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by Donald R Hickey

  139. Ingersoll, Historical Sketch, 1:102.

  140. Bennington (VT) News-Letter, December 23, 1812.

  141. This broadside, which is usually portrayed as the first reference to “Uncle Sam,” has been reprinted in Alton Ketchum, Uncle Sam: The Man and the Legend (New York, 1959), 40–41.

  142. Donald E. Graves, ed., Merry Hearts Make Light Days: The War of 1812 Journal of Lieutenant John Le Couteur, 104th Foot (Ottawa, 1993)(October 20, 1814), 209.

  143. For a fuller analysis of the origins and evolution of Uncle Sam, see Ketchum, Uncle Sam, and Hickey, Don’t Give Up the Ship, 220–24. There was as yet no image attached to the symbol. It was not until the 1870s that cartoonist Thomas Nast popularized the notion that Uncle Sam was a gaunt and bewhiskered older man decked out in striped pants and a top hat.

  144. Bennington Green-Mountain Farmer, January 13, 1813. See also Bolling Hall to JM, July 8, 1813, in Madison Papers (LC), reel 15.

  145. Gallatin to Thomas Jefferson, December 18, 1812, in Gallatin Papers (SR), reel 25.

  146. Washington National Intelligencer, December 22, 1812.

  147. Philadelphia Aurora, October 29, 1812.

  148. Macon to Joseph H. Nicholson, March 25, 1812, in Nicholson Papers (LC). See also Richard Rush to Charles J. Ingersoll, February 26, 1812, in Rush Papers (SR), reel 1; Mahon, War of 1812, 5.

  149. SN to Langdon Cheves, December 3, 1811, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:53–56; John G. Van Deusen, “Paul Hamilton,” in DAB, 8:189–90.

  150. SN to Cheves, December 3, 1811, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:56–57. Two frigates, the Boston and New York, had rotted beyond repair.

  151. Howard I. Chapelle, The History of the American Sailing Navy: The Ships and Their Development (New York, 1949), 119–34; Tyrone G. Martin, A Most Fortunate Ship: A Narrative History of Old Ironsides, rev. ed. (Annapolis, 1997), 3–8; John H. Frederick, “Joshua Humphreys,” in DAB, 9:376–77.

  152. Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:60–69.

  153. Samuel Evans to SN, June 24, 1812, Charles Gordon to SN, June 28, July 17 and 28, 1812, Robert T. Spence to SN, September 4, October 8, and November 16, 1813, Thomas Macdonough to SN, March 7, 1814, and Daniel Patterson to SN, November 18, 1814, in ND (M147), reels 4 and 5; John H. Dent to SN, July 14, 1812, Isaac Hull to SN, October 29, 1812, and William Bainbridge to SN, April 30, 1814, in ND (M125), reels 24, 25, and 35.

  154. Alexander Murray to SN, March 21, 1813, Hugh G. Campbell to SN, July 30, 1814, and John H. Dent to SN, January 28, 1815, in ND (M125), reels 27, 38, and 42; John Downes to SN, November 17, 1814, in ND (M147), reel 5; SN to Isaac Hull, May 31, 1814, in ND (M149), reel 11.

  155. John Shaw to SN, February 17, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 23.

  156. SN to Stephen Cassin, November 30, 1812, SN to Jacob Jones, [December, 1812], and SN to Jacob Lewis, February 26, 1813, in ND (M149), reel 10.

  157. John Shaw to SN, February 17, 1812, and Samuel Evans to SN, February 8, 1814, in ND (M125), reels 23 and 34; Jacob Jones to SN, February 16, 1813, Lewis Warrington to SN, October 18, 1813, Thomas Macdonough to SN, March 18, 1814, and Thomas Brown to SN, January 31, 1815, in ND (M147), reel 5; SN to John H. Dent, February 4, 1815, to Bernard Henry, February 6, 1815, to Joshua Barney, February 6, 1815, and to commanding naval officer at Erie, February 9, 1815, in ND (M149), reel 12.

