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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage (A Romance Collection Boxed Set)

Page 24

by Amanda Horton

  Crash nodded his head gravely.

  “Yes, I suppose you are right. Why would you think a rogue like me would stick with one woman? You have no reason to believe otherwise. Just answer me one question. Why would a guy like me get this out of his personal safe?”

  He pulled the box from his pocket and gave it to her. She took it, questions in her eyes, and opened it. She gasped at the two-carat diamond ring inside.

  “It was my mother’s engagement ring. And maybe you won’t say yes right now, and I’d understand if you didn’t. But please give me a chance to show you I mean it, that you are the woman for me. Because, Ms. Williams, I can’t seem to remember your correct last name. Since I have no intention of letting you go, I’ll have to change it to mine.”

  “Are you sure you can’t remember my last name? Not even if I whispered it into your ear every night?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think so. You are so beautiful I have trouble concentrating on anything else.”

  “I see,” she said seriously snapping the ring box shut. “I’ll hold onto this and if you can’t learn my last name in, say, six months, I guess I’ll have to marry you.”

  “Anything you say, Ms. Williams. And then he pulled her to him and crushed his lips to hers.



  Her Bossy Billionaire

  Standing in front of the mirror, hands placed on either side of her dresser, Sasha Bond leaned in close and stared at her reflection. Her eyes flitted from the top of her head to her chin, while she mentally chided herself for frowning. Shaking her head to loosen her shoulders, she took a deep breath and let it out again with a long, slow whoosh.

  “You’ve got this,” she said to her reflection in the most confident tone she could muster. She knew she was right and yet that didn’t stop the butterflies from attempting to upset her stomach. She knew she had researched and uncovered every stone but she also knew her adversary would be equally as prepared.

  Checking the old digital clock sitting on top of her nightstand, she noted the time and nodded her head. Time to finish preparations to ensure that when she entered the boardroom, she kicked ass in the sartorial department at least.

  With a grim determination, Sasha slid on her nude vintage seamed silk stockings and attached them to her garter belt. She adjusted them and checked the seams were straight down the back of her long, supple legs. Good lingerie always gave her a confidence boost and the meeting with the board of directors of Warrington Enterprises required her to be on top of her game.

  Next, she slipped on a high waist black pencil skirt and buttoned up her crisp white shirt, leaving only a hint of the décolletage that most women coveted and most men lusted after. She wanted the board members to concentrate on her words, not her assets. Sticking with tradition, she quickly clasped her grandmother’s pearls around her neck. While Sasha was not really the type to wear pearls, working at Warrington Enterprises dictated a certain kind of style, which she had followed since being engaged as a consultant three months ago.

  Standing back, Sasha checked everything over in the mirror, before finally nodding in approval. A slick of red lipstick and a final brush of her luxurious black bobbed hair and she was ready to drive to the downtown office in New York.

  Her cell phone rang. It was her mom.

  “Hey, Mom,” she said, as she picked up her purse and file of papers.

  “Good morning sweetie, I’m just calling to wish you good luck for today,” her mom said, her voice sounding far away. Sasha hated it when her mom put her on speaker, but since her mom had finally purchased a smart phone, she insisted on using the speaker while moving around her large living room doing whatever it is that moms do.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Yes. No. A little,” Sasha confessed, thinking now I’m nervous.

  “You go in there and sock it to them, especially that boss man of yours. You go get ‘em tiger.”

  Sasha rolled her eyes but couldn’t help grinning at how cheesy her mom could be. Suddenly she felt the confidence boost she needed.

  “Aw thanks, Mom. You’re the best. I know what I’m talking about, I just need to convince them of that.”

  “Well I have every faith in you, Sasha.”

  “Okay, Mom, thanks. But I gotta go. I’m gonna be late and that will not fly well with the board members.”

