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Blood of Night: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Kings of Sterling Book 2)

Page 18

by Leeah Taylor

  A copper bowl was placed in the center of the altar. In line, each Elder cut their palm and let their blood mix into the bowl. Louisa went last, then handed the blade over to Juliette. I should ram this thing into the side of her neck and do everyone a favor. She slid the blade down her palm, gritting against the sting, and added her blood. Swirling in the bowl, the mixture looked almost black.

  “Juliette Ann Marie Marquis, you are the last living heir to Sterling Regent Ann Marie Marquis and, by blood, the successor to Sterling Regent Corrine Danielle Greaves. Do you challenge?” Louisa asked.

  She didn’t want the power or responsibility that came with Regent, but it was bigger than her now. If she was going to protect Lucien and Chelsea, then she was left with no other choice.


  “Do you accept and recognize your right by blood?”

  She sucked in a breath with her heart in her throat.


  Louisa picked up the bowl. “Arm.”

  She presented it, palm up, with dread building in her. Louisa dipped her fingers into the bowl and marked a spot the size of a half dollar in blood on Juliette’s forearm.

  “We recognize you, Juliette Marquis, as Regent of Sterling and swear allegiance to your rule until your death.” And how long until someone tries to kill me?

  She braced herself, never taking her eyes from the brand as Louisa held it over the spot. The heat warming her skin.

  “Bound by blood and Sealed by flesh.”

  The words echoed through the room. She gritted her teeth, but it did nothing to keep her from crying out as searing agony spread through her arm when the brand pressed down too hard. It nearly took her to her knees. A sweat broke out over her skin and bile rose. She swallowed hard to force it back.

  Louisa pulled the brand back with a smug expression, and Juliette held to the altar to keep her legs from buckling.

  “I give you Sterling’s Regent, Juliette Marquis,” Louisa announced.

  People bowed their heads and clapped.

  “And who will you appoint as Regent Oversight?” By the tone, Louisa expected it to be her.

  The last person Juliette wanted handling affairs on her behalf was Louisa Bellows. She may have served as Oversight for previous Regents, but that ended now. It was time to make some changes in Sterling.

  She cradled her arm to her chest. “Chelsea Greaves will serve as my Oversight.”

  Louisa scowled. Come after her now. I dare you.

  “Now, are we finished?” Juliette snapped.

  Louisa gave her a curt nod. She didn’t miss the contempt or disappointment in stare.


  Juliette crossed the room to Damien. A growl rumbled in his chest, eyes darting to the spot she was holding. The burn in her arm radiated all the way up to her shoulder. She needed away from the witches. They’d gotten what they wanted. She hoped they were ready for what she had to bring.

  “Destroy that altar. I’m not going to give Ramsey a place to perform my mother’s spell,” Juliette ordered over her shoulder. “Can we go home now?”

  A smile pulled up on the corner of Damien’s mouth. “Of course, Luv.”



  Damien sat her at the kitchen counter. “Let me see your arm.”

  I’m gonna kill the witches for marking her.

  “It’s fine, really.”

  He rummaged through the cabinet above the sink. “You’re still a damned horrible liar.” He found the jar he needed. “So come on, let’s see it.”

  Juliette laid her arm down on the counter with an eye roll. Keep on eye rolling me, girl. The spot, mid forearm, was inflamed and already blistering. It was a crude way to mark their Regent. An unnecessary mar on her beautiful skin. He pulled her arm closer and uncapped the jar filled with a smooth dark paste. She scrunched up her nose when he scooped out a good amount of the gritty paste.

  He spread it over the spot with a soft chuckle. “Still hate the smell of it?”

  “Smells like black licorice and that’s disgusting.”

  “Guess that means you still hate licorice then?”

  He worked it in with gentle strokes of his thumb over the raised, inflamed mark. It was cruel and ceremonious. The act didn’t give her any special magic or imbue her with some ancient magic either. It was cruel for the sake of being cruel, and Louisa had enjoyed being the one to hurt her.


  He laughed. It almost felt like they could be friends. But with their history, he doubted it.

  “You know you’re going to get a lot of backlash for being involved with this family. You’ll face a lot of accusations over choosing sides.”

  She shrugged. “I know.”

  “Just wanted to make sure.”

  “Are you worried I’d choose the witches over you?”


  “Your family.”

  “My family?”


  “No, Luv, I’m not worried you’ll choose the witches over our family.” He went back to the cupboard to put the jar back and took out a first-aid kit. He sat back down and took out a roll of gauze.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip. I bet you taste delicious, Luv.

  “I want you to come home.”

  Damien paused and met her gaze. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but she looked genuine. And tired. He went back to wrapping gauze around her arm, smirking.

  “You can’t sleep, can you?”

  She looked away from him and didn’t say anything. He didn’t need her to. She looked like hell with dark circles under her bloodshot eyes. He packed up the first-aid kit and returned it to the cupboard then leaned with his back against the counter, facing her.

  “When’s the last time you got some sleep, Luv?”

  “Like more than a few hours?” she asked.

