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Last Call Europe Devil’s Advocate

Page 5

by Belinda McBride

She stroked a finger down his chin. “Are you afraid to fuck me without David’s help?”

  “Is that a challenge, Mya?” His hands clamped over her wrists, and he shifted her on his lap, letting his erection stroke against her skin. He leaned forward, pulling a nipple into his mouth, listening to her soft gasp at the sensation. His hands ran over her body, stroking and caressing, until finally he ran his fingers through her pubic hair. Down further, she was becoming wet again; the slick remnants of David’s seed mixed with her own abundant cream.

  He swirled his finger lazily through her slit, and then up to her mouth. Her pink tongue flicked daintily at his skin. She widened her legs a bit, allowing him better access when he started playing again.

  Just hours ago, he’d have never guessed that the proper, uptight-looking woman in the bar would be wantonly spread out on his lap. She was golden in the firelight. Her lazy blue gaze roamed his face, searching for… what? He didn’t know what she wanted from him, so he leaned forward, kissing her, running his tongue between her lips, tasting the wild, sweet flavor of the shifter.

  He wanted to taste more. Looking up, he glanced in the mirror and saw that David was up, kneeling on the bed, watching them intensely. He gently tasted the tiger’s psychic scent and decided that the slight edge of jealousy only heightened the interest that gripped him. At Jedidiah’s nod, the tiger rose from the bed and joined them when he lifted Mya and gently settled her on the floor.

  “Your turn.” David’s voice was harsh and rumbled with the tiger, but bore no anger. David crouched on the floor next to Mya’s head, her hands clasped in his. Jedidiah looked at him, and let his gaze travel the other man appreciatively. He was truly beautiful, with his black hair tumbling down, and his face drawn and intent with arousal.

  “I want to taste her.” It was a statement, but Jedidiah was actually asking the tiger’s permission. Earlier, David had marked his limits on the sheet he’d given them, but since their mating, those limits had changed. Some were now hard limits, others were gone completely. He’d lost his fear of sharing because he’d secured his mate. Still, it didn’t hurt to ask first. It was only polite.

  Jedidiah lay on his belly between her legs, kissing his way up her silky inner thighs. She was musky with sex and arousal, and with the scent of the cat. He lightly nipped her skin, and she jumped. He glanced up to see that David was still holding her wrists, but his free hand wandered her upper body, pinching and pulling at her nipples.

  He returned to her body, pulling her lips apart with his thumbs, baring her pink, glistening tissues. He bent down, tasted the salt of David’s seed mixed with the sweet tang of her body. He took a longer lick and smiled when her hips swiveled toward him.

  So responsive!

  He was careful; he wanted her wet and aroused, but he needed to feel her climax around his cock. He licked, sucked and nipped, bringing her up higher, but never giving her quite enough. He reached around and clasped her thighs, holding her even closer to his mouth, plunging his tongue deeply into her channel.

  She bucked and shrieked, and briefly the beast was there; its flavor filled his mouth like smoke and fire. She paused, breathing deeply as he’d taught her, bringing the hellhound back under her control.

  “Good girl, Mya. Very good.” He rose, crawling up her body, covering her. He reached to the side and found a condom. Once again, he smiled at the magic of the room. He tore it open and started to slide it on.

  “Jedidiah… it’s okay.” Her blue eyes were dark with arousal, and he paused in the motion of smoothing the latex down his shaft.

  “Are you sure?” Shifters were very particular about scent and semen. He glanced at David.

  “If she’s okay with it, I am too.”

  “Hot damn.” He grinned and tossed it away.

  * * *

  He didn’t just slip into her body. He pressed, feeling how tight she felt on his shaft, how muscular her passage was. Jedidiah knelt, feeding his cockhead into her pussy slowly and carefully. She growled in frustration, and he grinned, remembering how he’d rushed David along earlier.

  He tilted his hips, giving her more, and then taking it away. The night wasn’t endless, so he meant to enjoy every moment with these two. At dawn, he’d return to his world, his short break in the human realm finished. Next time he came to them, he might be coming as their enemy. One never knew.

