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JUDE: Lords of Carnage MC

Page 17

by Daphne Loveling

  I’m alone. For how long, who knows. But they’ve lowered me just enough that my feet are touching the ground solidly. Desperately, I look up at the hook, try to jump myself off of it, but I can’t jump high enough. My mind starts to race, to think about what I could possibly do to get myself out of here.

  Then it hits me. The knife I cut Pecher’s throat with.

  I’m dizzy with hope as I realize I’m wearing the same boots as I was that day. The Ka-Bar knife is still tied into my shoelace, camouflaged enough that they never noticed it.

  Now the question is, how to get to it.

  Since I can’t reach down to my feet to pull the knife from my boot, the boot is going to have to come up to my hands.

  I tell myself it’s not much different from doing crunches on a pull-up bar. Just a little harder.

  Taking a deep breath, I do one experimental crunch, bringing my knees to my chest. My abs flex, and I feel the muscles underneath my skin. I tell myself I’m powerful. I can do this.

  I let my feet back down to the ground. Then, taking another deep breath, I swing my lower body upward, crunching my abs at the same time as I pull myself up with my biceps.

  I get myself high enough. But my aim is off, and I lose my shot at grabbing the knife.

  I’m going to have to pull myself up without swinging so hard. I need time for my fingers to unhook it. I close my eyes, think through the motions I’ll have to do.

  Try again.

  Crunch abs, swing upward, lift with biceps. This time, I time it so I just barely manage to hook one of my feet around my arm, keeping me in position. Pain courses through my bound wrists, and I wince, gritting my teeth.

  Struggling, I hook one finger into the ring on the knife’s handle. I pull it out, but almost drop it. My heart leaps into my throat, and for a second I feel dizzy. Shaking, I maneuver the small blade backwards so the sharp edge is against the rope binding my wrists. I saw, as hard as I can, back and forth.

  Shouts and loud thumps from outside send fear spiking through me, and I push harder, working faster. Finally, the rope frays, then breaks.

  I fall from the hook to the floor, flat on my back.

  The wind is knocked out of me. I lie there, unable to pull in a breath, pain coursing through me. For a few horrified seconds, I worry I’ve broken my back. I suck in a minuscule amount of air, wheeze it out, try again. The panic I feel from the noises outside doesn’t help.

  Another shout, louder this time. Angry. A rough hand grabs the collar of my shirt, hauling me to my feet.


  Jude’s voice sounds far away, down a long tunnel, but it’s him. I know it. I suck in a little more air, and then, thinking wildly, I clasp one hand over my other fist and ram a sharp elbow into what I hope is the gut of the person holding me. The surprised gasp he exhales lets me know I’ve hit my mark. In my fist is the knife, still, and the blade cuts into my palm a little as I turn and flick it outward. I bring my boot down on his shin, scraping the heel downward as hard as I can. I’m still weak, but it hurts him enough to distract him, and then I plant the knife into his gut, then pull it out.

  The knife’s small. It can’t go deep. But it does do damage. The man loosens his hold on me, howls as he grabs for his gut with his other hand.

  A gunshot rings out.

  “Jude!” I try to yell, but I still don’t have enough breath. I wrench away from the man, and push myself into a run through the door. On the other side, Jude is there. He’s facing me, Pecher and his son with their backs toward me. Jude’s got a gun in his hand.

  “Don’t —” he says, but I’m already flying toward them. I reach Pecher’s son first, and leap onto his back.

  “You’re gonna look like your dad in more ways than one,” I hiss as I bring my knife to his throat.

  He roars and grabs at my arms. He’s stronger than I am, but I have surprise on my side. He claws at my forearm, but I take the knife in my other hand and jab it into the back of his hand, twisting as hard as I can. Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. Jude and Pecher. I don’t know what’s happening, who’s winning. All I know is I have to take this one down.

  A crash behind us. The third one, the one I stabbed in the gut, barrels forward into the room. Another gunshot. There’s a sudden numbness in my left leg. Then two louder shots, in rapid fire.


  My bowels turn to relieved mush. Beast. That’s Beast. The Lords.

