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Vampire Heir (Scorned by Blood Book 1)

Page 18

by Heather Renee

  There was something seriously wrong with every single one of them. Worse, it would take hours to maybe be seen. We were going to have to improvise, and we’d only just gotten here.

  The bartender turned around to make us drinks, and Nikki nudged me. “Why don’t you go get in line, Brea? We’ll bring your drink over.”

  I was surprised she suggested I head off alone, but it wasn’t like they’d be far away. I turned to head in that direction, but an old woman with silver hair and bright green eyes stepped into my path, looking past me at Rachel. “What are you doing here?” she demanded, magic pulsing off her.

  “Something you don’t need to worry about,” Rachel said.

  “I better not.” The witch turned back to me, placing her hand over mine. A shock rolled through me. “How do you know Junie?” she asked.

  I glanced back at Rachel and Nikki, wondering who the hell this lady was.

  “Beatrix, she’s human. Be easy on her,” Rachel said.

  The witch laughed. “Right. She carries magic from one of my witches who died during the last battle. I think that allows me a few questions.”

  Junie. She had to have been the witch I hoped to find that messed with my abilities.

  “I didn’t know her name was Junie. She went by J when I met her. I had actually wanted to see her again and ask her some questions. I’m sorry to hear she died,” I answered sincerely.

  The old woman appraised me again. “Interesting.” She pulled a card from her loose cotton pants. “Come see me when you’re done doing things I don’t need to worry about and have time to visit.”

  I took the card and gladly slid it into the top of my dress. Beatrix was walking away before I could say anything else. “Do we need to be worried about her?” I asked.

  Nikki shook her head. “She’s just old and a little wacky. Go on ahead.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I turned back toward the area the bartender had pointed at. The line was even longer as more people arrived. Damn. How many humans were invited to this thing? I probably didn’t want to know.

  Deciding I needed to make them see me a different way, I stole a drink from an empty table I passed and started to walk a little sideways as I approached the beginning of the line. My free hand moved over the wig, making sure it was still pinned on tight, then I bumped into the first human waiting.

  She was a leggy blonde wearing a leather mini skirt and red corset top. Her blue eyes glared at me. “Watch where you’re going, bitch.”

  I hiccupped dramatically, allowing my stolen drink to spill onto her skirt. “Oops. Let me get you a napkin.” I giggled, moving out of her reach.

  “I’m going to kill you,” she screeched.

  One of the bouncers made his way over to us. “I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.”

  My lower lip jutted out. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

  The blonde launched herself at me. “You ruined everything!”

  The bouncer grabbed her around the waist and picked her up as she continued to scream obscenities. He covered her mouth and headed toward the exit. Yeah, I probably just saved her life, and she had no clue.

  “What’s going on out here?” a deep, Russian voice sounded.

  I turned around slowly, dropping the drunk girl act. “Oh, I’m so sorry to bother you, Rigo.” I purred his name while also wanting to vomit.

  His crimson eyes landed on me, trailing over my exposed skin. He licked his lips and crooked his finger at me. “Come here.”

  Every step I took was calculated. My hips swayed, but not overly so. I bit my lip and kept my eyes lowered and submissive.

  Rigo lifted my chin. “How come you’re not in that line, beautiful?”

  “Well, I just got here. I was making my way there,” I replied softly.

  “Nonsense. A treasure such as yourself shouldn’t wait in lines,” he said before picking me up and lifting me over the rope that blocked off the private area.

  My stomach rolled as he set me back on my feet and grabbed my ass. “Get in there,” he demanded.

  I glanced back at the women still waiting. They were all glaring daggers and probably picturing ways they could kill me. I didn’t care.

  Nikki and Rachel approached the rope. They nodded at me as I turned around to enter the outdoor area. I might not have gotten in the way we planned, but the hard part was done.

  Now, it was time for the dangerous part.


  Rigo wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me into the patio area. There were two other vampires and another human female who was nearly passed out. Based on the puncture marks on her neck, that was likely from blood loss.

  “What is your name?” Rigo asked me as he took a seat. He was dressed in an all-black suit. His dark hair was slicked back, making his cheekbones more prominent. He might sound Russian, but with his tanned skin and dark features, he was likely born elsewhere or once had parents that were.

  I pressed my knees together, playing coy. “Brea.”

  “Well, Brea. Do you know what today is?” he asked.

  I giggled. “It’s your birthday.”

  His eyes darkened, and his legs spread open as he leaned back on the outdoor couch. “That’s right. Did you bring me a present?”

  My hands rubbed over my sides as I eyed the other men staring at me. “Maybe.”

  Rigo grabbed my hips and had me in his lap before I could try to do anything about being so close to him. “Show me.”

  “I’ve never done this before,” I whispered.

  Rigo raised his perfectly manicured hand up, fingers gripping my neck. “You’re a feeder virgin?”

  There was an excitement in his voice that gave me hope things were going to go exactly how I planned.

  I nodded, eyes darting to the others again as I did my best to ignore the growing arousal beneath my ass.

  “Are you shy, Brea?” he asked, squeezing tighter around my neck.

