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Page 8

by Victoria Davies

  She should be the one holding the power. She should be bending him to her wishes.

  But as always, her lover kept her off balance. The need to have him touch her was more important than her wish for control.

  Almost despite herself, she let her legs spread in blatant invitation.

  A small smile tugged at his lips. In reward, he ran his hands higher up her legs, taking the time to draw his fingertips lightly over her thighs.

  Mikayla bit her lip when he reached her black panties. Never breaking eye contact, he hooked a finger around the straps and tugged the material down.

  She wiggled a bit to help him remove the scrap of material, uncaring where it landed.

  He pressed hot hands against her thighs, inching them apart. Her breath caught in her chest as he spread her to his view. For a moment he just looked at her, his gaze searing. Mikayla had to choke back the words that threatened to burst from her. He might be on his knees but she was the one ready to beg.

  “So pretty,” he purred, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh. “So mine.”

  She nodded eagerly. How she longed to be his in all ways. Forever.

  A dangerous desire.

  But logical thought fled when he pushed her legs farther apart and pressed forward into the space between them.

  Mikayla fisted her hands on the cushion from the window seat when Ciar sent her a wicked grin before lowering his head.

  His mouth touched her aching clit and she nearly leapt from the seat. He drew his tongue along her slit in smooth strokes, seeming to know exactly what she wanted without needing to hear the words. Every lap of his sinful tongue sent her spiraling higher into ecstasy. She’d say this for demons, they definitely lived up to their reputations.

  He traced her contours in languid strokes. Mikayla threw back her head with a gasp. She knew she should be trying to regain some control over her pleasure-muddled mind but with Ciar’s tongue torturing her, there was no clarity to be found. When he found her most sensitive bud and nipped, she was beyond words.

  “Ciar,” she gasped.

  He thrust his tongue into her, wringing more cries of pleasure from her.

  Nothing she had ever dreamed of had prepared her for this. Ciar pleasuring her. Ciar on his knees before her. Ciar with her.

  It was her most secret fantasy come to life.

  “Yes,” she shouted, craving more of his silken tongue. “I’m almost—” Her words broke off with a breathless gasp. So close. Just a little bit more and she would shatter in pleasure.

  He stopped, wringing an agonized cry from her. He couldn’t stop now, couldn’t leave her hanging.

  A kiss was pressed against her throbbing flesh but he held back. She groaned, slamming her palms against the wooden walls.

  “Ciar,” she begged.

  She felt a smile against her thigh and knew exactly what he was doing. Even in a position like this, he was the one in charge. It rankled that she was about to explode while he still maintained his cool control. One of these days, she vowed, she would turn the tables on him. She would make him wild for her, force him to give up his precious power.

  “Please,” she said, giving in. “I need you. Only you. Please, Ciar.”

  “Perfect,” he purred before rolling his tongue over her clit.

  Mikayla cried out, writhing beneath his mouth. Yes, this was what she craved. It didn’t matter how he played or which of them held the cards, the only thing she cared about was the sinful things he was doing with his mouth.

  She tunneled her fingers through her hair as she rocked against him.

  “Almost,” she breathed, throwing her head back.

  “Come for me,” he murmured against her flesh.

  “Yes,” Mikayla promised, painfully close to her fulfillment.

  “Ciar?” Alina called out. “Ciar, where are you?”

  Icy water dumped over her. Alina.

  Ciar froze, his clever tongue stilling. For a moment neither of them moved, caught in the horror of reality intruding on their perfect embrace.

  Mikayla knew the thoughts running through his head. No doubt they were the same as hers. Their games were fun, tempting, demanding.

  But they didn’t give Ciar the answers he needed.

  “Ciar?” Alina called again.

  “Don’t,” Mikayla begged, barely able to think past her desperate need but knowing what would come next. “Please, stay with me. Don’t leave me like this.”

  Ciar looked up and their gazes clashed. As intimately pressed together as they were there was no mistaking his desire to stay. But desire did not trump the steely look of determination that entered his eyes.

  “Tell me the truth,” he demanded. “You know I want to finish what we’ve started. Tell me the truth and I’m yours.”

  Pain slashed through her. All she wanted to do was whisper the words that begged to be spoken. But she knew without a doubt that her selfishness would only hurt him more.

  “Ciar,” Alina called again, her voice less patient.

  Ciar stroked his thumb across her folds. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Everything you want, Mikayla. Any way you desire it. You know the price.”

  When he touched her once more she nearly cried out whatever he wanted to hear. Her release was so close. Surely nothing mattered but shattering beneath his touch.

  “Can’t,” she said with a gasp.

  “Can,” he argued. “Tell me. Why is Alina here?”

  She shook her head, her hips rocking against his hand despite herself.

  “I’ll be yours,” he said in a silky voice. “Is it so much to pay?”

  She remembered the steel in his eyes and knew his words were merely a temptation. He didn’t want her forever. Didn’t need her the way she needed him. He might desire her body but he wanted his answers more.

  A small, pained moan escaped her before she could bite back the sound. Silently, she pushed her skirt down.

