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The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

Page 6

by Terry Towers


  After showering, brushing her teeth with a spare toothbrush in Bo's bathroom cabinet and getting dressed in a pair of Bo's jogging pants and t-shirt; Hanna made her way downstairs to the kitchen in search of breakfast. She'd just reached the bottom of the stairs when a knock at the door sounded. Rushing over to the front door, she pulled it open expecting to see someone with her luggage, but instead she came face to face with the bands drummer, Anthony Flemming. If she didn't recognize him as the drummer and were to see him on the street she'd have mistaken him for a random bum. It had been rumoured that Anthony was harbouring a drug addiction. Cocaine from what she'd read.

  He had several days of scruff on his face, his longish black hair was tied loosely in a ponytail and one glance at his dark eyes told that he'd spent the night shooting or snorting something. Hanna immediately got a bad vibe from him. She wasn't used to being around drug users, and being alone with Anthony wasn't something she wanted to do.

  "Where's Bo?" Anthony brushed past her and into the apartment, before she had a chance to turn him away. She stumbled backwards, not wanting to get in his way.

  "I... ummmm..." Closing the door she trailed behind him as he made his way through the penthouse and into the kitchen.


  He stopped suddenly, her nearly bumping into the back of him. He spun around and eyed her, his eyes lingering on her breasts for a little too long for her liking. To her relief he finally lifted his eyes to meet hers "Who are you anyhow?"

  "I'm Hanna. Bo flew a friend and I here last night. My friend and Jeremy are downstairs at Jeremy's place, if you want to..."

  Anthony fell silent a moment, his eyes taking on a dazed looked. Seeming to pull out of it he nodded. "Yeah, maybe I'll drop by."

  Hanna let out a sigh of relief and turned to lead him back to the door, but to her dismay, he kept heading towards the kitchen.

  "What does Bo have to eat? I'm fucking starving."

  Shooting a wistful look at the door, Hanna sighed and scurried behind him, not sure what to do or how to get Anthony out of the apartment. She reached the kitchen to see him already searching the fridge for food. Another knock sounded at the door.

  You have to be kidding me, she groaned inwardly. Taking one last look at Anthony she hurried back to the front door. Swinging it open, she came face to face with one of the building guards, her luggage on either side of him.

  "Mr Savage requested these be sent up. Where would you like them?"

  "Just inside the door here." Hanna stepped back and motioned for him to drop them inside the door. "I can take them from here."

  "As you wish." Without another word the guard dropped the bags and left, leaving her with Anthony to deal with.

  Closing the door, Hanna made her way back to the kitchen to find Anthony downing a bottle of beer as he finished off a piece of beef jerky.

  "Hey, so are you Bo's new girl?" He asked, walking over to her, his eyes once again travelling up and down the length of her body.

  Hanna shifted nervously from foot to foot under his intense scrutiny, unsure of how to respond. "I'm ummmm."

  "So you're just a couple days of fun then?"

  Hanna's eyes narrowed as she straightened up, squaring her shoulders and meeting his gaze. "I'm Bo's guest. And the nature of our relationship is none of your business." Despite her firm exterior, Hanna was trembling inside.

  To Hanna's surprise, Anthony began to laugh. "Baby, you all think you're the one. Enjoy the ride while you can and when he's through with you, come see me." He reached out and fingered a lock of her hair. "I love redheads. Natural?"

  Hanna jerked away from his touch as if scalded, batting his hand away. "I think this conversation is finished. I'll let Bo know you stopped by."

  Anthony's eyes caught hers and she could see the indecision in them. She prayed he'd leave, because every moment he stayed she felt more insecure about the situation. She had no doubt in the case of Anthony Flemming, everything the tabloids said was true.

  "Alright. Bye Red." He walked past her and made his way to the door, Hanna trailing behind him, but keeping a safe distance between them. Without giving her another glance, he left.

  "And don't call me Red, jackass," she muttered under her breath, slamming the door after him and locking it. She had no intention of answering it again, until Bo got home.


