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Protect Me - A Steamy Bodyguard Romance (You Can't Resist a Bad Boy Book 5)

Page 82

by Layla Valentine

  “Darling, must you go? You know I don’t believe in luck, and I would rather you were here to see me in the dress before our wedding day.” Sophia put both her hands over Antonio’s, clearly being as seductive as possible. I looked down at my phone, doing my best to appear busy.

  There was a cold tone to the way Antonio answered her. “You know that I have business to tend to at home, and it’s only going to become more pressing as time goes on. Besides, you know how Mother is. If she were to find out that I saw you before the ceremony, she’d be furious.” Antonio gave her another light kiss, but once again I felt it was all for show.

  He turned to me. “You’re going to have Sophia here to answer most of your questions, and, of course, you are still free to use as much funding as you need to pull this off. I don’t care what the dress costs. As long as she gets what she wants, I’m happy. If you’re stuck, feel free to give me a call.” He smiled and my cheeks flushed, and I desperately hoped Sophia hadn’t noticed.

  Although I was eager to get started with the dress fitting, Sophia insisted she stand and wave at Antonio as the car pulled away. Part of me felt awkward standing on the steps waiting for her. I didn’t know if I ought to also wave my farewell to the man or simply act as though I didn’t notice. I decided to go for the latter. Once again, I stared down at the blank screen of my phone, not even bothering to unlock the screen.

  No one noticed that I was pretending to look at my phone while the man I was infatuated with was sent off by the woman he was going to marry. Try as I might to not judge the situation, I couldn’t help but notice that there seemed to be a tension in the way she waved at him, as though she, too, were bluffing rather than genuinely being sad that he was leaving.

  As soon as the cab had disappeared from view, she turned to me.

  “Miss Greening, thank you for coming all this way. Antonio has spoken highly of you, and I knew I didn’t want anyone else to touch my dress but the best!” She gave me a cruel smile, and I was trying to determine whether she was being sarcastic or not. I feigned a smile and nodded, extending my hand.

  “Miss Beckenham-Huxtable, you have no idea what an honor it is for me to be here. I have wanted nothing more than to plan a royal wedding, and here I am, doing that very thing for a prince and future princess!” I smiled, but I could see by the way she was looking at me that she was scrutinizing everything I did. It was as though she was trying to see if there was more to my involvement with Antonio than I was letting on.

  She seemed to me moderately satisfied—at least satisfied enough with my response since she turned and began walking up the steps.

  “Please, come in and have something to drink. You must be exhausted after your journey, and I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable on our excursion. I’m going to slip into something a little more comfortable, and we’ll be off.” She spoke over her shoulder to me as I followed her up the stairs, and I did my best to keep up with her.

  The mansion was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside, and I was more than happy to wait in the sitting room while Sophia went upstairs to change into something she deemed to be more comfortable. I didn’t know what that would be.

  Tea was brought and I smiled as I sipped it, taking care over the ornate china cup. I could hear Sophia talking to someone in her room and it seemed by her tone that she was rather agitated. I tried not to listen in on the conversation, but I had to admit, I was intrigued by this girl. There was something about her that I just couldn’t put my finger on, and I wasn’t sure that I liked it.

  Not that Antonio was my friend by any means. I had only spoken to him face-to-face a couple times, and our communication over the phone had been limited to discussing the wedding itself. But I wanted him to be happy in the next stage of his life, and I wanted to make sure that this woman could do that.

  I jumped slightly when she reappeared and immediately hoped she hadn’t noticed. Of course, she was too absorbed in her phone to pay me any sort of attention, and she immediately called for a driver to bring the car around the front of the house. I had dealt with my fair share of bridezillas, and I had to admit that I didn’t like the way some of them treated me, but overall, I knew how to handle them.

  There was something different about Sophia, though. There was a coldness in her that made even me feel uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have used the word numb to describe her, per se, but there certainly wasn’t the excitement that I was used to seeing in brides who were going to pick up their wedding gowns.

  “I have reservations at a couple of venues in town. I called ahead from the plane and managed to snag a few appointments this afternoon,” I volunteered. We were in the limo and Sophia was sitting opposite me on her phone, clearly more absorbed with whatever was going on in her online existence than she was with her real life.

  “Great,” she said without looking up. I turned my attention out the window, wondering what Antonio was doing. I had no idea what kind of work a prince would have to do, though I could imagine it was pretty important. If I was perfectly honest with myself, I had to admit that I was thinking more about Antonio than I should have been.

  She’d given the address to the driver, and I simply settled in to enjoy the ride. It was my first time in London, and I was quickly falling in love with the city. It had a different feel to it than Italy, although both were magical.

  Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t return to the States. I would be starting over, but I was independent, capable, and knew what I wanted to do in life—I would be able to pull it off.

  “Did he hire you to nap or help me?” Sophia’s voice broke into my thoughts and I quickly opened my eyes and lifted my head. I didn’t feel as though I had fallen asleep, but by the way she snapped, I wondered if I’d momentarily drifted off. We’d stopped in front of a store, and Sophia was getting ready to get out of the car.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled as I slipped out onto the sidewalk next to her.

