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Bohemian Law (Traveler Book 1)

Page 18

by Misty Walker

  “Ugh. Don’t remind me, youngster.”

  My lips touch his gently for the briefest of moments before he takes control. His head tilts to the side, eliminating any remaining distance between us. His warm palms cup my cheeks as he devours my mouth, plunging his tongue in my mouth where it reacquaints itself. I drag my nails down his back and then under his shirt. His muscles flex with every movement.

  He takes my lower lip between his teeth and pulls gently, opening the floodgates between my legs. Soft kisses make their way across my cheek and stop when he sucks my earlobe into his mouth and flicks it with his tongue. My thighs squeeze together to ease some of the ache that’s building, but knowing it won’t be enough until he’s filling me, taking my virginity.

  As he’s making his way back to my mouth, I yank his shirt up and over his head. His chiseled abs and that damn V has me shaking my head in disbelief. His pecks jump one at a time. He winks at me. Cocky asshole.

  He takes my hand in his and pulls me into his bedroom. I’m not surprised when I see the tightly made bed and not even one sock on the ground. He sits on the edge of his bed and brings me to stand between his legs. I sigh in pleasure as his mouth licks and sucks at my covered breasts, dampening the fabric. Law hooks fingers into the band of my skirt. He pulls it down over my hips and it falls to the ground on its own. He reaches around me and squeezes the globes of my ass. I dip my head down and meet him for another searing kiss.

  “These skirts are my favorites,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “Why’s that?” I breathe out.

  “Easy access,” he says with a smile I feel instead of see.

  I shut him up with a kiss I take control of. My tongue plunges into his mouth, my teeth skimming along his lips.

  “This shirt has to go, Trouble.” His voice, deep and breathy. I take a small step back and peel the tight fabric off, draping an arm over my breasts. “Have I told you how much I love that you don’t wear bras?”

  “You might have mentioned it once or twice.” I’ve never been shy with my body, but I’ve never been naked in front of a man before Law either. Every time I’m exposed to him, it feels special because he’s the only one.

  He pulls my arm away, revealing myself to him. “These breasts…” He sucks one into his mouth. They’re small enough the whole thing fits between his lips. He releases it with a pop. “They’re a perfect mouthful.” My head lulls back on my neck and I moan at the sensation. “And these tiny nipples…” He bites down gently on one and tugs before releasing it and placing a kiss on the tip. “I could suck on them for days.” He takes the other into his mouth and rapidly flicks the tight bud with his tongue, causing me to writhe, desperately needing some attention between my legs. “What’s wrong? You’re squirming.” He quirks an eyebrow up at me.

  “I just need…” I don’t finish, hoping he’ll fill in the blanks.

  “What do you need, baby?” His hands move up and down my side from tits to hips.

  “You, Law. I need you,” I whine. He grabs my arms and pulls me down onto the bed next to him. Then, he’s on top of me, his sweats covered legs between mine. I feel his hardness immediately and he thrusts up against me, sending shock waves up and down my body. “Yesssss,” I drag out. He slides his cock up and down my slit a few more times before he stops everything. I want to throw a two-year-old tantrum, kicking and screaming, but instead I breathe out, “Why’d you stop?”

  “What do you want, Thea? I need to know exactly what you want.”

  His pupils are blown and his lids are heavy, making them appear black and predatory.

  “I want it all. I want all of it. With you.” I’ve never meant anything more in my whole life. I need this moment. I need him to be my first everything. There are no more consequences, no more downsides. Just him and me crushing every barrier that used to stand between us.

  “Are you sure? You won’t be able to take it back.” His hand cups my breast and he flicks my nipple with his thumb, making me forget that I’m supposed to answer. “Thea?” I shake my head and place a hand over his to stop the movement. I need to focus for a second longer, then all bets are off.

  “I want your dick inside me, Law. I want you to thrust hard and deep. I want you to make me scream your name. I want you to fill me up with your cum.” His jaw drops at my brazen demands. “Is that clear enough for you?”

