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The Zodiac Killer

Page 15

by WL Knightly

  Max opened the door after one knock, and Darek knew he looked pathetic standing there with his suitcase. He didn’t need Max to say anything, but that had never stopped the guy before. “Aren’t you a sight? You look more like you’re running away from home than being forced.”

  “Let’s pretend I am and make my night.” He stepped over the threshold, and Max took his suitcase.

  He disappeared around the corner to the guestroom and then walked out and offered Darek a seat. “So, are you going to tell me how she swindled you out of your house? I thought you kept her name out of it.”

  Darek sat on the couch because he knew the recliner was Max’s favorite chair. “I did, but we borrowed money from her father, and I trusted her not to default on the loan, which she did about the same time she met Rick the Dick.”

  Max plopped down in his recliner and threw his feet up. “That’s brutal. What a bitch. She’s had that planned for some time, I’d bet. Probably when she and daddy laid out the terms of that loan. Why would you need to borrow money from that sack of shit anyway?”

  “Remember when I told you she wanted to open up that day spa? She borrowed from him then, and when it didn’t go through, I thought she gave it right back, but it seems she’s been carrying a note to bide time for a default. I’ll get her in the end.”

  Max shook his head. The guy had warned Darek, and now, he wished he’d listened. “I hope you do. You better get an attorney. Someone brutal.”

  “I have just the man in mind, but I’m not sure he’ll take my case.” He figured Bay would, just so he’d owe him, but he might think it’s too big of a risk with the ongoing investigations getting too close to home.

  “You better grab him before Daddy Warbucks does. You don’t want her mopping the floor with you.” He grabbed the TV remote. “Want to watch Die Hard? I know it’s a favorite.”

  “Whatever, man. I might just go to bed.”

  “Suit yourself. I’m going to watch it for the hundredth time.” He chuckled and turned the TV on. “I laid out some fresh sheets, and there’s a quilt you can use on the back of the thing. Let me know if that pillow is good enough. I have five more on my bed.”

  “It’s good, and thanks again, friend.”

  “Hey, what’s the best man for, anyway?” He gave Darek a wink and then turned his attention to his movie.

  Darek headed into his room, and after making his bed, he decided to message Lizzy and see if she was up. It was too late to call, but a text could come at any time, and she could ignore him if she wanted. He figured that was what she probably did anyway. He tapped his phone to life and paused his thumbs. He had no idea what he wanted to say.

  He sighed, and with a what the hell attitude, he typed: Can’t sleep, thinking about this case.

  What’s on your mind? popped up on his screen.

  For starters, Max’s futon is lumpy.

  She sent an emote for confused. Are you sleeping with Max? lol

  Haha. Wife took the house, kicked me out.

  That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard. It almost makes me want to give you that kiss.

  His heart raced as he read the message, and the blood swelled his dick. His phone pinged again, and he glanced down to see one word: Almost.

  “Fuck.” He worked his thumbs along the keypad. Is that a maybe?

  Go to sleep, Darek.

  He turned off his phone and turned off the lamp. She was going to be a challenge, but he was up for it.



  The next morning, Darek knew he’d screwed up again with Lizzy. She’d been giving him the cold shoulder and then had taken off on her own for a meeting with Reed that apparently, he wasn’t invited to. He was just about to see if Max wanted to hang for lunch when he got a text from the unknown number. It read one word: Bakes.

  He gathered his coat and coffee and headed out to see if it was Tad alone or with one of the other guys. With Alan Lowe in town, and his meeting inevitable, it could sure save him some time if it were him.

  When he got to the place, he realized they were just opening, and the lunch crowd hadn’t quite arrived.

  Tad stood at the front desk and motioned to the back section. “Table in the corner. I’ll be with you in just a moment.” He handed Darek a menu as he passed, and before he got to the table, he glanced behind him to see that Tad was already on his way.

  “Is there a reason you called me down here?” Darek took a seat, and Tad slid into the chair across from him.

