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Mrs. Invisible

Page 9

by Christina Hagmann

  The pain was subsiding in her shoulder. The suit was healing her. The nanites not only could render her invisible, but they could also help her body heal wounds. She stared down in amazement.

  She thought about being invisible again, and suddenly she was. She rushed out the back exit, moving her arm in circles. There was no hint of pain. The nanites completely healed her.

  After no one else exited the back of the building, Emma ran to the front. She searched the crowd that had gathered on the street. They were looking up at the burning building, flames reaching out the windows of the floor that housed Trevor’s lab.

  And then Emma saw him.

  Jenny helped Trevor out the glass doorway as he limped along beside her. Emma brought her hands up to her mouth, tears glistening in the corner of her eyes.

  Jane had come through. When Emma couldn’t get a hold of Trevor, she contacted Jane, who must have found Jenny to unlock the lab and get Trevor out.

  Trevor looked up, making eye contact with Emma. She saw him mouth her name and he began to move faster, dropping the arm that was around Jenny.

  “Emmy!” He called out as he hobbled toward her.

  “Trevor!” Emma broke into a sprint.

  When they met, she slipped her arms under his and felt him pull her tightly to him. He whispered into her hair. “Emmy.” A tremor shook his voice. “I’m so sorry. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Trevor.” Their bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

  Emma knew she never had any intention to leave him. She could never quit on him.

  With all the excitement, no one noticed the bloodied hole in Emma’s shirt. They probably thought it was Trevor’s blood. He and Jenny had a few shards of shrapnel that needed to be removed once the police, fire trucks, and ambulance arrived.

  They asked a thousand questions, but no one asked why Emma was there. Eventually they’d find Weston’s explosives and more questions would come, but Emma was just happy that Trevor was alive. Emma urged the police to let her take Trevor home, with the hold-up at the gala and now this, he looked as though he was about to collapse from exhaustion. They agreed but assured them they would be in touch.

  As they lay in bed, Emma’s phone buzzed on the nightstand. She picked it up, squinting in the dark. The text was from an unknown caller.

  She touched the screen to open the message. “Glad you and your husband have rekindled your marriage. You’re welcome, Emma, but I hope you realize, I’m not the bad guy. Everything I do is for the greater good. You are fascinating, but your power doesn’t belong in the hands of the government and you know that. You also know it’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen. See you around, Mrs. Invisible.”

  Chapter 17 Second Honeymoon

  It still surprised Emma that Trevor planned this entire trip, even though a cruise felt kind of cheesy to her. She was positive that the inclusive events and him not needing to plan an itinerary was part of his selection process. Stepping out of the bathroom and catching the view from the balcony and those endless waves beyond, she was thankful for everything. This was their second chance, not only in their relationship, but in life. It gave her chills when she thought about how close she was to losing him.

  Trevor must not have heard her enter the room, because he yelled as though she was still in the bathroom changing into her swimsuit. “Honey, I’ll meet you down by the pool in a minute!”

  She watched him as he frantically typed on his keyboard, not looking up from his laptop. “Trevor! You better not be doing work.” She raised her eyebrows in warning, and her words caused him to jump.

  He slammed his laptop shut. “I’m not, I swear!”

  Even though it annoyed her, she had to admit he looked cute sitting there on the bed in his swim trunks. His skin was a paltry shade; he didn’t get out of the lab often. They would have to work on his tan this week.

  “Wow!” Trevor said, letting his eyes explore his wife’s body. “Is that new?”

  The suit was blue with cutouts on the side. It was new, and she was glad he noticed. Emma smiled at him and walked over to hug him. “Yes, it is, but I think you’re changing the subject. Were you checking your email?” Emma’s face turned stern again.

  “No, honestly, I wasn’t,” his eyes kept sweeping over Emma’s body. “I mean, WOW! Anyway, I was just checking the forecast.” His cheeks flushed, and he looked nervous.

