Her Christmas Surprise

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Her Christmas Surprise Page 7

by C. M. Steele

  “Okay, we’ll get you to a hospital. Can you give us your name?”

  “Reed.” His vision was starting to blur, and he couldn’t hear anything.

  “Reed what…sir?” Not being able to remain conscious he collapsed. The two officers and the bystander stopped him from hitting the ground.

  The medics rushed over with a stretcher and placed him on it. “Did you get his name?”

  “All he gave me was Reed.”

  “Let’s search for some ID.” They went through his pockets as they loaded him into the vehicle, but they were empty.

  “We’ve got to take him to the hospital, so just call it in.”

  “Let us know if he becomes conscious.”

  They pulled the tags and ran the plates. The vehicle was registered to a Reed Landry in Maine. They wondered if the kidnapping had crossed state lines.


  Spencer walked into the room after he got the call about Danielle. “Reed’s gone,” she sobbed as soon as she saw her brother. Her heart was breaking over and over again as she thought about never seeing him again.

  He grabbed her hand and tried to calm her down. “Dani, he’s not. Calm down. Danielle, Reed’s alive.”

  “He is?” She cried. Her heart was running a mile a minute. Tears poured down her face, and Spencer wrapped his arms around his baby sister. She sobbed happily against his chest. Losing him was too much for her to bear.

  “Where is he?”

  “Down the hall, actually. He’s been brought here for head trauma. When you’re ready, I can take you to see him.”

  “I’m ready now.” Tearing off the sheets, she tossed her feet off the bed and stood up. Getting dizzy, she sat back down.

  “Be careful, Dani.”

  “I need my Reed. It’s all my fault this happened.” She would never ask for anything else again. He didn’t want to go, but he wanted to make her happy. If he’d stayed none of this would have happened.

  “Okay, but just take it slow.” He helped her steady herself.

  “Walk me to him.” Danielle was known to be stubborn, so Spencer just complied.

  They walked down the hall and into Reed’s room where Rose was sitting at his bedside.

  “Reed!” Danielle rushed to her husband’s side. She hugged him tightly. “I love you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Baby doll, I’m sorry. I didn’t get your ice cream.” Reed teased pulling his wife onto the bed with him and kissing her deeply. Danielle couldn’t believe the nightmare was over. Her love was still alive, hugging and kissing her.

  “I love you, Danielle. I’m not going anywhere.” She was going to hold him to it. It wasn’t until she thought he had died that she understood how whole her world was with him in it. Danielle loved him before today, she loved him deeply, but as a strong woman, she thought if he left she could live without him. She learned that she couldn’t. He was everything to her, and she was going to make sure he knew it.

  “Reed. Promise me that you’re never going to leave. I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Dani, you’re my world. I’m not going to leave you and if you try to leave me, I’ll tie you to the bed.” Danielle blushed thinking about the time he used his tie on her.

  “Now is not the time for kinky shit, bro,” Rose tapped her brother on the shoulder.

  “Come on, Rose. Let’s give them some time alone and you and I can talk about that dirty mouth of yours.”

  “You’re going to wash my mouth out with soap?” Rose saucily asked her husband.

  “I’m going to wash it out with something, but soap isn’t what I had in mind.” Spencer gripped his wife’s hand and dragged her from the room.

  Turning back to her husband, who enclosed her into his arms, she asked, “What happened, Reed? Did you skid on black ice?”

  “Reed, what are you hiding?” Danielle could tell there was something he wasn’t saying when he paused thinking of how to respond.

  “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Please tell me you weren’t with another woman.” Her heart was ripping at the seams with the idea of him with another woman.

  “Of course not. Get any of that shit out of your precious head. My uncle came after me.”

  “Is he the one who was killed?” She hoped it was. The man was a waste of space and oxygen as far as she was concerned.

