Book Read Free

Cold Cole Heart

Page 18

by K. Webster

  “I hate you,” I hiss.

  “Are you sure about that?” she taunts.

  “…provided by Dr. Jeffries.”

  I blink away my daze and stare at Agent Hopkins. “She provided what?”

  “We know everything,” he says smugly.

  “What about patient confidentiality?” I demand.

  “When there are lives at stake, we’re allowed to retrieve information that will help us solve the case. In this instance, there are five missing women that your records may help us find.”

  “Five dead women,” I taunt. “If they’re dead, why the rush? Doesn’t seem plausible. Feels like you’re lying to me or bending the law. Either way, you’re a shitty human.”

  He snorts. “Says the rapist serial killer.”

  Jerking away from his penetrating stare, I look over at the clock. Eleven seventeen. I’ve been here forfuckingever.

  “Where is she?”

  “Where are they?” he challenges back.

  Ignoring him, I pin him with a glare. “Did Savannah tell you that we fucked more than we talked?”

  For a moment, Agent Hopkins is stunned silent. “Your games are getting old.”

  “She knows firsthand about my sex addiction. I bet she didn’t write in the report that she likes to get taken from behind. She likes it when you pull her hair and make her whimper,” I sneer.

  “Enough,” Hopkins growls.

  I shrug, smirking at him. The furious glint in his eyes lets me know he believes this tidbit of information. Good, because it’s the truth.

  “Where’s my lawyer?”

  He narrows his eyes. “He’s on his way. Until then, you’re mine.”

  I cock my head to the side. “Cut me loose and I’ll tell you everything.”

  “So you can jump over that table and bite my throat out like some Hannibal Lector shit? Pass,” he utters, shaking his head. “You’ll stay right where you are until we drag your ass back to the county jail. I hope you know, you’re never walking out of here again. Might as well give us what we want so we can bring peace to those families.”

  “Those families were fucked to begin with,” I tell him in a mocking tone. “Those women practically crawled into my car begging for it.”

  “So you admit to taking the women?” His brow lifts.

  “What women?” I blink innocently at him.

  His nostrils flare. “This isn’t a game, Heart.”

  I crack my neck and smile at him. “It’s my game.”


  Hot tears stream down my cheeks like a leaky faucet. Never ending. For hours and hours. I’m exhausted and emotional. Hungry and weak. All I want to do is curl up in a bed and sleep for hours. I was able to take a fitful nap at the hospital in between the tests and relentless questions. Now that I’m deemed healthy enough for more questioning, I’ve been sequestered in an interrogation room at the county jail. The woman who has been assigned to me has disappeared. It’s late and I’m tired.

  I just want to go home.

  More tears leak out. What is home? Certainly not with Alan. I thought it was with Cole, but with him in the FBI’s custody, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be allowed to see him again. My chest is hollow and aches.

  Do you want to keep it?

  Absently, I rub my palm over my stomach. Seven weeks along. A tiny little thing formed inside me. Something we made together.

  Of course I want to keep it.

  My baby.

  That’s what I viciously yelled to the doctor too.

  We’ll understand if you want it gone.

  A serial killer’s baby.

  Oh, God. Why is my life so hard? I’ve finally, somehow, found happiness in my dark world. Only it was fleeting. A tease. My monster has been torn away from me and locked away. I’ll never see him again, but at least I’ll have our baby.

  The door opens behind me, but I’m too tired to turn around. When a hand settles on my shoulder, I freeze.

  “Oh, Natalie.”

  I jerk my head up and lock eyes with Alan. My mouth opens to scream, but he gives me a small, imperceptible shake of his head in warning. Don’t think about it. I shudder at his presence, fearful at what he might do. Instead of hitting me, he pulls me from my chair and into his arms. To anyone looking through the glass, they’d see a man hugging his cousin who’d been missing. But they don’t feel the threats practically buzzing from him.