  “Why?” Emma got up and went to the window. She pushed the curtains all the way open. “It’s beautiful out there Trevor.” The brilliant Cancun sun blasted through the windows and the warmth radiated through her skin. She opened the door and the fresh ocean breeze played with her hair. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

  When she opened her eyes again, he was gazing at her, as though seeing her for the first time.

  He got up and moved toward her. “I know, but I wanted to make sure it would stay beautiful. I have a surprise for you later that requires good weather.” He looked down and looked back up from under his eyelashes.

  “Really?” Emma asked, utterly shocked by her husband. He never made plans. “Will it be romantic?” She turned to him with her back to the ocean.

  “Are you kidding? Isn’t everything you do with me romantic?” Trevor bobbed his eyebrows at Emma. He reached out, resting his hand on her hip and sliding it to her lower back.

  “Ha!” Emma playfully laughed, but she bit her lip under has unflinching gaze.

  “Why don’t you go down to the pool and I’ll meet you there. I just need to check on everything. I want to make sure tonight is perfect.”

  “Check on everything? Like plans?” Emma blurted out, surprised again. Her eyes were round.

  “Okay, I get it,” Trevor answered, shaking his head. “But I’m working on it, right?” He fixed a crooked smile to his face.

  She reached up and rested her arms around her neck. “But you don’t want to leave this,” she looked down at herself and back up, “down by the pool, waiting. I’ll have to beat the men off with a stick.” Emma added jokingly.

  Trevor’s face turned serious as he licked his bottom lip. He looked like he wanted to devour her. “You have no idea how true that statement is.” Emma’s face lost its smile as Trevor closed in.

  His lips pressed on hers, and she drowned in his surging tide of warmth as his insistent mouth parted her lips. Gentle at first, he grew needy. She inhaled his musky scent and felt flutters in her stomach. This is how it’s supposed to be, she thought to herself.

  After they peeled themselves away from each other, Emma made her way to the pool, humming as she went. She passed by couples and noticed a few eyes turning her way. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks.

  When she arrived poolside, she found two open chairs that weren’t facing directly into the sun. She put her towel and phone and one, and slid into the other, closing her eyes in relaxation. She thought about Trevor’s secret plans. It had to be some kind of special candlelit dinner. It made her think about when they first met, and how nervous they both were with their first official date.

  A shadow passed over her, but she didn’t look up as a slight smile crept across her face.

  “Do you need help with your sunscreen?” A deep voice rumbled in Emma’s ear. Emma jumped as her skin broke out in goosebumps. It wasn’t Trevor.

  She slowly opened her eyes to see Weston Morley standing over her. He had on sunglasses and a baseball hat, as though that would prevent anyone around them from recognizing him. It was strange to see him dressed down in linen pants and a short-sleeved shirt. For the first time since she met him, he actually looked his age.

  “My husband is here,” she stuttered, using her hands to push herself up.

  “I know,” he added, distastefully. “I saw him.” Half of his face rose into a smile. Emma sat up and turned to face him.

  “What are you doing here?” Emma angrily whispered; quiet enough so that the surrounding people couldn’t hear, but she noticed a few eyes turning her w

  “I thought I’d check in on you and see how you were doing.” He crouched down, resting one elbow on his knee, and reached out. She tried to flinch out of his way, but his thumb rubbed across her bare shoulder. “Healed quite nicely, I see.” He was staring at the spot where he shot her before his eyes traversed the length of her body. “In fact, everything looks perfect.”

  She knew what he was thinking, and she’d noticed it too. Her body had changed. It wasn’t just the healing. Every imperfection, blemish, or bruise was gone. She had muscle tone that wasn’t there before. The nanites were creating the perfect human performance machine.

  “Oh, I’m here on business.” Weston assured her, as though this was a normal conversation.

  “What kind of business?” Emma ignored his first comment. Weston graced her with one of his lady-killer smiles.