  “No. That was the goon he hired to knock me out. I was in the backseat, reeling from the blow to my head when I decided to react. Gripping the wheel, I made us crash. He flew through the window and died, but according to the cops my wallet was gone so they couldn’t contact you.”

  “You could’ve been killed, Reed,” she yelled. “Couldn’t they have used the vehicle to find your information?” She was pissed that she wasn’t contacted.

  “That’s the problem, baby doll. The truck was registered to the cabin in Maine—where I purchased it. If it weren’t for you finding my truck, they would’ve wasted a trip to Maine.”

  “I woke up and you weren’t home. Twenty million scenarios ran through my head, but I didn’t think your uncle would come after you.”

  “I know, but they’re looking for him now. I’ve got someone at my dad’s place keeping an eye on him.”

  “That’s good. I really worry about him. His relationship with Rose is growing. I like him.”

  “Well, he loves you, baby.”

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Yes, he does. He’s just embarrassed about his past. He met you when he met Rose after she learned the truth. It wasn’t easy for him to come to grips with the fact that he wasted so many years not telling her the truth. Then for you to see his weakness. He wants us to have the happiness he missed out on. If he and my mother loved each other things would have been different. We love each other and we’ll give him a chance to enjoy his grandbabies and a taste of happiness.”

  “Thanks, Reed. You always know how to make me feel better.” She hugged him tighter, pressing her head against his chest, looking up into his eyes.

  “I wish we were home right now. I’ve got the need to make you feel much better.” He winked at Danielle, before looking down at his cock.

  She followed his gaze, and exclaimed, “Oh, damn it, Reed. You’re making a tent in the sheet, and if a female other than Rose walks in here, I’m going to have to throat punch them.”

  “It’s not my fault my sexy ass wife just jumps on my bed, rubs her big breasts on my chest and her pussy is just inches from my cock.”

  “Poor, poor love. So tell me all that’s wrong with you—from the accident. The rest I know about and can’t fix.” She rolled her eyes.

  “According to the doctor, I have a concussion and a small laceration under this bandage and one on the back of my head from when those fucks clocked me.”

  “I’m so glad you’re going to be okay.” She kissed his face all over, running her fingers through his messy hair.

  “Fuck, baby doll, you’re not helping him.” He looked pointedly down at the tented sheet.

  “No, but I love you, and I’m so happy you’re alive.” Danielle couldn’t contain the tears as she kissed him.

  “Dani, I’m alive. Don’t get upset that’s not good for the baby.” She loved when he comforted and held her.

  “I know, but the relief just keeps washing over me. My tears are happy ones.”

  “No more, please.” Reed caressed her face gently. She moved into his touch, closing her eyes and letting it ease her heart.

  “When can you leave?”

  “They said they wanted to keep me overnight.”

  “What time do visiting hours end?” She asked as she tried to move out of his loving embrace. He wasn’t having that and pulled her back into his arms.

  “I don’t know, but your ass isn’t going anywhere. I’m not taking any chances. Spencer has already hired someone to watch our room here tonight while the detectives search for my uncle. He ran after the jackass didn’
t show up at their meeting point. He won’t be making bail this time.”


  Reed tried to sleep, but all he could think about was his uncle getting to Danielle. She and their unborn baby meant everything to him. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to protect them. They offered her a rollaway bed for the night, but he refused it. He wasn’t letting her out of his arms.

  One nurse came in ten minutes earlier and scolded him.

  “Look, I’m not letting her out of my arms. I’m fine. The only reason I’m staying is because my wife needs me around.”

  The nurse hissed. “Stubborn man!”

  “That’s why I love him,” Danielle murmured in her sleep before cuddling deeper into Reed’s side.

  He gave the nurse a smug smirk. She just shook her head at him and left the room.

  “Woo! That was a close one. I’m glad I had my thigh on what’s mine.” Danielle slid her thigh off the stubbornest part of his body but replaced it with her hand.

  Reed groaned out loud. “Dani, you’re asking for trouble.”