  “Here! Help!” I yell.

  Jude has Pecher on the ground. The Lords burst into the room, guns drawn. They surround the two men. One of them pulls me off the son. Jude stands, backs away.

  “You okay, girl?” Thorn’s warm voice reaches me as he sets me down. When my left foot touches the ground, a bolt of lightning slices through my leg.

  “Shit!” I hiss, looking down. Blood is blooming through my jeans. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “She’s shot?” Jude barks, at my side in an instant.

  Thorn squints at the wound. “You’re lucky,” he says to me. “Looks like a small caliber.”

  “Holy shit.” Jude stares at the gun in his hand, then at me. “I shot you, Liles.”

  “You didn’t mean it,” I grit out. Then, a second later: “I hope.”

  Jude bursts out laughing. He takes me from Thorn, puts my arm around his shoulder, and leads me outside.

  I’m shaking, the pain in my leg ramping up by the second. I concentrate hard on trying not to lose my balance so Jude won’t have to carry me. “How’d you find me?” I manage to ask him as I limp along.

  “I flagged down a passing truck on the highway. Luckily, there ain’t too many limos out here. It kinda stuck out.”

  “What’s gonna happen to…” I trail off, gesture toward Pecher and the others.

  Jude looks serious. “I think you know that.”

  “Yeah. I guess I do.”

  My head feels a little fuzzy. My brain is having trouble wrapping itself around everything that’s happened. And around the fact that not long after Jude and I drive away from this place, Pecher, his son, and the rest will all be dead.

  I’m relieved. But I’m also so, so tired.

  My bum leg buckles under me a little as we walk. Jude stares down at me, eyes searching and etched with concern. “You in a lot of pain?”

  “I’ve felt better.”

  He leans over and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head. “Let’s get you back to the clubhouse,” he says. “You’re probably good until Smiley can fix you up, but we’ll call ahead.”

  When we get outside the gas station, Jude steers me toward a pickup truck I’ve never seen before.

  “Where’s the owner of the truck?” I ask.

  Jude shrugs. “Probably somewhere along Highway Seven, walking back toward town. Hell, who knows? We might even catch him on the way back. Give him a ride.”



  We get back to the clubhouse. Angel has me call Steeze on the way, to tell him he can stand down at the gym and come back, that we’re gonna have church in a bit.

  Smiley takes care of Lila’s leg. It’s an entry and exit wound, clean and small, and I’m thankful as shit that the pistol in the dude’s glove box wasn’t a nine-millimeter or something bigger. Still, she’s gonna need some time to heal, and she might walk with a limp for a while. Maybe forever, I dunno.

  Lila, of course, is tough as nails through the whole thing. Now that the danger is passed, and Pecher is gone, you’d never know she’s spent the last weeks with her life in jeopardy. We set her up in her apartment, leg up and Spike on her lap. I tell her I’ll be in to talk to her later.

  I tell Angel and Beast what Pecher’s son said about Steeze. That he was supposed to be driving Lila today. That he was supposed to take her to them. Angel’s jaw gets tight, a pulse appearing in his cheek like it does when he’s really fucking angry. He tells Beast to come with him into his office. Tells me not to say anything. To carry on as usual when Steeze gets back.
  “We’ll deal with this in church,” he grits out.

  So we do. Steeze doesn’t notice that Ghost and Hawk are standing in front of the locked door to the chapel as Angel bangs the gavel. Doesn’t realize until it’s too late that the reason is in case he tries to run.

  He starts babbling when he figures it out. Tells us Pecher tricked him into a debt.

  “They fuckin’ trapped me, man!” he cries, eyes wild as they ping-pong around the room. “I was supposed to deliver Lila to them — just drive her — to pay it off. They said they just wanted to talk to her…”

  “Yeah, right,” Bullet snarls. “You fuckin’ knew better than that.”

  “How much was the debt?” Striker asks.

  “Ten-thousand, man.” Steeze shakes his head wildly. “They were gonna break my legs, maybe worse, if I didn’t pay up.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Tank explodes in disgust. “Ten-thousand fuckin’ dollars? How the hell did you get in that deep, you goddamn idiot?”