  If I wasn’t so sure he wanted to drink me dry, I’d have thought he was trying to kill me with his hold.

  “Terribly so, but my friend told me I should find an experienced vampire for my first time. I didn’t actually think I’d get the chance to meet you.” I grabbed the lapels of his suit, running my fingers over the fine fabric.

  “Well, it must be both of our lucky days.” Rigo’s head moved in close, and I nearly blew everything when I thought he was going to bite me. Before I could drop an elbow onto the back of his head, his tongue was the only thing I felt along my collarbone.

  He turned toward the men still staring. “I’d like privacy with this one.”

  “Are you sure, boss?” one of them asked, but I was too busy playing meek to look up and see.

  Rigo’s hold on me tightened. “Absolutely. I want to take my time with the virgin.”

  Mother effer. I was going to be sick.

  I kept my legs pressed together so that he wouldn’t find my stakes before we were alone and lay my head against his chest. His hands splayed over my exposed upper back as he watched his men leave us alone.

  When the door thudded closed, he lifted my head up to meet his gaze. “Where are you from, Brea?”

  “Lynwood.” It had been the name of the suburb where Maciah’s house was. Hopefully that wasn’t the wrong answer to give. As long as everything went as planned, he wouldn’t be repeating the information anyway.

  He picked up my wrist, smelling my veins. “There’s something different about you.”

  Shit, that wasn’t good.

  “I hope that’s a good thing. I’d hate to disappoint you,” I cooed.

  Rigo held my wrist painfully as he searched my face. “Yes, you would.”

  “I’d like to show you one of the gifts I have for you now,” I said, hoping to distract him with thoughts of sex and blood.

  He released me. “Present yourself to me.”

  This man was even more vile than I’d thought, but it was to my advantage.
/>   I shoved him back, changing tactics and getting rough. “I heard you like a strong woman who can hold up to your needs.”

  He grinned. “Then, you heard right.” I moved to get up, and he stopped me. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Don’t you want to see what I have hiding under this dress?” I asked.

  He nodded. “I could just rip it off.”

  “Then, our fun would be over much too soon,” I countered.

  “Very well. Proceed.”

  I stood up, glancing at the door to make sure it was all the way closed. The two men who had left even took the girl with them. I’d hoped to get her out when I left, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  There would only be one shot at killing Rigo. I had to make sure every move I made was one that brought me another step closer to ending him.

  The music from inside played low on a speaker outside. I swayed my hips and moved closer to him again. My hands moved into the air, and I tilted my head back.

  He reached for my thigh, and I smacked his hand unexpectedly. The move had him in my face, snarling. “Are you denying me?”

  I smirked. “Not at all. I’m giving you a show.”

  “I’ve decided I don’t want one,” he said.

  Using my enhanced strength, I shoved him back onto the couch and quickly kneeled before him. “Then, let me give you a different gift.”

  He seemed ready to backhand me until I started to unbuckle his pants. As his zipper came down, Rigo finally settled.

  Before I could see something that I had no desire to, I reached down and grabbed one of my stakes. This was it. My one chance.

  My free hand trailed up his chest, keeping him pressed against the couch as I leaned my head down, taking a deep breath.

  His hips came up. “Get going before I change my mind. I’m not known for my patience.”

  “Yes, sir,” I purred.

  I leaped into his lap, straddling him, the stake now behind his head.

  “This isn’t the present I thought I was getting, but I am hungry.” Rigo eyed my pulsing throat.

  “Unfortunately, your last meal isn’t going to be me,” I said before leaning back and bringing the stake down, right into his chest with every ounce of strength I had in me.

  His crimson eyes widened. “You…”

  As I’d seen dozens of times before, his skin began to dry out and body shriveled. I got up, never once taking my eyes off of him until he turned to ash.

  Freaking, disgusting vampire. I hadn’t been sure he’d let me seduce him. That was what he got for thinking he was more powerful than he really was.

  The dangerous part wasn’t over, though. I had to get out of this area and back to the others without anyone realizing what I’d done until we were long gone.

  There had been four guards—the two outside with Rigo and the two blocking the door—assuming the one was back from kicking out the blonde.

  I still had five stakes. That was more than enough, as long as I didn’t draw any other attention.

  I tightened my hold on the stake in my hand before cracking open the steel door. “Rigo is asking for one of you.”

  “Which one?” he grunted.

  I couldn’t see the other one next to him, so I yanked on his shirt. “You’ll do.”

  He stumbled into the patio area as I closed the door behind him. He spun in a circle, searching for his boss.

  I didn’t wait for him to figure things out. I openly attacked him with a stake in my hand. He blurred out of the way before I made contact, then he reached for the door.

  Letting him leave wasn’t an option I could allow. I slammed into him, likely making too much noise. Spinning him around, I shoved him against the brick wall next to us.

  His fist slammed into my jaw. My vision faltered, but my motivation didn’t. I was getting out of this club alive.

  He grabbed on to my neck, lifting me up until my feet dangled above the ground. “Where is Rigo?”

  I didn’t bother to answer him. He’d be seeing his boss soon enough in Hell. Ignoring the raging burn in my neck from his grip, I swung my legs up and kicked him in his chest.

