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Cantrips: Volume #2: Minor Magics Crafted to Amuse and Entertain

Page 10

by Joey W. Hill

  Lyssa smiled faintly, shook her head. The feeling of well-being expanded, though, making Farida pump her fists and small feet in a sudden explosion of baby laughter. Kane asked to be put down and moved toward the doorway, his eyes bright with curiosity.

  Jacob shifted, but Lyssa put out her hand, giving him a reassuring glance. He’s fine, Sir Vagabond. I promise. Our son is safe with him. You’ve been around him before.

  Yes. Which is why he still concerns me. I don’t doubt your intuition, my lady, but there’s never any harm in being prepared, no matter how absent a threat seems to be.

  She couldn’t argue with that, but she gave him a push of emotion that told Jacob she wanted him to keep his watchfulness lowkey. Let Dante have a sense of what a gathering like this can be.

  Understood, my lady. I’m simply prepared to help him understand how to behave at such a gathering so he can get the full benefit of it.

  “Hmm.” She shook her head at the glint in his blue eyes, then turned as Dante and Alexis entered the main room.

  Fortunately, her other guests were wise enough to let her take the lead, not descending on the two new arrivals like they had upon Mason and Jessica with their new baby. She approached Dante and Alexis, studying their appearance. Dante wore a charcoal suit with a white shirt, his long black hair pulled back from his sculpted, Native American features and held at his nape. His eyes had large black pupils, surrounded by irises of an unworldly flame color, evidence of his half-Dark One parentage. They swept the room, his lips firm and unsmiling. He had a remarkably constant dispassionate expression, a charismatic statue that emanated an overwhelming dark magical energy and more than his fair share of aggressive testosterone, which was why she’d issued the warning to her guests.

  His servant and guide in this world was a yin to his yang. Alexis’s brown hair swirled around her gentle, beautiful features, her blue eyes filled with open warmth. Lyssa had purposefully instructed her to amp up the effect she emanated. The vampire queen knew it would help Dante with this transition, keeping the dangerous predators in her living room calm as well. That wave of good feeling was something that projected unconsciously from Alexis all the time. Even at low volume, it made people gravitate toward her, lose aggression and embrace the better sides of themselves.

  It was a talent all those who carried angel blood possessed. And what better place for an angel than a Christmas party of vampires?

  * * *

  “Have you ever seen so many alpha males with their hackles raised?” Danny murmured to Lyssa. Kane was standing before the Christmas tree, explaining the variety of ornaments to Dante in his limited but enthusiastic vocabulary. Dante’s attention upon the child seemed absolute, though Lyssa had no doubt the Dark Spawn vampire was completely aware of the keen regard of the referenced alpha males. Though they were arranged in casual stances around the room, every one of them had their gazes trained on him, and were staying close to those they felt were their personal charge to protect. Dev leaning on the doorway behind Danny, Jacob holding a position between Lyssa and Kane, Mason sitting on the arm of the wing-backed chair where Jessica held Farida. Daegan and Gideon lounged at strategic points that would make it impossible to approach Anwyn without being intercepted by one of them.

  “He has a very odd effect on children,” Alexis said, appearing at Lyssa’s side with a heaping plate of treats from the bounty spread over the dining room table. The visible pleasure she took in all the Christmas decorations shone like the lights on the tree. “It’s funny that children immediately sense from Dante what it’s so hard for adults to see. But I think that’s why the young connect to him. He still understands things much like they do. And the direct honest way they communicate is easier for Dante to understand. Or rather…”

  “He trusts what they say. There’s no duplicity to it. Not like adults.”

  “Yes.” Alexis lifted the plate. “The cookies are excellent, Lady Lyssa. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop eating them all night. Your majordomo is an excellent cook.”

  “Actually, his grandson John made those, under his instruction. He has the makings of a great chef.”

  “I met him. He’s a wonderful child. Actually, he’s quite the young man already. Very mature for his age. And the aura between him and Kane when they’re close to one another is spectacular. That friendship will be very important to them as they grow up. I’d like to have Dante try one of these cookies. With your permission…?”

  Lyssa gave her a nod and the young woman wandered off toward the Christmas tree.

  “She has a point,” Danny observed. “I’ve never seen such a strong friendship develop so young between a vampire and a human child. Of course, most of the time such bonds are discouraged.”