  The corner of his lip curls up in humor. “Crystal.” He stands up and pulls my thong down my legs. He slingshots it across the room. I laugh in shock. “I’ll pick that up later.” There’s my obsessive-compulsive man. Next, he pulls down his sweats, freeing his cock I’m sure is bigger than the last time I saw it. I sit up and take it in my hand, using my thumb to rub the pre-cum all over the head. A rumble comes from deep in his chest. “As good as that feels, now that I have the green light, I can’t wait another minute to bury myself inside you.”

  “Me neither.”

  He climbs on top of my body, forcing me to lie back down. “Drop your knees to the side so you’re open wide for me, okay?” I do what he says. He sits on his haunches and takes himself in hand, intently fixed on my bare pussy. He reaches down and strums my clit with his thumb while pumping his cock up and down. “You’re so small. I’m worried I’ll hurt you.”

  “I’ve seen women give birth. Trust me, it’ll fit.”

  He smirks at my sass. Growing impatient, I dig my heels into his butt and force him closer. He lifts my pelvis up and pulls me to him so my ass is resting on his thighs. He drags his swollen head down my pussy lips and stops at my rear entrance, smearing my juices all over before sliding back up to my clit. He does this again and again.

  “Law! Please!”

  “Patience. I need to take this slow.” Every time his cock makes contact with my clit, tingles shoot through my body, causing tension to build deep within my core. With his next pass, he stops at my entrance and pushes in ever so slightly. “Look at your pussy, trying to suck me in.” He’s entranced, watching the erotic show we’re making together. “Touch your breasts. Pinch your nipples.” I do as he asks. I’ve never touched myself in this way and I didn’t expect it to feel good. But when I pinch my nipple, my core clenches around the head of Law’s dick. He sucks in a sharp breath. “Fuck.” He grinds out.

  He pulls out again and rubs his hard length against my clit once, twice, three times and it’s too much.

  I’m coming. “Law!” I shout out.

  He takes that moment to push himself all the way in. I have no time to focus on the slight pinch because the orgasm rippling through my body is too intense. He lies over me and thrusts gently, over and over. My nails dig into his shoulder, probably drawing blood, but at this point, I don’t give a shit.

  I come down from the high and a giggle escapes my lips. I try to bite my tongue, but it’s no use. I open my eyes that have been pinched closed through my orgasm and meet Law’s that are wrinkled up at the edges in amusement.

  “Are you all right?” he asks.

  “I’m amazing. Keep going.” His thrusts pick up pace and I watch as Law’s skin glistens with exertion. I lock my ankles around his waist and lift my hips with each of his downward motions. He holds himself up on an elbow, his other hand gripping onto my outer thigh, caressing me lovingly.

  His breathing gets jerky and his movements lose rhythm. I squeeze my inner walls and he roars out his release. His cock jolts out hot jets of cum, coating my insides. He collapses on top of me, our overheated and sweaty bodies sticking together.

  We lie together silently, only the sound of our slowing breaths filling the air. He finds my lips again and kisses me long and slow. When the unavoidable time comes, he pulls out and groans, falling to his side next to me. His seed spills onto the sheets. I smile when I think about Law trying to sleep on these sheets tonight.

  His hand cups my cheek and brings me to look at him. “How are you?” His forehead is pinched in the center and I can tell he’s worried.

  “I’m perfect. I told you.
I wanted this for us.” I reassure him.

  “I was so worried I wouldn’t see you again. You’ve been avoiding me.” His thumb draws slow circles on my cheek and I bask in the tenderness.

  “I had a lot to take care of. My brothers and sisters weren’t okay. My dad was drinking. Everyone momentarily fell apart,” I explain.

  “How’s everything now?”

  “It’s getting better. I know it’ll take time for everyone to find a new normal, but we’re on our way.” I bring his lips to mine for a single, innocent kiss and then release him.

  “I’m glad. I want to hear more. I want to know everything. Let’s shower and I’ll make you that dinner I promised you.” Law gets up before pulling me to stand. We take a long shower, getting dirty again before we get clean. The ache growing between my legs will be the best of reminders for me. I dread thinking about how I’ll feel when that ache disappears, like he hadn’t been inside me at all.

