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Cantrips: Volume #2: Minor Magics Crafted to Amuse and Entertain

Page 53

by Joey W. Hill

  “And do you know why, in your fantasy, you have Lucas say that to your sister?” Ben asked Marcie. “Other than to make your wanton little pussy cream?”

  “Because even in my fantasy, I needed to know it was okay, because I wasn’t trying to take what belonged to her. I just wanted to be part of…that feeling. Serving a Master.”

  “Yes. Well done, baby.”

  Cass’s grip was quivering on Ben’s shaft, sending nice ripples up and down it. Lucas eased Marcie back down into the position she’d described, only this time, he put her between Cass’s dangling feet, guiding his wife so the soles of her feet rested on Marcie’s shoulders, her knees bent and spread wide, keeping her pussy exposed and available to the maximum amount of sensation. Then Lucas nodded to Ben.

  “Don’t let my girl’s fingers cramp, holding that baseball bat of yours so tight.”

  “Cramping’s far more likely to happen when she’s holding something with a smaller girth. Like your dick. Ow.” Ben winced and chuckled, as he tugged Cass’s hair. “Ease up with the claws, defensive kitten.”

  “That’s my girl,” Lucas said approvingly, but any words Cass might have mustered vanished as he put his mouth back on the still-swollen tissues between her legs.

  Cass’s fingers convulsed for a different reason now, her mouth stretching beneath the blindfold in stirred response. Ben settled his hand over hers, guiding her in a slow stroke up and down his length. “Marcie, time to get to work.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Shifting up onto her knees, she curled her hand around Lucas’s base and put her mouth on him. Lucas made a hungry growl of approval against Cass’s pussy, and she moaned, as if all the stimulus, what she could feel and hear, took flight in her imagination. Which was the intent.

  Though Ben had a pleasurable view of Cass’s magnificent upper body, lifting and twisting against Lucas’s ministrations, her breasts wobbling and quivering in sensual display, his eyes stayed trained on the brief, chaste glimpses of his own sub, the movement of her pale shoulder, most everything else hidden behind the block of Lucas’s upper body and shoulders. He knew what Lucas was feeling, knew how clever and relentless and sweetly enthusiastic Marcie could be when using her mouth. Sucking, tugging, nipping, licking. She liked to furrow the tip of her tongue into the slit to sip out any juice. Or swirl all the way around the head, then tuck her tongue in the channel beneath the glans and drag it along the circumference in some damnably crazy way sure to have a man clawing for self-control. Yep, there it was, the slight jerk in Lucas’s lower body as she did it, then played with the thrumming vein that ran all along his length. He shoved himself more aggressively into her mouth, a tactic Ben knew would also make it harder for Marcie to push him too fast, while stimulating her more with the demand.

  While enjoying the talents of Ben’s sub, Lucas was also apparently enjoying the hell out of his wife’s pussy. Cass’s hands squeezed and released Ben’s cock in mindless, erratic response, rubbing, digging in, no rhyme or rhythm to it, but that was okay. When Ben came, it was going to be inside his own wife. Fuck, since on a normal day it gave him a hard-on just to say those two words, it was no surprise his existing hard-on made a significant jump in Cass’s grip.

  But he controlled his response, because he wanted to have enough brain cells left to see Lucas push Cass into full blown orgasm, all while trying to hold out against Marcie’s mouth.

  Good luck with that, buddy. I know just how difficult it is. But he knew Lucas would do it, because how they’d intended for all this to roll out was a pleasurable fantasy of its own. Of course, there was no reason Lucas couldn’t enjoy an orgasm now and an orgasm later. He was a planner, after all.

  Another cry broke from Cass, that lovely sound of desperation that came right before a climax swept her away. Having just had the pleasure of eating Cass’s pussy, Ben could let his lids drop to half-mast and re-experience it in his mind as he worked her slim fingers up and down his shaft, showing her how to jerk him off. Seeing Cass had brought some pre-come to the top, Ben collected that on his fingers and painted it on her parted, panting lips, pleased when her tongue swiped out to lick it and his fingertips.

  Her moans escalated.

