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Bohemian Law (Traveler Book 1)

Page 20

by Misty Walker

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Just haven’t seen you without a shirt in a while. You’ve grown up.” I spot the girls again.

  “You have too.” He hooks a finger in my bikini top and snaps it against my skin. I ignore the flirtation. “I really did want to talk to you.”

  “What’s up?” The girls are splashing each other, which is in turn, splashing everyone in a five-foot radius. People pick up their toddlers and move them away and old people whisper to each other about their hair getting wet and shoot my girls dirty looks. I don’t care. They’re having fun and those girls need to have some fun.

  “I wanted to apologize, you know, for that day.” He takes my hand in his, but I keep my focus on the girls. “You hadn’t been around much at that time, so you weren’t there every time my dad, your dad, hell, all the men, gave me shit about my wayward woman. Every night, they poked and prodded, asking what kind of man I was letting my woman run around town. I got so fuckin’ sick of hearing it. It’s not an excuse—”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “It’s just an explanation. I realize now, you aren’t like Kezia or my mom. It wasn’t fair for me to try to put you in that box.” His thumb rubs circles on my hand and the sweet gesture softens my heart for him.

  “I get it. I’m different. I wish I were more like them. It would make my life easier. I’m just not and to be happy, I have to be me. Especially now, after seeing my mom die so young and with no warning, I refuse to not be happy.” I briefly meet his gaze and resignation is painted all over his face. Maybe he’s finally getting it.

  “I want you to be happy. I think I could make you happy.” I pull my hand from his. “No, no. Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m very much aware of how you feel about that. Just don’t count me out. I might surprise you.”

  I don’t understand what that means, but I also don’t want to continue this conversation, so I stand up and go to my sisters. I spend the rest of the afternoon splashing and playing with Indie and Charity. Wen even joins us. The only thing that would have made it better is for the Law-shaped hole in my heart to be filled.

  The drive home was full of heavy traffic and by the time we pull into the RV park, we’re all on each other’s nerves. Wen tells the girls to pipe down a minute when we make the last turn into where our trailers are.

  “What the hell?” Wen grips the steering wheel tightly.

  “What the hell?” I repeat, leaning forward to take in what is sitting in front of our homes. I don’t wait for the car to stop. I open the door and jump out. I run over to where I see Dad talking to someone. I can only see his back, and maybe it’s my broken heart talking, but he looks like—

  Just then, he turns around and I get a good look at a tall man with dark brown hair that’s short on the side and longer up top. He’s wearing a cotton, short-sleeved button-down and a pair of tan shorts. His feet have… are those sandals? Oh my God. Lawrence Packwood stands in front of me in actual beachwear. I take off running until I reach his arms. He scoops me up and my toes leave the ground. He spins me around a couple times before planting a kiss on my lips. I put my hands to his chest and push away, just enough to see his gorgeous face.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask incredulously.

  “It’s a long story. Want to come inside and talk?” He motions to the thing that first caught my attention. It’s a motorhome. Not just a motorhome, but the biggest monstrosity of a motorhome I’ve ever seen. It’s so big, I think a family of four could live in it and not even run into each other. And if I’m not mistaken, there’s a garage in the undercarriage.

  I look around. Dad and Wen are pacing the perimeter and discussing all the features of Law’s beast, the girls are running around and cheering, “Thea’s boyfriend is rich!”, and Law is just standing there. In Florida. Eyebrows raised and a new sun-kissed glow to his skin.

  “Um, yeah. Sure.”

  Law grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs and into the motorhome. I’m immediately hit with lavishness. There is an enormous kitchen with an island to my left. A sofa and two recliners down past the kitchen. To my right are stairs. A freaking staircase that must lead up to a bedroom. Maybe two? My jaw hangs slack.

  “Is that a dishwasher?” I point to the wall above the sink.

  “Yes, it is. Is that wrong? Should I have had them take it out?” He panics and opens the cubby where the dishwasher is.