  With a sigh of surrender, he thrust in hard, closing his eyes as her wet sheath encased him. When he’d tasted his share of that particular sensation, Jedidiah leaned forward, lowering himself to her body. He caught David’s hot, aroused gaze and nodded for him to let her wrists free. The tiger reclined next to them, watching the joining of their bodies, smiling at the breathless expressions on their faces. He leaned in, brushing a kiss to his mate’s cheek, capturing her lips briefly.

  Missionary. It was Jedidiah’s very favorite position, one he rarely indulged in. There was always the matter of safety with his demon partners, and most humans who fucked him were looking for kink. He saved missionary for partners that he actually liked.

  If they had more time, he’d take David that way as well. Unfortunately, the night wasn’t endless.

  He dropped his eyes closed and nuzzled her throat, one small part of him aware and on alert for a shift in her being. Aside from the very pleased tiger, he only sensed Mya. He relaxed a bit more and varied his rhythm, moving from slow and deep, to quick and hard.

  He badly wanted her on top of him, he wanted to watch her ride him, but that made him a bit too vulnerable for comfort.

  Maybe later… another time.

  There would be no other time, he reminded himself.

  A touch startled him; David was stroking the length of his body, his strong hand running down his ass, cupping his testicles.

  “God, David… oh…”

  He pulled and rolled them just as Jedidiah liked best, nearly causing him to lose it too early. David shifted position and was kneeling behind Jedidiah; at first he thought the tiger meant to enter him. Instead, he trailed his cock over Jed’s ass, slapping gently, and then trailing slick patterns on his skin. Again he reached down, tugging gently, his fingers probing where Jed’s body joined Mya’s.

  Mya’s hands slipped from his back down to his ass, caressing, kneading, and scratching lightly. David leaned over his body, covering him even more; the tiger’s hands now grasped Mya’s wrists. A fraction of a second later, Jedidiah caught the smoky scent of the beast. He turned his head a bit.

  “You caught that before I did.”

  In answer, David nipped his jaw.

  They found their final tempo. The sharp sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, their breathing mingled, and their hearts beat in one rhythm. David thrust harder against his back while under him, Mya’s hips bucked and churned. She smiled and gave a choked laugh as she looked from the demon to her mate.

  Then her body arched, and her channel clamped down on his cock. Her quick, rapid thrusts tipped him over the edge. Jedidiah groaned, completely lost in his climax. He peaked and froze; the heat of his seed flooding her channel nearly scalded him. Behind him, the tiger gasped, thrusting hard against Jed’s ass. His seed spurted high up the demon’s back, and David gave a choked roar of completion.

  He was pinned between their bodies, and had the sudden sensation of weight on his back. David shifted form and rolled away, giving Jedidiah the freedom to slip from Mya’s body. He slid off and lay next to her, panting, his limbs trembling with exhaustion. No sooner had he left her body than she shifted as well.

  When Jedidiah struggled to his feet, returning to the bed, they followed, stretching out protectively on either side of him. He reached out, stroking the short ruff that grew from David’s head and cheeks. He was black as ink, his darker stripes all but invisible in the warm light of the room. The tiger rolled, lazily trailing a raspy tongue over the demon’s body.

  “You want to clean me up?” The black tiger nudged him, while the golden female watched from sle
epy eyes. Obligingly, he rolled to his belly, shivering as they both fell to work cleaning up the sweat and semen on his ass and back.

  When David’s tongue swept down between his legs, he nearly yelped at the sensation of the rough tongue on his most delicate parts. His cock rebounded, hard and ready. He was nearly breathless with arousal.

  “God damn. I am such a fear junkie.”

  The black tiger rumbled in what was probably amusement, and then rested his head on the demon’s back possessively.

  Was this what it meant when someone said they had your back?

  Chapter Seven

  Last call had come and gone at Last Call, but when Jedidiah Worth slid onto a stool at the bar, Susan the bartender silently set out a bottle and a glass and then returned to cleaning up. He poured the golden liquid into the crystal shot glass and held it to the dim light, watching the play of fire in the liquid.

