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When You Are Near

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by Tracie Peterson

  Books by Tracie Peterson


  When You Are Near


  In Places Hidden • In Dreams Forgotten

  In Times Gone By


  Treasured Grace • Beloved Hope

  Cherished Mercy


  In the Shadow of Denali • Out of the Ashes

  Under the Midnight Sun


  A Treasure Concealed

  A Beauty Refined • A Love Transformed


  Steadfast Heart

  Refining Fire • Love Everlasting


  A Sensible Arrangement

  A Moment in Time • A Matter of Heart

  Lone Star Brides (3 in 1)


  The Icecutter’s Daughter

  The Quarryman’s Bride • The Miner’s Lady


  Chasing the Sun

  Touching the Sky • Taming the Wind


  To Have and To Hold

  To Love and Cherish • To Honor and Trust


  Embers of Love

  Hearts Aglow • Hope Rekindled


  Dawn’s Prelude

  Morning’s Refrain • Twilight’s Serenade


  Summer of the Midnight Sun

  Under the Northern Lights

  Whispers of Winter

  Alaskan Quest (3 in 1)


  A Promise to Believe In

  A Love to Last ForeverA Dream to Call My Own


  A Daughter’s Inheritance

  An Unexpected LoveA Surrendered Heart


  Daughter of the Loom

  A Fragile DesignThese Tangled Threads


  A Tapestry of Hope

  A Love Woven TrueThe Pattern of Her Heart

  All Things Hidden**

  Beyond the Silence**

  House of Secrets

  A Slender Thread

  What She Left for Me

  Where My Heart Belongs

  *with Judith Miller **with Kimberley Woodhouse

  For a complete list of titles, please visit

  © 2019 by Peterson Ink, Inc.

  Published by Bethany House Publishers

  11400 Hampshire Avenue South

  Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

  Bethany House Publishers is a division of

  Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

  Ebook edition created 2019

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

  ISBN 978-1-4934-1722-3

  Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by Jennifer Parker

  Cover photography by Mike Habermann Photography, LLC

  With thanks to Karen Vold and Linda Scholtz for your amazing insight and help with trick riding. It was so much fun to see the history you both have in trick riding and rodeo. Attending your clinic was so much fun and gave me a much better understanding and love for what you do.

  Thanks too, to Amber Miller—another amazing trick rider who has answered my questions faithfully. I appreciate your patience and help.



  Half Title Page

  Books by Tracie Peterson

  Title Page

  Copyright Page




























  About the Author

  Back Ads

  Back Cover

  “Come one, come all to the Brookstone Wild West Extravaganza—the only wild west show to give you all-female performers of extraordinary bravery and beauty! Women whose talent and proficiency will amaze and delight people of every age!”


  September 1900

  Washington, D.C.

  Lizzy Brookstone sat atop her perfectly groomed horse, Longfellow, and waited for her cue. The sleek Morgan-Quarter horse crossbreed was a dazzling buckskin with sooty dappling. Named for one of Lizzy’s favorite poets, Longfellow was one of two buckskins she used for the wild west show her father and uncle had started back in 1893.

  The horse did a nervous side step, and Lizzy gave him a pat. “Easy, boy. I’m just as anxious as you are, but you know the routine.”

  She glanced down at her prim English riding costume. The outfit had been created to break away easily, and under it was her basic performing costume—a comfortable split skirt tucked into knee-high boots to allow her a full range of motion. Under the restrictive lady’s jacket, she wore a specially designed blouse that easily accommodated her acrobatics. But at first glance she looked like nothing less than a refined lady of society out for an afternoon ride. She even wore riding gloves and a proper top hat with a netted veil.

  The crowds cheered as her uncle Oliver continued to build up their anticipation for the show. He was the perfect master of ceremonies, and the audience always loved him. He announced every event and explained each of the three main acts.

  “And so without further ado, I proudly present my darling niece, Elizabeth Brookstone—the most accomplished horsewoman in the world today!”

  The crowds roared with approval.

  Lizzy straightened in the saddle. “That’s our cue, Longfellow.” She drew a deep breath and urged him forward.

  The cheers were thunderous as she entered the arena. Lizzy put Longfellow into a trot and gave a ladylike wave with her gloved hand as they circled. This was her chance to assess the audience. The stands were packed to full capacity, just as all Brookstone events were. Souvenir banners were waved by those who had purchased them, while others waved handkerchiefs or simply clapped. Lizzy had ridden with the show since her father and uncle created it, and had never known anything but sold-out shows and crowds such as these. The Brookstone show was known far and wide to be of the utmost quality and satisfaction.