  “Children need other children. They’re part of growing up, and there are too few vampire children to help with that. But John has been fond of Kane since they met. In some ways, John is the older mentor, teaching Kane certain things. In others, it’s as if Kane understands his strength and other qualities will surpass John’s in time, so on his side of things, there’s a certain…”

  “Imperious quality,” Jacob put in, with a wink. He’d shifted to a closer chair now. “The bond between the two of them often reminds me of you and Thomas, my lady.”

  She hadn’t thought of that, and pursed her lips now, considering it. Her gaze returned to Alexis. The subtle shift of the people in the room as she passed them was an intriguing contrast to their reaction to her vampire master. Broad shoulders eased, and she received warm glances and nods in response to her own. She stopped and spoke to Anwyn a moment, bending down to where the vampire sat on the steps. Alexis was obviously complimenting Anwyn on her shoes, since they’d agreed everyone could open one gift tonight, and Anwyn had picked Danny’s shoes off the top of the pile.

  Gideon had put them on her feet, buckling each strap, his hands caressing her calves. Both he and Daegan had been intrigued by the provocative effect the stilettos created on Anwyn’s attractive legs. Like the image of Jessica’s gift to Mason, Lyssa expected the thoughts that had passed between the three of them were not meant for young ears. It was a good thing that vampires could do that in their heads, since John regularly circled through to check drinks and appetizers, as well as to eavesdrop and participate in the way a child gravitated toward glittering adult gatherings. Though he was a mature boy, there were some things John didn’t yet need to hear. Lyssa remembered Ingram commenting once that he was too young to hear some of the things he’d overheard at vampire gatherings.

  Dante’s attention immediately locked onto Alexis as she came to him. She started telling him about the cookies in animated fashion, gesturing widely, probably an indication of how loaded down the dining room table was, and then a kneading motion with her fingers, explaining John’s cooking skills. Dante watched her with that expressionless face, but Alexis had a gift for empathy. Lyssa was sure the girl knew everything the half breed vampire was feeling, and her emotions were responding to that with warmth and encouragement. He’d learned to show nothing on his face and, though Lyssa knew he was making progress, unbending a little bit in Alexis’s company and a few others, he didn’t know most of this group. As such, he would revert to his careful wariness.

  Alexis didn’t show any concern about that, though, offering him a bite of the cookie from her fingers. Lyssa heard her tell him what it was, watched his brows lift as he repeated the word. Snickerdoodle.

  John sidled up to Alexis, staying there as she engaged him in conversation, laying a hand lightly on this thin shoulder. Apparently she’d made a good impression on him in the dining room.

  Kane waved at Dante impatiently, then tattooed his thigh with a cloth angel Whiskers had probably knocked off the lower branches. Kane, however, wanted it out of danger. “Lift,” he ordered. “Put him on tree.”

  “Lift” was one of the earliest words he’d learned to say, with haughty distinction. Lyssa saw Jacob’s ironic glance toward her at the thought. She cro
ssed her eyes at him, making him chuckle.

  Without fanfare, Dante lifted Kane so he could place the angel on the tree. Lyssa saw Jacob shift closer in a subtle way, the flicker of Dante’s lashes registering it. Alexis laid her hand on his arm, likely reassuring him of Jacob’s intent. Dante held Kane until he was done, then lowered him back to his feet. He turned then, glancing at Jacob. Her servant met the crimson gaze. When Dante inclined his head, Jacob returned the wary gesture. Progress, on both sides.

  “It’s a girl angel,” John informed Kane. “Angels are all girls, because they all wear dresses.”

  “Actually, it’s just the opposite. All full-blooded angels are male.” Alexis gave John a beatific smile and the boy fell in love in a heartbeat, swaying toward her.

  What were you saying about that ratio of brain to…other male parts, my lady?

  Well, we did say John was mature for his age.

  Alexis put her hand on his shoulder and John blinked, somewhat recovering his wits. “So guy angels wear dresses?” he asked dubiously. It was a measure of his dazed state that he didn’t question how Alexis knew such a thing.

  “Not exactly. Many of them wear a half-tunic. Very masculine, like a Roman soldier.”

