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The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

Page 9

by Terry Towers

  He gave in to her, slowly filling her, stretching her to her limits. Pulling his lips from hers, he buried his face against her neck and groaned. An overwhelming relief rushed through Hanna as he filled her, every inch giving her the satisfaction she'd been craving.

  She clung tight to him, as he filled her to the hilt. "Oh God, you feel better than I'd imagined." Hanna whispered, savouring the feel of his body covering hers, her breasts crushed under his chest, their bodies bound as one.

  Bo pulled up slightly to peer into her eyes. "You too, baby."

  A shiver rocked through her in the intensity of his gaze. A long unsteady breath escaped her. Just having him buried within her had taken her to the edge and she was teetering at her breaking point. It was an incredible combination of need, satisfaction, and pleasure. A part of her wanted to remain as they were for an eternity, locked in each others' embrace, joined as one, but the primal part of her demanded more. It demanded release. Now!

  The primal side of her won out.

  "Fuck me Bo."

  He remained still an additional moment before pulling out and slamming into her, quickly and with so much force it moved her a part of an inch up on the mattress. She cried out, she was there. So close.

  "Bo," she gasped. As he pulled out of her a third time and slammed into her, she found herself toppling over the edge. The two days worth of need and went flooding through her and exploded between her legs, coating his cock with her nectar. His groan mimicked hers as his lips came crashing down on hers as he began to fuck her in earnest, not giving her time to bask in her orgasm.

  Her hands moved up his back to his shoulders, gripping into the lean muscle as he rode her. She matched the pace of his thrusts, working in unison with him as her juices seeped from her and down her ass.

  "Oh. So good." Bo groaned as he tore his lips from hers and braced himself up with a hand on either side of her head his eyes catching hers, as he thrust harder, faster.

  She couldn't respond, all she could do was hold onto him, and savour the feel of wave after wave of pleasure running through her. The coil within her began to tighten once again, the anticipation building.

  "I'm going to come again," she gasped, releasing his shoulders and fisting the blanket over her head. She bucked and writhed under him wildly. "Oh Bo!"

  He lowered his head and nipped at the side of her neck. A bolt of electric pleasure shot through her. "Close, so close."

  "God yeah baby. Come on my cock." His warm breath on her neck, and the huskiness of his voice, pushed her to the edge. Sensing her impending orgasm, he increased the speed of his thrusts, the head of his cock beating against her pussy wall and stroking her g-spot.

  "Oh yes. Oh God yes. Oh Bo!" She arched her back, closed her eyes and cried out a final time as the pleasure washed over her. Her body tensed under him as her pussy gripped his cock, milking it, begging it for his seed, seconds before she exploded around him. A relief so intense that it brought tears to her eyes overtook her as she released the blanket under her to cling to him.

  Chapter 11

  Bo couldn't have held back, if he wanted to. Her tight pussy throbbing and tightening around his dick was too much. "Oh damn baby," Bo groaned as his balls tightened, his cock pulsed and he was finally given the relief he so desperately needed.

  He grunted, as he thrust a final time and a rush of his cum shot from him, in a series of spurts until he was left, spent and sated, buried deep within her heated core. He silently cursed the thin layer of latex separating them. He'd never had an issue with using a condom before, but in this case, he cursed it, wanting to feel the mixture of their fluids surrounding his rapidly depleting cock.

  Once the final spasm rocked through him he pulled up and looked into her eyes. Her green eyes were filled with a mixture of satisfaction and hunger. Her make-up was smeared and her red hair a wild, erotic mess around her head. Bo smiled and kissed her softly.

  "That was amazing Hanna." he murmured brushing his lips against hers.

  She returned his grin and nodded. "Amazing."

  Something passed between them as they gazed into each others' eyes. A moment. A feeling that told him that Hanna was more than just another woman. She was more than a stunning red head that gave him a hard-on simply with a smile or a whiff of her perfume. She was special. Different. And he needed more time with her, more than anything else at that moment.