  “You don’t look like your evening went so well.” Shelly slid onto the stool next to him. Susan set out two more glasses and poured for herself and the vampire. He wanted to sigh dramatically, to make light of the situation. As it was, words nearly failed Jedidiah, a scenario that seemed nearly impossible.

  He tipped the glass, letting the whisky burn its way down his throat. He set the glass down and the bartender poured another.

  “I suppose that in a sense, I haven’t. I’m just returning from the service that I negotiated with the young couple upstairs. I’ve been there much longer than I’ve been away from here.” He lifted the glass, savoring the drink this time. “I fucked up my agreement with them.”

  “Really?” Shelly lifted an amused brow. “The great and magnificent Jedidiah Worth made a mistake? In a simple contract with a pair of green shifters?”

  He forced a smile and caught a knowing look in the gaze of the bartender as she turned away. Susan was psychic, and feline to boot. He sipped the whisky, gathering the courage to approach the tigers. He’d left them sleeping soundly upstairs; hopefully, he’d returned close to the time that he’d left. He didn’t want them to think he’d run out on them.

  Not that it mattered.

  “In my agreement, I exchanged a service for a night here enjoying their bodies. My mistake was in failing to negotiate in the eventuality that I might fail in my service to them.”

  “And that leaves you open to their mercy.”

  He gave a little laugh. “You know, they have good hearts. They will be devastated, of course, but they’ll honor the contract in the spirit in which they entered it. They’ll not think to wonder if I left a loophole in our agreement.”

  Susan returned, leaned on the bar and downed her whisky.

  “I don’t see what the problem is then.” Her husky voice was a bit weary and carried a thick Brooklyn accent.

  “The problem is that you’ll be seeing a great deal more of me for a while. I was officially exiled to the human plane. Himself was quite displeased at my error.”

  Shelly stared at him in amazement. “So, what? You’ve been fired? You aren’t the top dog alpha demon anymore?”

  He downed his shot quickly. His pride stung. “Persona non grata, for the next century or so. In addition, I’m fair game for any demon with a grudge. Just like in the Wild West, I’ll have the young pretenders trying to build their reputations by taking me down.”

  Shelly looked at him seriously. “I’m not so sure I want you here then, Jedidiah. I’m not kidding this time. Not a bit.”

  “They won’t come after me in here. Believe it or not, this place is considered neutral territory among demonkind. Plus, your wards are strong enough to deter most demons.”

  “But not you?” Susan clearly remembered the night he’d come through on a hunt.

  “That vampire was stalking a victim. He’d begun to murder daily to survive past his contracted span. I suppose the wards allowed me to take him to save an innocent life. Your Benito de la Cruz is a very powerful wizard.”

  Wearily, he rubbed his face. Normally he didn’t need much sleep, but his time in the other realm had stretched endlessly as he’d suffered the harshest punishment that he’d borne in centuries. The boss didn’t take well to weakness.

  “What are your plans then?”

  He twisted his hand, producing his business card from midair.

  “J. W. Worth, Esquire. Attorney at Law. 110 Pedersham Avenue.” She handed the card to Susan, who read it over.

  “That’s a rather nice piece of real estate. You’re actually setting up shop in London then?”

  He smiled at the cat shifter. “I’ve owned that entire block since the seventeenth century. I’ll also be opening up my house in Chelsea once again. It’ll be odd living with only the amenities of human life. But it’s only for a century or two.” He poured another glass of whisky. “I’ve a house in California and an apartment in Manhattan as well. Of course, I’ll be starting my practice from the ground up. My former clientele has been passed along to others. Perhaps I’ll work pro bono. I’ll take civil rights cases, or environmental issues.”

  Shelly snorted. “Maybe you’ll actually have clients who are innocent this time around.” She emptied her glass. “I’ve got to do the rounds. If I don’t see you before you leave, then I’ll certainly see you next time you’re here.” She slid from her stool and vanished through the door behind the bar.

  Susan came around to sit on his side of the bar, studying him carefully. “Why don’t you tell me what else happened? I’m sure Shelly smelled the blood, but not the other scents.”

