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Bought by the Billionaire

Page 2

by Riley Love

  I closed the e-mail and returned to Kelly’s page.

  A bidding war began the moment I input my figures. The blonde pixie named Kelly soared to a million dollars. I scowled and upped my bid to 1.2 million. Another bidder with an anonymous image jumped into the financial battle. He must have had a serious hard-on for virgins.

  Suddenly, she was 2.4 million dollars. I sank back in my seat, wondering what the hell happened.

  “Are you out?” Francois asked. “Over that little bit of money?”

  “I need a date, not a drain on my finances.”


  I stared at him, but Francois met my gaze head on and looked anything but impressed. Not even a glint of humor.

  “Fuck you.” I upped the bid to three million and waited to see what my mystery opponent would do.

  It increased by the ten-thousand-dollar minimum. I punched 4.5 in with a few hard clicks.

  “Easy on the keyboard there. It hasn’t done anything to you.”

  “Why’s the goddamned price in American dollars anyway, if it’s a German site?”

  “Default currency is chosen by the merchandise. Rather, your lucky escort. And I’m sure right now she’s clapping her hands with glee.”

  “At this rate, she must be cackling like a bloody loon. God, this is the new craze for gold diggers, isn’t it?”

  “You’re buying a rare commodity these days, getting yourself a virgin to deflower.”

  I shot him a dark look over the rim of my glasses. “A crazy, money-seeking virgin at that. This would be splendid if I gave a fuck about deflowering virgins.”

  “The girls undergo rigorous background checks. Everything about them is investigated, down to their social media accounts and activities. Anyway, doing this doesn’t make her greedy. They’ve all got their own stories and reasons for doing what they’re doing, but at least DDE tries to be somewhat ethical about it.”

  “I hope you’re right. If I come away from this with a five-million-dollar nutter, I’m holding you responsible.”

  “I’ll let you lord it over me if it comes to that.”

  “What exactly am I getting for this anyway? Only the one date?”



  “But you get first dibs if you want to hire her again, and at a much lower standard rate since that pink tag will be gone. Unless she chooses to take her millions and be done with it. Many do.”

  The minutes ticked down. We both watched the screen as it dwindled to seconds. The auction ended without another raise from the other rich fuck.

  I’d won. I’d won my first virgin.

  Francois slapped my shoulder and chuckled. “Congrats.”

  “Now what happens?”

  “A mediator will contact you both to arrange travel and accommodations to Berlin, and you’ll meet there for your night. Afterward, you’re free to make any arrangements you like with her.”

  “Are you saying that I did all of that and I don’t even have my pick of where we meet for our date? How does this help me with my sister’s wedding next month, Francois?”

  “Have your night then offer a hundred grand for the wedding date. At least that way when you two show up together, it won’t be as complete strangers.”

  “That would have been a brilliant tidbit to share five minutes ago.”

  “I know. But you need to get laid, mate. I did you a favor.”

  Suppressing the urge to punch Francois in the nose, I slumped back in the seat and considered my options. Since my money was already gone, I had no choice but to go through with it.

  I’d murder my friend later once this entire thing blew up in my face.

  Chapter Three


  Five million dollars. One moment, I had been hovering below the threshold of what DDE viewed as impressive, and in the next, within thirty minutes of the auction closing, I was a multimillionaire. I didn’t know what to tell my family about the cash I was going to come into, so I lied and said I had to visit a friend out of state because I needed to buy a shitload of time until a reasonable excuse came up.

  Could I lie about winning the lotto? Some big contest?

  DDE flew me first class to Berlin two days ahead of our scheduled date. I’d never even been in business class before.

  A friendly representative met me at the airport and then swept me away to a medical examination. Everything was different than back home, but the people were friendly. Once everything at the clinic checked out, they took me to a luxury hotel that resembled a castle.

  A woman in a chic pantsuit met me inside my suite. “Hi, I’m Lulu. I’m your personal representative and wardrobe assistant.” She talked fast, like she’d overdosed on caffeine before our appointment. She’d probably been through this a dozen times already today and couldn’t wait to be done.

  “Why do you need my measurements?”

  “To dress you for him, of course. Did you think we were sending you to your date with your mystery billionaire in those?” Her green gaze drifted over my ripped jeans with unconcealed distaste.

  “Oh. I, uh, I guess not.”

  “Let’s get to work then.”

  Lulu measured me every which way and then called in several assistants. They wheeled in enough racks of clothing to turn the suite into my own personal department store and beauty salon.

  “Normally we do all of this once a girl hits the threshold. We fly you in, get all of this done ahead of time, and have you home again until the auction ends. But yours kind of exploded at the end, didn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it really did. I never expected…” I trailed off, still overwhelmed by the sheer amount of money that had been involved.

  “Clothes first, then we’ll clean you up. Do you prefer a dress or trousers? Your client doesn’t appear to have a preference.” Her eyes sparkled. “You get to keep whatever you wear, by the way. It comes out of our fifteen percent fee.”