  The feeling of her fluids dripping onto his balls, and the condom growing slack around his dick, broke the moment between them and made him curse silently. With a groan of frustration and annoyance, he slowly pulled out of her moist core and her embrace.

  Standing he took another look down at her. Her face was flushed and her pussy lips wet from her juices. He was tempted to drop to his knees and taste her again, but refrained.

  Removing the condom he turned and made his way over to the waste can, disposing of it. He had to leave New York in the morning to continue the final leg of their tour and that meant sending Hanna home.

  I should get her to come on tour with me. He'd tossed the idea around in his head most of the day. Maybe she'd be interested, but that would mean her leaving her job. Would she? He turned and looked over at her. She'd burrowed herself under the down filled comforter and was sitting in the middle of bed, the thick comforter puddled around her waist.

  She cocked her head to the side, and an uneasy smiled emerged. "What?"

  "I have to leave tomorrow."

  Her smile widened. "And..."

  "I don't want to."

  Hanna laughed. "I think there are millions of fans out there that would be pretty upset if you didn't."

  "So I was thinking you should come with me."

  Her laughter halted, indecision filling her eyes. "I have to go to work."

  "You serve coffee for a living. You can get a crap job like that anytime."

  Her eyes narrowed, her mouth becoming a firm line, and he immediately caught his mistake. Closing the distance between them, he pulled the comforter up and slid in next to her. When he closed the distance between, to his relief, she let him.

  "It's what I'm good at," she whispered lowering her eyes.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You're right, it was a jackass comment."

  "I don't want to work there the rest of my life, but for now I need that job." She looked up at him her expression passive.

  Damn, you're a dick, Savage, he chided himself. "I'm sorry. I've never met someone I wanted to spend time with like I do you. I was just hoping. But I understand. It's too quick. I get that."


  "Forget about it." Leaning back onto the mattress, he pulled her into his arms. To his relief she snuggled tight to him, placing her head on his shoulder. "Just know if you change your mind and want to come on tour with me, then the offer is always open. I'll take care of you Hanna." He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "I have a few dollars in the bank so I don't mind taking care of..."

  She shifted in his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips, silencing him. "When you're done with your tour if you still want me, then we can talk about it."

  Bo brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and the traced her lower lip with his thumb. "I can guarantee, there's no worries of me not wanting you. The offer is open if you change your mind."


  "I can't believe you turned him down. What is wrong with you Hanna?"

  Hanna sighed, she knew as soon as she informed Jackie, she'd be getting an earful. She shrugged. "I don't want to be like some groupie that follows him around. And I don't want to mooch off him."

  "I would have in a heartbeat." Jackie inserted the oversized bag of milk into the milk dispenser and closed the stainless steel dispenser. Bunching up the empty bag, she'd just removed she tossed it into the garbage can under the counter. "But Jeremy didn't ask."

  Hanna cringed at the bitter hint to her friend's words. "Yeah, but I know for fact he's really into you. Bo told me."

  Jackie turned bac
k to Hanna, a smile starting to form on her lips, her eyes brightening. "He discussed me with Bo?"

  "Yeah. Maybe he's just not as quick to take things further as Bo is. Or..."

  Sensing something was bothering her, Jackie frowned, approaching Hanna. "Or? What's wrong?"

  "Well, what if he's just the impulsive type. What if he's already regretting asking and hoping I don't change my mind?"

  "Are you serious?"

  "Well, yeah." Bending down, Hanna grabbed a sleeve of paper cups, opened it and thrust it into the dispenser. "Ya know. In the heat of the moment men say all kinds of crazy things. I love you. Live with me. Quit your job, go on tour with me and I'll support you. You know crazy things they don't mean."

  Jackie's frown turned to a scowl as she rested her hip against the counter, and crossed her arms over her chest. "What is it with you?"

  "What do you mean?" Grabbing another sleeve of cups, Hanna rammed them into the second dispenser.