  “No. I just. I mean. This is a lot,” I stammer. I think I’m in shock. Nothing makes sense, let alone the words coming from my mouth.

  “I knew nothing about RVs when I picked it out. I just remembered you had complained about doing dishes by hand. There’s also a washing machine in there, so you won’t have to go to a laundromat.” He points up the stairs.

  “I’m sorry. Did you say me? I won’t have to wash dishes by hand? I won’t have to do laundry?” I’m having a hard time keeping up.

  “I was generalizing. Not saying you had to do those things, specifically. I just solved the problems you mentioned about living in this type of dwelling.” He pats the counter like it’s a dog. “Obviously I’ll be doing the dishes and laundry. You’re amazing at some things, but domestic chores? Not so much.” His hands find purchase in his pockets. He shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head.

  “Why do you keep making it sound like I’m the one going to be living here?” I walk to the sofa and slump down in it. Law follows and sits next to me, taking my hands in his.

  “It’s what I’m hoping for.” His brown orbs plead with me.

  “How did you even know I was here?” I shake my head, trying to clear the blissful fog that’s clouding my perception of reality. Law may be here in front of me, but it doesn’t necessarily change our circumstances. Does it?

  “My coworker, Mark. He knows a guy. I gave him a call. He found you and now I’m here.” That’s a simple explanation, right? I mean there were very few words, yet I’m still having a hard time.

  “Mark?” I ask.

  “Yeah. My coworker.” His eyes dart back and forth between mine. Probably wondering if I’m having a stroke because it’s taking me so long to grasp the words coming out of his mouth.

  “I see. So, you found me and bought a motorhome and drove to Florida?” My heart picks up its pace, everything finally coming into focus.

  “I did. When I woke up, and you weren’t there after our night together? I panicked. I literally had a panic attack. I went to where you had been parked, but you weren’t there. I looked for you everywhere.” He leans in, his soft and gentle lips melting into mine. I’ve missed those lips.

  “I didn’t know how to say goodbye. My dad wanted to leave and there was no convincing him otherwise.”

  Law picks me up and pulls me to straddle him. His hands lock together right above my ass.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is I’ve come to ask you if you’ll move in with me?”

  I look over each shoulder, taking in the luxurious space.

  “Move into here?”

  “Yes. I mean, whatever you want. You want to live here? I’ll buy ten more pairs of cargo shorts and invest in sunscreen. You want to move to Hawaii? I’ll buy us leis and floppy hats. Wherever you want to go, we will go there. I just want you to be happy, and I’m hoping you can be happy living with me.”

  I squeal as happiness floods my veins. I can’t believe he did all of this for me.

  “Yes! I mean, of course I’ll move in with you.”

  His hand goes to the back of my head and he brings our lips together, firm and deep this time. That is, until a voice sounds at the door.

  “Knock knock.”

  I mouth the word “Dad” to Law and slide to the side of him. Our family are no prudes, I’ve walked in to find my parents bumping uglies more than I ever want to think about, but something about this budding relationship with Law has me wanting to protect it. From everyone.

  Dad steps in and gawks as he looks around.

  “This is, uh, fancy,” he stamme
rs out with a hand tugging on the back of his neck.

  Law jumps up and clasps his hands in front of him. He rocks slowly back and forth on his heels. “I may have gone overboard.”

  “Yeah, kid. I think you did.” Dad comes deeper into the motorhome and raises a brow as he looks us over. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

  “Dad,” I start, but Law jumps in.

  “Mr. Vanslow, I’m sorry to show up like this. You all don’t have cell phones and I had no other way of getting in touch with Thea.” Law holds his hands out, palms up.

  “No other way than by showing up in a three-hundred-thousand-dollar RV?” Dad asks and my jaw drops for the tenth time in the last ten minutes.

  “This thing was three hundred thousand dollars?” I smack Law’s arm.