  “Gambling debt, man!” Steeze insists. “They set me up!”

  “Yeah, they did,” Striker snarls. “They fuckin’ set you up. And you fell for it.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt her!”

  “You sure about that?” I bark, raising half out of my seat. “You sure you weren’t pissed at her? For rejecting you? Pissed enough that you didn’t think too hard about giving her up to people who wanted to hurt her?”

  “Look, I mean, she’s not that important, right?” Steeze pleads. “She ain’t in the club — she’s not an old lady or anything — why cause problems? I figured, this way Pecher is our friend.”

  “Was.” Thorn pierces him with a furious stare. “He’s dead, son. And he was never our friend. Our club doesn’t hurt women. Any woman.”

  “Ten-thousand dollars,” Striker repeats, shaking his head at Steeze. “In exchange for an innocent woman.”

  “And your honor,” Beast adds grimly.

  “And your life,” Angel adds.

  Steeze’s head whips around, eyes locking on our club president. For the first time, he seems to understand what he’s done. What’s about to happen.

  The vote is unanimous. Of course.

  When it’s over, Angel directs Ghost and Hawk to take Steeze to Twisted Pipes.

  There are blowtorches there. The first order of business is to remove his Lords of Carnage ink. All of it.

  That in itself might kill him.

  Either way, though, Steeze isn’t getting out of this alive.

  Angel bangs the gavel. He stands, as Ghost and Hawk take Steeze by the arms and haul him to his feet.

  “This is a fuckin’ lesson you shoulda learned a long time ago. Guess you’re gonna have to learn it the hard way,” he rasps.

  He clears his throat.

  Brings his face close to the other man’s.


  “Don’t fuck with the Lords,” Angel hisses, as the spittle runs down Steeze’s cheek. “Because the Lords fuck back.”

  Steeze starts howling in fright as Beast opens the door to the chapel. Ghost and Hawk haul him away. As his screams grow more distant, the rest of the brothers leave the chapel as well, expressions solemn. As I prepare to do the same, Beast puts a hand on my shoulder, holds me back.

  “Hey,” he grunts. “Wanna talk to you for a bit.”

  “Okay.” I turn to him, waiting.

  “So, you and Lila have been…” Beast trails off, his eyes hard, suspicious.

  “Yeah. For a bit now.”

  He frowns, and is silent for a couple seconds, like he’s trying to find his words.

  “You break her heart, you best not show your face here again, you got that?” he finally says. “I don’t give a shit if you’re a Lord.”

  “I don’t plan on it.”

  “Yeah?” he asks gruffly. “Then what the fuck do you plan on doing?”

  “I plan on makin’ her my old lady,” I shoot back. “Just as soon as you stop chewing my ass.”

  Beast’s face flashes with anger.

  Then he starts to laugh.

  “Well, then, get to it, brother,” he chuckles, shoving my shoulder toward the door. “You know where she is.”

  When I get to Lila’s door, I rap on it with my knuckle a couple of times. She calls out that it’s open.

  “Hey,” I say. “Church just got out. Thought I’d come and see you.”

  Lila motions me in, a little alarmed. “What was all that yelling a bit ago?”

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I sit down on her bed, careful not to jostle her too much. “How you feelin’? How’s the leg?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. Smiley gave me painkillers, so…” She trails off, gives me a grin that’s just a little bit loopy. “You know, it’s all good.”

  “Yeah. Seems like it. Are you up for a conversation, or should I come back later?”

  “Sure. I’m not that out of it. Just feeling no pain.” Lila puts her hands on each side of her thighs and lifts herself up into more of a sitting position. Spike, lying close at her side, looks up, then groans softly and puts her head down, closing her eyes. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to apologize. For bein’ an ass about your dad. And then for bein’ an ass about bein’ an ass.”

  Lila sighs. “Well, you picked a perfect time for it, because after today, nothing seems like that big a deal, you know?”

  “Yeah. I know.” I stare at her. “I was worried as shit I wouldn’t get you outta there, Liles.”

