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Mrs. Invisible

Page 6

by Christina Hagmann

  Emma bit her lip, turning to Trevor. His sad eyes could see how far away she was, and no matter how she felt, when he hurt, she hurt. That was what marriage was, and it embarrassed her that she just remembered that. She turned, lifting her hand to the side of his face. “It’s okay, Tre. I’m fine. I just needed a breath. I’ll get ready and meet you downstairs.”

  “Are you sure Emmy?” he looked up from under his eyebrows.

  “You know I’ll be there. Always.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned his face and landed a kiss on her lips, before standing and leaving her to herself. She stood and approached her closet. She would pick out something gorgeous so that her husband and anyone else would have to take notice. Picking out a dress was much easier than selecting a ladies’ night outfit.

  She slid into a long sleeved, beaded column gown that accentuated her slight frame. When she walked into the living room, Trevor couldn’t keep his eyes off her. “You are the most gorgeous woman I know.”

  He moved to her and swept her into his arms. He planted gentle kisses up her neck. “God, I wish we didn’t have to go to this thing,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Let’s not,” she whispered back as her lips brushed his. She looked back and raised a wicked eyebrow. “Let’s stay here.”

  Trevor put her down and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. “It’s okay. It will just give me something to look forward to when all this is done.” He leaned forward and growled into the crook of her neck. Emma squealed in delight. This was her Trevor. The one she’d fallen in love with. She just wished he’d show his face more often.

  Trevor led her to his SUV, tucking her legs in and making sure her dress was out of the way before closing the door. It was an hour ride to the banquet hall, and Trevor talked excitedly the entire way. Emma hadn’t heard this much come out of his mouth in ages. He talked about all the exciting people attending tonight’s gala.

  “I heard Weston Morley will be here tonight, I mean, it’s his gala, but the fact that he would take time out of his busy schedule of bedding women is pretty amazing.” Trevor chuckled at his own joke.

  Emma bit her lip and looked out the window. She had put him out of her head, but she felt a flutter in her chest at the thought of seeing him again. Tiny nips of guilt ate at her until she realized there was no way he’d remember her from that night at the club. He’d probably seen and been with dozens of women since that night.

  When they arrived at the hotel, Trevor kept the vehicle running as he ran around to open the door for Emma. He handed the keys off to the valet and took Emma by the hand to guide her through the grand doors and the lobby. They followed a small crowd of people who checked their coats and made their way into the grand ballroom.

  The soft glow of the room and reflection of the chandeliers set off a mystical atmosphere, and Emma couldn’t help but look up even though she was in a room filled with beautiful people. As they walked through the crowd, Trevor stopped to say hello and introduce Emma to some partygoers, a collection of scientists and investors and heavy hitters in the tech world. Some faces were familiar to Emma, but the faces came and went so quickly that she gave up hope of remembering any of them. They made their way to a clear spot by their table and Emma took a deep breath, able to relax a little.

  “Are you okay, Emmy?” Trevor asked, concern in his eyes.

  “I’m okay, just feeling a little flushed.” Emma swept the back of her hand across her forehead before flashing Trevor a smile. “I’ll be fine.” She forced a smile on her face.

  Trevor studied her before leaning down and planting a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll get us some drinks.” He didn’t wait for her reply as he turned and made his way to the bar.

  Emma opened her mouth to speak. The last thing she wanted right now was to be alone in this room of strangers.

  Emma tried to shrink back in the corner by the plants, watching all the sparkly bright people around her, so comfortable in their own skin. She thought about her skin, and a certain suit.

  She was startled when a hand landed on her wrist. She turned to greet her husband with a smile, only it wasn’t Trevor.

  “Hi.” Weston Morley stood next to her; his mouth stretched in a smile that showcased his blindingly white teeth. Emma opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  Chocolate brown eyes, alight with mischief, roamed her face and the length of her body before returning to meet her eyes.

