he'd used while punishing her. He liked to see how she coped with the pain of her punishments, whether it was a paddling or an enema. The enema actually afforded him the ability to spend more time concentrating on her expressions, listening to how her breathing changed, hearing every little caught breath, every moan, every plaintive cry.

  "Have you been given an enema before, Katherine?" he asked quietly, close to her ear, his lips tickling and making her flinch.

  She was having a hard time, even now, dealing with the feeling of something foreign and not of her choice trickling into her that she couldn't stop. Something that he had no doubt made deliberately irritating. But he was speaking to her and would expect a response or she knew he wouldn't hesitate to bring out that wicked paddle again. "What?"

  Joseph supposed he really should physically reprimand her for not paying more attention to him. She seemed to have a problem with that. But seeing as she had a punishment solution drizzling its way slowly into her bowels, he supposed he would be generous. He let his tone drop as the fingers of one hand worked their way under her to capture a ripe bud and twirl it. "This is the second time you've had problems paying attention to me, isn't it, Katherine?"

  Oh, God, where was he going with this? And did she really want to know? "Y-yes, Sir," she moaned, praying that he wasn't going to do what she thought he was going to do.

  "I think I'll have to come up with something that will help you learn to concentrate, to focus all of your energies on me, where they're supposed to be."

  Pinch, roll, tweak, pull. His fingers were driving her crazy. />
  "But not tonight. Later on. When you least expect it, I'll remind you, the hard way." He kissed her temple as she began to pant, to weather the first series of intestinal cramps. "That's it, pant like a good girl, like you do when I fuck you. I'm just letting the enema do the fucking right now."

  The cramps receded, sort of, and he went back to caressing her nipples. "Answer my question, Katherine."

  Crap! What was the question? She couldn't think as she got fuller and fuller, and the pressure in her bottom mounted. What the hell had he asked? Oh, that was it! "Ah yes, I've had an enema before, Sir."

  He smiled, knowing how hard she had to think to come up with his question. "Who gave it to you?"

  She was panting again, and he was demanding that she answer him.

  "M-my – my –" She took a short breath between each word, "my f-father – aoh! Stop the flow, oh please, stop it!"

  Joseph leaned closer again, whispering tenderly into her ear, "I don't think so, Katherine. This is a punishment, after all. You're going to lie there, all helpless and bound, and take whatever I put up into your bottom like a good girl. You have no other choice. That medicine is going to work its way up deep into your tummy, irritating everything in its path, making you writhe as if I was taking the cane to your sassy little ass again. I do enjoy how you dance while I whip you. I'm sure you're going to dance at least as much while you're getting your anal medication."

  Tears traced down her cheeks at the horrible internal sensations. Joseph looked at the bag, seeing how much it had deflated, and made some adjustments in her position that allowed her big, full tummy to hang down, which helped somewhat. But that enema juice just kept coming, snaking its way into her, past the Bardex balloons that prevented her from expelling it. Katherine wailed with it, moaning and crying and begging just as he'd said she would, when she wasn't panting. And then, as the grip of the enema worsened, she begged piteously, even between pants.


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