  “I’ve missed you so, so much,” is all he says. Low and husky. Fury barely hidden in his calm words.

  I cry against his chest, too terrified to move. His fingers stroke through my hair gently and he kisses the top of my head.

  “My sweet, sweet Natalie. I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know.” His words are almost kind. But I know better.

  I’m sorry.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I bite it back.

  Cole wouldn’t want me to apologize to this animal.

  “You must be such a wreck,” he mutters, holding me close. “I can’t wait to get you back home to look after you properly.”

  My entire body trembles and I choke down a sob.

  “Awww,” he coos. “You poor thing. You’re shaking like a leaf. Your time with him must have been horrifying.” He kisses my hair again. “They wouldn’t let me see the doctor’s reports for privacy, but I could see it in their eyes. He hurt you. Who would ever hurt such a sweet girl?”

  I don’t satisfy him with an answer.

  “The FBI wants to know the last names of the women and then we can go home.”

  Pulling away, I look up at him, trying not to cower under his terrible gaze. “I don’t know their names.”


  I swallow and blink back my tears. “He didn’t tell me.”

  “They’re going to want a statement of how horrible your time was,” he warns. “You’re going to give them every awful detail. A man like him needs to be put down like a dog.”

  My head shakes back and forth. “N-No.”

  Alan’s eyes flash with rage, but he simply cups my cheek gently. “You’re hysterical. It’s sad that he’s driven you to being so mentally unstable. Perhaps a stint in a nice home for a couple of months will get you in the right place. With other people like you. The ones with the cracked minds. No one blames you.” He tilts his head to the side, studying me. “I’ll need you to sign a power of attorney, though. So that I can handle the matters of your estate. A facility will be quite expensive, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t want the money. You can have it all,” I choke out. “I just want to leave here. To go far away from everything.” To raise my baby alone.

  He pulls me close again and his lips find my ear. “You tell them what they want to hear. You’re coming back home where you belong. With me.”

  “No,” I rasp out, shocked at my standing up to the man I’ve always yielded to.

  His teeth find my ear and he bites me hard enough that I cry out. Then, he soothes it out with his tongue. “If you don’t, I’ll make sure he gets death by lethal injection. Whatever sicko fantasies you have with him won’t happen. We’re a family and families stick together. You will help me get that money. Then, you’ll be kept safely at my home where I can protect you. Like old times.”

  “You’re an animal,” I choke out.

  His dick is hard between us. “If I’m an animal, what does that make you, Natalie? You’re just the valuable piece of flesh this animal fucks because he likes a tight ass to sink his cock into.”

  “Fuck you,” I hiss, pushing off him.

  He stalks over to me and pulls me in for another crushing hug. “I will. Later, sweetheart. Until then, make this easier on yourself. If you’re a good girl and comply, I’ll let you take that money and bail him out if that’s what you want.”


  He snorts. “You’ve been educated in the ways of the world while I was gone. Fine. I won’t let you bail him out. But, you know I have connections. I could make y
our murdering boyfriend’s life a little easier. As in bribing the right people so he doesn’t get a death sentence. Then, you could visit him all you wanted in prison.”

  He’d never let me see him. But that’s not what I’m after. I’m after him making sure Cole doesn’t die. I’ll play his game until I get what I want. Then, I’ll slip away and disappear. I don’t care if I have to live on the streets alone. I’ll get away from him and find a way. There’s no way in hell I’ll willingly live with that animal.

  The door creaks open and the woman who’s been assigned to me, Nina, steps inside the office. She clears her throat and Alan releases me.

  “When can I take her home?” he asks, acting like the dutiful cousin he wants them to think he is.

  Nina sets down a folder and eyes Alan warily. “Perhaps you should leave.”

  “I’m her attorney,” he says coolly. “Whatever you have to say to her, I need to hear.”

  She purses her lips and looks my way. For Cole. I have to do this for Cole. “He can stay.”