  “Isn’t she lovely, ladies and gentlemen?” Oliver Brookstone asked through his megaphone. The audience roared even louder.

  Lizzy set Longfellow into his paces. She signaled him to rear, causing the crowd to gasp. Longfellow began to prance and rear as if agitated and out of control. Lizzy let her top hat fall to the ground. Her chestnut brown hair tumbled down her back. She gave every pretense of being in peril as she signaled Longfellow to gal

  As the gelding picked up speed, Lizzy pretended to be in trouble. She threw herself across the saddle first one way and then the other in order to rip away the special skirt and jacket. The audience that only moments earlier had been cheering now fell silent except for an occasional woman’s startled cry. This was how the audience always reacted. Lizzy saw one of the other trick riders racing out to pick up her discarded articles of clothing. Freed of impediments, Lizzy slipped her foot into one of the special straps on her custom-made saddle and went into a layover, looking as if she would fall headfirst off the saddle. From this point on, she didn’t hear the crowd or pay them any attention. Her act required her full attention.

  Since she was a little girl, Lizzy had performed tricks on horseback. Her father and uncle had been part of Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West show. They’d joined up in 1883, when their friend William Cody had decided to put together his famous show. Lizzy’s mother had been needed to help with cooking for the crew, and naturally that meant bringing Lizzy along. Lizzy had grown to adulthood under the show’s influence, performing her first tricks with the help of her father when she was just twelve. Every winter they’d gone home to Grandfather Brookstone’s ranch in Montana to rest and plan new tricks. It was an unusual life to be certain, but one Lizzy enjoyed—probably because her father loved it so.

  “You are the very heart of me, Lizzy,” her father had often told her. “You and your mother. Without either one of you, I’m not sure I could go on.”

  But he had never considered how they might go on without him. Earlier that year, Mark Brookstone had suffered a heart attack. He had lingered for several hours after the initial onset, and during that time, he had made his wishes known before dying in the arms of his beloved wife.

  Lizzy’s body shifted in the wrong direction. Focus on what you’re doing or you’ll get yourself killed.

  She pushed the memory aside. Focus was key to not getting hurt. She went into a trick that put her upside down along the horse’s neck. The gelding didn’t even seem to notice and continued to gallop around the arena. The audience applauded, now understanding that Lizzy’s situation was quite under control.

  Lizzy swung back into the saddle and gave a wave. The crowds went wild with cheers and the fluttering of the colorful Brookstone Wild West Extravaganza pennants they’d purchased.

  She performed various moves for nearly twenty minutes, wowing the crowds with layovers, saddle spins, and shoulder stands, then ending with a death-defying drag that put her upside down, her hair and hand sweeping the floor of the arena. The people loved it. They were on their feet, cheering and whistling. The applause was thunderous as she reclaimed her seat and rode out of the arena.

  The other nine performers for the show were waiting on horseback. Lizzy’s was the final performance, but now the entire troupe would go out to take their bows. Lizzy positioned Longfellow while the others made their way out to the cheers of the audience. They lined up the horses, and each rider raised her hand high as the horses bowed.

  An old man rushed to Lizzy’s side, holding up a flag. With quick action, she secured straps over her feet and took the unfurled cloth. She returned to the arena, standing in the saddle and hoisting an American flag as she circled the ring. It was hard to imagine possible, but the cheers grew even louder.

  Lizzy smiled and waved the symbol of America back and forth just as her father had taught her.

  “People love a good finish, Lizzy. Give them a surprise and something to cheer, and they’ll never forget you.”

  Longfellow headed out of the arena once again with the other riders following close behind. The audience continued to cheer and clap. As usual, no matter how much the performers gave, the audience wanted more.

  Lizzy pulled off to the side, and the same older man who had given her the flag now retrieved it.

  “Thanks, Zeb. I’m sure glad that’s over.” Lizzy had pushed herself nearly beyond endurance, having given a private performance for the president and his friends earlier in the day. She was tired and sore and relieved that her obligations were concluded. She could feel in Longfellow’s gait that he was too.

  “Wonderful performance, Lizzy,” August Reichert declared, taking hold of Longfellow’s bridle. “You were amazing.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at the sandy-haired head wrangler, who was the brother of her dear friend Mary. He had once tried to pay her court, but Lizzy kept everything professional. She had no interest in losing her heart to anyone in the show or anywhere else. Falling in love was even more dangerous than the act she’d just performed.

  She slid from the saddle. Longfellow gave a soft nicker, knowing they’d both done well. “That’s my boy.” Lizzy kissed the horse’s velvety nose. “You were wonderful. You always are.” The horse was puffing and sweating but bobbed his head as if agreeing with her. “I’ll bring you some treats later tonight.” She gave him one last stroke as August loosened the cinch. “Take good care of him, August. He needs to walk awhile.” She knew she didn’t need to tell August his job, but it was a force of habit.