  “Am I? I thought I was getting rid of this troublesome problem.”

  “Oh, yeah, and how do you plan on getting rid of it?” he asked with a wicked grin.

  She stuck her index finger in her mouth, gave it a suck and popped it out of her mouth. His cock jumped under the sheet. “Are you feeling up to that?”

  “He’s more than up.”

  “But you need to let me up, hubby,” she said when he didn’t loosen his grip.

  “Oh. If I must.”

  “You really don’t have to…” She gave a shrug.

  “Oh no, I have to.” He let her go and she got off the bed. Thinking she was just going to scoot down to the bottom, he was surprised when she got off altogether and walked toward the door. That was until she locked the door, turned to him and grinned naughtily as she sauntered toward the bed.

  “Mr. Landry, I’m here for your personal bath.” She licked her lips as she continued toward him.

  “I don’t see you with any cleaning tools, Nurse Landry.” Reed stroked his cock.

  “Oh, but I know just how to get you clean without the extras.” She purred. Reed liked this playful tease. She was sexy in her tee shirt and pajama pants Rose brought from our place. Her tits bounced as she moved to the edge of the bed. He wasn’t going to last, but fuck if he cared; he’d blame the lack of control on his injury.

  He tossed the sheet off his legs and lifted the hospital gown to show his dear nurse where he needed to be cleaned. Licking her lips, Danielle climbed up on the bed and onto her knees. Parting his thighs, she moved in between them and lowered her head.

  Gripping the base, she took a taste of his head, letting out a moan. Reed’s hips bucked when she began to twirl her tongue all around the head, licking it clean.

  “Dani, stop tormenting me.” Reed fisted her hair and tried to push her down his pole. It wasn’t that she didn't satisfy him because she was more than doing that, but if she kept teasing the tip, he was going to nut like a teen getting his first blowjob.

  Feeling her smile on his cock, he knew she was doing it on purpose. Slowly, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and slid his cock into her throat. Only able to take him half way down, she stroked the rest.

  Reed was a goner. She began to move faster and sucked harder. She paused for a moment, then pressed her tongue to his large vein underneath his length before she moved again. Within three more bobs, Reed exploded and emptied into her mouth.

  She sat back on her heels, licking the remnants from her chin while he tucked himself away. Smiling at each other, she gave him a wink then climbed off the bed and unlocked the door.

  Summoning her back to the bed, Reed tucked the love of his life into his arms, thanking God that he survived.


  “Reed, don’t give me any shit. We’re going!” Danielle wasn’t having any BS from her husband. She’d been waiting for this for a long time and she wasn’t going to let him stop her from going.

  “Look, baby doll. I told you, your eight-month pregnant ass isn’t traveling all the way to New York. I don’t give a shit if you want to see the tree lighting with the boys. We’ve got a seventy inch Vizio Smart TV that’s so clear we can see the mayor’s freaking pores on his face. You can make a big party here if you want.”

  “You’re being a jerk. Rose and Spencer are taking their kids.” She became extremely emotional every time she got toward the end of the pregnancy. She would apologize later when she was more rational, but he knew she couldn’t control it.

  “A jerk? You’ve had every single one of my kids early. Do you think I want you to go into labor in two weeks during the tree lighting? Do you think I want a bunch of New Yorkers staring at my wife’s pussy when she starts to push in the middle of fucking Rockefeller Center? I give you everything you ask for, but I’m not budging on this one. The answer is no and that’s it.”

  Reed had to head to his office in Boston at that moment or he was going to be late, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was probably inside crying.

  Just as he was turning back to their eight-bedroom home, he saw his in-laws drive up.

  They met him outside his truck. “What’s up? I didn’t expect you two to stop by this early.”

  “She told me that she was going to the tree lighting ceremony last night and I was going to talk to you about it this morning.”

  “So we’re here to talk some sense into that daughter of mine before she drives you to drink. You go ahead and get to work. We know how she gets this time of the pregnancy.”