  “You look surprised to see me.” When Emma remained quiet, Weston continued. “I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t want to come tonight, but it occurred to me that you might be here.”

  “Stop it.” Emma blushed, finally finding words. “You have to be here. It’s your benefit.”

  “You’d be surprised how many of these things I have that I can’t or just choose not to attend.” He shrugged, but his eyes sparkled at her. “I remembered who your husband was, and I thought I might meet the man who scooped up that brilliantly gorgeous woman I met at the club the other night.”

  Emma squared up to the man. “Really. What do you want with me?” She looked at him before surveying the room and taking in all the jealous looks shooting her way. “You clearly have your pick of the room.” She moved her head toward the dozens of eyes turned their way. “What do you want with me? I’m just a housewife.”

  “Emma.” Weston leaned down to her, his eyes locking on hers. “You are so much more than that. Anyone who looks at you can see that.” She shook her head. Weston continued in a hushed tone. “Hopefully your husband recognizes that.”

  Emma’s jaw clenched, and by the look on his face, Weston knew he'd put his foot in his mouth. “I didn’t mean that,” he stammered. It was one thing for Emma to question her relationship, but having a stranger question it was a whole other thing.

  “I think we’re done here, Mr. Morley.” Emma emphasized the formality in his name as she gave him a sharp nod and pushed by him. She didn’t know where she was going, and she knew her husband would look for her, but she had to get out of the crowd. The air was stuffy, claustrophobic almost.

  Emma needed to catch her breath. She walked down the hallway and found an empty conference room. It was dark and cool and she closed her eyes, feeling her head hum as she disappeared in the darkness.

  She slid in one of the chairs at the long wooden table and rested her forehead on her arms. She sat there for moments breathing and thinking about how life had been simpler not that long ago.

  The handle twisted and someone pushed the conference room door open.

  Emma lifted her head in time to see a man enter the room. He was wearing a clear mask that distorted his face and a knit hat that covered his hair. He closed the door behind him.

  Emma jumped back in her seat and when the man turned to face the room, she opened her mouth to explain herself, but before words came out, he reached down to the front of his tux and began working at the buttons.

  He fumbled with the first few and as he worked his way down his shirt, it hit Emma that she was still invisible. She watched, unable to say anything as he took off his shirt, revealing a hairless chest and defined abs.

  Emma blushed and tried to get up without moving the chair. She paused when she noticed the small bag he’d brought in the room with him. What was he doing? As the man reached to unbutton his pants, Emma’s eyes grew large as she took a gulp of air. He froze.

  “Hello?” The man said to the empty conference room. Emma placed her hand on her mouth, willing herself not to breathe. He looked around for a few seconds and then reached down to grab the pack. He pulled out a rolled up blue jumpsuit.

  He shimmied into a mechanic's overalls; the jumpsuit hiding his muscular frame. Emma watched in awe. What was he up to? The man pulled a gun out of the bag. Emma shrunk back to the wall. She might be invisible, but she wasn’t bulletproof.

  The man grabbed the bag up off the table and turned once more to survey the room. Satisfied that he was alone, he pulled the door op
en and exited.

  Emma’s hand was still clamped over her mouth. She wanted to leave. She should follow the man, but she didn’t want to risk him seeing the door open again after he left.

  When she was sure he had cleared the hallway, she made her way out the door toward the crowd. As she entered the ballroom, she saw the masked man make his way to the middle of the room. Even with his mask and jumpsuit, he went undetected as he weaved through the partygoers who were focused on their conversations and drinks.

  Emma watched in horror as the man raised his hand. He pointed the gun at the ceiling and fired two quick shots. They hit one of the crystal chandeliers and showered sparkling shards of shrapnel on the crowd gathered below.

  The room erupted in screams.

  “Everyone, get down on the floor!” He yelled, his voice muffled through the mask. Bodies dropped, but some ran toward the exit.

  The man calmly fired another shot in the air. The room went still.