  “That wasn’t the point. The point is, I love your daughter, sir, and I needed to let her know I was ready to live however or wherever she wanted.” He straightens his spine and drops his hands to his sides.

  “I don’t know if Thea has told you, but our people only marry within our culture. It’s been that way for generations.” Dad rests a hip on the counter and folds his arms in front of his big barrel chest.

  “She did tell me, and with all due respect, I think in order for a relationship like that to work, you have to have willing partners.” Law just mimics Dad’s stance and folds his arms over his chest as well. “Thea isn’t a willing partner.”

  I gasp. Dad and I have never discussed this. He has never left room for argument with any rule he has given us. I assumed it would be a waste of time.

  “It doesn’t really matter what you think of it, with all due respect,” Dad mocks and I can see this is headed in a bad direction, so I shoot off the couch and step between them, but face Dad.

  “Dad! Stop it.” I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and expel it loudly. The brief calm gives me the strength to continue. I open my eyes. Here goes nothing. “I’m in love with Law.”

  He scans my face, but his cold glare made from stone doesn’t falter.

  “You’re not in love with him. You don’t even know him.” His lips move, but his face remains pinched together.

  “I know him. I’ve spent months with him. I even lived with him when you and Mom kicked me out.” I flinch when his face slackens in shock. There’s been no talk of where I was before Mom passed away. It was a don’t ask, don’t tell situation.

  “You were living with him?” Dad roars and points to Law.

  “Yes.” My voice is quiet, but resolute. “We met a while ago and despite what either of us wanted, we just kept ending up together. We didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  “I don’t even know who you are right now, Thea.” Dad turns and storms out, slamming the door.

  I cover my face with my hands and fall into Law’s chest. His arms wrap around me and he whispers soothing words that don’t even register. This was exactly what I knew would happen when he found out about our relationship. Law brings me back to the couch and we sit down. A comforting hand rubs up and down my back for many long minutes until I get control of my emotions. I pull back from Law and see the worry etched into his features.

  “Do you want me to leave? I didn’t come to tear up your family.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

  “No. I tried to live without you the last few weeks. I tried to do the right thing. But I missed you. I would have ended up at your doorstep anyway.” I sniffle.

  “I’m glad you didn’t. I don’t have a doorstep anymore.” A small smile cracks the corner of Law’s lips.

  “You sold your house?” I grip his arm tightly.

  “Yes. I didn’t think I would need it anymore. Not if this is to be my new home?” He motions around us.

  “I don’t want to live in a trailer, or a motorhome, or any home that’s mobile.”

  “You don’t?” Shock laces his voice. “Where do you want to live?”

  “In Reno. With you.” I admit. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly, wrapping me up in a hug so tight, my anxiety calms and my nerves settle.

  “Of course you do.” He kisses my hair. “You wouldn’t be you without causing some trouble, would you?” He releases me and I instantly miss his body next to mine. “I better call and ask for my job back.”

  Not for the first time since he showed up, I gasp. “You quit your job?”

  “I couldn’t manage finances if I wasn’t at the casino.” He’s so calm about it, but this is huge. Law lives for his work. I dive back into his arms.

  “I love you.” He brushes the hair from my face and kisses my nose.

  “Love you too.”

  I rent a space to park this gigantic, ridiculous vehicle and move it. Thankfully, there’s a good bit of distance between us and her family. When I first pulled up, Thea’s dad had been nice. He didn’t remember me from that day at the hospital, but was happy to talk to me about all the bells and whistles I was still discovering on my new home. It was deceptive of me, but I wanted him to like me before he knew I was there to be with his daughter.

  All bets were off when Thea came home and ran into my arms. I scooped her up and breathed in her woody, incense smell. I fucking missed her so much.

  Things fell off the rail after that, but my girl still chose me. I wish I could feel better about it, but I know what her family means to her. I saw what happened the last time she was disconnected from them. It wasn’t pretty.