  “Reed, take that worried look off your face. She’ll be fine. It’s just the hormones.” He was tempted to take their offer and just head to work while they comforted his baby doll, but he couldn’t do it, no matter how late he would be it was his job to love, protect, and care for her.

  “I’m going to talk to her alone. You can play with the boys. Then I’ll go into the office. I can’t leave her upset like I know she is.”

  They all walked into the house to see a teary-eyed Danielle holding their youngest boy, Aaron. Reed looked at his wife and felt like a total dick even if he was right.

  “Baby doll, give the boy to your parents.” He took his son from her arms and handed the one-year-old to his grandpa, then took his wife’s hand in his and walked her to their bedroom that was up the stairs and down the hall.

  “I’m sorry, Dani.” Reed pulled her into his arms, resting her head on his chest.

  Pushing slightly away, she said, “No, Reed, I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t be so ridiculous about this. It’s not that serious.”

  “Love, I would love to take you and the boys there, but I can’t risk something happening to you or my little one in here.” He rubbed her belly. “You’re my best friend, wife, and lover. I worry about you every time we’re apart. Don’t be upset by this. We can have a big party here and we can plan something fun for the boys to do. You remember when Rose went into labor while we were at the cabin?”

  “Yeah,” she begrudgingly admitted, snuggling into him. Reed loved her so much that he wanted what was best for her.

  “Do you remember how close of a call that was? It’s winter, babe. The roads are slick and icy. Anything could go wrong during a six-hour drive and you know damn well you can’t fly.”

  “I know…I just promised Reed.” She never liked to disappoint the kids.

  “Baby doll, Reed’s ten now. He understands that you’re going to have the baby soon. Trust me, my little man is fine with it.” He bent down and tasted her lips softly.

  “Okay, Reed. I’ll do it your way.” She always caved to his kisses.

  “If you keep up the pouting, you’re going to be in trouble, woman.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “The kind of trouble that stops your pouting and has you calling out my name.” His grin was wicked, causing her eyes to dilate with exc

  “Aren’t you going to be late?”

  “Well, are you going to stop pouting?” He threw a question right back at her, already sure of the answer from the feel of her wet pussy against his shirt.

  “I guess you’re going to be late.” She continued to pout until Reed dropped her onto the bed and he got onto his knees.

  Having her where he wanted, he parted his wife’s thighs, grateful that she was still in only her morning robe and nightgown. He bit down on the wet patch, softly scraping her pussy lips with his teeth, and she let out a soft moan. He lifted her thighs over his shoulders while he slid her panties to the side. Growling, he grazed his tongue back and forth along her slit, intentionally teasing her until she started to beg.

  “Reed,” she sighed as she gripped his perfectly combed hair. With a smile, he sucked on her clit, her juices coating his face. He was going to be really late for work, but he didn’t give a fuck. His wife needed to feel loved and he was going to make sure she always did.

  “Oh my! I’m cumming!” Her hips pumped up into Reed’s face sending him back onto his heels, but he didn’t move his mouth from her snatch. Reed wanted all her release. He was now hard as fuck and going to fuck his wife before he left. He stood up and removed his dress shirt and undershirt, giving his wife a very nice view of his chest, which she approved of as she gave him a salacious grin.

  She sat up on the bed and eyed Reed’s cock which was causing him pain pressed against his zipper. She reached for it, so to make it easier for her he came to her, pressing his cock into her hand.

  “Um...I’m going to have to do something about that. I can’t have you walking into your office sporting wood. I’d have to go kick your receptionist’s ass.”

  “Well, I can’t have you do that, woman. You’re about to pop, so do you want to ride me or want me to take you from behind?”

  She didn’t voice her decision. Instead, she chose to crawl onto the bed, tossing her robe on the floor. Danielle positioned herself on all fours before she turned to Reed and shook her ass in his face. He had already stripped himself before she turned around sending her into a fit of laughter.


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