  Lucas met his gaze, the only cue Ben needed. He slid Cass’s hands off his dick but retained his lock on her wrists as he shifted back. In the same synchronized movement, Lucas freed himself from Marcie’s mouth with a thumb to the corner of her lips, ensuring she didn’t clamp down on him in her fervor to hold on. It told Ben she’d gotten herself into the zone of pure service, his beautiful, perfect sub, and Lucas had recognized it. The quick contorted expression on Lucas’s face said she’d almost done her job too well, making him damn near miss his target.

  As he straightened, one hand replacing his mouth on Cass’s sex, stroking and taking her through the aftershocks, Lucas nodded to Ben. Untying the lacing with swift fingers, Ben removed Cass’s blindfold, revealing her Master at last, looming over her.

  It ensured she was staring into his face as he began to climax, working his cock, his seed jetting onto her breasts and abdomen, over her mons and the lips of her sex. Grunts broke from his lips at the force of his ejaculation and likely in reaction to the hungry look on his wife’s face. Ben noticed Marcie’s hands were on Lucas’s thighs, her lips nuzzling that terrain as she stayed clear but didn’t deny herself contact during his release.

  When Ben let go of Cass’s hands, she used them to good effect, cupping her breasts and sliding Lucas’s seed over them, rubbing it into the areolae, her abdomen and down lower, spreading out that marking. Lucas’s eyes stayed trained on her, his mouth firm and eyes gray molten steel. Ben doubted either of them knew he or Marcie were even in the room in this second of time.

  Ben slid quietly from the bed, leaving them in that lock, and dropped to one knee at the foot of the bed. Closing his hand on Marcie’s biceps, he drew her out from between the other couple. Marcie’s lips were parted and slack, telling him her gaze, if he could see it, was likely as hungry and dazed as Cass’s. She latched onto Ben’s forearm as she rose to her knees, following his lead.

  While he led her to the living area, Lucas was stretching out on top of Cass. Her legs lifted and clamped over his hips, a moan emitting from her lips at the full contact between their bodies.

  Ben tossed a towel over an easy chair seat cushion before sitting his bare ass down on it, then pushed Marcie to her knees before him. “Finish what your sister started,” he said, curling his hand in her hair. But before he let her obey, he cupped her jaw, massaging the muscles. “Sore?”

  She nodded, but her lips were already parting in eager compliance. “Good,” he said softly. “That way I know you’ll work for it.”

  Her long lashes fanned her cheeks as she took him in, took him deeper than pretty much any woman ever had, except a high dollar escort he’d blown several thousand dollars on one night in Rio, after he was told her specialty was blowing oversized dicks. Not a thought he wanted to be having here, and one he put away easily. It wouldn’t matter to him if Marcie couldn’t take a third of his length; he preferred her lips to any others now.

  As he removed her blindfold, setting it aside, his good girl kept her head down, focused on her task. Her contented noises made him want to pump into her mouth even more insistently. If he told her to stay in this position all day, she would have no complaints. It soothed and centered her, the acts of pure service, but he was too selfish. He liked to see her get so hot and bothered and keep her there, holding any relief just out of reach long enough she’d get riled up, bare her teeth and unsheathe claws.

  But right now, he needed some fucking relief to his own lust to see the next part of their loose plan through. Nothing was written in stone, not in things like this, but there were some possibilities he and Lucas had shared a mutual interest in exploring tonight. Neither had any illusions this was going to be regular thing. Some things were special not only because they were shared with the woman you wanted most, but b
ecause they only happened once in a blue moon.

  Fuck, she was good at this. No matter what he’d said, he’d kept his hand on her jaw and throat, mindful of her pace so he didn’t tax her too much, but his other hand had a whole different agenda, hard on her scalp, pushing her down on him. Deeper. Deeper. Her tongue lashing him, mouth sucking on him, the lovely tears spilling forth from the strain of taking him, her shoulders quivering, breasts against his shins, nipples dragging along his skin, and…

  His hand tightened and he held her still, though her mouth continued to work as he pumped into it, head dropping back as his seed spewed into that hot cavern. He came so violently she choked, something she rarely did anymore, but she recovered fast. Swallowing him down even more quickly to catch up, she used both hands to spread the escaped fluid over his shaft and lick it all away, sucking on the velvet skin, teasing him with the edge of her teeth as he shuddered.