  An inhuman growl rumbled from his chest before he shot to his feet. Mikayla nearly cried out at the loss of his touch. But she didn’t have time to deal with the need throbbing through her. Not when her lover stared at her with fury in his eyes.

  “How can you do this?” he charged. “How can you bring us this far and deny us both?”

  “All I deny are answers,” she tried. “You restrict the rest.”

  He bared his teeth before striding back to her. Dropping his hands on the window seat on either side of her body, he pressed his face inches from hers. “You want me in your bed,” he hissed. “Your lover but not your confidant. Not someone you will trust.”

  “I do trust you,” she tried, fighting the urge to reach for him. “And I’m begging you to trust me.”

  For a moment neither moved. His gaze dropped to her lips and Mikayla wanted nothing more than to cross the distance between them and claim his mouth. But though he was close enough to feel his breath on her cheeks, he was further from her than ever.

  “Damn you,” he snarled, whirling away from her. Without looking back at her, he stormed from the attic.

  Mikayla pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her cry of unfulfilled need. She knew she’d made the right choice but in this instant, all she felt was defeat.

  * * * * *

  Unfulfilled desire pulsed through Ciar as he strode away from Mikayla.

  Bloody witches, he thought with a growl. She was the most infuriating female he had ever met. The last thing he wanted to be doing was walking away from her, but he couldn’t stay with someone who lied to him. Not again. The logic was cold comfort when he’d seen the plea in her eyes. He felt like a bastard for leaving her as he had, and he wasn’t a man who believed in regrets. How could she be so damn stubborn? Didn’t she understand he was offering far more than a rushed embrace in the attic? If she would just tell the truth he’d be hard-pressed to ever leave her side.

  Stepping off the last stair he saw Alina peering into a bedroom, her back to him. There was a time when it w
ould have been this woman he vowed devotion to. Looking at her now, the old desire did tug at his heart. He had loved her once, probably still did in some dark recess of his heart. She understood him. Was one of his kind.

  Forcing a smile, he strode forward to meet her.

  “Alina,” he said in greeting.

  She turned with a bright smile but Ciar saw her eyes narrow as they took in his natural form.

  “I suppose you were with the witch,” she said, gliding toward him. “Or do I have even more competition?”

  Ciar crossed his arms when she reached him. “Who could ever be your competition?” he asked lightly. The teasing words tasted bitter on his tongue.


  Staring at the woman who should have been his wife, Ciar knew he should be happy to have her back. The day he’d lost her he’d thought life would never again be worth living. Here was his second chance.

  Except Alina felt short beside him. Her black hair was too dark, her eyes nothing like the clear green that haunted his dreams.

  She stepped closer and rubbed her body against his in invitation. Ciar gritted his teeth as she brushed her hand over the erection straining to burst free of his jeans.

  “Someone’s happy to see me,” she murmured.

  Ciar bit back his instinctive denial. Why not take what Alina offered? They’d always been incredible together in bed. Perhaps losing himself in pleasure could help banish Mikayla from his mind.

  But even as he considered it, the urge felt hollow in his chest. How could he kiss another when Mikayla’s taste still lingered on his lips? He wouldn’t be able to stand it.

  “Let’s go back to our room,” he said instead. “We have much to talk about. I want news of my kin.”

  Alina blinked, clearly surprised by his refusal. Her eyes flicked to the attic stairs before she forced a smile back to her lips.

  “Of course,” she said, taking his hand. “There’s much to tell.”

  As Ciar followed her, he couldn’t help think of the woman he’d left behind.

  Trust me, she’d begged.

  He shook his head. Demons didn’t trust.

  And they never loved.

  Chapter Seven

  Two days sped past before he knew it. Ciar had hoped the sisters would find a solution but so far there had been no new revelations. With one day left to go until his ultimatum expired, Ciar wondered what his next move should be.

  He’d seen the trio of witches working round the clock, noted the dark circles under Mikayla’s eyes. She was trying her best for him, of that he had no doubt. But he needed to understand why she kept so many secrets.

  They hadn’t spoken since their interrupted embrace in the attic and her absence ached like a wound. But every time he weakened, ready to go to her, Alina was there. She was his constant companion, telling him tales of their homeland. In his weakest moments he found himself longing for the world she depicted. He knew, however, that there was no future for him there. There never had been.

  But was there one here, with a woman he shouldn’t want?

  He’d seen her sneak out back minutes earlier. She’d be alone. He could…

  What? Fight her, throw more angry words about, or far more dangerous, kiss her?

  He shouldn’t seek her out. They still had one more day to fix this mess. He could confront her tomorrow.

  Except this time there was no Alina to hold him back.

  The need to go to Mikayla clawed at him. He wanted to close his eyes and wrap his arms around her. The only time anything in his world had made sense in days was when she’d stared up at him with pleasure-glazed eyes. Despite her lies and tricks, he needed her in a way he’d never craved another.

  Surely there would be no harm in checking up on her? Just a quick glance to assure himself the exhausted witch was fine and he’d disappear. She never needed to know.

  He knew the desire was foolish but found himself already slipping out the door.