  158. Ships in Sea Pay, July 1, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:180–82; Julian Gwyn, Frigates and Foremasts: The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters, 1745–1815 (Vancouver, 2003), 134.

  159. Nicholas Blake and Richard Lawrence, The Illustrated Companion to Nelson’s Navy (Mechanicsburg, 1999), 67; Barry J. Lohnes, “British Naval Problems at Halifax during the War of 1812,” Mariner’s Mirror 59 (August, 1973), 317–33; James, Naval Occurrences, 46–48.

  160. Mahan, Sea Power, 1:388–89, 400–401; Horsman, War of 1812, 57–58; Richard Glover, “The French Fleet, 1807–1814: Britain’s Problem and Madison’s Opportunity,” Journal of Modern History 39 (September, 1967), 233–52.

  161. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, June 16, 1813, in Jefferson Papers (LC), reel 46; Gallatin to JM, [June 20, 1812], in Gallatin Papers (SR), reel 25; Rodgers to SN, June 3, 1812 (filed at the end of February, 1812), and Decatur to SN, June 8, 1812, in ND (M125), reels 23 and 24; Mahan, Sea Power, 1:318.

  162. SN to John Rodgers, June 22, 1812, in ND (M149), reel 10. See also SN to Stephen Decatur, June 22 and September 9, 1812, and to Rodgers, September 9, 1812, ibid.

  163. Rodgers to SN, September 1, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 25.

  164. Letter from British naval officer at Halifax, October 15, 1812, in Naval Chronicle 28 (July-December, 1812), 426. See also Thomas Saumarez to Isaac Brock, July 22, 1812, in Tupper, Isaac Brock, 215; London Times, September 4, 1812; Hartford Connecticut Mirror, August 3, 1812; Mahan, Sea Power, 1:401–4.

  165. Tompkins to New York legislature, November 3, 1812, in Hastings, Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, 3:180. See also JM to Congress, November 4, 1812, in AC, 12–2, 13.

  166. Coggeshall, American Privateers, 6.

  167. Hull to SN, July 21, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 24; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1: 122–27; Martin, Most Fortunate Ship, 145–51.

  168. Quoted in Oliver H. Perry to SN, July 26, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:200.

  169. Hull to SN, July 28 and August 2, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 24.

  170. Naval Chronicle 28 (July-December, 1812), 343.

  171. Quoted in Coggeshall, American Privateers, 26–27.

  172. Hull to SN, August 28, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:241. See also Hull to SN, August 30, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 24; James R. Dacres to Herbert Sawyer, September 7, 1812, in Naval Chronicle 28 (July-December, 1812), 347–48; extract from Guerrière Log Book, in Philadelphia Aurora, October 12, 1812; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:127–36; Martin, Most Fortunate Ship, 152–62; Linda M. Maloney, The Captain from Connecticut: The Life and Naval Times of Isaac Hull (Boston, 1986), 186–91.

  173. Moses Smith, Naval Scenes in the Last War (Boston, 1846), 33; Pardon Whipple to friend, 1813, in Norma Adams Price, ed., Letters from Old Ironsides, 1813–1815, Written by Pardon Mawney Whipple (Tempe, 1984), 6; Lexington Reporter, January 6, 1815.

  174. Philadelphia Aurora, April 9, 1812; New York Public Advertiser, reprinted ibid., September 5, 1812; London Times, January 2, 1812; SN to Stephen Decatur, April 9, 1812, in ND (M149), reel 10.

  175. Bainbridge to SN, January 3, 1813, in ND (M125), reel 26.

  176. Journal of William Bainbridge, December 29–30, 1812, ibid.; Henry D. Chads to FSA, December 31, 1812, and testimony of Chads, in Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 346–48, 403–6; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:160–71; Martin, Most Fortunate Ship, 171–78.

  177. Quoted in Maclay, United States Navy, 1:379.

  178. Quoted, ibid., 1:384. See also Stephen Decatur to SN, October 30, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 25; B. F. Bournne to Thomas Welsh, Jr., October 29, 1812, in Philadelphia Aurora, December 13, 1812; John S. Carden to FSA, October 28, 1812, in Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 77–78; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:147–57; Maclay, United States Navy, 1:368–92.