  “Brat,” he muttered with a half-smile, but he tipped up her face, pulling a tissue from a box on the side table and gesturing her forward to wipe her eyes, the corners of her mouth. He tsked gently. “Such a mess you made,” he reproved. The soft, amused and aroused light in her brown eyes hit him in the gut as it always did. A deer’s eyes were soulful and captured the most primal level of what nature and the world were about. Hers had always reminded him of that, particularly right now. She’d done all he’d asked. They’d stimulated her all the way to the edge, and not let her come. Time to let her go over in one of the ways she liked best. Not the number one way, but that would come later. He’d be fucking her very thoroughly before this night was over. As he’d recognized earlier, he would mark his territory first and last. Lucas would understand. It was a guy thing.

  The blindfolds would stay off for this next part, a calculated but deliberate risk, which was why he’d talked about it with Marcie first. He’d been surprised to find she not only understood his thinking, but agreed, even if, now that the moment had come, there was trepidation in her gaze.

  He framed her face in one large hand. “Trust your Master,” he said quietly.

  She gave him her smile that the angels couldn’t rival and kissed his rough palm. He shifted her so she was curled in between his feet, allowing her to wrap her arms around one of his legs and rest her head against his knee. It was a position he allowed when he needed her to calm down for a few minutes and center herself for the next thing. He called her brat, but in reality she was such a good girl, a beautiful and willing sub, so much of the time. He fondled her hair as her lips brushed his knee and she pressed her temple against him, waiting quietly for the next thing he’d demand of her, no matter that he could tell from the vibration of her body that she was in near desperate need of release. But she’d learned to ride that edge with him, because nothing satisfied the sadistic Dom side of him like knowing that he’d taken her to that ledge and could command her to stay on it indefinitely.

  As he’d said, she was a good girl. Hell, she was a fucking amazing woman.

  He turned his gaze to Lucas and his own amazing woman, visible through the wide archway to the bedroom. Though Lucas had stretched out upon Cass and let her hold him, he hadn’t given in to her wish that he put his semi-erect cock inside her, not yet. He’d merely reconfirmed their connection, engaging in a few long kisses while her body strained up against his and she mewled in frustration as he held her still and enjoyed her at his leisurely pace. All Doms indulged in a certain amount of sadism, after all.

  However, seeing Ben was done, Lucas broke the last kiss and lifted Cass in his arms to bring her to another chair in the living room, on the opposite side of the coffee table with its centerpiece of fresh fuchsia-colored orchids. Cracking a bottle of water, Lucas shared it with his sub, rehydrating, but as he did, he had the fingers of his free hand stroking her sex. There was an ice bucket with the complimentary champagne on the side table next to him, and he dipped into it, coming back with little shards of ice and water droplets to anoint her breasts, making her squirm. She caught her lip in her teeth as he circled a larger piece of ice over her nipple. “Be still,” he told her with quiet authority. After a flash of surprise in her blue eyes, she obeyed. Ben saw her fingers curl uncertainly into the arm of the easy chair.

  With limited time at home to play unless they arranged for the teens to be away for a night, Lucas and Cass’s chances for prolonged play were slimmer than they were for him and Marcie. After the intensity of what they’d just done, some part of Cass’s mind might be so conditioned to those limited blocks of time that she’d assumed, if things weren’t completely over tonight, they were probably moving into a lower gear, a pleasurable downhill grade where Lucas would allow her to come and then that would morph into some casual lovemaking. Rather than a continuation of the same. Or something even more demanding and intense.

  With his succinct command, Lucas told her otherwise. Her gaze was held by his, her breath also held as he ran the ice over both nipples and she responded like a struck tuning fork.

  “I’m not done with you,” Lucas said. “Not by a long shot, sweetheart. I have you all night long. I’m hungry to taste you again, hear you scream. I want your nails to tear the skin from my back as I take you over that edge where you think if you don’t draw blood, you might fall too hard. But I’m not going to give you much choice about that.”

