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by Moore, M. K.

  “Okay, bye Dad. See you later,” Hailey says coming into the living room.

  Daisy doesn’t say anything, so I stalk right back over to her and pull her into my arms. “I’ll see you later, skjaldmær.”

  “Okay.” I still don’t let her go. “What do you want me to say, Billy?” No one has ever called me ‘Billy’. I am much too serious for a nickname like that, but coming from her I love it. I lean closer to her.

  “Say that you love me, Daisy. Say it because you are meant to,” I whisper in her ear. I see the goosebumps rise on her bare shoulders.

  “I love you, Billy. Be careful,” she says with her eyes wide.

  “I love you too, Daisy.” I kiss her.

  “I am so good,” Hailey says with tears in her eyes.

  “What are you on about?” I ask.

  “I knew you guys are meant to be together.”

  I shake my head and kiss my girl again and head out of the shitty apartment, that just won’t do anymore. Once I became the pastor at the church, there was a parsonage that came with the position. Elaine thought it was too small, but looking back she probably didn’t want to have an affair in a church-owned home. I think the four bedroom home about a mile from town will be perfect for Daisy and I. It’s also vacant, so we could move in immediately.

  I have to call Torran. I need a ring and I need one now. He meets me at the store.

  “What is the emergency? I was busy,” he says looking flustered.

  “I need a ring.”

  “What? Who are you giving a ring to man. You don’t date.”

  “It’s completely insane. Hailey brought a friend home with her from school. She’s the one, brother.”

  “Well shit! We are suddenly dropping like flies.” I quirk an eyebrow at him.

  “You got something you want to say?” I ask him.

  “Not at this time,” he says smirking. He unlocks the door and I follow him, waiting while he deactivates the alarm. “Do you want something unique or do you have something else in mind?”

  “Unique. Give me the Elite,” I say.

  He nods and walks into the back and then comes back out with a tray. As soon as he sets it down, I see the one I want. A platinum ring encrusted with diamonds all around the band. In the center is a giant cluster of diamonds shaped like a flower. It reminds me of a daisy. According to the card, the ring belonged to our ancestor, Brenna. Brenna means of the sword, so could this ring be anymore perfect for my skjaldmær.

  “This one,” I say pointing to the ring. “Can you do an engraving?” I ask.

  “Sure bro, gimme ten minutes.”

  Tonight, I ask her to be my wife.

  And I won’t be taking “no” for an answer.

  Chapter Six


  The wedding is amazing. It’s tasteful and there are Viking traditions woven throughout the decor.

  When Bill takes his place at the altar, he seeks me out and grins when he spots me, making me happy.

  The bride, who I haven’t met yet, looks beautiful. Her song choices tells me we are going to be friends. The groom looks like he is the luckiest man in the world.

  Then Bill starts the ceremony and I am enraptured. His rich baritone voice washes over me.

  “You two ready?” Bill asks. Tabby nods, while Loki responds with a yes.

  "Excellent. Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Loki and Tabitha in Holy Matrimony. If there is anyone present who feels this union should not take place, speak now or forever hold your peace.” No one speaks and he continues.

  “Loki and Tabitha have chosen to do a traditional Norse handfasting ceremony. I am honored to bestow the ancient blessings of our ancestors on my brother and his beloved. This will consecrate your love on a spiritual level. Please interlace your hands together,” he says producing a very frayed piece of rope.

  “This rope has been in our family for generations. All marriages in this family for the last one hundred years have used this rope, except one,” he says.

  I wonder what that could possibly mean. Who wouldn’t do that?

  “Look into each other's eyes and remember all you have experienced together, both the highs and the lows. Think of the joys to come as well. Henceforth, you will be united in partnership ready to support each other through both the joys and the sorrows. It's now time to fasten your hands together in a deep seated tradition. This act symbolizes your commitment to your union.” Bill places the rope around their hands several times.

  “Just as your hands are bound before us now, so too will your lives become. While this rope will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed with joy and happiness.” He pauses for dramatic effect before removing the rope and clearing his throat.

  “As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. Truer words have never been written. Loki and Tabitha have also written their own vows. Loki?”

  The couple say their vows and though I don’t know them yet, my eyes are reduced to tearing up. The vows are beautiful.

  They are pronounced man and wife in no time at all. You can feel the love emanating from them with their kiss. I stand and clap with everyone else.

  The entire ceremony, Bill never took his eyes off of me and I loved every single second. His gaze is like the softest caress as it is working me up. It’s so very wrong and naughty to get wet in church right? Oops.

  He does this to me whenever he looks my way. I never thought about sex before yesterday, and now it’s all I can think about day and night. I want to seek him out and have him take me, but I already know that he won’t. He is an honorable man who respects my wishes. But dammit! I made the vow when I was a child to appease my parents. I didn’t know that one day I’d meet a man who makes me want things I never have before.

  Walking down Main Street, I make my way into UTGARD, the groom’s award winning restaurant. It’s lavishly decorated and it looks stunning. Looking around the room, I spot Hailey.