  179. Stephen Decatur to SN, December 4, 1812, in ND (M125), reel 25; James Tertius de Kay, Chronicles of the Macedonian (New York, 1995), 103–8.

  180. David Porter to SN, July 12, August 15, and September 3, 1812, statement of David Porter and C. S. Hopkins, July 11, 1812, and James Lawrence to SN, March 19, 1813, in ND (M125), reels 24, 25, and 27; Jacob Jones to SN, November 24, 1812, in ND (M147), reel 4; William Crane to SN, July 29, 1812, Thomas Whinyates to John Borlase Warren, October 23, 1812, and James L. Yeo to Charles Sterling, November 22, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:209–11, 539–41, 594; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:118–20, 139–45, 176, 210–17.

  181. John Binns to Jonathan Roberts, November 13, 1812, in Roberts Papers (HSP).

  182. Act of June 26, 1812, in AC, 12–1, 2327–32.

  183. Coggeshall, American Privateers, 3.

>   184. London Times, March 20, 1813; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:180.

  185. Joseph Marx to [Wilson Cary Nicholas], September 9, 1812, in Nicholas Papers (UVA).

  186. A. Wanderer [Noah Johnson], Journals of Two Cruises aboard the American Privateer “Yankee” (New York, 1967), 61–156; Philadelphia Aurora, September 14, 1812; Log-Book of the Rossie, July 12-October 22, 1812, in Niles’ Register 3 (November 7, 1812), 158; Maclay, American Privateers, 269.

  187. Washington National Intelligencer, August 11, 1812; Salem Essex Register, December 16, 1812. See also London Morning Chronicle, August 22, 1812.

  188. London Morning Chronicle, September 17 and 18, 1812; London Times, December 30, 1812.

  189. London Times, January 1, 1813. See also London Morning Chronicle, December 31, 1812, and January 1, 1813.

  190. John Borlase Warren to FSA, February 26, 1813, in Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 250–55.

  191. Warren, quoted in Mahan, Sea Power, 1:402.

  192. Letter of “Faber,” March 5, 1813, in Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 198. “Jonathan” was a nickname for Americans, the counterpart of “John Bull” for the British.

  193. Faye Margaret Kert, Prize and Prejudice: Privateering and Naval Prize in Atlantic Canada in the War of 1812 (St. Johns, 1997), 78, 83–84, 107; and “Private War, Public Service: Maritime Canada’s Private War of 1812,” in Directorate History and Heritage, Canadian Military History since the Seventeenth Century: Proceedings of the Canadian Military History Conference, Ottawa, 5–9 May 2000 (Ottawa, [2001]), 97–100.

  194. Thomas Jesup to James Taylor, December 28, 1812, in Jesup Papers (LC); Wilson Cary Nicholas to ———, December 24, 1812, in Nicholas Papers (LC).

  195. Speech of Lemuel Sawyer, December 16, 1812, in AC, 12–2, 405.

  196. Maclay, United States Navy, 1:vi, 442.

  197. London Times, October 21, 1812; London Evening Star, reprinted in New York National Advocate, December 16, 1812.

  198. The Earl of Harrowby, quoted in Bradford Perkins, Castlereagh and Adams: England and the United States, 1812–1823 (Berkeley, 1964), 18.

  199. London Times, March 18, 1813. See also Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 113–19, 465–70, 472–74.

  200. This charge was originally made by Royal Navy officers and then repeated by the navy’s defenders. See John S. Carden to FSA, October 28, 1812, and John B. Warren to FSA, January 25, 1813, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:551, and 2:16; Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 37, 288, 472; John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, January 31, 1813, in Worthington C. Ford, ed., Writings of John Quincy Adams, 7 vols. (New York, 1913–17), 4:428; James, Naval Occurrences, 17, 20, 135; James, Naval History, 5:381.