  He released me and my ankle cracked on the concrete ground. I pushed through the pain, taking the opening I’d created. Somewhere, I’d dropped the stake I’d had, so I reached for another one, but he was already on me, fangs out and aimed for my neck.

  I rolled out from under his hold and swung my armed hand up and around as I kicked him onto his back. The stake hit its mark perfectly as the brute bucked on the ground.

  I stood up and struck my pointed boot into his ribs as payback for the bruises I was going to have courtesy of him. Though, the marks were also what I hoped would get me out of the bar without causing too big of a scene.

  Reaching for another stake, I eyed the sharp tip, then without thinking too much, stabbed myself in the neck. Twice.

  Nothing too deep, but enough to make me bleed and look close enough to bite marks. The wounds burned. Probably because of the silver. Having a reaction to silver was something I hadn’t really wanted to accept before.

  I unzipped one of my boots, taking it off and tossing it in the corner before rubbing dirt onto my clothes. I was officially a hot mess.

  I forced tears to well in my eyes and let them fall down my bruised cheeks as I hobbled to the door. I opened it enough to slip through, sniffling as I shut it behind me.

  Two of the three remaining guards were still there. One of them smirked down at me with red eyes. “Have fun?”

  I cowered beneath his stare and walked toward the rope.

  One of the women waiting sneered at me. “That’s what you get for cutting ahead of the rest of us.”

  Wow. Our world was turning to shit if that was truly what they thought when they saw another beaten woman. Seeing me should have made them run for the hills. Instead, they were glad I’d gotten what they thought I deserved.

  Rachel and Nikki’s faces came to view next. They wrapped an arm around me as I heard the patio door open. “Run,” I said.

  Nikki picked me up as we blurred through the club, pausing only long enough to make sure Maciah and Zeke were following us.

  Shouts sounded behind us, and I was suddenly in Maciah’s arms. “See you back at the house,” he said to the others as we split up.

  I hadn’t liked this part of the plan, but I understood why it was necessary. My eyes closed as Maciah ran with me in his arms. His grip was tight, but not painfully so. I drew on his strength as the realization that I’d killed Rigo—and that we were getting away—hit me.

  Images of my family were held firmly in my thoughts. I was another step closer to avenging them. Another murdering vampire was off the streets. The thought brought real tears to my eyes, as did the images of my mother, father, and brother.

  Maciah’s hold softened. “Are you hurt?”

  “Just a few bruises and a sprained ankle,” I replied.

  “We’re almost there.”

  Another minute later, Maciah slowed down. We were in an alley somewhere far from the bar. Him running was quicker for getting away than the Tesla we had to leave behind.

  There were two vampires from Maciah’s nest in the silver sedan as we got into the back seat.

  “Everything okay?” the driver asked.

  “It is. Head back to the house so we can go home,” Maciah answered.

  Home never sounded so good.


  Within the hour, we were on the plane and headed back to Portland. After having Maciah’s help removing the three pounds of makeup on my face and my ruined dress, I slept the rest of the flight back.

  Maciah tried to carry me to the waiting SUV, but I stood up on my own and walked. I was still tired, but I wasn’t hurting and we weren’t on the run, so there was no reason to rush.

  “Any news from the vampires driving home?” Nikki asked.

  “No, but Beatrix somehow has my phone number and texted me. She said Rigo’s men have no idea w
ho we are, and they’re searching LA for three women they’ll never find,” Maciah said.

  While I was relieved to hear that, something didn’t feel right. Everything had been too easy. Sure, I’d had the crap beaten out of me, but I still felt like the other shoe had yet to drop. Something had to go wrong. Life didn’t often give without taking in return.

  I kept my thoughts to myself, though. Everyone else seemed to be thrilled with how our plans went. Well, except for the part when I’d been behind closed doors, and they’d had no clue if I was alive or dead.

  Maciah had kept those worries to himself once he had me in his arms. I was still blown away that he had let me handle things in the club. I’d thought for sure at some point that he’d attempt to be the typical man and interfere. As soon as we were alone, I’d have to show him my appreciation.

  The SUV we’d taken to the airport was waiting for us in the parking lot and covered in snow. Thankfully, the runway had been cleared enough for us to land safely instead of being detoured to the main terminals.

  Zeke began to clear the windows before getting into the driver’s seat.

  “I can’t believe we only got two of them.” Nikki sighed once we were all in the SUV.

  “But Rigo was a big one. That will put a lot of them in hiding for a while, which means less humans dying or being turned,” Rachel replied.

  Her response made me wonder how hard it was going to be to get our chance at facing Dmitri. Given him and Rigo were from the same coven, would Dmitri stay hidden for longer? Or would he search for me until he found the one that took his pseudo-brother from him?

  Either way, I’d make sure I was ready for him. If Dmitri was smart enough to stay home and away from the party, then I doubted he would be irrational about Rigo’s death. I was counting on the two of them being opposites.

  We pulled through the gate at the mansion, and all of the lights were on. I knew vampires didn’t need sleep, but normally they were resting at four in the morning. My guard instantly went up as I stared out the windshield.


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