  “Now,” he spoke loudly but his voice was even, “I’m going to need you to pile all your valuables in front of you. Every piece of jewelry, wallets, credit cards. All personal items in a stack in front of you.”

  This was a robbery? Emma was confused. But her eyes widened with horror as she watched the man approach Trevor, his gun pointing at the back of her husband’s head.

  He nudged Trevor with his foot. Trevor hadn’t moved to retrieve his wallet, like the surrounding others had.

  “Get out your wallet,” the masked man yelled, nudging him again.

  Trevor, lying on his stomach with his arms out to his sides, spoke to the man. “I don’t have my wallet. My wife carries it in her purse.” Emma saw Trevor put his wallet in the inside pocket of his tux when they left the house. It made her wonder why he was risking his life to keep his stupid wallet. What was in it that was so important?

  “Where is your wife?” The mask muffled the gunman’s voice.

  “Hopefully she’s long gone.”

  The man leaned over and frisked Trevor’s backside. When he found nothing, he commanded Trevor. “Roll over.” Trevor obeyed and rolled onto his back. The man ran his hands up Trevor’s legs and over the front of his suit. He stopped and patted Trevor’s chest.

  “Looks like someone is forgetful.” The man ripped open Trevor’s suit jacket and dug out his wallet. He leaned over and pressed the gun to Trevor’s forehead. “I should shoot you right now.”

  Emma watched helplessly as Trevor closed his eyes, but the man pulled the gun away and moved on.

  Emma only just noticed Jenny, lying a few feet from Trevor. The man leaned over and scooped up Jenny’s purse and opened it. Emma noticed him pulling a card out of the purse and slipping into the front right pocket of his overalls. Was that a credit card? Emma wondered, but it didn’t matter.

  The man made quick work of the remaining items, moving from person to person, collecting belongings and stuffing them in his bag. There was no rhyme or reason to what he was taking. Emma watched him grab a wallet here, but leave a valuable diamond necklace there. She watched as he checked his wrist, most likely equipped with a smart device.

  He picked his way toward the door that led into the kitchen, and without warning, he slipped through the doorway, disappearing from the ballroom. People remained on the floor, though now they dared to put their heads up.

  Though Emma knew it was dangerous, she followed the man. It was difficult to run in her dress as she made her way through the ballroom and into the kitchen. Glancing left and right, she didn’t see the man in the overalls, but the kitchen staff were huddled and tucked out of the way.

  There weren’t many places to go, so she ran to the service doors.

  She tried not to open the doors too wide as she slid between the gap, and when she turned, she found herself in an empty alley. Emma scanned the area. Where did the man go? She wondered.

  Just then, she heard the rev of a motorbike and she turned her head just in time to see it coming right at her. She was sure this was the man, but his overalls were gone, traded in for sweats and a leather jacket. She froze when she saw his face. She’d recognize those mischievous chocolate eyes anywhere.

  In the last second, she dove off to the side, rolling on her back as she watched Weston Morley shoot down the alley on his getaway bike.

  Chapter 10 Housewife/Superhero

  Trevor didn’t say much after the gala. He was pretty shaken up. As they lie in bed, side by side, Emma was stuck in her own revolving door of thoughts. What was Weston Morley up to? Why did he rob his own gala? More importantly, Emma had a nagging feeling that Weston didn’t randomly collect Trevor and Jenny’s IDs alone. What if it had something to do with their project?

  After slipping in and out of an unrestful sleep, Emma got up and padded out of the bedroom, once again struck with the guilt she felt for not telling Trevor about her abilities. She looked back at Trevor, who was breathing heavily from his mouth. He must have been exhausted.

  She tiptoed into the home office, lowering herself into the computer chair. She cringed at the seat’s slight creak under her weight.

  She opened the laptop and keyed in the pin. Her and Trevor’s anniversary. As security goes, this wasn’t a very good PIN, about as good as Liam’s birthday, but they didn’t keep much on this laptop.