  "It's like you can't believe a man can truly want you. You're beautiful. Haven't you seen how men look at you when they come in here? It pisses me off sometimes to be brutally honest. I'd kill for your red hair, it's so different. Or your perfect skin. Or your hour-glass figure."

  Hanna sighed, grabbing a wet rag and beginning to wash down the counter. "Look it's not just that. I'm trying to be realistic here. Maybe it was a fun few days, maybe it was more. I'm not even sure if his life on the road would be my cup of tea anyhow. Maybe a normal relationship with someone with a more orthodox profession is more my speed. I don't like being the center of attention, you know that."

  Jackie opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off with a ding in their headset signalling a car coming through the drive-thru. "We're not done with this conversation lady. We'll finish once I get rid of these people," Jackie warned brushing past Hanna to take her position at the drive-thru station.

  "Looking forward to it." Hanna was about to run out back to start the dishes while Jackie was preoccupied with the drive-thru when a half dozen teenage girls came in through the front.

  Shit, and double shit. Walking over to the front counter, Hanna waited with a smile pasted onto her face as the girls approached the counter and began to jabber amongst themselves, periodically looking up at the menu.

  Oh great, I'm going to be here a while. Hanna tried to keep her expression bright and cheery, but as she continued to wait for them to order her agitation increased.

  "No way."

  "I think so."

  Hanna's attention focused on the two girls towards the back of the group who were whispering and pointing towards her. Her smile began to fade as a couple more girls seemed to get into the conversation with the back two.

  "Is there something I can help you with ladies?"

  All six of them were now into the conversation, eyeing her with intense scrutiny. As Hanna scanned the young women, she noticed one with an iphone in her hand. The girl studied the screen, looked up at Hanna, and then back at the screen.

  "It's her, I know it," the one with the phone in her hand persisted.

  A feeling of dread welled up within Hanna. She knew where this was going. She'd hoped no one would recognize her, but her picture was plastered all over the tabloids. In truth, she was surprised she'd gone two hours at work without having to answer questions from people who'd seen the story about Bo and his "mystery woman." Perhaps they couldn't believe that Bo would be with a woman who was a simple coffee peddler, so assumed it wasn't her.

  "Ask her!" One of the girls pushed the girl with the phone forward.

  The girl stepped up to the counter with hesitation and thrust the phone with the face pointed in her direction, towards her. Sure enough the picture that was taken of her and Bo outside of his building was on the screen.

  "Is this you? It looks like you." The girl with the phone asked.

  "Are you Bo's girlfriend?" A second one piped in.

  "I um...." Should she play it off as a coincidence, or downplay her involvement with Bo. Not like she'd be downplaying it too much since she had no definite idea of what the status was.

  Finished with her drive-thru order Jackie came up behind Hanna, to stand next to her. "Yeah, she is."

  Hanna's eyes widened as she shot Jackie a foul look. "Jackie!"

  "We're friends." Hanna corrected.

  Maybe this won't go any further than the girls. Maybe if I tell them a fun little story then they'll be satisfied and this will be the end of it.

  "Oh-my-God! Bo's girlfriend!" one squealed. "I can't wait to Tweet that I met Bo's girlfriend!" As she said the words she pulled her phone from her handbag.

  "No!" Hanna lunged over the counter, but the girl stepped out of the way.

  "Why not?" The one with the iphone asked.

  "Because. I'm not really his girlfriend, just a close, friend. That's all."

  "Didn't one of those newspapers offer a reward for information on his girlfriend?" Though the question was spoken in a hushed tone and meant for her friends ears only, Hanna heard none-the-less and shot the speaker a dirty look.

  "Look ladies. Please. I just want to be left alone. Please. Let me take your order. I'll even throw in a free iced cappuccino." She cringed at the desperation in her voice. The last thing she wanted was a media circus asking questions she didn't know the answers to. She'd have to quit her job. And then what?