  "Shit, fuck." Bo tossed the tabloid onto the seat beside him and raked a hand through his hair.

  "You know you just can't go roaming the streets before a concert. What were you thinking Bo?"

  "I wasn't." Bo looked over at the bands manager, Victor Irving, sitting next to him. Victor, a veteran of the business, had been their manager from the start, taking the band from a bunch of nobodies playing at whatever bar that would take them to superstardom. "She never comes to the city. I wanted to take her out. Be normal for a change."

  "Yeah, well, you're not. And hopefully you won't be for a long, long time."

  "Shit. If people recognize her, she's going to be hounded to death."

  "She gets five minutes of fame. That's what they all want, a little taste of the good life. Big deal, who cares about her, as long as she doesn't talk negatively about you or the band."

  Bo shook his head. "Nah. She's not the kind of girl that enjoys drama. She's shy. She wouldn't enjoy the attention."

  Victor laughed. "Then what in the hell is she doing with you?" Victor's laughter suddenly halted and his eyes narrowed. "What are you planning for this girl anyhow? You really into her? You know, we have some great publicity lined up for you with an up and coming country star. If you're involved with someone it's going to completely fuck up what we have planned."

  Bo huffed. "I'm not concerned with what the PR people have planned. I'm not going to stop seeing someone I'm interested in for something like that."

  "So she's not just a fling."

  "Hanna isn't the type of girls you fuck and leave."

  "Bo buddy. They're all the kind you fuck and leave." Upon seeing Bo's determined expression, Victor sighed and motioned to the newspaper between them. "Then I suggest you prepare her for the paparazzi, because once she goes home she'll get swarmed with them."

  "Yeah." The car slowed as it approached his building. Several reporters were waiting outside, no doubt wanting to get the lowdown on his new relationship. Bo leaned forward and knocked on the panel dividing them from the driver.

  The panel lowered and the drivers peered at him from the review mirror. "Yes, Sir?"

  "Take me into the garage. I don't want to deal with them right now."

  "Yes, Sir."


  Hanna leapt from the sofa, when she heard the beep of the door being unlocked and made her way to the front door. She imagined it was Bo, but she was still slightly shook up over Anthony's visit so instead of enjoying the afternoon in Bo's stunning home, she'd been on edge, anxiously waiting for him to come home. She'd considered sending a text to Jackie a number of times, but really didn't want to ruin Jackie's good time with her problems.

  A wide smile spread across her lips when she saw Bo open the door and step inside. She rushed to him slipping her arms around his neck and holding tight to him.

  Bo laughed at her exuberance. "Hey! Now this is the greeting I was hoping for this morning."

  "I'm happy you're back." She pulled back from him, but he kept her from pulling away fully.

  Bo lowered his lips to hers and the anxiety she'd been feeling the previous several hours seemed to fade away. She pressed herself against him, returning his kiss, welcoming his tongue to explore. The desire she'd had for him the previous night, came to the forefront of her mind and she moaned against his lips, pressing her body against him.

  "Mmmm. Much better than this morning," he murmured pulling back. To her dismay, he pulled back fully and stepped away from her. "There's something I have to discuss with you."

  The incident with Anthony came to her mind, and she nodded. She stil
l hadn't decided whether she was going to mention it or not. From what she knew about the band, the members had grown up together, they were like brothers. She wasn't sure if bringing up the way Anthony had made her feel was a good idea or not.

  "What about?"

  "Well..." Bo took her hand and led her into the living room and to the leather sofa. "Sit down for a second." As they sat, he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a rolled up tabloid.

  He didn't have to tell her, for her to know exactly what he was about to say. She watched as he opened up the paper and her mouth dropped open as she peered at a picture of herself, Bo's arm around her. They looked like a couple newly in love. She looked to the headline.

  Who's Bo's Love Interest? The Real Reason For His Break-up With Nadine?

  The picture was in colour and her red curls were unmistakable. There was no doubt in her mind that any and everyone she knew who saw the headline would recognize her.