  201. Spencer C. Tucker, Handbook of 19th Century Naval Warfare (Annapolis, 2000), 3.

  202. Like the claim that American frigates were actually ships-of-the-line, these charges were first made by British navy officers and then picked up by defenders of the Royal Navy. See John S. Carden to FSA, October 28, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1: 551; James Dacres, address to court, n.d., in James, Naval Occurrences, appendix, xx; Lieutenant of HMS Java to friend, January 26, 1813, in Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June 1813), 453; James, Naval Occurrences, 75, 95–96, 312; James, Naval History, 5:373, 386–87, 401; Edward Pelham Brenton, The Naval History of Great Britain, from [1783] to [1836], rev. ed., 2 vols. (London, 1837), 2:456, 460.

  203. See editorial note, and Jacob Jones to SN, July 21, 1812, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 1:170–71n1, 198; Roosevelt, Naval War, 1:70–78; Theodore Roosevelt, “The War with the United States,” in William Laird Clowes, The Royal Navy: A History, 7 vols. (London, 1897–1903), 6:29; Spencer C. Tucker and Frank T. Reuter, Injured Honor: The “Chesapeake”-”Leopard” Affair, June 27, 1807 (Annapolis, 1996), 117–22.

  204. London Times, October 29 and 30, 1812, and January 6, 1813.

  205. Ibid., December 29, 1812.

  206. London Morning Chronicle, March 20, 1813. See also ibid., October 23 and December 28, 1812.

  207. Naval Chronicle 29 (January-June, 1813), 198. See also ibid., 12.

  208. Statement of British Naval Force on North American Stations, 1810–1813, in Charles Vane, ed., Memoirs and Correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh, 12 vols. (London, 1848–53), 8:292.

  209. Report of the Admiralty, February 1, 1815, in Niles’ Register 8 (May 20, 1815), 198; David Milne to George Hume, April 26, 1814, in Edgar E. Hume, ed., “Letters Written during the War of 1812 by the British Naval Commander in American Waters (Admiral Sir David Milne),” William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd ser. 10 (October, 1930), 292; James, Naval History, 6:143–48; Albion and Pope, Sea Lanes in Wartime, 389–91.

  210. FSA to Station Commanders, July 10, 1813, in Dudley and Crawford, Naval War, 2:183.

  211. Order of Admiralty, July 31, 1812, in Naval Chronicle 28 (July-December, 1812), 139.

  212. Naval Chronicle 28 (July-December, 1812), 343.

  213. Niles’ Register 3 (December 5, 1812), 221.

  Chapter 5. Raising Men and Money

  1. William A. Burwell to [Wilson Cary Nicholas], February 1, 1813, in Nicholas Papers (UVA); Joshua Clibbons to Jonathan Russell, February 15, 1813, in Russell Papers (BU).

  2. Richard C. Knopf, ed., The Diary of Thomas Worthington: 1812 (n.p., [1956]) (December 1, 1812), 39.

  3. The best study of the election is Norman K. Risjord, “Election of 1812,” in Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., et al., eds., History of American Presidential Elections, 1789–1968, 4 vols. (New York, 1971), 1:249–96.

  4. Philadelphia Aurora, March 11, 1812.

  5. Address of Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence, September 16, 1812, in Washington National Intelligencer, October 10, 1812.

  6. Jonathan Roberts to Matthew Roberts, May 20, 1812, in Roberts Papers (HSP); Report of J. B. Varnum, May 18, 1812, and Richard M. Johnson to Joseph Gales, May 29, 1812, in Niles’ Register 2 (May 23, 1812), 192–93; John Langdon to John Smilie, William H. Crawford, and Charles Cutts, May 28, 1812, and Report of J. B. Varnum, June 8, 1812, in Niles’ Register 2 (June 27, 1812), 276; Richard P. McCormick, The Presidential Game: The Origins of American Presidential Politics (New York, 1982), 96–97.