  Law makes me a dinner of saffron lamb kebobs that put The Green Olive’s to shame. I make him laugh when I reenact his reaction to our first lunch together. The one in which we dine and dashed. In a lot of ways, he’s much different from the man I knew that day. But then he scrubs the dishes and counters for over an hour and I’m reminded he’s still Law. Just a slightly more relaxed version.

  We go to bed that night and make love one more time. He pulls me so I’m on top and while I grind myself on him, he strums my clit. It doesn’t take but a minute for me to spasm on top of him and his release to be pumped into me. And because he’s Law, we take another shower and change the sheets before collapsing, naked and exhausted, in bed.

  I drape a leg across his body, my head on his shoulder. My fingers twirl in the short hair on his chest and it’s quiet. So quiet I thought Law has fallen asleep, so I whisper, “I love you, Richie Rich.” His quick intake of breath startles me. He wasn’t asleep. I lift my head up so I can see his face. What I see causes worry to course through me. His expression is soft and a warm smile plays on his lips.

  “I love you too, Trouble.”

  Tears blur my vision and I try to will them away, but they fall anyway.

  “Hey, hey, hey.” He turns on his side and draws me close. “Why the tears?”

  “I didn’t think you felt that way about me too.” I sniffle.

  “Thea, you have completely turned my life upside down in the most maddening and amazing ways possible. You’ve shown me how much I was missing by not allowing people in. You showed me how to have fun for maybe the first time in my life. You’re beautiful and smart, resilient and strong. How could I not love you?”

  “It’s just that you’re you, and I’m me. We’re so different and you’re so much better than—”

  He cuts me off. “I’m not better than anyone. How could you think that when I’ve been going through my life without color? When we met, it was the first time I didn’t feel burdened by life. You’re everything to me.” We kiss for a long moment before resuming our previous positions.

  The next time his breaths go deep and rhythmic, I slowly and gently peel myself from his bed. I stare at him for one more minute, trying to memorize his every feature. I gather my clothes, tiptoe from the room, and leave the man I love. Only this time, for good.

  I wake up with a smile on my face. Last night was amazing. More than amazing. It was everything. I’m excited to begin the day until I reach out and the only thing I feel are cold and empty sheets. I jolt upright and scan the room. My clothes are on the floor where I left them, but Thea’s are gone. Grabbing my phone off my nightstand, I see it’s 5:00 a.m. She isn’t an early riser. A knot forms in my stomach. My brain is being logical, saying she’s in the kitchen making breakfast, but my heart knows. Thea is a runaway. She doesn’t do goodbyes and when things get tough, she runs.

  I jump out of bed and open my bedroom door, searching the kitchen and dining room. She’s not here. I go to the other side of the house and look in my home gym and office. Not there either.

  That girl told me she loved me. She gave me her virginity and her heart. She’s not running this time. I’ll find her. I’ll bring her back to my house and lock her up if I have to. There will be no more running from me.

  I drag a hand through my sleep mussed hair. I scroll through my contacts until I see her name. I connect the call. The phone rings once before announcing the number has been disconnected. How can it be disconnected? The damn number is on my account. I connect a call to my provider while I pull on a pair of boxers.

  “Wireless Central, Steven speaking. How may I connect your call?” a young man answers.

  “Yes, I need to talk to someone about one of my lines being disconnected,” I explain.

  “I can help you with that. I just need some information from you.” The kid sounds barely old enough to have a job, let alone be able to figure out why Thea’s number was canceled. I give him the information he needs to verify my identity, and he puts me on hold. A minute and a half later, he comes back on the line. “Mr. Packwood?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. What did you find out?” I impatiently demand.

  “It shows that your wife called early this morning and canceled the line. She said it was no longer needed. After I pulled up your account, I remembered I was the one who took the call.” He sounds ready to defend his fuck up.

  “Well, Steven, that would be hard for my wife to do given I don’t have a wife,” I bite out.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Packwood. She answered all the qualifying answers to access your account. Are you sure you don’t have a wife?” This kid. He’s lucky he’s not in front of me.

