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Home for the Holidays

Page 10

by Darling, Lucy

  “You’re not a fucking mistress. Don’t say that shit.”

  “Then don’t say things that make it sound that way,” she hisses. This is the first time I’ve seen anger from her that’s directed at me. “I want to love you, Logan. To give you all the things that you can’t buy. Show you that they’re worth more than anything you own, but I can’t do that if you don’t want it.” She grabs her purse.

  “We both need time to think. This has been a lot in such a short amount of time.” I watch her leave, not saying a word. I’m not sure I could. I text Nick to take her home. This is supposed to be her home.

  I head over to my bar, pouring myself a drink and downing it. I pour another one and nurse it this time. When my phone rings, I hurriedly try to get it but drop it on the ground. When I look at the screen, I see that it’s my mother.

  “I told you I wasn’t coming.”

  “It's why I came here, Logan. Now call off your guard dog and let me up.” I hang up and shoot my security a text message to let her in.

  I check Angel’s location and see that my driver got her back to her parents. What the hell am I going to do? I need her, but I don’t think I can be what she needs. I pick up my glass and throw it. It shatters against the wall.

  “You get that anger from your father.” I turn to see my mother. She pulls off her gloves. “I saw your ex-fiancé run from here with tears streaming down her face.”

  “She was crying?” They hadn’t told me that. I itch to call Nick and ask him. That’s not really letting her go then is it? She said we need time. Who am I kidding? I don’t want time.

  “Let it go, Logan. She’s not one of us. Now I do know a few ladies that are.” The thought of another woman makes my stomach turn. I can still smell my Angel on me.

  “Get out.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Get the fuck out of mine and Angel’s home. And if she tells me you said something to her, I will cut you off.” My mother pales.

  “Logan.” She tries to make her tone and face soft, but I’m not buying it.

  “I will not repeat myself. I will have my security remove you if you don’t leave in the next few seconds.” She opens her mouth to say something, but the look I give her has her closing it quickly. She huffs and heads back for the elevator, realizing she’s not going to get anywhere with me tonight.

  A moment later the doors open, and she steps on. “I’m not one of you,” I tell her. “Not anymore.” The doors close.

  I’m not my family. Not anymore.



  “What do you think you’re doing?” my mom asks as I try and sneak out the front door. When I got home I spilled my guts to her.

  She informed me she’s been on to us from day one but that she still saw a special spark between us. That the way we felt about each other was written all over our faces. She said she knows the look of love because she sees it on my dad’s face and when she looks in the mirror.

  “Catching a flight out?” Why can’t I ever tell a lie to her?

  “Good.” She gives me a hug and kiss. “Make him chase you.”

  “I’m not making him chase me, I just need to clear my head, and to do that I need space. Not for him to be a short drive away from me 'cause I’ll end up there.” I’m not going to be that pathetic. Then again, maybe I should fight for this. He’s worth the fight, but he has to want it too.

  “Sure, honey.” I glare at her, but she just nudges me out the door where my brother is waiting to take me to the airport. He was surprised when I called him asking for a ride. He said that he was even convinced that Logan and I belonged together.

  “No bags?” he asks as he hops out of his truck, coming around to open the door for me.

  “Nope.” All my stuff is over at Logan’s. All I have is my purse at the moment. It’s only some clothes and makeup. Beau shuts the door behind me. I look down at the ring on my finger.

  “I’ll get your stuff for you,” Beau says as he pulls out.

  “No. I’ll handle it.” He doesn’t respond. There is no fighting with my brother. He always does whatever he thinks is right. He can be really set in his ways a lot of the time.

  “What airline?” he asks.

  “It’s the private terminal.” It’s detached from the main airport here in Rocky Hill.

  “He got you a fucking plane to take you back to California?” my brother shouts.

  “No, my boss did.”

  “Your boss did?” He steals a look my way.

  “I sent him my letter of resignation earlier, and he called when I was leaving Logan’s. He offered to send a plane for me and give me more money if I’d reconsider.” I shrug. It was the first time the man wasn't being a total asshole. He was begging me to change my mind about quitting.

  “And he got a plane just like that?” He snaps his fingers.

  “I don’t really care. The man is an asshole, and I’ll take a ride in a private plane. I hope it cost him a bunch of money,” I grumble. My mood is shit. It didn't help my mood that when I was leaving Logan’s place, I ran right into his mother who told me it was for the best.

  I’d never make it in their world. Knowing that she had dozens of girls at the ready that would be happy to fill my spot. I told her to fuck off. It felt damn good. I might have mentioned she’s a shit mom too. I really dislike my boss. He’s a jerk, but I think I hate Logan’s family. I’ve never hated anyone before them. Not even my roommates.

  “If you need anything at all—” my brother says as he pulls up outside of the entrance to the small private airport.

  “I know that, Beau.” I give him a hug before I head inside to get checked in. The whole time I can only think about if I’m doing the right thing. It’s not over. At least I don’t think it is. Who knows what his mother is filling his head with? I want to fight for us, but at the same time I want to know he’s in this too. That he truly loves me.