  He crossed his arms with a nod. “When’s the last time you didn’t sleep with one eye open?”

  “A long time,” she admitted.

  And it’s my fault.

  He pointed at the hall. “Go get some sleep, Luv. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She chewed on the inside of her cheek. Like she used to and looked absolutely adorable.

  “I just…” She looked away, letting the words trail off into silence.

  She hadn’t changed a bit in twenty years. Struggling, resistant to just ask for what she needed. And wanted. Only now it was because it went against everything she’d proclaimed. You and me, it ends here. We’re done. They were empty words. He knew it the moment she said them. They were forever stuck with each other. There was no escaping the fate set on thrusting them together.

  “You want me to come with you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Please?”

  “I’d do anything for you, Luv. No matter how much I wish looking at you didn’t wreck me in every way because I…”

  The words screeched to a halt on the tip of his tongue. His stomach clenched in knots, and he turned away from her. He held to the edge of the counter, hanging his head and blowing out a breath. The slamming in his chest nearly brought him to his knees. Blood roared between his ears with tension pulling tight in his shoulders.

  He fought the urge to cross the room and kiss her. Craved to have her close, pulled into his chest and never let go again. And he couldn’t do it. What if she’s taken from me? Like Mom. Fingertips grazed the side of his arm, and he startled. He spun, and a galaxy swirled up at him.

  “You what?” she whispered

  Trembling, he threw caution to the wind and scooped her up. She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck. He set her down on the counter and slid his hands around her cheeks, touching his forehead to hers. He ignored the pain his chest as his lungs fought for another breath.

  “I just want a chance, Juliette,” he pleaded against her lips.

  “Then say it.”

  Panic washed over him, holding hostage to the words. “I can’t.” She started to pus
h him away, but he held her closer. “Please, Jules.”


  I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment your galaxy swallowed me up in the catacombs. He couldn’t get the words past his lips and kissed her instead. Crushing his lips to hers to taste her for the first time. One hundred and fifty years was well worth the wait. She felt better than he ever imagined.

  He was mesmerized with the way her body pressed against him. His cock strained, pleaded, to be buried inside of her to fulfill all his dirty fantasies about her over the years. She tasted cherry sweet when her tongue slipped over his lips, searching to deepen the kiss. Sucking him down further into the void their collision created.

  When her fingertips grazed the skin just below his navel, he jolted back and grabbed her by the wrist. He pulled away, drunk on the idea of telling her whatever she wanted. But not like this. Not in a moment of convoluted desire and the physical denial of their feelings. She deserved better than that.


  “Either say it or shut up.”

  A knot formed in his chest. “I can’t, Luv.”

  She pulled away, and he let her this time. He loved her enough, more than enough, not to let this go further. Her cheeks were flushed with a deep crimson, and a longing lingered in her gaze. He ached to give her what she wanted.

  She swallowed hard. “Then your chance will be here when you can.” She pushed him away gently and hopped down. “But I think I’ve waited long enough for you, Damien Frost. Don’t make me wait much longer.”

  He nodded with the weight of her words on his shoulders. “I know.” Kissing her forehead, he tugged her hand into his. “Come on, I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”



  She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, and Damien watched her for a while. He surprised himself with his will power to reject her. His dick certainly didn’t appreciate it. It ached and throbbed in his jeans trying to lure him to crawl into the bed with her and love her exactly the way she wanted him. Anything for the release. Not a chance in hell. He needed to make things right

  He left her to sleep and headed downstairs, following the smell of coffee and murmuring in the kitchen. Lucien eyed him as he walked in. He was still wearing jeans and a t-shirt and had Chelsea pulled flush against his chest as she scrolled through her phone. She wore nothing but his brother’s button-up with the sleeves rolled and, he knew without looking, Lucien’s boxer briefs.

  I should really think about getting a place of my own.

  “Where’s Jules?” Lucien asked with a smirk.

  Damien flipped him off. “Sleeping.”

  Chelsea looked up from her phone with her brow perked up. “Oh?”

  “Both of you,” he directed, pointing a finger at them, “need to get your heads out of the gutter.”

  “Pretty sure you guys live in a perpetual gutter.” Riley strolled through the kitchen to the coffee pot wearing nothing but one of Ollie’s Nirvana shirts and panties.

  Guess they are thing now.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sakes,” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is there some unspoken rule in this house that says the women wear nothing but shirts and underwear?”

  “Nope, but I kinda like the sound of it.” Ollie chuckled as he passed Damien with a playful shove. “I see you still need to loosen up and get laid.”

  “Screw off,” Damien snapped. “What did you do? Eat breakfast and come back home to bed?”

  Lucien half-shrugged. “We didn’t exactly go back to bed.” He pressed a kiss into the side of Chelsea’s neck. “But we’re headed to Juleps in a few. Word spread about Rebecca. Need to get ahead of it.”

  “Means whip the witches back into submission,” Ollie tossed over his shoulder, but his attention, and hands, were on Riley. Burying his lips in the side of her neck. “Remind them who runs this city.”

  “Juliette?” Damien said.