  “Yeah. I was thinking about last night.”


  “Bay’s a real asshole when he wants to be,” Tad said. “I’m not admitting anything out loud, but you’re not a dummy, and he knows it.”

  “The guy doesn’t like me much.”

  “He doesn’t like anyone. But it seems as though we’re stuck with him, right?” He raked his hand through his hair and tucked his chin. “He saved my ass, not just this time, but before. I was into some pretty terrible and humiliating shit that I’m not proud of or prepared to discuss out loud, but Bay came and pulled me out of it. Him giving me this job was my last big favor, or so he says.”

  “Yeah, I might need a favor from Bay,” Darek said. “I need a divorce lawyer. A brutal one.”

  “Oh man. You won’t get better than him, but it’s going to cost you, and I’m not talking about money.” He glanced around as if he were afraid of them being caught together, like Bay Collins had eyes everywhere. And at his own restaurant, perhaps he did.

  “I’m not even sure he’d take my case,” Darek said.

  Tad laughed. “Trust me; he would. You know, I caught what he was saying about your old man. That’s what he had on your before? How your dad treated you?”

  Darek nodded and gave a shrug. He didn’t care who knew that shit anymore.

  “The old threats don’t work anymore for him,” Tad said. “That’s why he threw it out there. He used to call me Pretty Boy, and yeah, he still does, and it’s exactly why he put me out front here, but he’s had to find new secrets to hold over us. That’s why he’s willing to help. The old threats are outdated. Now that we’re older, that old shit just doesn’t matter anymore. You know what I mean?”

  Darek knew if he called Bay, there would be a new reason to be in debt to him. He had to decide what was more important to him, his home, or his soul.

  Tad leaned closer. “Is it true that you take meds and blackout?”

  “I get lost in my head at times, but I don’t black out like he says. It’s more like I have trouble focusing, or I get caught up in a daydream. This case is triggering it. Bringing a lot of shit back. But don’t worry, I know what’s real and what happened. Enough to know I didn’t act alone. Is this why you wanted me to come down here, Tad? To ask me if I’m crazy?”

  “No, I think you’re the sanest one of us. That’s why Bay hates you. You went back and tried to help that girl, and you didn’t even think about the consequences. Bay’s hated you since. He thinks that you messed up the mojo of the sacrifice. He wanted her to die. He thought it would give us power. He really believed that shit.”

  “Didn’t you?”

  “No, not for a minute,” Tad said. “I was the baby, remember? The youngest of the group. All I wanted was for you guys to like me, especially Bay. I thought the guy was the coolest motherfucker I’d ever met, and even though I didn’t believe in any of that garbage, I wanted it to be real.”

  “We all did. But the difference between us and him is we all have a conscience. Bay? He’s not even capable. The guy lacks an emotional grid. So while our guilt is eating us alive, he’s smiling like a snake. He’d do the same thing while watching the world burn.”

  “I called you down because I wanted to tell you that I’ve been thinking about your theory. You said someone could be fucking with us.”

  “Right, did you think of someone who might have that kind of agenda, other than Bay on some power trip?”

  “No, but I did think of a way tha
t an outsider would know things; like which order we joined. What our signs are. Other shit like that.”

  “You think one of us talked?” Darek asked.

  “Not one of us. All of us. Remember when Bay wanted us all to keep in touch? We joined that web forum, and he had Corey Farrow make us a private page?”

  “Yeah, but that was years ago.”

  “You never heard that saying, the internet is forever?” Tad asked. “Cause you can still access that shit. Someone with great computer skills like Corey had, they could find it, stumble upon it, even. I kept thinking about what you’d said, and so I went to the public library before it closed. Sure enough, it’s all still there. I remembered my password to log in, but there are people who could do that. This Victor guy could be related to that homeless man.” He shrugged, and Darek thought it was a possibility.