  Nina doesn’t seem satisfied but lets out a soft sigh. “Can we talk about the scars?”

  Alan’s brows furl together and for a moment he does seem angry on my behalf. I know better, though. He’s pissed that someone else had me.

  “What about them?” I murmur.

  “How did you get them?”

  “I did it myself,” I lie.

  Nina shakes her head. “I know you want to go home, so let’s get this over with.”

  Alan nods at me and smiles. “Make it quick. She’s been through enough.”

  I’m numb as we drive through the dark streets of Seattle. After another hour of questioning, Nina got the answers she needed in order to let me go. I asked to see Cole but was denied. They tried to grill me more on the women too. When I started to panic, Alan harshly reminded them they had no hard proof on the allegations against Cole. For a weak second, I was thankful he stepped in to our defense.

  But it was part of his deal.

  He helps with Cole and I go home with him.

  The entire drive feels like I’m headed for my execution. He swings through a twenty-four-hour drive-thru and grabs me some food. I devour it and hate the way it sours in my stomach. As we drive, he chatters about his campaign and other stuff I don’t care about. By the time we reach his building, I’m in an exhausted daze. Into the lobby. Up the elevator. Into the loft. The click of the bolt lock behind us feels final. My heart aches to be with Cole. To be away from Alan. Whatever payback he has in store is coming. I can feel it like my next breath.

  “Come, sweetheart,” he coos. “Let’s get you to your room.”

  Tears well in my eyes as we head toward my prison. When he opens the door, I realize it’s been decorated and some of my things are strewn about. This was not how this room was when I left it. It’s all an act—most likely a picture he painted for the police and the media. The room doesn’t resemble the prison it once was, but I’m no fool. Alan is the prison, not the home. And right now, I’m right back in his iron grip.

  “A bath will relax you,” he murmurs as he walks past me to the bathroom. The water turns on and I try to still the erratic beating of my heart. When he returns, he motions with his hands at my clothes. “Go on. Take them off.”

  “You’re going to watch?” My bottom lip trembles.

  He makes a tsking sound. “You’ve clearly forgotten our relationship. Take them off and let me see what that motherfucker did to you.”

  With quivering hands, I pull away my T-shirt. His eyes zero in on the scars on my ribs. I pull down my jeans and then hug my middle.

  “The rest,” he barks out, making me jump.

  I reach behind me and unhook my bra. My breasts are heavier than normal and tender. His eyes take on a hungry glint as he rakes his gaze over me. The panties go next. I’m naked and vulnerable to him.

  “He really did a number on you,” he bites out, fury in his tone. He stares at the heart on my hip. He cracks his neck when he notices the tattoo on my arm.

  All I can do is nod.

  “Come now,” he instructs, holding his hand out to me.

  Reluctantly, I take it and let him pull me into the bathroom. Steam billows from the tub. He releases my hand to check the water, adjusting the temperature, while I stand hugging myself.

  “Get in.”

  I step into the tub and try not to moan at how good it feels. My muscles ache and I’m tired to the bone. The hot water feels like an escape I desperately need. I sink into the water and relax.

  “Go on, wash up.” His sits on the toilet on the closed lid and watches me, licking his lips. I look away when he rubs his cock through his slacks.

  “You do as you’re told and you’ll get what you want. Are we clear?”

  I nod and soap down my body. He unzips his zipper and pulls his cock out.

  “Look at me,” he commands.

  With tears leaking down my cheeks, I stare at him. A menacing glare flashes in his eyes as he strokes his dick. My body shudders at the thought of him being inside me again. He rises and approaches the tub. I flinch and cower away from him.

  “Don’t start with me.” He strokes himself slowly and bends his knees. “I know you’ve been through a lot, but I have too. Now finish this job before I finish it for you.” He grabs a handful of my hair when I don’t move and yanks me to him. I cry out and grab onto his thighs to keep from falling. Then, I’m forced to take his cock. “You’re getting it so easy tonight, sweetheart. I want to fuck your ass so hard you’ll need stitches. But we have too much attention on us because of you and that motherfucker. You’re going to suck my dick, though. Remind me why I need to keep you around.”