  I know my parents are happily married, but I also know that you have to work at it sometimes. I can’t be the only one that fights for us. Logan needs to let things settle more in his mind. Okay, really I just want him to miss me and see how horrible life is without us together.

  The days I spent with him were some of the best of my life. That’s saying a lot considering good days have been few and far between for me these last few years. He really made me feel as though I’d finally come home when I was with him. But I’m a silly girl who believes in Christmas magic and love at first sight because of my parents. I may have joked about the Hallmark movie thing, but somewhere deep inside of me, I’d wished it were true.

  I won’t apologize for believing in love. Nor will I for being soft and naïve. It’s who I am, and my mom always told me that we are how we are because there is someone out there that needs someone like us. I’m so sure that person is Logan for me. It’s why I feel confident he will start to see reason.

  I freeze when I step onto the plane and see my boss, Mr. Canon, standing there. How is this even possible? We hadn’t talked that long ago. There is no way he made the flight from LA to here in that short of a time.

  “You’re here?” I ask, confused.

  “I got my plane ready when I got your email this afternoon.” Carey had been on me about sending in my resignation. She dislikes my boss as much as I do.


  He smirks. “You know why.” He lifts one brow. The same way he does when he talks to you like you’re stupid.

  “No, I really don’t.” I take a step back.

  “We've been dancing around this for months. Today you threw down the gauntlet, so I came.” He licks his lips. “I don’t care if Logan already got your cherry. I'm guessing you still had it before you left LA in his plane. I still want you.”

  Gross. The only thing I can think to do is to turn and run back down the stairs of the plane before someone seals the door. When I turn to make a run for it, I run right into a wall of a man.

  My man. I drop my head ba
ck to look up at him. He’s staring at Canon over the top of my head. His face is filled with rage.

  “I fucking warned you, motherfucker.” Logan grabs me by the hips and lifts me, putting me where he was. “Don’t let her move,” I hear him say. It’s then I noticed my brother is standing there. Where they hell had they come from? Before I can ask, Logan is on Canon.

  The loud crack of Logan’s hand connecting with Canon’s jaw echoes through the plane. I cringe, covering my eyes.

  “I warned you,” he says again. I peek out between my fingers to see a dazed Canon sprawled out on a long sofa. Logan has him by the shirt. “I’ll kill you next time. I’d do more now, but she’s watching.”

  He releases his hold on Canon before heading back toward me. I stay in my place, blocking my brother because he looks like he wants his turn with Canon. Logan takes my hand, still looking as pissed as ever.

  Did you call him? I mouth to my brother who gives me a look of Are you fucking serious?

  Right. Logan must have called him. My mind flashes back to the day we got off the plane together. It really wasn't that long ago, but it felt that way. So much has changed.

  He came for me. Nick opens the door for me, and I slip in. Logan comes in behind me. The door barely closes and he’s got me in his lap.

  “I’m sorry, Angel.” He buries his face in my neck and takes a deep breath. “You make me feel shit I’ve never felt before. Don’t leave me. I don’t think I could bear it. I can’t go back to how I was living.”

  “I wasn't leaving you. I love you Logan. I was giving you time.”

  “Fuck time. I don’t want it. You’re the only thing in this world I want.” He lifts his head. “You’re going to marry me.”

  “I thought I was a girl who didn't know what she wanted.”

  He closes his eyes and drops his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry.” I can hear the pain in his words. He means them. His eyes open. “I was stupid. This is all new to me. I love you so damn much I feel like I should set you free. Not weigh you down with my bullshit, but I can’t do it.”

  “You really can’t.” I laugh. “You didn't last long at all.”

  “Fair warning. You try and walk away from me again I’ll be all over your ass.” I shift to straddle him.

  “Good,” I agree.

  “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you,” I say instantly. He closes his eyes, savoring my words.

  “Do you think between my money and your mom we can plan a quick wedding?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  He kisses me.

  I think when you’re in love you can do anything. Love always conquers all.



  I smile as I watch my wife. My eyes are always on her if she’s near but out of reach. She’s got our baby girl in her arms, swaying her back and forth. Five years she’s been all mine. Sometimes I still can’t believe it. I’m scared that I’m going to wake up and realize it was all a dream. I have to pinch myself sometimes.

  I didn’t only get my Angel; I got her whole family. They have taken me in and treated me as one of their own. It took a minute to get used to calling them Mom and Dad. I didn’t call my own parents that. Mother and Father are what they always were growing up. I’ve learned there clearly is a difference.

  Mom Meyer was persistent about it. Anytime I used their name she would correct me until it became a natural habit.

  I’d won Beau over that Christmas night all those years ago when I showed up to the airport as he was pulling out. I hadn’t pulled the security I had on Angel. I was already in my car headed her way when they told me she was on the move.