  Sasha’s mom eventually ended the call after a thousand kisses and ‘sock it to ‘ems’, and she was finally able to make her way down to the parking lot under her building. The butterflies had subsided for the moment, but she still had the journey in rush hour traffic to make, so she maintained her thoughts on the fact that she had researched her facts well to try and remain calm. Sasha knew that if Warrington Enterprises went ahead with the merger of their flagship bank, Warrington Private Finance with Bulmer Bank, it would be a financial disaster.

  Firstly, Warrington Enterprises was taking on a new and modern bank with a completely different working culture that would not slot easily into the bull in a china shop culture they favored at Warrington Enterprises. Secondly, they were planning on completing the merger using Warrington Private Finance’s legacy systems, instead of using Bulmer Bank’s state of the art systems. Despite the fact that Bulmer Bank was larger and had a much bigger client base than Warrington Private Finance, the decision had been made to use the older, slower bank’s legacy systems in a bid to save money.

  It was Sasha’s job to ensure the board was made aware of the pitfalls of this merger, despite the fact that the CEO of the company, Daniel Warrington, was pushing the merger and had a reputation of getting his way by hook or by crook. Sasha had been warned not to cross Daniel, but she couldn’t lie simply to save some over-indulged bully’s ego. Even though he was officially the sexiest man in a suit. Ever. Despite being advised to just think of him naked, Sasha knew that little nugget of advice wouldn’t help with this matter.

  By the time Sasha arrived at the massive steel and glass building in the heart of the financial quarter, the butterflies had returned but she was pumped up and more than ready to take on her adversary.

  Daniel Warrington was sitting in his large penthouse office looking out over the financial district skyline by the time Sasha arrived in the building. He had been awake for four hours, having risen early to meditate and spend an hour in his home gym working out. He had spent twenty minutes eating the healthy Mediterranean breakfast of eggs, cheese, cooked meats, salad, fruit and olives, prepared by his chef, before heading to his dressing room to dress in the suit laid out for him by his butler.

  As he had fastened his navy blue striped tie in front of the mirror (something he insisted on doing himself, rather than have his butler do for him), he let out a deep breath and narrowed his eyes as he brought his mind into focus. His goal for the day was to convince the board, his board, after all it was his company and he was the CEO, that Warrington Private Finance should complete the merger with Bulmer Bank.

  Daniel had been working on this merger for over a year, and was so close to finalizing the deal that he could almost taste the victory. He felt satisfied that the board would be pleased with this acquisition when he explained just how much money was at stake. Although he was young to be CEO of a global conglomerate at thirty-two, he had built his reputation and a vast empire on the ability to control everything with an iron fist. Those who crossed him, thinking he was a young fool, usually disabused themselves of that idea very quickly.

  Daniel ran a tight ship and he was ready for his board to sign off on the deal. He just had to convince the old fuddy-duddies that he was taking them in the right direction.

  As he sat in his office, he looked through his papers one last time to ensure everything was in place. The only possible issue came in the shape of a young woman who had been hired three months ago to consult on the merger, Sasha Bond. She was an outsider, an unknown quantity, with no allegiance to Warrington Enterprises or Daniel Warrington him
self. And that unnerved him. However, he was sure he could overcome any of her objections. Most people backed down whenever he wanted them to.

  Satisfied he was ready, he called his PA into the office and gave her some files before walking through the wooden paneled corridor to the boardroom.


  They had been sitting in the board meeting for over an hour by the time Sasha was called upon to give her presentation. The tension in the room was already incredibly high as each consultant and head of department delivered their work to the six board members sitting at the far end of the room.

  Sasha had listened to each person laying out their thoughts and had studiously taken notes whenever there was a point she wished to pick up on, but couldn’t help feeling distracted throughout. Daniel Warrington had been staring at her all through the meeting, most likely trying to psyche her out. His piercing blue eyes seemed to be embedding themselves into her skull, perhaps in an attempt to make her do his bidding. She huffed a small sigh to herself as she shook her head and tried to concentrate. After writing a short note, she looked up to see Daniel still staring at her, but this time a small smile was playing across his face. What is he doing? Sasha thought, as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

  It didn’t help matters at all that he was insanely attractive, all cheekbones and square jaw like a model, but with a short stubbly beard peppered with grey hair. His dark hair was beginning to go grey early, but it suited him quite well, especially with those icy blue eyes.