  Her face pales, even as she tries to keep her tone light. “Yeah, me too.”

  “We wouldn’t have made it, either, if you hadn’t gave as good as you got.” I move closer. “You kicked some serious ass, you know?”

  “I wish I’d killed Pecher the first time,” she whispers. “But I’m glad he’s gone now.”

  “It’s all over,” I soothe. “You’re free, babe.”

  “You think… you think Angel will let me stay here in the apartment until my leg is better?”

  “I sure as hell hope not.”

  Lila’s eyes fly to mine. “What?” she gasps, betrayal in her eyes.

  “Ain’t no reason for you to stay in here,” I continue, lifting my hand to her cheek, “when I got a perfectly good king-size bed in mine.”

  Lila blinks at me in confusion. “What are you saying, Jude?”

  “I’m saying it’s about time we stopped dancing around this, don’t you think?” I lean forward, kissing her deeply. She moans, her mouth opening to mine. The kiss is long, searching, and the answer I’m looking for is there for the taking. “You’ve been driving me fucking crazy ever since I met you, Lila Dunn. And I guess that’s not about to stop anytime soon. I love you, God help me. I’m pretty sure you feel the same way.”

  Lila, ducks her head against my neck, suddenly shy. “I do,” she murmurs.

  “So, let’s get the rest of our life started.” I reach under her, slipping one arm beneath her legs. She sucks in a breath, but I’m careful not to get too close to her gunshot wound. Lila’s arms go around my neck, and my chest swells because I know that’s a yes.

  “I’ll come back for the cat later.” I lift her up from the bed and stride toward the door. “But right now, I’ve got some experimenting to do.”

  “Experimenting?” she frowns. “What do you mean?”

  “I gotta figure out how to fuck you senseless with this bum leg of yours,” I reply. “It’s gonna take a lot of trial and error, so we better get started.”

  Lila’s laugh rings out in the hall as I carry her into my apartment. It’s the best damn sound I’ve ever heard.

  I’m careful of Lila’s body, or at least as careful as I can be with both of us needing this as much as we do. I was a little worried she might be too loopy from the pain meds, but her arms are around my neck, pulling me to her body as soon as I get her on my bed. Hot desire is coursing through my veins, and something else, too: the need to take her. To own her. To make this real, and official
, and forever.

  “Lila,” I rasp against her throat as I enter her. “I fucking love you.”

  “Jude…” she moans as she rises up to meet me. The heat of her envelops my pulsing cock. I start to move, slowly at first, but she urges me on, and soon it’s instinct that drives us both, fucking hard and deep, me staring intently into her eyes. It’s forever between us, and we both know it. I’ve finally met my match. Lila Dunn is gonna be a pain in my ass for the rest of my life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I missed this,” I groan. “Holy fuck, I missed this.”

  “I’m close,” Lila whispers. “Oh, Jude, oh, God…”

  “I’m right there with you, baby,” I croon as I feel my balls tighten. My hands tighten on her hips as I thrust deeper and deeper, and suddenly Lila’s body bucks as she screams and arches against the bed. With a loud roar, I let go and empty myself deep inside her. Our shouts echo in the room, until the two of us are left spent and gasping for breath. I gather Lila into my arms, still inside her, and hold her close.

  Pretty sure the club ain’t gonna be able to un-hear that.

  Oh, well.



  “So, I ain’t great at public speaking,” Angel begins, looking around the crowded room. “But it seemed like I should get up and say a few words on this occasion, seein’ as it’s a big day and a big event for both of my families: the Lords of Carnage family, and the family I married into.” He pauses, then continues with a smirk. “Plus, Jewel told me I had to make a speech, and if you know what she’s like, you know I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”

  The room erupts into loud laughter. Over to the side, Jewel rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling.

  “Most of us have known Jude and Lila for a hell of a long time now. Hell, it must be coming up on seven years. When Jude came to us, he was a cocky young asshole — pardon my French — who thought he knew everything and couldn’t be told anything by anyone. And now, seven years later, he’s… well, he’s a little taller.”


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