  When his hips shifted, her eyes widened, telling Ben that his boy had proven to her he wasn’t making empty threats. His recuperation time could live up to every word he’d just said. As he lifted his gaze to meet Ben’s, Ben received the message without a word spoken. Intermission over.

  “Before you get started on that,” Ben said casually, “I’ll be needing your lady’s help. Let me grab some pants.” Rising and disentangling himself from Marcie with a stroke of her hair, he went to the corner of the dining room, where they’d tucked away the bag that had carried the straps, gag and any other diversions they thought might come in handy with their ladies tonight. He’d also thrown in a pair of jeans, since the rest of his overnight wear and toiletries were in the suite across the hall.

  Pulling the jeans on but leaving the top button undone, he returned to the living room. As he stood over Marcie again, her arms wound back around his leg, her lips on the denim over his knee, and then her teeth. He flicked her shoulder in quick admonishment and she eased back, though her fingers rested on his bare toes, lightly fondling. Little terror. She knew he was ticklish there.

  “Arms back,” he told her. “Submissive posture, since you can’t behave.”

  She pouted prettily but straightened, arms boxed behind her back so she was straight as a stick, breasts thrust out, knees spread. He saw Cass’s eyes follow the movement. Some trepidation had entered her gaze, now that she could see her sister actively engaged in sexual play. But Lucas curled his hand in her hair, tipping her head back with firm force before sliding ice along her throat.

  “Was Ben speaking to you?” he asked pleasantly, though his eyes, pinning her in place, were cool.

  She shook her head and made a little noise as his grip obviously tightened, pulling her hair harder. “No, sir.”

  “Then your eyes should stay on me, in case I need something from you.” He transferred more ice from the bucket into her palm and guided it down, down until he made her rub it between her legs. She squirmed, but he kept it up, holding her fast. “I want you to caress your whole body with this ice until it melts. Then I’m going to suck the drops off you.” His gaze gleamed. “So make sure they fall where you think I’d want my mouth.”

  “You were saying?” he said, addressing Ben again, though his eyes remained on his sub’s attempt to obey him. Watching Cass get into the protocol more deeply brought Ben’s cock back to life, too. It wasn’t that he’d forgotten how effective a Dom Lucas was; he just hadn’t seen it switched up this high in awhile.

  “Yeah, my sub has earned herself some punishment. She’s going to get to come, but only while I’m strapping her ass with my belt. Figure your
sub could be her counterweight while you work her up for your cock again. Win-win.”

  Cass’s fingers hesitated, the ice on her abdomen. Lucas made a noise, sending it moving again. “Higher,” he said, with deceptive gentleness. “All over those pretty tits I love to suck. Get the nipples cold so I can make them warm again. Un-unh.” Catching her furtive, sidelong glance, he gripped her chin, bringing her face back to him once more.

  “Do you know what Ben’s sub is doing? Staring at his feet. Who are you in this moment? Are you anyone’s sister? You only have one name and identity here. What is it? Do you remember?”

  “Yours. Your sub.” Cass was getting agitated, Ben could see it. They’d anticipated it, had talked about whether they’d need to bring the blindfold back into the scene to keep this working for her. That remained their fallback position, but that would be Lucas’s call. Ben picked up on Marcie’s awareness of her sister’s distress, but when she shifted, he put his hand on her shoulder, reassuring and stilling her at once. And sending her that unspoken message again.

  Trust your Master. And she could trust Lucas in that capacity, just as much. We’ve got this. We’ve got both of you, and we won’t let either of you fall down or be hurt.

  He knew she knew that, but it was a good feeling to see her register it and settle back down. That would help Cass as well.

  “All mine,” Lucas confirmed, tipping up Cass’s chin and kissing her slow and long, winding one arm around her. Gripping her wrist with his other hand, he guided her back to the bucket to release the ice before bringing her palm back to his side. He shivered and smiled against her lips as he stoically took the cold and warmed her palm with his own body. The playfulness seemed to calm her, as did that kiss. Ben noticed Marcie sneaking a look, but since he saw the dreamy look on her face, the seemingly universal female response to movie quality kisses, he didn’t dissuade her, just wryly grimacing at Lucas. Smooth operator. But it worked because it was genuine, not merely seductive charm. Lucas loved his wife and it showed.


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