  Get a grip of yourself! Sasha chided herself inwardly. She risked another glance at Daniel, who was now smirking to himself. Damn it! He knows I like him. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and she had to look down at her papers to try and compose herself.

  As soon as she was asked to present her findings, Sasha stood and expertly went through the documents that had been placed in front of everyone in the room. It was clear she had a mountain to climb in terms of making the board listen to her, especially as everyone before Sasha had agreed with Daniel that the merger should go ahead. However, Sasha was confident that her detailed findings were enough to stop the disastrous merger from happening.

  She explained that the merger was likely to fail because of two insurmountable issues. The first problem was the integration of the systems within the banks, which would cause major upheaval to clients and staff, as well as cause problems with financial reporting. The second issue was the cultural differences in the two companies.

  “Having researched the cultural differences within the two banks, it is clear that the top down hierarchy within Warrington Private Bank will be difficult for Bulmer Bank to assimilate. Bulmers are used to operating in a horizontal hierarchy, with global responsibility on each staff member. They will not integrate well with Warrington Enterprises and this struggle to adjust to a top down hierarchy will be costly in terms of staff retention as well as service offered to all stakeholders. Without at least exploring the opportunity of allowing Bulmers to operate as is, and keeping their bespoke systems, I believe this merger will be disastrous for both organizations.”

  After her presentation, she opened the floor for questions. Immediately, Daniel held his hand up and dismissed her.

  “Thank you Ms Bond. Your scaremongering tactics are sure to put the frighteners on everyone, but can we get back to business now?”

  The room erupted in an uncomfortable laughter. Sasha held her ground.

  “Mr. Warrington, I was hired to consult on this merger as my expertise lies in the acquisition of companies such as the one you are looking to acquire. My findings show that at the very least the merger should be put on hold. If you rush into completing the merger on the basis of using Warrington Private Finance’s legacy systems, the fallout will be disastrous.”

  “I’m well aware of the financials, Ms Bond. You seem to have very little faith in Warrington Private Finance’s systems to handle the merger,” Daniel said, not liking her insubordination.

  “That’s because they are incapable of handling the customer base that Bulmer Bank will bring in. Their systems are far more advanced and capable of expansion. They are also more in line with the Financial Authority’s requirements going forward. It seems crazy to me that you would choose the older systems over the new.”

  “Oh, it’s crazy now, is it? Warrington Private Finance’s systems are more than capable of amalgamating Bulmer Bank!” Daniel’s tone shot a warning at Sasha, his icy blue eyes sparkling. It was frustrating him that she didn’t want to back down. It also frustrated him that he was really intrigued by this feisty young woman with the long dark hair and defiant eyes.

  Sasha swallowed hard, looked at Daniel with disbelief and then turned to the board.

  “Well, put it this way. If you had to choose between two cars, what would you drive? A brand new, state of the art model which was guaranteed to be compatible with the future, or the sad, old, worn out banger, ready for the scrap heap?”

  “That’s quite enough, Ms Bond!” Daniel rose out of his chair and everyone turned to stare at him. “I’ve heard enough. This is ridiculous!”

  “My research and statistics don’t lie, Daniel!”

  There was a chorus of gasps in the room at the use of Daniel’s first name. No one in the company had ever called him by his first name, it was expressly forbidden. Daniel narrowed his eyes at Sasha, who was still standing staring at him, an insolent look in her eyes. He couldn’t believe that she was just standing there, looking at him with those intense brown eyes, those luscious lips set apart, teasing him.

  “This meeting is over,” Daniel said quietly in a deadly tone, before heading towards the door. “Ms Bond, in my office. Now.”