  "Oh- my-God!" Visions of strangers swarming the coffee shop, hounding her with questions about him, their relationship, and poking into her life came to mind. It was a nightmare situation for her.

  "I'm sorry Hanna. I really am. I really didn't mean for this to happen, but I should have known. Taking you out for a walk was a stupid impulsive decision on my part."

  She skimmed the article associated with the picture which ended with a call out to anyone who could identify the woman of mystery, offering a cash reward.

  "So what do I do now?"

  "Hope no one comes forward. If they do, then we'll deal with it." Taking her chin in his hand, he tilted her face up so their eyes met. "Don't worry. I'll make this work."

  "The situation or us?" she teased, though there was seriousness in her teasing.

  "I'll take care of you Hanna. Okay?"

  Hanna nodded.

  "Now that this is out of the way, we have an hour before the car comes to pick us up." He lowered his lips to hers and she felt the conviction in his statement.

  It's going to all work out, she told herself a final time before losing herself in his sweet kiss and caress.

  Chapter 8

  "This is incredible!" Jackie exclaimed as she looked around them.

  Hanna also surveyed the crowd. She and Jackie were seated front row center of a sell out crowd at the Gardens. People of various ages chattered and countless women in the crowd were holding up signs proclaiming their love for Bo.

  "Did you see the article about his new girlfriend?" Hanna heard a woman say from behind her.

  Hanna's ears perked up upon hearing someone mentioning the article.

  "Pfft. Yeah. Can you imagine. She's not even all that pretty. And she's fat!"

  Hanna fought the urge to turn around and scowl at the women behind her. She looked down at herself in a black sundress. Sure she was a little chunky, but she would hardly call herself fat. That being said, she knew she was hardly the size two or zero that most of the models who dated rock stars were.

  "Fuck those bitches Hanna. They're just jealous."

  Hanna turned her attention to Jackie and sighed as she nodded. "I know."

  "You never did tell me about your night with him. I told you everything that happened with Jeremy."

  Hanna could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks when she recalled the things Jackie had told her transpired between her and Jeremy the previous night and well into the day, until Anthony showed up and ruined their little sex games.

  "I told you. Nothing happened really."

  Jackie raised a sceptical brow at her. "Nothing really. Come on, spill it sister."

  Hanna shrugged. "We had a nice night. We had dinner, got approached by the paparazzi, talked, I went to his room and he sang a song he was working on to me and then we fell to sleep together."

  "No sex at all? Really?"

  Hanna shook her head. "We played around a little bit, but we mostly just cuddled. It was sweet. Really. I like that he wants to take his time with us. It's nice."

  Jackie was about to respond, but the lights began to dim signalling the show was about to start. A surge of excitement rushed through Hanna. She was going to see Bo on stage. The crowd around them began to chant, demanding Bo and the band appear.

  After several minutes, music began to play and suddenly spotlights lit the stage, showcasing Jeremy, Anthony and the two other members of the band that Hanna still couldn't remember the names of. Screams sounded throughout the crowd, so loud that they were almost deafening.

  Hanna winced. She hated crowds and she really hated people screaming and whistling a mere foot or so from her. She turned and glared at the woman who'd just screamed that she wanted to have Bo's baby.

  Suddenly the music got louder and the tempo picked up. The crowd began to go crazy. She spun around to see Bo walking onto stage. If possible he was sexier now, on stage, than he'd been the previous night. Maybe it was the thousands of women screaming for him, or maybe it was how cocky and confident he was when as he walked up to the microphone. He was the king of the night, and the people surrounding her were his followers.

  He immediately began to belt out his current number one song. His voice filled the stadium, and his voice in combination with the beat of the band, made her pussy clench and her panties dampen. His eyes immediately met hers and he gave her a wide grin and a slight nod, before turning his attention to the crowd to the left of her.

  "Oh-my-GOD! He smiled at me!" Hanna heard a girl behind her scream. The woman's mouth was so close to her ear that she cringed from the noise.