  I sit down at her table. She is sitting next to a beautiful woman, who I immediately know is her mom because they look so much alike. There is a moment when I start to doubt, and I compare myself to this woman, but Bill has told me I am beautiful several times. I read somewhere that men don’t say that particular word unless they mean it, so I choose to believe it. No need to get upset over things that don’t matter.

  “Das, this is my mom, Elaine. Mom, this is Daisy, She’s,” Hailey says, but her mother cuts her off.

  “Nice to meet you,” she says extending her hand to me. I almost don’t want to shake it, but my manners take over and I do it on autopilot. However, I can’t bring myself to lie to her, so I don’t respond in kind. She doesn’t really notice, because she has gone back to talking to her daughter. I am startled when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn my head to look at the person.

  “Billy?” I question a little louder than I mean too.

  “Billy?” Elaine asks, quirking an eyebrow.

  “Elaine. Nice to see you. Tom,” Bill says shaking the man’s hand.

  “Skjaldmær. Dance with me?” He says as he holds his hand out for me to take.

  “Skjaldmær? What the hell is that?” Elaine questions.

  “Are you a parrot, mom?” Hailey asks laughing. Elaine shakes her head as if clearing her thoughts.

  “What? No,” she says, looking back and forth between Bill and I.

  “Daisy?” Bill questions, taking my hand, and helping me stand.

  “I’d love to dance with you, Billy.” I let him lead to the crowded dance floor. Really? I’d like to find a dark corner and remind him that he’s worthy of love. My love. Is Elaine jealous or just surprised?

  In his arms, we dance to insane, eclectic mix Tabitha has selected.<
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  “I need to use the bathroom,” I say kissing his cheek. He reluctantly lets me go. Once I am finished my and I have washed my hands, Elaine walks in. She checks her hair in the mirror and stares at me.

  “Can I help you?” My inner bitch is coming out to play.

  “Be good to him. I wasn't. He deserves so much more than I could give him.”

  “I will,” I squeak in shock. She smiles and hugs me. What the fuck does this mean?

  “I can already tell he loves you.”

  “Thank you, Elaine,” I say returning her hug.

  Do I actually I like Elaine? Even, knowing what she did to Bill, I can't be that upset about it. If she knew how to love him then I wouldn't be able to.

  I leave the bathroom and walk right back into Bill's arms.

  “Come with me to my office,” he whispers in my ear. I giggle and nod. Taking my hand, he all but drags me from the room. Before I make it to the door, I look around the room. I am not sure why I do, but as I do, I see Elaine smiling at us and I return the gesture. She had her chance and blew it. It's my turn now. Bjorn William Jorgenson is mine, and I won’t let him go without a fight.

  Finally, a private conversation to take what I need from him. Now, the only question is will he let me?

  Chapter Seven


  Is it crazy that the woman I was married to for twenty years evokes no emotion at all in me, while this girl no this woman that I’ve known for less than a day conjures up feelings I didn’t think I possessed? I vow to myself to never give another thought to Elaine unless it concerns Hailey. She made her choice a long time ago and now? Now it’s my turn. Daisy is my choice. The easiest choice I’ve ever made.

  Once in my office, Daisy attacks me. Kissing me with a passion I’ve never known and one I return with ferocity. I try several times, albeit halfheartedly, to get her attention so that I can propose to her.

  Her hands pull my at my belt.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, not recognizing my own voice.

  “I need you,” she says getting my belt and slacks open. Her hand looks obscenely small wrapped around my huge hard cock. I am powerless to stop her as she strokes my length. “I'm yours, Bill. You are the husband of my heart,” she says referencing the ancient Norse tradition of a love match instead of the traditional business arrangement between fathers, that resulted in marriages.

  At this is my moment. The ring is inside my jacket pocket, so with my cock out, I hold the ring out to her.

  “Marry me, wife of my heart. I know this is fast, incredibly fast but it's no less real. Be my wife. Yesterday, I was a shell of a man and today I have purpose. I am so full of love that you have to be mine.”

  “You love me?” she asks with tears in her eyes, while she continues to stroke my cock. I don't think she realizes she's doing it.

  “Yes, I do. How could I not? Besides being utterly beautiful, you are caring. Specifically, you care about me. I don't know if you even know how perfect you are for me. Since I met you, you've done nothing but show your good Christian heart to me. You've managed to make mine beat again, and I assure you I've just been going through the motions for the last twenty years. Love is only the very beginning of what I feel for you,” I say as I wipe her tears with thumbs.

  “Love is illogical, but I know now that I was meant to love you.”

  “So that's a yes then?” I ask.

  “Yes, of course. I need to be your wife.” I pull her hand from my cock and show her the inscription. “Meant to,” she whispers. I smile and nod as I slide the ring on her finger. Then I lift her into my arms and spin her around. She is giggling as my cock digs into her belly. Her giggles quickly turn to moans as she grinds herself against me. Turning, I set her on the edge of my desk and start kissing along her neck. I feel her pulse pounding under her soft skin.

  “Are you sure? Once I take you, you are mine.”