  As Daniel left the room, one of the younger managers looked at Sasha sympathetically. “Good luck,” he said before joining the rest of his colleagues.

  Sasha sighed and gathered her papers together, then walked down the wooden paneled corridor to Daniel’s office. Instead of waiting on his PA escorting her in, she stalked straight in to find him looking out of the floor to ceiling windows.

  “Why the hell did you hire me if you didn’t want to hear the truth?” Sasha demanded.

  Daniel didn’t turn to face her. Sasha continued to stand there for a moment, staring at Daniel’s broad shoulders tensing in his well-tailored navy, pinstriped suit. He continued to look out the window, weighing up his options. He wanted to shout at her, to make her submit to his power. He wasn’t used to anyone questioning his authority and he couldn’t make up his mind if he wanted to squash her like a bug or kiss her. One thing was certain: he needed to get her on his side, and fast, if he wanted to save this merger deal.

  “Sit down, Ms Bond.”

  Sasha shifted her feet. “I’d rather stand.”

  Daniel turned to face her now, his eyes narrowed in annoyance.

  “Don’t you do anything you are told?”

  “I’m sorry, what? Do you think I’m a dog?”

  Daniel frowned at her, uncomprehending. Sasha walked closer to him.

  “Mr. Warrington,” she enunciated through gritted teeth, “my job in this company is to consult you on matters to do with the merger. I gave you my findings and you treated me like I was a child you could dismiss.”

  Daniel stared at her, ready to give her a dressing down for being so insubordinate. But he couldn’t help admire the young woman who was standing her ground in front of him. Most of his employees would have caved by then and agreed to do his bidding.

  “I ought to fire you for your insubordination.”

  “Why? For calling you Daniel? Come on! This is the twenty first century and you still have people running around after you as though you are the King, instead of an employer willing to listen to his employees. This is precisely why your merger with Bulmer Bank will fail. They have a horizontal hierarchy. Their working culture clashes too much with your working culture. They are not used to working with such outdated views. I’d have thought that with you being a young man, y
ou’d be able to see that your style of management would not suit Bulmers. But clearly not. Everything in this corporation depends on the man at the top. You.”

  Sasha jutted out her chin defiantly, her unruffled demeanor giving Daniel pause. I wonder what it would be like to bite that bottom lip, he thought. Blinking slowly as he collected his thoughts, he moved closer to Sasha so that they were close enough to kiss.

  Sasha drew in her breath but maintained her stance. He smelled good enough to eat. Daniel suddenly smiled, which threw her off balance.

  “Okay, I’ll bite,” he said, “come out to dinner with me tonight, and you can explain to me what you think I should do differently.”

  Sasha frowned, not entirely sure she had heard correctly. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You say that a lot, don’t you?” he teased.

  Suddenly feeling a little sheepish for being so intense, Sasha smiled. “Yes, I do. Usually when I’m completely confused.”

  “What’s so confusing? I invited you out for dinner. All you need to do is say yes and I’ll arrange to pick you up tonight at eight.”

  “Yes.” The word was out of her mouth before she had time to engage her brain. Well, shit, she thought. After giving him her address to pick her up, Sasha left Daniel’s office in a daze.

  Daniel sat down at his desk and contemplated how he would use their dinner date to his advantage. It was clear she was attracted to him and if there was one thing he knew, it was how to seduce a woman into doing exactly what he wanted. He smiled to himself as he prepared for his next meeting, knowing that by the end of the night, he would have Ms Sasha Bond melting like butter in his hands.


  Daniel’s breath was taken away as Sasha slid into his car that evening. She was wearing a mauve dress that hit her curves in all the right places, hugging her hips and her breasts and skimming over her hard won flat stomach. Her dark hair tumbled in soft waves around her face, framing her porcelain skin beautifully. She looked like a vintage movie star and Daniel smiled at the fact that the seduction he was planning would be easy on him, given that she was so attractive.


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