  “It’s still a skirt,” Gideon said. He’d shifted to the ottoman near them to examine packages more closely. He had a marker in one hand, causing Lyssa’s eyes to narrow suspiciously. “But more like a mini-skirt.”

  “Do you really think it’s a good idea to piss off angels?” Jacob asked his brother. “I’m sure more than one guardian angel has saved your ass.”

  “No doubt. But still in a mini-skirt,” Gideon said. Anwyn was standing behind him, sipping wine and talking to Danny. At that comment, however, she reached down to swat at him. Gideon ducked under the blow and turned to catch her wrist before she made contact. Rising from the footrest, he smoothly swirled her into a turn, doing a passable waltz step. “She’s been teaching me,” he informed his astounded brother.

  Alexis put her hand to her mouth, smiling as Anwyn gave her an upside down wink. Gideon had eased his Mistress into a dip, her sable hair brushing the carpet. Sitting on the steps, Daegan caught Anwyn’s outstretched ankle, giving it a lingering kiss before Gideon brought her back up, holding onto her thigh so the leg bent around his hip. He swirled her around in another turn, throwing his brother a triumphant look. “See, an old dog can learn new tricks.”

  “Ass.” Jacob offered the insult with affection, but pointed to the box on the steps with Daegan.

  “Stop switching tags and open your gift from us.”

  “Typical brother. Interrupts me when I’m trying to make time with my girl.” Gideon gave Anwyn a wink, dropped a quick kiss on her throat, and turned to take the box. When he opened it up, he blinked. “Wow. Hey, this is nice.”

  It was a bomber style jacket, but one that fell to thigh length, with a multitude of pockets and inserts inside, as well as a warm liner so it could convert to various weather types. He shrugged into it. “Hell, it’s like it was made for me.”

  “That’s because it was,” Daegan said. Lyssa nodded, examining Gideon with full female approval, appreciating the line across his broad shoulders. The coat fit close to his body, not obscuring his lean, powerful form.

  “We thought we’d remind you that you don’t have to dress like you’re living out of a lost-and-found box anymore,” Jacob said. Gideon shot him a rude gesture, and Anwyn smacked him in the back of his head, right after Daegan did. His brother gave them both a threatening look. “You’ve done that twice each, tonight.”

  “You’ve deserved it far more often,” Anwyn said.

  His midnight blue eyes flashed. “Even so, next one of you that does it, I’m going to smack back, and I’m going to choose the preferred body part.”

  At Lyssa’s side now, Danny let out a whispered half-laugh, nodding discreetly toward Daegan. “If he tries to smack him in any choice places, I want a front row seat for that.”

  Ignoring Gideon’s comment, Daegan had risen, shifting behind his servant to smooth his hands over his shoulders. “Perfect.”

  “How did you have it made without having me measured?” Gideon asked Jacob.

  “Daegan and Anwyn provided the measurements.”

  At Gideon’s curious look, Daegan lifted a brow. Anwyn stroked a hand down Gideon’s arm. “We’d know every inch of your body in our sleep, Gideon. Perhaps particularly in our sleep.”

  “Well.” Gideon cleared his throat at that, a faint flush in his cheeks that Lyssa found charming enough to shoot Jacob a warning not to tease his brother. Jacob abstained but the effort obviously cost him. He tucked his tongue in his cheek, his eyes dancing. Anwyn gestured to Gideon to turn, wanting to see him from all sides.

  “Not half bad,” Jacob wolf-whistled. Gideon curled his lip at him in a snarl, but seemed pleased.

  Daegan straightened the lapels. “They did a fine job, vampire hunter. There are places inside to put your weapons.”

  As he proceeded to show him that, Jacob and Dev’s amusement turned to male interest. As they came closer to see, Alexis returned to Lyssa’s side. Her plate was empty. For such a small thing, she had a healthy appetite. “I’m ready any time you wish, my lady,” she murmured.

  “Now would be good,” Lyssa said. When she’d had the idea for the gift, Kane had been the main reason for it, and she wanted him to enjoy it while he was still fresh and awake, not cranky. “I’ll bring everyone out in about ten minutes.”

  Alexis smiled. “I’m so pleased to help you give your son his Christmas gift. I’ll meet you in the pool house.”

  As she moved away, Danny gave her a curious look. “What is she giving him?”

  “It’s a surprise for all of you, not just Kane,” Lyssa said.