  Emma first searched Weston Morley. She wanted to know more about his company and what kind of work they did. She knew that he worked with scientists and he knew an exorbitant amount about Trevor’s research, but there were still so many unanswered questions.

  After reading all the gossip about Morley, and admiring his various magazine covers, Emma followed the trail of breadcrumbs to his company and their current research, but she couldn’t see how it tied in with Trevor’s nanotech.

  Emma heard movement in the kitchen, and realized Trevor was awake. She looked at the time. It was ten o’clock in the morning. She closed the laptop, wondering how time could have passed that quickly. She pushed back from the desk, knowing she needed to talk to her husband.

  Emma walked into the kitchen and slid into one of the stools at the counter. She watched as Trevor got ahold of the frying pan before reaching in the fridge for a carton of eggs. He didn’t say a word as he began cracking eggs into a large bowl.

  Emma finally broke the silence when she cleared her throat. “I think we should talk about last night.” Trevor continued the business of making breakfast. Emma’s fist tightened at her thigh. “Trevor?” she asked.

  “Sorry, Babe. Sorry,” Trevor answered. “I’ve just been trying to process everything. With the gala and work, it’s just been a lot.”

  Emma stared at her husband. She couldn’t believe how selfish he was being. First, with the distance he’d taken even with Liam gone, and now with this? She’d been through a traumatic event too. And it was because she attended his gala. She didn’t even want to go, and he knew that. And he needed to process?

  Emma cut to the chase. “Speaking of that, do you think maybe this business with the gala had something to do with what you’re working on?” Emma waited, giving Trevor the chance to think about what she had just said. He whisked the eggs in the bowl and walked over to the heated pan, pouring the eggs into the fry pan.

  “Why would you think that?” Trevor asked, but he didn’t look at her. He watched the oven.

  Emma fidgeted in her seat. “I mean, you had to notice that guy only took the IDs of you and Jenny. That’s gotta mean something, right?” Emma watched her husband for a sign that he’d heard her. He turned the spatula in his hand, shifting from foot to foot.

  Emma’s eyes bore a hole in the back of his head, and she clenched her jaw. Heat rose up her neck. The more he closed her out, the greater the distance between them. Emma couldn’t help but be jealous that while he had work to turn to, she had nothing.

  He reached in the cupboard and grabbed two plates. He placed them on the counter and began scooping the eggs out. The toast popped out of the toaster, and he snatched the golden
-brown slices and placed them on the plate. Emma rose from the chair and walked over to the fridge, grabbing out the orange juice. It was a couples’ dance and Trevor was leading, but at this point, Emma was just going through the motions. It pained Emma to think that maybe Trevor was too.

  Chapter 11 Meeting the Nemesis

  After everything, Trevor left for work. Emma was seething. First, he wouldn’t talk to her, and then he abandoned her. She was positive he’d talk to Jenny about what happened. He could. She knew what they were working on.

  Emma spent the day watching trashy television and sporadically searching Weston Morley. She couldn’t help but admire his images. She found YouTube videos of some of his early interviews. No matter what the age, he still held that cocky confidence. Emma imagined that it came with money.

  She couldn’t just sit around anymore. Emma rose from her spot on the couch. She had a new goal. She was determined to find out what Weston Morley was up to.

  Emma held her phone in her hand as she paced back and forth. In her other hand, she held the card Weston had given her. She wanted to call, but she also was afraid that if she did, no one on the other end would take her seriously. For all she knew, he handed out a dozen cards each night.

  “Let me patch you through,” the secretary said before leaving Emma on an empty line.

  “Emma Stevens?” a voice asked.

  “Yes, this is Emma,” she answered. She could recognize Morley’s voice anywhere, but she was in shock that he answered her call.

  “I didn’t think you’d call,” he answered truthfully.

  “Um, well, I wasn’t going to, but...” Emma looked over to the mirror by the foyer and stared at herself.

  “But you couldn’t wait to speak to the devastatingly handsome millionaire again?”


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