  The next few moments are a blur. Sucking and slurping and gagging. I want it over with. I close my eyes and do what he likes so it’ll end faster. When his cum unloads down my throat, I nearly throw up. I’m dragged to my feet without warning and his hands are at my throat. He steps into the tub shoes and all.

  “You fucked up ending up with him, sweetheart. Now’s not the time, but you will pay for this eventually.”

  I’ll be long gone before that time.

  He must see the defiance in my eyes because he slams me hard against the wall. My head hits the tile with a hard thunk.

  And then I black out.

  I PACE THE HOLDING CELL like a caged lion. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and f—

  “Heart,” the officer barks out.

  I turn and glower at him. “Come to free me?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Nope, but you have a visitor.”

  My heart stutters in my chest. Natalie. She’s come to see me. I’m a little too fucking eager to see her and practically run behind the officer after he cuffs me again. He leads me to the same interrogation room from yesterday. I’m waiting to be officially charged, but so far, nothing has happened. Maybe my attorney decided to finally show up.

  The officer opens the door and gestures to the man standing with his back to me. Then, he leaves. I’m about to open my mouth and ask when the hell he plans on getting me out of here when the man turns.


  Blind rage burns through me and I wish I were strong enough to break out of these cuffs. I want to hurt him. Badly. His weasel eyes slither down my front, his lip curling up in disgust.

  “So you’re the kidnapper,” he bites out.

  “Where is she?” I demand, ignoring his statement.

  He tugs at his tie and stares at me, fury flickering in his eyes. It must drive this motherfucker mad knowing I fucked his little cousin. I flash him a smug grin.

  “I’m doing everything in my power to make sure you never see the light of day again,” he says lowly, his eyes shifting to the two-way glass. “And I have a lot of power.”

  “Apparently not enough,” I challenge. “I’m sitting here but have been charged with jack shit. You can’t keep me here forever. What’s the protocol, lawyer man? Seventy-two hours? Tick-tock.” I take a
threatening step toward him. “When I get out, your power will mean nothing when I crush your fucking windpipe.”

  He steels his features and flashes me a fake smile. “Keep up the threats and I’ll see to it that she’s punished accordingly.”

  Dread consumes me. I’d hoped she would’ve gone anywhere but with him. I should have known he’d sink his claws right back into her.

  “You touch her and I’ll…” I pause mid-threat, wondering if there are any recording devices in the room.

  “Oh, asshole,” he murmurs. “I already did.”

  I grit my teeth until they’re nearly dust. If I kick him in the stomach like I want to and then bash his fucking face in with my foot, I certainly won’t be getting the hell out of here.

  “I want to speak to my lawyer.”

  “He’s on his way,” he sneers.

  It’s the same thing they keep telling me.

  “When I get out of here—”

  He barks out a cold laugh. “When you get out of here? Sorry, Captain, but you’re not going anywhere.”

  As he starts to pass, I step in front of him so our chests bump together. I’m taller and meaner too. I glare at him, enjoying the slight flicker of fear in his eyes. One day I’m going to revel in his pain. I’ll fucking drink it up like Kool-Aid.

  “I’ll tell Natalie you said goodbye,” he snaps, pushing past me with false bravado.

  I turn and pin him with a determined smile. “Tell her I’ll see her soon. I’m coming for her. I won’t ever stop. You of all people should understand.” I lick my lips just to piss him off. A look between men. A look that says, “I’ve been inside your sweet girl’s tight cunt.”

  His face turns purple with rage. Rather than taking it out on me, he slips from the room. I let out a heavy sigh and try to think of a way to get these people to release me.

  Hang in there, Natalie. You’re a strong girl. You survived me, so you can definitely survive that prick.



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