  7. DeAlva S. Alexander, A Political History of the State of New York, 3 vols. (New York, 1906–9), 1: 184, 201–2; Craig R. Hanyan, “De Witt Clinton and Partisanship: The Development of Clintonianism from 1811 to 1820,” New York Historical Society Quarterly 57 (April, 1972), 111; McCormick, Presidential Game, 97.

  8. Address of New York Committee of Correspondence, August 17, 1812, in Niles’ Register 3 (September 12, 1812), 17–19.

  9. New York Committee of Correspondence to Harrison Gray Otis, August 25, 1812, in Otis Papers (MHS); Abraham Shepherd to Timothy Pickering, October 4, 1812, in Pickering Papers (MHS), reel 30; William Gaston and John Stanly to Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence, [Summer, 1812], in Gaston Papers (UNC), reel 1; Boston Columbian Centinel, October 7, 1812; Benjamin Stoddert to John Steele, September 3, 1812, in H. M. Wagstaff, ed., The Papers of John Steele, 2 vols. (Raleigh, 1924), 2:682–85; James H. Broussard, The Southern Federalists, 1800–1816 (Baton Rouge, 1978), 144–47; Marvin R. Zahniser, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Founding Father (Chapel Hill, 1967), 258–59.

  10. William Coleman, quoted in statement of Rufus King, July 27, 1812, in King, Rufus King, 5:266.

  11. Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence to Joseph Porter, August 10, 1812, in Gaston Papers (UNC), reel 1. See also Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence to Harrison Gray Otis, July 27,1812, and Charles W. Hare to Otis, June 24, 1812, in Otis Papers (MHS); Robert Goodloe Harper to Benjamin Stoddert, September 10, 1812, in Harper Papers (MdHS), reel 2.

  12. Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence to John Stanly and William Gaston, August 13, 1812, in Gaston Papers (UNC), reel 1; Robert Goodloe Harper to John Lynn, September 25, 1812, in Bernard C. Steiner, The Life and Correspondence of James McHenry (Cleveland, 1907), 583–86; [Wil
liam Sullivan], Familiar Letters on Public Characters, and Public Events, 2nd ed. (Boston, 1834), 327; John S. Murdock, “The First National Nominating Convention,” American Historical Review 1 (July, 1896), 680–83.

  13. Statement of Rufus King, August 5, 1812, in King, Rufus King, 5:270. See also David B. Ogden to William Gaston, September 21, 1812, in Gaston Papers (UNC), reel 1.

  14. Pickering to Edward Pennington, July 12, 1812, in Pickering Papers (MHS), reel 14. For similar sentiments, see Joseph Pearson to Harrison Gray Otis, November 9, 1812, in Otis Papers (MHS).

  15. William Sullivan, The Public Men of the Revolution, ed. John T. S. Sullivan (Philadelphia, 1847), 351n.

  16. Memorandum of [Harrison Gray Otis], [1812], in Alexander Washburn Collection (MHS).

  17. G. Terry Madonna, “The Lancaster Federalists and the War of 1812, “Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society 71 (Trinity, 1967), 149; Risjord, “Election of 1812,” 258.

  18. Benjamin Romaine to Albert Gallatin, December 13, 1812, in Gallatin Papers (SR), reel 25. See also David Jones to JM, September 17, 1812, in Madison Papers (LC), reel 26.

  19. Address of South Carolina Assembly, September 1, 1812, in Risjord, “Election of 1812,” 285.

  20. Address of Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence, October 12, 1812, in Washington National Intelligencer, October 24, 1812.

  21. Boston Yankee, October 2, 1812.

  22. Pennsylvania newspaper, quoted in Victor Sapio, Pennsylvania & the War of 1812, (Lexington, 1970), 178–79.

  23. The play, “Election Scene,” is reprinted from the Worcester National Aegis in Philadelphia Aurora, October 13, 1812. See also William Plumer to John Adams, January 2, 1813, in Plumer Papers (LC), reel 2; Risjord, “Election of 1812,” 259–60.

  24. John A. Harper to William Plumer, February 6, 1813, in Plumer Papers (LC), reel 3.


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