  This was going to be a long afternoon.

  The gowns Sophia tried were glorious, far more beautiful than anything I had seen in the States. Of course, they each had the price tag to go along with them, and I felt a lurch in my stomach each time I read the numbers. Sophia, on the other hand, didn’t seem at all daunted by the amount of money any of the garments cost, and instead spent most of her time taking photos of herself in each new gown.

  I wondered who a prince’s fiancée might be texting, but it wasn’t my business, and I dared not get involved. If I were to say anything, I knew she would snap at me, and I didn’t want to get into any kind of confrontation. Although, throughout the entire fitting I noted that Sophia seemed more interested in getting support from her friends than she did excited about the wedding itself.

  I couldn’t help but feel the doubts creeping up in the back of my mind, and I once again wondered if there was more to this wedding than anyone was letting on. I’d spent a lot of time around brides, and never had I met any like this. I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but I wasn’t stupid.

  Sophia was clearly far from excited about anything that was going on—there was no sparkle in her eyes or enthusiasm in her steps. It was as though she was an audience to her own drama, and she was disinterested in seeing what happened next.

  Though I desperately wanted to ask her about it, I kept my mouth shut. This was not my place, and I wasn’t going to get involved in anything I shouldn’t, especially when it came to my clients. Especially when it came to royalty.

  Especially when it came to Antonio.

  Chapter 10


  “Is there anything else I might be able to bring you, sir?”

  “No thank you, Bruno, I think that’s going to be everything,” I said as I accepted the glass of champagne from the man and lifted it to my lips.

  I had always been a fan of champagne and as the jet came in to land in San Peluzzi, I had to admit that I needed something to tame my nerves.

sp; Once Bruno stepped from the main part of the cabin, I was left to my own thoughts, and I turned my attention back out the window. We were descending quickly, and I could feel the lurch in my stomach as we lost altitude. A part of me was glad to be home once more. There was always a tension I felt in the pit of my stomach when I was away, and the reason for my latest excursion certainly added to the stress I was feeling.

  At the same time, as I looked down on the little nation, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would be a suitable leader for the people who lived within it. Of course, they were all wealthier than most of the world’s population, and if things got too hard for any of them, they would be more than happy to pack up their things and move on somewhere else, but at the same time, I wanted to make my father proud.

  It was true I had lived a life of partying, and it was true that I largely deserved the things the tabloids printed about me. I wasn’t proud of it, but I had been guilty of doing most of what they had claimed, and though I often denied it, those photos didn’t lie. They depicted all of the bad choices I had made, and seeing them now pained me.

  Though it had only been a couple of days, all I had been thinking about lately was my inheritance. I couldn’t imagine living life if my brother took the throne, especially if our parents decided that I was unfit to do so.

  I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of marrying Sophia, but all I cared about was the throne. My only goal was to ensure I gained that inheritance, and the only way that was going to happen was if I were to put a ring on her finger and earn the approval of my father.

  Which was exactly what I was doing back in San Peluzzi. I wasn’t sure how much hope my parents had in me actually finding a suitable woman in the next six months, but I had full faith they were going to be thrilled with my news. I could only imagine the looks on their faces when I told them my idea, and I could already hear the cheers and congratulations they were going to rain down upon me.

  I set course for the palace as soon as I landed, instructing the driver to take me there straight away. Though Father and Mother were often busy during the day, I knew they were going to be happy to see me, especially after the way things had ended a couple days before.

  At first, I didn’t see either one of them when I burst into the house, and I wasn’t about to wait around for one of the servants to go find them. I wanted to give the news as soon as possible, and the best way to do that was going to be if I found them myself.

  Father was in the dining room looking over several documents he had spread out in front of him. Normally, I would have waited until he had finished, but I was too eager to share my news that I burst in on him and demanded his full attention. He looked at me in surprise when I rushed into the room, and motioned for me to take a seat at the table.

  “I have something to share with you, Father,” I said as I took a seat. He looked up in surprise as well as expectation, and I smiled with pride. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he heard what I had to say. “Is Mother around? I would love for her to hear this as well.”

  “Your mother is in town tending to a few personal matters, but I will be happy to share your news with her when she gets back.” He looked at me with a concerned look on his face, and I could see that he was doing his best to be optimistic. I sat back in my seat, eager to let the moment sink in.

  “Well?” he asked in anticipation. I drummed my hands on the table then leaned forward, not at all caring that I was acting like a teenager once again.

  “I’ve found a bride!” I fairly shouted. He raised an eyebrow, and I could see that he was incredulous.

  “Oh?” he asked, and I immediately felt defensive.

  “Don’t you want to know who it is?” I prompted, crossing my arms and looking defiantly at him. He continued to eye me with a strange look, and I was quick to continue.