  “They could have been friends,” Darek said. “Or it could be some old boyfriend, obsessed with the case. A copycat. Anything is possible, and the bad thing is, if they already accessed the page, then they know everything they need to know.” He let out a growl. “I never talked much there. My parents wouldn’t keep the internet because it was too expensive. The old man was a penny pincher, among other things.”

  Tad reached into his pocket and passed him a slip of paper. It was his login information. “I was there a bit. We really didn’t talk much about that night because Bay forbade it, but there were certain things said in roundabout ways. Someone who knew what was going on could piece it together. Plus, there was a list of our bylaws, members, and when we joined. You know how kids are with clubs. We wanted to look official, like real men. Man, we were young and stupid. Yet, somehow, we got away with it.” Tad closed his eyes and then wiped his face. “Anyway, I just thought you’d want to contact Corey and tell him to take that shit down.”

  Darek held out his hand, and Tad shook it. “Thanks for talking to me. I’m sorry for being so defensive last night. I shouldn’t have dragged you guys down when I was only pissed at Bay. You take care, man. Stay clean, and make a good life for yourself and your sister.” He got to his feet and took out his keys.

  Tad rose from his chair. “That’s my plan. Take it easy, and good luck with that FBI gig.” He turned and went to the front counter, and he made it just in time to greet the first guests.

  Darek needed to find a way to log in to the old forum. He didn’t have access to his own computer since Megan wouldn’t let him in the house. Accessing the website at from his computer at work was entirely too risky. The library might be his only opportunity.

  He headed to the public library and went inside. He had always loved the smell of libraries and had fond memories of his mother taking him down to check out mystery books. He didn’t read all the time, but when he needed an escape from the old man, he’d hole up in his room and bury his nose in one. It sometimes worked, too.

  He approached the desk after silencing his phone. The woman behind the counter looked like she’d recently licked a stamp. Her face was squished up, and her lips were pursed as if she were ready to kiss a frog.

  “May I help you?” she asked. Her inside voice was a little lower than necessary, but it encouraged Darek to keep his low.

  “I need to use a computer.”

  “They’re in the back, and we have a time limit of an hour and a half per visit.” She unscrewed her face long enough for a quick smile and then went back to her work.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  He kept his head down and his feet moving, trying not to look too conspicuous as he sat behind the computer and took out the slip of paper. Tad doing this for him was a shock, and he wondered what made the guy go against Bay. Unless Bay knew about it all along, which wouldn’t shock him, either. He went to the site, logged on, and found exactly what Tad was talking about in a matter of seconds. Having a list of all their names together was not Darek’s idea of smart, and he had a feeling Bay didn’t know this still existed. He read through a few of the conversations, and although nothing was glaringly obvious from the first few threads, he didn’t have all day and night to go through them all.

  Now, he had even more of a reason to contact Bay, and he still hadn’t decided if he was ready to make a deal with the devil. He logged off and headed out to his car, where he decided to call.

  Bay answered with his usual irritated tone. “Jesus Christ, at your service.” It was a bad time for jokes.

  Darek knew if he didn’t get the best attorney, he could kiss his house goodbye. He loved that house, and he didn’t want to see Megan win. “You’re going to have to put your money where your mouth is on that one, my friend.”

  “Oh, so now we’re friends?” Bay laughed. “If you think our little rendezvous meant you could call me up out of the blue, you’re wrong.”

  “Nah, it’s all business.” Darek got in his car and started it.

  “Are you arresting me?”

  “No, I’m hiring you, if you’re interested. I’m in need of legal services.”

  The soft, yet wicked sound of his laugh sent chills down Darek’s spine. “I’ve been waiting for this day. Let me guess, your wife’s tiara a bit tight for her big head?”

  “Yeah, she’s trying to take my house.”

  “And how do you know that I can stop her?” Bay asked.

  “Because you’re Jesus Christ, aren’t you? But seriously, I had something else I needed to talk to you about while I have you on the phone. I remembered there used to be a web forum with our group information. I just checked, and that’s still on the internet along with a list of names.”