  He began to work the crowd, giving high five's, making eye contact and nodding towards people in the audience. His actions made the audience go even wilder than they already were, all the women fighting and screaming for just a simple look in their direction. Hanna felt a sense of pride well up within her. She'd spent the night curled up in the arms of a man who thousands of women were begging for a simple glance in the direction of.

  Beside her, Jackie was joining in the excitement of the crowd, dancing with the music and keeping her eyes glued to Jeremy, who made it a point to lock gazes with her from time to time. Being slightly shy and reserved, Hanna had never been one to get wrapped up in the excitement of a concert. However, by the time the forth song came around she found herself, swaying and laughing with and at the excitement of the people around her.

  Bo began working his way to her as the fifth song took up. This time it was a slow, sultry ballet. This was easily Hanna's favourite song. It showcased his vocals and seemed to sweep her away in the melody. As Bo began the chorus he looked down at Hanna and their eyes locked. A shiver ran down Hanna's spine and her pussy began to throb, as his voice and the band washed over her.

  It was at that moment that she realized why women fell so hard for musicians. It was hard not to. Impossible even. He broke eye contact way too quickly, leaving her feeling depleted.

  "Bo! Bo! Booooooo!" The woman behind her screamed, so loudly she could be heard over the thunderous beat of the speakers twenty feet from them. Moments later, something was whipped past Hanna's head.

  What the fuck? Hanna looked over her shoulder and gasped when her eyes caught notice of the woman who was now bare-chested. Her generous, perky breasts jiggled as she waved her pink shirt in the air. Hanna pulled her eyes from the girl's breasts to see that she'd thrown her pink bra onto the stage.

  Bo glanced down at the bra at his feet and then looked over Hanna's shoulder to the partially naked, screaming woman.

  "He's looking at me! He's looking at me!"

  For the love of God! Hanna growled. Oh course he was looking at you, bitch, you're half naked! Hanna gritted her teeth, keeping herself from saying something she'd regret to the girl who she doubted would be any older than seventeen.

  Bo snatched up the bra and waved it in the air, not skipping a beat in the song. He looked down at Hanna, and he gave her a wink. The crowd went wild yet again, and he tossed the bra off stage and continued with the song.

  Another h
our passed and Hanna was finally letting loose. Dancing and singing along with the songs. It felt good and from his expression when he graced her with a look, Bo seemed to be both amused and delighted that she was enjoying herself.

  "Hey girls. Come with me." A tap on her shoulder turned her attention to one of the guards that had approached her and Jackie.

  "Jackie." Clutching her arm, Hanna gave it a tug, getting her friend's attention.

  Two more guards joined the first as he slid the barrier across allowing Jackie and Hanna to enter the "forbidden zone."

  "Oh-my-God! That's her!" A voice from behind her and in the crowd screamed.

  Hanna frowned as she looked around for the source of the voice. Who's her?

  "Bo's girlfriend! Holy shit!"

  It didn't surprise her to see it was the half-naked girl that recognized her from the tabloid.

  "Come on. Hurry!" The large, black guard grabbed her by the upper arm and tugged her and Jackie down the aisle. He hustled them so quickly Hanna found herself stumbling to keep up in the heels she was wearing. However, his urgency was not in vein, her identity was quickly revealed to the audience, spreading like wildfire, and people began to grab at her and Jackie, screaming questions and insults.

  Hanna breathed a sigh of relief, as they exited the floor and entered the safety of the backstage area. Was that a taste of what it would be like to be his girlfriend? People screaming at you? Curious about you? Hating you just for being with him?

  "Intense, huh?"

  Pulled from her thoughts Hanna, glanced over at Jackie who was beaming from ear to ear. Jackie was the kind of girl that would savour the attention, both good and bad. Jackie was the perfect rock star girlfriend in Hanna's opinion. But her... Not so much.

  She sighed and then scolded herself for getting ahead of things. They really hadn't even planned another date; considering herself his girlfriend was very premature.

  They were guided to the side of the stage, just out of the line of sight of the crowd so they could watch the remainder of the concert from there. But, despite how much she'd enjoyed the concert so far, her mind was racing with thoughts of Bo and what was going to happen between them next.


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