  The other scents? Automatically, his hand rubbed the still aching marks on his shoulder.

  “You smell blood because of my most recent punishment. I was flayed several times before my liege grew weary of the entertainment. I’ve recovered fully, but each healing took a bit longer. I’m still rather bruised.”

  “Shit, Jedidiah.” She looked away in disgust.

  “I did not choose to become what I am. However, I do take pride in my profession.” He spoke stiffly, oddly uncomfortable with her judgment.

  “Well, your pride landed you up shit creek, didn’t it? You were so sure you could talk your way into -- or out of -- anything.”

  “My hubris is an asset among demonkind. My downfall… Well, it might surprise you. And the witch whom I set out to negotiate with? Well, she was quite willing. Unfortunately, she didn’t have what I needed.”

  “So your agreement with the tigers was based off of faulty information?”

  He stood, still a bit stiff and sore. “Exactly. And now I have to go tell two very nice young people some very bad news.”

  “What about that other thing, Jedidiah?” Her eyes traveled to his shoulder, and then lower, to his hips. “Your tigers marked you.”

  “Yes, they did. It took me a bit by surprise. Heat of passion and all, I suppose.”

  Jedidiah smiled and felt that the weight of the world was sitting on his chest. He’d already been to his house and arranged for it to be livable. He should be rather excited to open the old place up. It had always been his favorite house on the human side.

  “They marked you as their mate. That’s why the wounds are still there. It’s a form of scent mark. Basically they’ve warned other shifters away from you. As far as they’re concerned, you’re their property.”

  He stood and stared at her. “You’ve got to be kidding. I’m a demon! They’re tigers. Aside from the fact that they can’t mate me in the first place, it should be the other way around.”

  Susan grinned and grabbed the empty glasses from the bar. “Seems that way, doesn’t it? But cats have a way of making their own rules. They probably view you as their alpha or their master. But they are cats, and you just might have a tough time getting them out of your hair.”

  “Well, hell’s bells. I’d better get this over with and get out. Last thing I need is to be owned by a pair of oversized tabby cats.” Oddly, the thought pleased him somewhat. But it wasn’t to be. Jedidiah’s life was about to become very interesting without
the involvement of the two tiger shifters. Interesting and dangerous.

  With that in mind, he snapped his fingers and manifested at the foot of the bed where the couple slumbered, still in their feline forms. Weariness overtook him, so Jedidiah stripped carelessly and crawled into bed, finding a spot that was fairly free of feline. Within seconds, they’d moved closer to him, as though drawn by the heat of his body. He’d just rest until they woke. What he had to say wouldn’t take very long.

  * * *

  He woke to feel a soft body plastered against his back, a hard body to his front. When he opened his eyes, David was glaring.

  “You left.”

  “To fulfill my end of the bargain.”

  “You’ve been hurt.” Mya moved behind him; she was scenting his skin.

  “Yes, I’ve been injured. It was my own fault, so no anger on my behalf, please.” He rolled to his back while Mya rose to her knees in excitement. That excitement died quickly as she scanned his face.

  “She refuses to release me.”

  “No!” David’s protest was but a tortured whisper.

  “Okay, okay, don’t panic just yet. First off, the two of you have the hellhound under excellent control. I don’t see why you can’t continue having sex, as long as David keeps his edge, and you both take precautions.” He pushed himself upright, wincing at the bruises that painted his body. He pulled the sheets up high, seeing that they were too distressed to notice.

  “Mya, she didn’t refuse. The problem is that there was never a curse, never a spell.”

  The devastated look in her eyes ate at him, but he continued. “It’s genetic. One of your ancestors had a rather ill-advised affair with a hellhound who was in human form. She became pregnant, and the hellhound became part of your bloodlines. The beast is generally recessive in your family but occasionally emerges. Since you’ve reached adulthood and have never shifted into the hound, I doubt that it will ever happen. You need to continue to cultivate your tiger.” He reached out and cupped her cheek. “It isn’t evil, tigress. Like me, the hellhound serves its purpose in the scheme of life. You’re on the right track now.”


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