  She spoke in rapid German, and her assistants gathered up dresses, blouses, and bottoms. I lost track of how many outfits I tried on. No matter how much I liked some of them, Lulu always found some flaw, but since she was the expert, I played my part and allowed her to dress me like a doll.

  “Yes, yes, I like this. The blue is lovely on you, and the lace adds a sexy touch while remaining classy. Now the lingerie. We want to play up your virginity, so pale colors. Not white. White reminds them of marriage, and we don’t want that. Pink is always good. How are you with thongs?”

  “Okay, I guess. I don’t wear them often.” Meaning I only had one pair and had worn them once since I’d bought them three years ago.

  “Perfect. Now, strip.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Lulu let out her breath in a huff but smiled despite the irritated sound. “You are going to have to be naked for your client, my dear. You might as well get over it now, and I need to have a look.”

  It didn’t matter that she was right—it was still awkward. At least her assistants were all women. I slipped out of the lacy top and black pencil skirt and tried to imagine I was at the doctor’s office again.

  “Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. Have you ever waxed before? I— Wait.” Lulu consulted her clipboard and frowned. “Never mind. He doesn’t appear to have a preference there either. Most of them want the girls bald as a baby. Do me a favor and trim neatly at least. We don’t want to frighten him.”

  I frowned. I wasn’t that bad.

  “A stylist will visit you before his arrival Friday, and she’ll tame this hair of yours. Now that we know what you’re wearing, I can leave the right makeup for you. Feel free to use it between now and then. As with the clothes, it will go home with you.”

  My gaze cut toward the cart loaded with beauty supplies. “What do I do when you leave?”

  “The room service menu is on the table, and it’s in English. Have a delicious dinner and relax until your big night. Klaus is outside your door and will drive you to town tomorrow if you like. Use this car
d to buy anything, and it will come out of your earnings.” She set a platinum credit card on the dresser. “If you need anything, my contact info is on that pad by the phone.”

  Lulu’s team filtered out of the room. She shut the door behind her, and blessed silence remained.

  Chapter Four


  I flew to Berlin on a private jet Friday afternoon. A car had been arranged for me, and the sleek limo took me to the chosen hotel. Not bad at all. I leaned forward to look out the window and admired the castle in the hills.

  “I’ll have your bag delivered to the room, sir,” the chauffeur said after opening my door.


  With that sorted, I headed inside to meet my date. My instructions had been quite clear, as had the warnings about straying from them. I had one night to enjoy, and that was it. My date, this Kelly from America, had all the power in this situation. Which meant she got to choose where we met, surprising me with the choice to meet in the lobby. I suppose I’d expected her to want to get straight to the bedroom to make good on her transaction.

  Kelly stood out from the other people in the parlor. She was even lovelier in person, her online photos not doing her justice. Our eyes met across the way, and she stood, smoothing her palms down her skirt. The movement drew my attention, inviting me to follow her slim curves and admire her toned legs. Legs that, by all rights, were mine to have wrapped around me tonight.

  The girl was at least ten years younger than me, maybe fifteen, and I felt like a dirty old man for staring at her the way I did. High and full, pert breasts, incredible legs, and pouty lips I imagined around my cock each time they parted to speak.

  Speaking. Shit. She was speaking to me. I snapped out of it and flashed her a warm smile to conceal the dirty thoughts filling my head. Like how much I wanted her to ride my face, pressing her pussy against my mouth while I lapped her clit with my tongue.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Kelly. I’m Grayson.”

  A huge wall of fucking muscle lurked a few yards behind her, wearing shades and a formal suit without the tie. According to the rules I’d skimmed during the flight, the bodyguards were hired by the company to make sure clients didn’t damage the merchandise. Right.

  I ignored him and offered her my arm. “Let’s get this started then, shall we?”

  Touching her was a mistake, not because I had anything to fear from the gorilla in the suit, but because it reminded me of how goddamned long it had been since I’d had a woman in my bed. I’d sworn up and down to Francois that I had no interest in fucking her, but every sweet second of her pressing against my arm whittled my self-control to ribbons.

  What my friend didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Integrity be damned.

  A pair of startled brown eyes stared at me when I pulled out her chair in the dining room. She took the seat with a quiet murmur that sounded like thanks.

  DDE trained their little whores well. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was genuinely shy.

  “So, what puts a lovely girl like you into a job like this? Call me curious.”

  “Um…” She had both hands in her lap and wasn’t making eye contact across the table. “It’s not a very fascinating story.”

  “Try me.”

  “My mom is sick. The hospital was kind of coming down on us, and her comfort meds aren’t cheap.” She twisted her hands in her lap, fingers laced together. Her knuckles popped, and she cleared her throat, appearing no less awkward after her phony sob story.

  “Right. A sick mother.” Was this the sort of rubbish they taught their girls to say on a date to coax more money out of their clients?

  “She was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago,” Kelly suddenly offered.

  “I’m terribly sorry to hear that.”