  “I’ll see to it, Lizzy.” August led the horse away.

  She made her way to the small room where her mother was waiting. Rebecca Brookstone was a fine-looking woman with a slender figure. Just shy of fifty years old, she and Lizzy shared many features. Both had chestnut brown hair, although Rebecca’s bore gray as well. They had dark brown eyes—a trait passed down from Rebecca’s mother’s side of the family—and a brilliant smile. Although Mother smiled less these days. Losing her husband had clearly left Rebecca Brookstone with a broken heart.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe,” Mother said. “Were there any problems?”

  “No. None.” Lizzy gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. “Are you ready to go?”

  The black-clad widow nodded. “I am. I’ll be glad to be back on the train.”

  “Me too.” Lizzy picked up the one remaining bag her mother motioned toward and offered Mother her arm. “Let’s get out of here before anyone spies us.”

  Her mother happily complied, and they made their way to their home on wheels. Usually there would be a carriage or wagon to drive them, but the train station was only six blocks away, and Lizzy and her mother had walked it more than once that day. The walk helped Lizzy clear her head, and on this particularly warm night, it was pleasant just to stroll and let the evening breeze cool them.

  “The capital is a fascinating city, isn’t it?” Mother stated more than asked.

  Lizzy nodded. “It is, but given the upcoming election, it seems to almost be running amok.”

  “I suppose that’s to be expected. Still, it was a lovely visit at the White House. I thought Mrs. McKinley such an amiable hostess.”

  “I remember the first time we met her.” Lizzy paused at a busy street corner to wait until the traffic cleared. The other pedestrians around them seemed less inclined and dodged in and out of the traffic, much to the annoyance of the drivers. When they were once again on their way, Lizzy continued. “Do you suppose the president will be reelected?”

  “I think so,” Mother said, nodding. “The country has returned to prosperity, and industry is progressing. I believe most people will see the president as having a part in that.”

  They reached the train depot and made their way to the area where the Brookstone railcars awaited. There were eight bright red cars in total, artistically painted with performance scenes. Each bore the lettering, THE BROOKSTONE WILD WEST EXTRAVAGANZA, and all were customized to their personal needs. Half were dedicated to the animals’ welfare and equipment, while the other four were set up for sleeping and living on the rails.

  Lizzy made her way to the family car and helped her mother up onto the temporary wooden platform. Once they were inside, both women heaved a sigh in unison.

  Mother smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “We’re a sorry pair.”

  “We’re tired. It’s always hard when we get to the end of the season. I’m just thankf
ul that you don’t have to furnish the evening refreshments. Mrs. McKinley was so kind to send over all that food from the White House.”

  “She was indeed. I don’t think I would have had the energy to lay out a table this evening. I’m glad there won’t be too many more meals to arrange for this tour.”

  “Maybe we should hire someone to assist you next year.”

  Mother shook her head. “No, this is my last tour.”

  Lizzy wasn’t all that surprised to hear this declaration. Since Father had died, neither of them had much passion for the show. They would have quit immediately had he not begged them to continue.

  “The show must go on,” he had said in barely audible words. “Promise me you’ll finish out the tour.”

  They had promised, although neither had the heart to continue.

  “I think it shall be my last as well,” Lizzy said, plopping down on the comfortable sofa. “After all, I’m twenty-eight. I’m getting a little long in the tooth to be doing this.” She rubbed her abdomen. “I get sorer with each performance, it seems.”

  “Besides, you should consider settling down, getting married and having a family. I would find it a great comfort to have grandchildren.” Her mother took off her black veiled hat and set it aside.

  Lizzy shook her head. “I’m sorry that I’ve disappointed in that area, but I’m not sure it’s ever going to happen.” She couldn’t say that seeing her mother’s pain from Father’s death had made her look at romance and marriage in a completely different way.

  “There’s always Wes,” Mother said. “He’s free now. We both know he married Clarissa out of pity, but he’s always cared about you.”

  This was not the conversation Lizzy wanted to be having. She had watched her mother go through the overwhelming grief of losing the man she loved. It had made Lizzy rethink her dreamy notions of marriage. She had loved Wes since she was a child, but he had never cared about her in the same way, and maybe that was for the best.

  “There are other things in life besides marrying and having a family. Wes has his own life, and I have mine. Besides, he thinks of me as his sister,” Lizzy said, shaking her head. “Nothing more than a pesky sibling.”


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