  She groaned inwardly, a small part of her wished she'd never gone to New York and gotten involved with Bo Savage. While another part wished she'd taken him up on his offer. She should have had the foresight to know this was going to happen.

  "What's Bo really like?"

  "Oh my. What I'd do to spend time with him."

  "His brother too?"

  "His brother is in the band too?"

  "Yeah, you didn't know that?"

  Their questions were relentless, coming from all direction, regardless of Hanna's begging them to get their order and take a seat. Jackie fended off the majority of the questions, seeming to enjoy the attention. A ding sounded in her headset and Hanna sprung into action grateful to get away from the girls and rushing to the drive-thru station.

  She took and prepared the drive-thru order. Working out of habit more than anything else, keeping her ears perked at the multiple conversations going on behind her, while she served a young couple in the Honda Civic at her window. Several more customers followed the young couple, keeping her busy for twenty minutes. Normally she'd have asked Jackie to help out, but she was simply grateful to hole herself up in the little corner and away from the excitement.

  Finished with the final car in the long line of customers, she spun around and gasped. Rolling into the parking lot of the coffee shop was a news van.

  "Oh-my-God, no..."


  The sound of the phone ringing awoke Bo from his deep sleep. He groaned as he reached for his cell phone sitting on the nightstand of his hotel room.

  "Yeah," he grumbled as he hit the answer button. The previous nights concert had felt extra long to him and he'd flopped into bed exhausted. The last thing he wanted was to have a chat with whoever was on the other end of the phone.

  "We have a problem brother."

  "Huh? Fuck, Jeremy. What time is it?" Sitting up, he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. 3am. "Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

  "It's Hanna and Jackie."

  The sound of Hanna's name brought him to full attention. "Is she hurt? What's the problem?"

  "The press found them. They're at the coffee shop now drilling them with questions. Jackie just sent me a text."

  "Ahhhh fuck!" Bo thrust a hand through his dark hair, his mind jumping into action. "Alright. While I get dressed, call Victor. Tell him to get the chopper ready and pick us up on the roof. Cancel the concerts for the next three days and have him contact the restaurant owner. The girls are leaving whether there is someone there to replace them or not."

  "Call Victor? Now? Cancel the next couple concerts? Bo?"<
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  "He's our fucking manager. He makes enough money to get his ass up out of bed. And yeah, cancel them unless you want to sing the songs."

  "Okay, Man. I'll call you when the chopper is here."

  Pressing the end button, Bo tossed the blanket aside and made his way into the bathroom. He should have insisted she quit that damned job and toured with him, given her a job with the crew or as his assistant if she insisted on making her own money. He could have persuaded her, if he'd tried harder.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

  Chapter 12

  Hanna's head was beginning to throb as she fended off questions and requests for photos. This had been going on for close to two hours and the shop had become a circus of reporters, fans and general onlookers. It was shocking to see how many people a couple of news vans could attract in the middle of the night, especially during a weekday.

  "When will you be seeing him again?" A blonde-haired female reporter asked thrusting her microphone under Hanna's nose.

  "I'm not sure." She looked over at Jackie who was busy with another reporter. Unlike Hanna who was frazzled and upset by the whole ordeal, Jackie seemed to bask in the attention, giving candid replies.

  "Are you in constant contact? When did you speak to him last?" Another female reporter butted in. Hanna was about to turn to face the second reporter when a familiar thumbing sound caught her attention. A helicopter. As the thumping sound grew louder, the wail of police cars sirens joined in.

  Looking into the parking lot, the owners Mercedes rolled up. The owner and his wife hopped out and made their way through the sea of people and vehicles towards the front door of the coffee shop.

  "Excuse me." Not waiting for a reply, Hanna walked over to Jackie and pulled her aside, out of earshot of the people on the other side of the counter.

  "Hanna? I was-"

  "What's going on? Why are the owners here?"

  Jackie shrugged, her grin widening. "I sent Jeremy a text. They're on the way. They must have called the owners."


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