  Danny nodded, accepting that, but studied Alexis. John met her at the doorway, and she took his hand, asking him to guide her to the pool house. “I think she’s the sweetest, most innocent thing here. And I’m including Farida in that count. What is she? She’s not human. It’s hard to classify, but she feels like sugar cookies, warm blankets and sunshine, all rolled into one.”

  “That’s close enough to the truth of it.” Lyssa turned her attention to Dev. He’d set his one gift aside while everyone else was opening theirs, but had now returned to his spot to slit open the wrapping with his knife. He folded it, prudently putting it back in his pocket before he worked the top off the box. Seeing the cable-knit fisherman’s sweater, he made a pleased exclamation. The yarn was a sea-green color. Lyssa anticipated Danny would enjoy the way it enhanced that vibrant color in her bushman’s eyes.

  Dev fingered the heavy cotton. “This will be fine on cold nights. This is aces, my lady.” He adjusted the collar, and his gaze fell on the label. Pure shock crossed his features. “Er…I didn’t know you’d taken up knitting, my lady.”

  “I’ve known how to knit for quite a few centuries,” Lyssa said, unruffled when Danny turned a surprised look upon her. “A lady knows her needle craft. I can sew, knit, and embroider. For a time, I enjoyed weaving tapestries. The one hanging in the main hall leading to the rest of the house—the one depicting my first wolfhounds, Bran’s ancestors—is my work. I did it around the fourteen hundreds originally, though I’ve had to remake it. The fibers didn’t hold up well through my travels, but the pattern is the same as the original.”

  “Of course.” Dev exchanged an amused look with Jacob and Gideon, then tilted the box to show Danny the label. The embroidered cloth tab showed a single rose intertwined with an L. “I’m beyond humbled, my lady,” he said seriously, standing to execute a formal bow to her. “You taking time to do such a thing for a daft old bushman means more than I can express.”

  “A daft old bushman who has cared well for my son, and who brings happiness to a lady I consider a dear friend.”

  Danny flushed at that. She’d gone to sit on the ottoman Dev had occupied and was running her hand over the sweater. Dev nodded to Lyssa. “I’ll endea
vor to keep doing so,” he promised.

  “I hope so,” Lyssa observed. “Else I’ll take the sweater off your corpse.”

  “And there she is,” Jacob murmured, with a wink at Dev that he returned with a grin.

  “Lady Lyssa?” Dante approached her now. As he did, he glanced left at Mason, sitting on the arm of the nearby wing-backed chair, and right, toward Jacob. Both men turned their attention immediately upon him when he moved her way, but the sparks in Dante’s eyes showed no fear, just a simple expectation of countering violence.

  If either of you so much as twitches, I shall castrate you. Lyssa sent the fierce thought to both males, even as she gave Dante a neutral nod. “You’ve not yet opened your one gift,” the Dark Spawn vampire said. “Lucifer sent this to you. Should I put it under the tree, or would you like to open it now?”

  Gideon met Jacob’s gaze behind Dante. Lucifer? The Lucifer? He mouthed. At Jacob’s nod, Gideon rolled his eyes. “Of course he did,” he muttered to Daegan. “It’s a shame the Lord of the Underworld couldn’t make the party.”

  “Do you think it’s a good idea for him to get acquainted with you any sooner than necessary?”

  Daegan asked.

  Gideon bared his teeth at the vampire, but then shrugged, acknowledging the point.

  Dante had turned slightly at Gideon’s comment, his hearing obviously able to pick up every conversation in the room. The banter between the men was useful though. Lyssa could chastise the males in the room for being overprotective, but every one of them was exceptionally intelligent, even Gideon with his rough manners, and they were watching Dante follow their conversation like a Ping-Pong match. As such, they were starting to pick up what Alexis had noted. They could see he was making an effort to understand, that there was a…youthfulness to Dante that belied his power and actual age. Of course, in vampire terms, he was still very young, not much more than sixty by their estimate.

  Lucifer’s gift was in a small wooden black box, shiny and faintly smoke-scented. When Lyssa opened the catch at the top, it was her turn to look surprised—and enchanted. It was a multi-hued crystal, shaped like a rose. The crystal was touched with colors of pink, crimson and every shade in between, such that it looked like a glowing flame in her hand.


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