  “How did that go?” Lucien asked.

  “Pissed to no end that I was there but didn’t stop them from branding her like fucking cattle.” He wanted to shove that hot brand into their flesh, so they knew how it felt. “Any word on Ramsey?”

  He wanted to rip the fucker’s throat out for even thinking about putting his hands on Juliette. Again. He was just lucky he didn’t hurt her, or Damien would be tearing the city apart to find him.

  “Nothing but I’m sure he’s heard about Rebecca, so it will just be a matter of time,” Chelsea said.

  “Well, let’s just hope the news makes him screw up.” Damien cleared his throat. “Chelsea, need a favor before you leave.”

  She leaned back into Lucien with her arms crossed. “That so?”

  “Don’t be a bitch.”

  “Don’t be a dick,” Lucien warned.

  He blew out a breath. “Fine, please, Chelsea.”

  Jaws dropped, and he ground his teeth. I’m capable of a fucking please, you assholes.

  “You still owe me,” he reminded her.

  She opened her mouth then closed it. Kissing Lucien on the cheek, she followed Damien out the French doors into the courtyard.

  He pulled the doors closed before turning to look over the dead and withered garden. It reminded him of how much it represented his relationship with Juliette. Once so full of vibrant color and life, now it was dead and gone. He hoped not for long.

  “How’s your earth magic?” he asked.

  She looked from him to the desolate garden. Four large concrete planters were in the center of the courtyard and nothing but dirt.


  “You know what I want?”

  Chelsea gave the courtyard another onceover while nodding slowly. “Will take some time though. Can’t just snap my fingers and sprout flowers from the ground.”

  “Not asking for a miracle just that you can do it.”

  “Yeah, I can do it.” She turned to him with her arms over her chest and a narrowed stare. “You’re doing this for her?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Three years ago, you could barely say her name without shuddering. Now you’re asking me, not telling me but asking me, to restore the place she loved most. It matters.”

  “I’m doing it for her,” he admitted.

  “Could just tell her you love her, Damien. Would mean more than some flowers.”

  “I know.”

  Chelsea shook her head. “Just tell her. Don’t wait until it’s too late.”

  He nodded. “Thanks, Chelsea.”

  She laughed. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Screw off.”

  He followed her back inside. Lucien, Ollie, and Riley were dressed and ready to go to Juleps. Damien wasn’t leaving the house or Juliette’s side. Not with Ramsey lurking around. He slipped back into her room and took his place in the chair in the corner beside her bed to watch over her. Where he belonged.



  The morning sun didn’t stop her from sleeping the best she had in years. The first thing she saw when her eyes opened was Damien asleep in the chair in the corner of her room. She sighed, wishing he wasn’t so impossibly stubborn. For the second time he’d almost broken for her.

  She could still taste him on her lips.

  I’ve tasted him. Felt him. No going back now.

  She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and reached for her grimoire on the nightstand. Relief settled in her chest to have it back. She opened it, the pages thin and old, and her faded handwriting stared back at her. Marquis was written across the page.

  “You sleep good?”

  She flinched, holding her chest. She’d forgotten he was there.

  He chuckled. “Sorry.”

  She let out a breath. “I did, thanks.”

  He gave her a nod. “Anything useful in there?”

  Juliette flipped through a few pages with a shrug. “There might be.” She stopped on an idea. “If you and Ramsey are brothers, then you share blood.

  “Yeah? What are you thinking?”

  “Familial magic,” she said, looking over the spell staring back at her.

  “Can’t hurt to try,” Damien said. “Meet you downstairs? I’ll put on the coffee.”

  She got dressed and met him in the kitchen. A fresh pot of coffee brewed.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  He filled a mug with coffee. “They headed to Juleps. And I think Ollie and Riley consummated whatever it is between them this morning.”

  A mug set down in front of her as she spread out a map of Sterling.

  She picked it up and blew on it. “Saw that coming.”

  “You and me both. He’s been head over heels for her since the day her father sent an email asking for our help with a picture of her attached. Ollie’s had puppy dog eyes for her ever since.”

  Juliette laughed. “So did Riley the first time I pinned your pictures up on the wall.”

  “You kept pictures of us on the wall?”

  She didn’t miss the surprise in his tone and looked up to find him staring down at her with adoration.

  “I did. Most were from that last New year’s together.”

  He rubbed at the back of his neck. “It was a good night.” Damien sighed. “I am sorry, Luv.”

  “I know,” She set her mug down to give his hand a squeeze. “I am too.”

  Juliette scanned the map. If she had to guess, Ramsey was still somewhere in or very close to Sterling.


  Damien placed his hand in hers, and she slid a blade down into the flesh.

  “So, wanted to talk to you about something,” he said.

  She let his blood trickle into a copper bowl and kept her head down. “Okay.”

  “Do you want to move back into the house?”

  She paused. “I don’t know.”

  “I just wanted you to know that you can come home if you want. Or you can move into the loft.”

  “With Riley? I’d go insane with her purring.”

  Damien barked out a laugh. “That’s a thing?”


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