  “I’m very certain I would remember if I had a wife.” I disconnect the call and can barely stop myself from hurling the damn phone across the room.

  I throw on my sweats and T-shirt, stumbling as I pull on socks too. I grab my keys and pocket my cell. Shoes are barely on my feet as I climb into my car. The five-minute drive seems to take forever, but I finally screech to a halt in the cul-de-sac I know so well. My car door flies open and I jump out, taking off in a sprint down the dirt path. I can already see what I’m running to, but I keep running anyway. When I reach the land that has been housing the girl I love, I crouch down and bow my head.

  I don’t want to look up. I don’t want to accept what lies before me. I want to go back to my bed, back to the happiness I woke up with. I finally stand upright. There’s nothing but an empty lot in front of me. The pad of land that once had trailers perched on it now sits empty. The smell of campfire permeates the air. A hole that’s been dug into the dirt is still smoking. The sun shines bright and twinkles off the dew that’s collected on the weeds and brush around the perimeter of the vacant land. I can see the fresh tire marks that lead back to the road, telling me they had to have left recently.

  I walk around the space, picking up and inspecting a few pieces of trash left behind, but nothing gives me a clue where they’ve gone.

  I pound on my chest with a fist, a sharp, stabbing pain is shooting through my heart. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I was having a heart attack. However, this is not the first panic attack I’ve had in my life. I would recognize the symptoms anywhere.

  I suffered these attacks when I was a boy. I would wake up in the night to an empty house. The help had gone to their quarters in a separate small house out back, my parents would be away at speaking engagements or wherever they would fuck off to, avoiding being parents, and I was alone. The first time it happened, the nanny found me curled on the floor under my father’s desk. She took me to the hospital. That’s when I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. My parents scoffed at this and told me I was weak and sent me to therapists. Through the years, they have taught me coping mechanisms and I can almost always talk myself out of the attack. Not right now, though. Right now, my breaths are shallow and painful, there’s a ringing through my ears, and the hairs along my arms are standing up pin straight.

  I clasp my hands together on top of my head and close my eyes
. I force steady breaths through my lungs and will my hands to stop shaking. I need to get it together so I can find her. Find her and make her come back to me. I’ve seen what my life can be, and it was so magical, I can’t imagine going back to how I was. Who I was.

  Kicking rocks and clumps of dirt, I make my way back to my car. I take one last look at the barren land and duck back into my car. I don’t know how I’ll find her, but I will. She, at the very least, owes me an explanation.

  Needing to talk this through, I call the only person I consider a friend. After over a minute of ringing, a scratchy and sleepy voice answers.

  “Somebody better be dead,” Mark says in greeting.

  “No one’s dead.” I reassure him.

  “Then why are you calling me at… what the hell time is it, anyway?” I hear a rustling and his voice becomes faint, like he’s pulling the phone away from his ear. “Five fucking thirty? Bitch, there better be a fire.” There’s more rustling and his voice is clear again when he says, “Is there? A fire, I mean?”

  “There’s no fire, and no one is dead. But something is wrong,” I breathe.

  “What is it? Did your gypsy girl steal all your shit? I knew that was going to happen. I mean, what did you expect? She’s—”

  “Don’t call her a gypsy and she didn’t steal anything.” I exhale loudly. “She’s gone. I woke up, and she’s gone.”

  “She’s probably out thieving her way into some coffee and donuts. I don’t get why you’re so worried.” Mark yawns and I can hear him settling back into his pillow.

  “You don’t get it. Last night, we… well, we had a really good night. I woke up this morning, and she’s gone. I went to where she stays and she’s not there. None of them are. All of their RVs are just gone,” I explain.

  “Oh man. What’re you going to do? I mean, if she didn’t tell you she was going, maybe it’s time to just let her go.” He placates.

  “I can’t. I can’t let her go. She’s the first person I’ve ever loved, and not just the first woman I’ve ever loved. She’s the only person in my life I have ever loved. My childhood, well, let’s just say I had a unique situation growing up.” I feel like a pussy admitting this to another man, but Mark is a pair of heels and lipstick away from being a woman, so I feel a little better about it.


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