  The backyard was shadowed and dark. From the porch he looked out over the spacious garden but couldn’t see past the rose bushes. The garden was a perfect place to hide from prying eyes. Mikayla would be assured of her privacy here.

  He jumped down from the porch steps, stumbling only slightly when he landed on four paws. The grass was soft beneath his feet as he went in search of his lover.

  He shuffled past the rows of herbs and flowers and rounded the massive rose bushes that provided the back of the garden with privacy. There she was, stilling on a stone bench exactly where he’d thought she’d be. Her head was tilted back, eyes closed. Even as the magic rushed through him to begin his transformation Ciar noted the sad look on her face. He wanted to growl as the black smoke surrounded him. Mikayla should never look that way.

  His perspective changed as he grew to his natural height. The garden that had been so monstrously large just seconds ago shifted into proper proportion. A wave of dizziness swamped him the moment he was back in his body. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the lingering weakness. It had been happening more and more of late. Any time he changed back, the transformation took more out of him. Who knew if it was a good sign or not.

  Ciar waited for the world to right itself. As he did, he allowed himself a few stolen moments to study the woman who had landed him in this mess. He shouldn’t have come out here looking for her. Seeing her now drained any will to fight. Tomorrow they could battle. Tonight he just wanted her in his arms.

  He knew he should walk away, shouldn’t put them both through another encounter, but his body refused to obey him.

  Instead he stepped forward, a twig snapping under his foot.

  Mikayla’s expressive green eyes opened at the sound. He knew the second she saw him. Noted the flare of joy in her gaze followed by the wariness.

  For a moment neither spoke.

  “Go away,” she said finally. “I don’t want to fight.”

  A sentiment he shared. He kept silent, waiting to see what she’d do.

  “Ciar.” She pushed from the bench. “I just need a minute of peace.”

  She needed peace, this woman who had turned his life upside down. He hadn’t known a moment’s respite since he’d first laid eyes on her and now she asked him for the mercy she’d never shown him? The thought brought a slight smile to his lips.

  Mikayla shifted from foot to foot. “Where’s Alina?”

  He didn’t know. Didn’t particularly care right at the moment.

  Green eyes dropped from his. “Fine,” she said, as if his silence had given her answers. “You stay, I’ll go.”

  When she tried to brush past him his hand shot out to capture hers. Mikayla stiffened, turning back to look at their interlocking fingers.

  “Let go.” Her command was breathy and soft.

  Never. The word echoed in his head, stunning him with the vehemence with which he approved the notion.

  “I don’t want to fight either,” he said, breaking his silence. “Not tonight.”

  She looked up at him with luminous eyes. “What about your answers?”

  “Maybe we can stop caring about them for a few minutes.”


  “Is tomorrow,” he said, cutting her off. “I meant what I said. You need to tell me the truth or I’m done, but right now…” He used her hand to pull her closer. “Can we forget about everything else?”

  “A time-out?”


  “It will make things more complicated later,” she protested even as she stepped into his arms.

  “I don’t give a damn,” he replied, resting his chin on top of her head. She fit so perfectly into his arms. “Staying away from you has been torture.”

  Her arms wound around his waist to embrace him back. “I know the feeling.”

  He’d never been a demon prone to sentimentality but standing there with Mikayla in his arms, Ciar felt complete in a way he’d never experienced before. The troubles around them didn’t matter so much when he tou
ched her. Somehow she’d become someone he didn’t want to live without.

  “We don’t have long,” she whispered. “They will notice we’re missing.”

  “Then we need to make every minute count.” His lips touched hers before she could utter another word.

  * * * * *

  Mikayla clung to her lover. She knew there were a hundred reasons to push him away. Sleeping with him now would make fighting with him later so much harder. But when he touched her, all rational thought drained from her mind.

  She parted her lips and flicked out her tongue to tease his. He pulled her against his body as he kissed her. Mikayla shared the desperation evident in his touch. These days without him had been torture. Every time she’d turned around the man of her dreams had been with another. The two demons made such a striking pair with their dark hair and silver eyes. It was hard to think of ever coming between them.

  But here he was, in her arms. He’d sought her out. Maybe he cared more for her than he let on. She sure as hell did. He’d been a challenge at first but now the thought of him walking out of her life cut like a blade. She needed him in a way she’d never needed another man.

  He tugged at her sweater, pulling it swiftly over her head. She reached behind herself to unclasp her bra. The night air was chilly but she didn’t mind the cold. Not with Ciar beside her. She burned with every brush of his fingers.

  “Off,” she whispered against his lips, tugging at his shirt. He tore the t-shirt over his head in seconds, only to claim her mouth once more.

  Mikayla ran her hands over the exposed skin. He had the body of a warrior, all hard muscles and toned skin. He had no weaknesses.

  Except, perhaps, her.

  It was a heady thought, that this powerful demon was able to forgive her sins he’d never let stand with anyone else. Every time he should have hurt her he’d protected her instead. And she wanted to protect him just as badly.

  Her fingers flew over the clasp of her jeans before she shimmied them down her legs. Ciar steadied her as she kicked them off. He laid her down on the grass and she shivered until he joined her.

  He was quick to strip away his remaining clothes before covering her with his body.


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