  Kelly 2.0 studied her hands, never taking either out of her lap. She hadn’t touched the menu either, drawing an enormous contrast between her and my ex. In my head, I separated them by version number like software, my impersonal solution to an awkward situation.

  The new and improved version of Original Kelly cleared her throat. “I didn’t expect the auction to bring in so much. So, um, thank you for that, Mr.—”

  “Grayson. Just Grayson.”

  “Thank you, Grayson.” Afterward, she fell silent and thrust all of her attention to the menu.

  “What do you recommend? I imagine you’ve eaten here already.”

  “Everything has been delicious,” she said, livening up a bit. “My favorite has been the roasted chicken in mushroom sauce. They must add liquid crack to the gravy or something because it’s amazing.”

  “Right then. Well, if it’s comparable to illegal narcotics, I’ll have to give it a try. Do you enjoy wine?”


  “Excellent.” Maybe a bottle shared between us would make everything go more smoothly.

  Or not. Kelly didn’t offer up much conversation and did little more than push her food around her plate once our meals arrived. She downed three glasses of wine and struggled to maintain eye contact.

  Maybe she really was shy and nervous. Her silent bodyguard reappeared after I walked Kelly from the restaurant. The man kept a discreet distance, but I was aware of his gaze.

  Kelly’s keycard let us into the room. DDE had pulled out all the stops with their set up—king-sized bed, fireplace, balcony, champagne, chocolate truffles, and soft music filtering through hidden speakers. Kelly hesitated in the middle of the spacious room and then crossed toward the bed.

  “How do you want to start?” she asked.

  Naked and bent over was what I wanted to say. Or down on her knees in front of me. Maybe she could read my mind because she stepped back over and set her fingers against my belt while her gaze lingered on my evident erection. She licked her lips, and all my good intentions fled.

  Fuck this. I’d paid five million for her, and like hell if I wouldn’t get my money’s worth out of her tight little arse. I stripped out of my jacket and tossed it on the hook before stepping closer to her and into her space. Her brown eyes grew large as I unfastened each shirt button, and despite the tall heels she’d worn, I still towered over her by at least a few inches.

  With each article of clothing I removed, the intensity of her blush deepened, first a fetching pink then a rose red glow against her upper breasts and slender neck. I imagined kissing every inch of it and decided I would. In time. As soon as I had her stripped and beneath me writhing in that bed, screaming my name, filled with my cock, I’d kiss every damned inch of her.

  My cock throbbed with a desperate, urgent need to be balls deep inside my five-million-dollar prize. There was no disguising it—I was so hard and still trapped in my slacks and boxer-briefs. My erection strained against the taut fabric.

  “Grayson?” Her voice was a shy whisper, a caress against my senses. “How do you want to start?” she repeated.

  “You can start by undressing me, love.”

  Kelly’s eyes darted below my waist. I snickered, entertained by the awestruck look on her face as she ran her thumb down the front of my slacks. Enough time had passed since I’d last blown a load that my balls were heavy with cum, and I couldn’t think of anything but how much I wanted to empty every drop inside her.

  She fumbled open the fastenings after a clumsy job unbuckling my belt. I watched her, deciding to take amusement in the performance. The show. Did I buy that she was really a virgin? I wasn’t sure yet. Rich bastards like me were paying for an experience, a beautiful lie wrapped in silk and lace to be served to us on a silver platter, and I’d already decided a woman as hot as her couldn’t have made it this long without having someone’s cock inside her.

  Just this time, it was going to be mine.

  “Take it out,” I ordered her.

  Her brown eyes darted to my face. A hint of tongue peeked between her teeth before she dropped her gaze back down to my crotch and worked my boxer briefs down below my hips. The throbbing length sprang free.

/>   “Now, strip for me. Show me every inch of that beautiful body. I want to see it all.”

  Chapter Five


  The suit and jacket had been deceptive, like watching Clark Kent transform into Superman, because he had so many muscles beneath it my knees turned weak and uncooperative.

  I could have stood there all night admiring him, studying the hard muscle of his chest or those perfect and chiseled hips. His cock jutted up straight and tall, and it was so glorious I couldn’t help but trace my thumb over the tip. He made a low groan in his throat, practically a growl as I teased the spongy crown. It was probably the only soft part of his body. The rest of the man was rock hard.

  “Strip,” he growled.

  I jerked my hand away and peeled the tight blouse over my head, hoping my face wasn’t flushing as hot as it felt. I unzipped my skirt and let it drop to the floor. My pulse raced. Aside from the thong exposing my cheeks, I wasn’t wearing anything less than my most revealing swimsuit. But it didn’t matter. We weren’t about to swim anywhere, and the rest was coming off soon.

  Lulu had chosen a pale, shell-pink bra and matching thong for me. Lingerie had never been my thing, but seeing the way his gaze devoured me made me want to start wearing it all the time.

  “Lovely,” he murmured. “Now, get on the bed.”

  I stepped out of my heels and crossed to the bed, aware of his gaze following me. He watched as I pulled back the sheets and lay down. A moment later, he joined me. The mattress dipped under his weight as he stretched out beside me.


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