  “I'm sure,” she says as her fingers deftly taking my jacket off then unbuttoning my shirt. I lift her from the desk and turn her to face it. As I slowly lower the zipper on her dress, I start kissing from her spine all the way down to the top of round ass. She turns to me, pulling her arms out of the sleeves and letting it fall to the floor. She is completely bare under the dress. I groan and suck in a deep breath. She makes no move to cover herself and I love that. She looks like a angel. An angel primed and ready to take my cock.

  Taking her hand, I help her down to the floor. She lays down propping her heeled feet up, so her thighs lay open. Her pretty pink pussy is glistening. My cock weeps just looking at her open for my pleasure. I stroke my dick, staring down at what's mine. I kick my shoes and pants away, kneeling in front of her.

  I have no business lusting after her like this. It's a sin and one of the deadliest, but surely God knew what he was doing when he created us. He knew we were meant to be. Knew that she was going to be mine.

  “So perfect and so mine,” I murmur as I am running my fingertips over her naked flesh reverently.

  “Are you just going to stare at me?” She asks. My eyes pop up to her face. She's smiling. I shake my head and wrap her legs around my waist, lining myself up with her opening. Looking at her, I am hoping she can sense and see all the love I have for her. She nods her acceptance sealing her fate as mine.

  Surging forward I breach her innocence.

  Son of a bitch. I have to hold still to keep from blowing my load before I’ve had the chance to enjoy the gift she has given me.

  I’ve never felt anything this close to Heaven on Earth before. She’ll be lucky if I ever stop fucking her.

  I pull out slowly, while looking down to wear we are joined. Her arousal is evident on my cock It’s also tinged pink with her blood. Slowly I slide back into her and my eyes roll back in my head. I continue to do the same thing over and over as I am gripping her soft thighs. I know I’m going to leave bruises on her fair skin, but for some reason I don’t care. I want to mark her as mine, so I squeeze harder.

  “You’re a caveman,” she gasps.

  “No, baby. Just a fucking man, who is breeding his soon to be wife,” I growl.

  “That shouldn’t be so hot,” she moans. I smirk at her as I continue to pound into her.

  “You want to be bred?”

  “Yes,” she says instantly.

  “Be careful what you ask for, baby. I’ll give you anything you want,” I say.

  “You. Just you,” she breathes. Her hips are meeting mine, thrust for fucking thrust. I am about to lose my mind when she clenches her pussy muscles around my dick, causing me to fuck into her more brutally.

  A fucking caveman doesn’t have shit on me. Not with the primal way I am feeling right now. I’d like to see someone try and take this gift from me. This love. The life we will build.

  There is no reason a strong Christian marriage cannot be pleasurable. It doesn’t say that anywhere. That it can’t be adventurous, everything filthy, and debauched as long both of you want it. As long as it stays within the confines of your marriage. I aim to give her just that.

  “Oh, God,” she cries.

  “He's not here right now,” I grunt, thrusting in and out of her. She's tight. Too tight and I'm not going to last. Her tits bounce with every thrust I make. They are hypnotic and I lean down to pull one of her rosy pink nipples into my mouth. She tastes like vanilla, but plain ‘ol vanilla will never be the same for me. Neither will my office, come to think of it. I will always remember the way she looks right now as she is taking my cock like a queen, the sounds she’s making, and the love I see in her eyes. I am going to love this woman for-fucking-ever.

  “Yes he is. We both know he is. I was just thanking him.” I pause, leaning down to kiss her softly, before resuming my punishing pace.

  She's right though. I will thank God every day for giving her to me.

  I feel her pussy tightening around me as she screams my name. I can't take it anymore and fill her unprotected womb with my seed. As I do, I'm gifted with the vi
sion of her breastfeeding a baby while rounding with another. Two older children sit at her feet playing with Matchbox Cars. I shudder.

  I never thought more children could be in the cards for me. Hell, I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me, but with Daisy, my fresh and sweet Daisy, all things are possible.

  Chapter Eight


  So much has changed in the last six weeks. I’m a married woman now. I didn’t need or want a big deal wedding, I just wanted Bill and I got him. Every single day I show him how much I love him and he’s worth everything to me. For some reason, I know he needs it. For being a caveman, he's surprisingly gun shy outside of bedroom. As though he thinks I'm gonna run away from him.

  Like that would ever happen. He's everything to me and I'd be less without him by my side. Some people may not get my old-fashioned way of thinking and that is fine by me. I've long since not given a fuck what other people think.

  After we got married, I told Bill I wanted a long honeymoon. We waited because he needed to line up some guest pastors. Now, here we are on a whirlwind Scandinavian tour. Experiencing amazing countries with him is like experiencing them for the first time.

  I've known that I'm pregnant for a few days now, but I waited to tell him. Norway is significant to the both of us. Tvindefossen, the waterfall he’s brought me to on today's excursion is the perfect setting for my news.

  He holds my hand tightly, as though he's afraid someone will take me from him, while weaving our way through the throng of people. I hear mostly Norwegian with a light smattering of English, Russian, and Japanese. There are a few other languages being spoken as we pass.

  When we stop at a spot with a perfect view of the majestic waterfall, he pulls me in front of him. My back is against his broad chest with his arms around my waist. I always feel right at home snuggled against him.


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