  I can only hope we find a way for all of us to meet in the middle. Not for my sake, or Thea’s sake for that matter, but for her siblings and for our future family too. Make no mistake about it, I’m putting babies in that wild one. Lots of them.

  “Are you going to stay with me tonight?” I look over to my copilot after deploying the slides and hitting the automatic stabilizers. Her fingers are frantically twirling her hair.

  “I think so. I’ll go back over and settle my sisters, get my brothers up to speed.” She opens the passenger door and jumps down. “But I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  I nod and watch her ass as she walks away. She was wearing nothing but a bikini top and cutoff jean shorts when she barreled out of Wen’s car and she hasn’t changed. Wen. He’s a whole other issue. I saw him shooting daggers at me while Thea was in my arms. I don’t trust the fucker.

  I get out of the captain’s chair and make my way back into the belly of the beast. I can’t believe I sold my home, bought this thing, learned how to work it, drove cross-country, and all to drive back home and get my job back. I shake my head in disbelief.

  When I approached the CEO about quitting, he insisted I call it a sabbatical. He told me I’d be back. I cringe at admitting to the annoying man he was right. Part of me is relieved, however. My muscles are made in a gym, not by doing hard labor. I’m not cut out for that type of work.

  An hour later, Thea knocks on the door and comes in. Her eyes are puffy, but she has a gorgeous smile on her face. The one I love. The one that shows me all her straight, white teeth. The one that means she’s truly happy.

  “So, are we really going to do this?” I ask.

  “Hell ya, we are!” She jumps onto my lap and I let out an oof as the air is forced from my lungs. She curls her legs into her chest and I wrap my arms around the whole of her.

  “How’d things go out there?”

  She sighs. “As good as can be expected. The girls are sad and want to come with me. The boys are stoic. And my dad? He’s just pouting. He gave me a hug and told me to be safe. I gave him your cell phone number, and he promised he would pick up one of those prepaid phones. So I could talk to the girls. He was clear about that.” She leans her head on my shoulder.

  “He’s going to miss you.” I kiss her forehead.

  “Maybe if he misses me enough, he’ll forgive me for not marrying Wen.” She huffs out.

  “About Wen.”

  She lifts her head and looks at me. “What about him?”

  “You were with him today.” I’m hoping she l
ets me off the hook and doesn’t make me admit how insanely jealous I am.

  “We took the girls to the beach. We talked. He explained what was going on with him when, well, you know. I kind of get it.” Her shoulders shrug, but my eyebrows lift to damn near my hairline. “The way we were raised, with women taught to be so submissive and meek. I’m not like that, and it messed with his manhood. All the guys were giving him a hard time while I was off gallivanting with you. I get it. He apologized. That was that.”

  I mull this over in my brain. I don’t get it, but we were raised much differently. As long as he’s apologized, he’s not trying to steal my girl, and he never lays even a finger on her again, I can be okay. I smile just thinking about driving Thea thousands of miles away from him. Looks like I won.

  “What are you smiling at?” Thea pokes a finger into my cheek.

  “Nothing. Just happy you’re finally back in my arms.” Her lips land on mine and move in a way that makes my cock jump.

  “I haven’t seen the bedroom.” Thea uncurls herself from my lap and holds a hand out to me.

  “I’m not a very good host, am I?” I let her pull me up and we walk to the massive bedroom. There’s a king-sized bed in here. Along with a full closet and dresser. A huge TV is mounted on the wall and there is a nightstand on either side of the bed. “Come here.” I pull her into me and collapse us both on the bed, making her giggle.

  “This bed is comfy.” She sits up and scoots herself back to the headboard. I scoot back next to her.

  “It is. I’ve spent a few nights in it now.” I trace her lips with the pad of my finger. I lean in and take her mouth. She climbs on top of me and straddles my hips. She immediately starts grinding on my hardening cock. “I love you,” I say in between kisses. She doesn’t reply, but she doesn’t have to. I can feel her answer in the way she kisses me, in the way she returns my touches, and in the heated way her eyes meet mine.


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