  Bay was eerily silent. “Are you shitting me?”

  “I’d never lie to my lawyer.” Darek heard the quiet curse beneath Bay’s breath.

  “I’ll take you on, and when I’m done, she’ll be paying you. I’ll call Corey and pick his bones. He should have taken that shit down years ago when I asked him to.”

  “Do you think there’s a reason he didn’t take it down? Maybe he’s hoping to use it in some way? Maybe a revenge scheme?”

  “I don’t think the guy has it in him. He’s a coward. To think he suddenly grew some balls, I wouldn’t put my money on it. He probably was being lazy. I’ll be glad when I don’t have to wipe your asses.”

  “Right, but then what would you do with all your spare time?”

  “Oh, I could think of a few things. Now that you’re my client, I’ll call you later.”

  Darek went to say goodbye, but the line was already dead. “Prick.”



  Lizzy was nowhere to be found when he got back to his office, and he hoped she would be in a better mood when he did see her again.

  As it turned out, he heard a noise in one of the interrogation rooms, and when he pushed open the door, he found Lizzy inside, peeling a piece of gauze from her arm. A bottle of peroxide was on the table beside her, as well as a few cotton balls.

  He rushed in and glanced down at the injury, wondering what the hell had happened. “Are you hurt?”

  She lifted her head and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I took in a stray, and the damned thing didn’t like having his claws trimmed.”

  He liked that she took in strays and wondered if he should have called her instead of Max when he needed a place to stay.

  “Wow, when did it happen?” He asked, walking over. He took her dainty wrist into his palm and turned it to see the angry red scratch marks.

  “Last night. I guess that’s why I was a little bitchy last night. After he got me, I just wanted to go to sleep.”

  The scratch was seeping yellow puss, and the skin around the area was red and inflamed. “It looks like it’s getting infected. Have you had any fever?” Darek picked up a cotton ball and the bottle of peroxide, which he wasted no time dousing the cotton with.

  “Not that I know of. I feel fine.” She let out a breath of frustration, but Darek wasn’t about to take any shit from her. “I can do this myself, really.”

you could shut up and let me help you. How about that?” He let out a hearty chuckle.

  “Are you always this charming while you’re trying to suck up?” she asked.

  Darek crinkled his nose. “I’m not sucking up. I’m being a friend. If I was going to take advantage, I’d kiss you.” He met her eyes, and she looked away, turning a dark shade of embarrassed.

  “I wouldn’t try it.” She doubled up her fist and showed it to him. “I like to punch things, remember?”

  He wanted to see her in action, and he bet that she looked just as sexy gloved up with a mouth guard and sweat pouring down her toned body.

  “I’d never, not without permission or at least a warning.” He smiled sweetly at her and waggled his brows.

  “You’re impossible, and you know it. I was shocked you didn’t give me a fight last night when I told you to go to bed. I have to say; I’m impressed.”

  He was surprised that she had brought up the text and was glad he hadn’t first. He hoped he didn’t seem too desperate for attention. “Well, I’d had a rough night. The last thing I wanted was to fight with you, too.” He touched the cotton to her arm, pulled it away, and blew cool air on the spot.

  “She kicked you out, huh?” Lizzy took over after wincing at the pain. She held a piece of gauze over the sore spot, and Darek taped it into place.

  “She’s trying to take the house. I hired an attorney after she tried to get me to sign some papers last night. She’s got her old man helping her along.”

  “Dang, so it will get ugly?”

  He could hear the true meaning behind the question. She didn’t want to be a part of anything that ugly.

  He knew it was no use trying. “Worse before it gets better.”

  “That sounds like my scratch.” She held her arm up, bent at the elbow, and tucked it close to her breast. “I may need to get an antibiotic. No telling what the little terror carried in with him. I should have known better than to try to clip his claws, but he’s tearing up my furniture.”


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