  “Just enjoy your vacation,” Weston answered. His hand ran down her arm, and he watched as it lingered there.

  “I can’t if I know you’re planning something.” This time she didn’t flinch. She didn’t want him to think she feared him, because she didn’t. He couldn’t hurt her. Not really.

  He leaned in, looking directly at Emma. “Well, you could come with me, you know, keep an eye on me.” He fixed his gaze, as though willing her to say yes.

  “Ha,” Emma laughed in his face. His smile didn’t fade, but hers did. He wasn’t kidding. She could see it there, behind his eyes. A longing for the connection they had. It wasn’t just Emma he wanted. He was lonely and hurt.

  He stood.

  “Weston.” His name was soft out of her mouth.

  His jaw went stiff. “Well, the offer stands. But I better get going.” His eyes swept over her body once more. “Enjoy your vacation with your husband.” He motioned towards the hotel.

  Emma turned and looked back to their cabin to see if Trevor was coming, but there was no sign of him. She turned back to look at Weston. But he was. Emma jumped up and stood and looked around. But he had vanished.

  Something settled uneasily in her stomach. There’s no way he should be able to just disappear like that. How did he get on the boat? He had resources, but he wasn’t invisible.

  Emma dropped to her chair. But what if he was? Emma thought to herself. It was entirely possible that at some point he used her to collect DNA or a sample to steal some nanites in her own body. She thought of the kiss they’d shared and her hand went to her mouth.

  But Weston thought the use of invisibility was unethical, which was why he was trying to keep it from the government and from Trevor. Who knows how Weston would use it and combined with his resources? He could wage an all-out war.

  She was still thinking about him when Trevor came up and kissed her on the nose. “How are the men and the sticks doing?” Trevor asked jokingly. Confused for a moment, she remembered what they had been joking about earlier.

  “Oh, I only had to put down about five,” Emma answered with a smile that didn’t travel to her eyes.

  “Poor saps,” Trevor smiled.

  “So, is everything set?” Emma asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Trevor gave her a wicked grin. Emma leaned forward and grabbed him by the back of the neck. She pulled him in for a deep, breath stopping kiss.

  “Whoa,” he answered when she let him go.

  He put his towel and phone on the table between them and settled next to her. “Need some sunscreen?” he asked. Emma doubted that she’d ever need sunscreen again. That nanites would see to that.

  “No, but you do,” she laughed at his pale complexion. She got up and grabbed the bottle, moving to his side.

  “What would I do without you?” Trevor sat and turned his back to her so she could apply the lotion.

  Burn. The thought flashed in her head so fast that she almost dropped the bottle of sunscreen. She’d been so close to losing him. She pushed that thought and all thoughts of Weston out of her head. Right now, she didn’t care what he was planning. She earned this vacation, and she would not spend it thinking about what could have happened and what might happen. There was still the sense of guilt that she was keeping things from Trevor, but she would make sure those things wouldn’t hurt him.

  It was her duty.

  She looked out at the ocean. Everything looked so still from here.

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  Did you love Mrs. Invisible? Then you should read Mrs. Invincible by Christina Hagmann!

  Emma managed to save her husband and her marriage last time, but now that she's working with billionaire vigilante, Weston Morley, can she continue to lie to her husband?

  Read more at Christina Hagmann’s site.

  Also by Christina Hagmann

  Chronicles of Emma Stevens

  Mrs. Invisible (Coming Soon)

  Field Park Horror

  Summer of Screams (Coming Soon)

  Watch for more at Christina Hagmann’s site.

  About the Author

  Christina Hagmann grew up in rural Wisconsin, climbing trees, swimming in creeks (pronounced "cricks"), and running amok. She began reading Stephen King in 5th grade and was hooked. That year she wrote her first short story, and she's been making up stories ever since. When not writing short stories and novels, Christina can be found spending time with her family, coaching, teaching English, and reading anything and everything.

  Read more at Christina Hagmann’s site.




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