  “Sophia! Sophia Beckenham-Huxtable! You know, the young lady from England?” I looked at him with a grin and he leaned forward. I waited for his congratulations, but his silence made me begin to feel insecure.

  My father rose from his seat and walked over to the drinks cabinet, pulling out two glasses and a bottle of red wine.

  “Son, when your mother and I expressed our concern about the direction your life was taking, we wanted you to stop and think about things in a rational, mature manner. We wanted you to find someone who was going to help you settle down in life, and who will be by your side in the years to come. You know that marriage is not something that ought to be taken lightly.” My father poured two glasses of wine and set one down in front of me.

  I picked up the glass and swirled the liquid around inside, looking down and taking a deep breath in. I enjoyed the scent of red wine, and the pungent aroma made my lungs feel tight with anticipation. I took a sip.

  “I understand that, Father, and I have to say, she is likely the best choice I have. You know as well as I do that she holds herself like a queen at all the functions we attend, and she certainly looks the part. I can see her being perfect in the wedding, and performing the role beautifully in the years to come!”

  I triumphantly drained the glass of wine and waited for my father to say something.

  “Well? What do you think?” I asked with an impatient tone in my voice. He took a sip of his own wine, and I could see that he was debating what to say.

  “Who you marry is your decision. You’re allowed to marry whoever you want, and you’re the one who’s going to live with them the rest of your life…” He paused. “But at the same time, you have to know that the rest of your life is a very long time.” He took another gulp of his wine, and I marveled at how quickly he was getting through the glass.

  My father was never a man to be given to alcohol, especially not like me, but he was going through the glass a lot faster than usual. I could see that he was agitated, and I knew it was because of Sophia. Though I felt she was the best match of anyone that I had to choose from, I knew how my father felt about her.

  It was no secret that she was one to show up at all the parties. She had appeared in the tabloids more than most young women had, and she was known for being involved in a scandal or two. I knew all these things, but I felt that only made her a better match for me. She was someone that could understand where I was coming from, someone who would never be able to hold my past against me.

  Sure, it was going to be something the media would be all over, but I didn’t mind that either. All I really cared about was getting the wife my parents wanted me to get, and getting the inheritance I wanted to earn. All I could think about was the day when I would be king—a day that would evidently be soon, if my father was going to go through with what he’d said.

  “I want to marry Sophia, and I want to make you proud. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said, and you are absolutely right, I need to really settle down and take my position seriously. You’ve done so much for me and Francis, it’s not right that I’ve been wasting all that. Of course, Francis would be an excellent choice, but I am the older of the two of us, and I want to rise to the occasion.”

  Father sat quietly during my speech, and I could see that he was moved by what I had to say, but he still had an air of concern.

  “Son, I’m not going to tell you what to do, but you have to know that this is a lot more than just acceding to the throne. I know that is what you want out of this, and I have to warn you, there are so, so many tricks to being married, and unless you are willing to truly stick it out, you aren’t going to make it.” He looked at me square in the eyes and I could sense his disapproval.

  I rose from my seat and looked around the room. I did my best not to show any anger or agitation toward my father, though I knew he could sense it. I smiled as I pushed the chair back into its place, and gave my father the most reassuring look that I could muster. He looked at me for a moment, then he went back to the paperwork in front of him.

  There was a moment of hesitation as I debated what to say, then with a silent sigh to myself I turned to go. I d
idn’t walk nearly as quickly as I could have—part of me wanted my father to call me back into the room and tell me he was proud of me, that he was going to come to the wedding and support me in my new endeavor, and that he would be happy to hand me the throne.

  I realized as I walked through the door that I hadn’t yet told him about the wedding only being two weeks away, but there was also something inside me that told me I ought to keep that part to myself. If he wasn’t thrilled about the fact that I was going to marry Sophia, I knew that it was even less likely that he was going to be happy about it happening in only two weeks’ time.

  All the dreams I had of him being thrilled that I was engaged and following through with the ultimatum he had given me were crushed. I thought there would have been a grand announcement, but as I left, I could only think about how I had once again been a disappointment to my father and the family. I could only imagine how the news was going to go with Mother if he was so disappointed…but then again, Mother had always been far more forgiving than Father.

  I shook my head as I walked down the steps, my mind running through thoughts too quickly for me to keep up. I slipped into the limo and asked the driver to take me home, and to roll up the window that separated us. I didn’t want him to see the agitation in my face as I looked out the window and wondered how I was going to go through with the wedding.

  Obviously, I was going to have to tell my father at some point that I would be having the ceremony before the month was out—and that I was hoping that would still give me his blessing. I had to admit to myself that Sophia wouldn’t be the best fit, but I ignored the feeling.

  As I looked out the window, my mind suddenly wandered to the blonde I had met on the beach—the same blonde who was planning my wedding with Sophia. Part of me thought it rather ironic that the woman I couldn’t stop thinking about was planning my marriage to a woman that I didn’t want to be with. For a brief moment, I wondered what it would be like if I were to make Sasha my wife instead.


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