  Ever since that day, Beau and my relationship has only strengthened. He’s one of my closest friends now, and I truly consider him my brother. As for my real brother, Chad, I don’t think we’ll ever salvage any sort of relationship. I’ve stopped associating with all of my family. They were never going to change their ways and that’s not a life I wanted to live.

  It’s almost laughable that giving the board of Duncan what they wanted by getting married and having kids is the same thing that had me resigning. But not before I pushed for Kelly to take my spot. She deserved it, and I still do some consulting for them.

  I also started to dabble in the Meyer family business that has exploded over the past few years. When Dad Meyer and Beau asked for my help on a few things, I was more than happy to pitch in. Honestly, I think it has brought us all closer.

  You got him? she mouths to me from across the room. I’m sitting on our bed with Connor’s head resting on my chest. He passed out a little bit ago.

  Angel is standing in the nook off our bedroom that I turned into a small nursery when we found out we were having another baby.

  Our son came fast, and we were still in the process of building our new home. We took him back to our condo. Knowing how much we got up in the middle of the night for feedings, I wanted to make it as easy as possible for everyone.

  I give her a nod before I slowly stand with him in my arms to carry him to his room. I put him down in his bed, whispering to him that I love him before I place a kiss on his forehead. So different from how I was raised.

  I made a promise to myself the day we found out we were having a baby. That I would always show my kids how much I love them because emotion and love are not weaknesses to be hidden. Angel had changed so much for me already, but learning that we had created life and were going to bring it into the world had torn down the last few walls I had.

  When I make it back to the bedroom, I can hear the water running. I walk over to the crib to check on our baby girl before I go find my wife. She’s fast asleep, and hopefully her dreams are as sweet as she is. She already has me wrapped around her little finger. Everyone around here does.

  I find my wife sitting on the counter in the bathroom rubbing lotion on herself, her legs swaying back and forth.

  “You gave me beautiful babies,” she says when she sees me.

  “That’s all you.” I walk over to her. She shifts, letting her robe slip off her shoulder. It’s all the invitation I need. I go for the column of her neck, and she tilts her head for me. I help the robe fall away from her body.

  “You’re in there too. I can promise you that.” Her fingers dig into my shirt. “Tomorrow is going to be crazy.”

  “The best kind of crazy, though.” It’s New Year’s Eve, and we are hosting. I nip her neck. “Bed or bath?”

  “Bed.” She wraps her arms around my neck so I can pick her up. I fill my hands with her ass. She keeps talking some crazy ass shit about trying to lose some weight. I am enjoying every inch of her.

  I drop her down onto the bed, and she spreads right out for me. Always so welcoming and giving. No matter what I need from her. She’s always opened herself up to me and welcomed me in. She was the first person in my life to teach me unconditional love. Then went on to keep on giving it to me.

  It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many massive houses you can build for yourself. How many giant parties you can throw with people you give no shits about but still welcome into your home. None of that means anything. All of those things are cold and meaningless.

  My Angel is everything. I strip off my clothes and she watches me as she bites her bottom lip. Her cheeks warm that pretty pink hue the same way they always do when she’s turned on. My cock jerks at the sight. I can be dirty as hell with her, and still that shy little blush always clings to her.

  I come down on top of her, needing her mouth. I had her this morning, but that hunger I have for her never fades.

  “I love you,” she says as she wraps herself around me.

  “Love you too, Angel.” More than anything in this damn world. I show her that with my mouth, tasting her. That same sweetness that pulled me in from the moment I laid eyes on her is still there.

  I thought that day in the airport I was taking advantage of her. The reality is I was only taking what was mine all along. />
  As sappy as it may sound, I have to admit my wife is right: There was some kind of magic in the air that pulled us together that day. My wife proved to me that Christmas miracles are real. I am a lucky bastard to be holding mine now, and I will never let her go.

  I am home.

  * * *

  I hope you loved Angel and Logan’s story. Stay tuned for Carey and Beau’s story due out early next year.

  Thank you for continuing to read my stories. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year.

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  Only Her

  A business transaction. One that will keep the beautiful Kennedy in my bed. That’s all this is. I’ve never been the marrying type until she walked into my life. In that moment I knew I wanted her for myself. That I’d do anything and everything to have her. Even if that included putting a ring on her and making her mine. Forever.

  Lucky for me her father needs my help to save his business. I’ll give him the money he needs... but my help comes at a price. One that he’s all too happy to pay.

  I always get what I want, and after seeing Kennedy, I know that I want her forever. This was supposed to be a simple business deal. Nothing more. That is until I get closer to her. Learn her. Taste her. Find out more and more until I realize I am falling in love with my soon to be wife. Now all I have to do is make her fall for me too.

  Her love is the only thing I can’t buy. I could own every other part of her, but only she can give me her heart.

  Chapter 1


  “Do you know what you’re doing?” I look up from my cell phone to my lawyer. I fight the urge to lash out at him for questioning my decision. It’s something I’m not familiar with. I take a breath knowing I’m more on edge than normal. This is what I pay him for, after all. I just need him to do his job.


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